- t h e . _ -.r-vv NBirafiM BUN Foreeast bjr 0»,B. ^ - BartiorA- AVERAGE DAILY OIBCULATION for the Month of December, 1M9. •tin. State^ Snow or rain, probably mixed a frith rieet tonight; cold wave to-' 5 » 5 1 6 night. Sunday fair and colder. Uembera of the Aodlt Bnre*« of CircnlatiouH FbtjRTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS •ir > VOL. X U V ., NO. 93. (Caaasifled Advertising on Page 12) ) - € r o s t e r o f d e a d i s WORLD LEADERS M anchester's^ , PARSON’S FAREWELL LAGUARDIA POLICE ARREST H $ > PROPERTY tJST GREETS Bishopstoke, England. Jan. 18. — (AP)—^When he lefInhere for DECLARESDRY a new charge in another county, e s u s P E a s i N Those Asiesied at 916,000 the Rev. Bernard Hancock read and Over.*" DELEGATES; to his flock the names of 1813 persona burled by him in the McNAMEEDEATfl ■ L ' LAWMAUD seven years of his service in Page Four/ Bishopstoke. CONFERENCE “What a responsibility for me to face?” he commented. “How Youth Captured in Water- New York Congressman Ar­ far did my actions help these people during life?" Entire American Party Meets gues That But Six States bury After He Fires His PARLEY IN LOIBMN JORNSON TO PLEAD Entire British Delegation Re-Radfied Amendment Last Bullet; Four Men B TD b e ON A ffii ID SUPREME CODBT AMBASSADOR BIDS ! t ■ ______.. I --------- for First Tune and Hold Within Time Limit. Held in New Britain. • V i , ■ GERMANY GOOD-BYE Historic Corf^rence to B e !^ Jan Unusual Long Conference. Bristol, Jan. 18.— (A P .)—The Washington, Jan. 18.— (A P )— j --------- state not having had time enough Arguing that the Eighteenth; .i . ir j L C to prepare the complaints, six men Broadcast; Kmg George’s p J | ^ E ^ yH *resen ts London, Jan. 18.— (A P )—The.foil Amendment had by its own terms I pr03|(|0nj HlDdenDUrg M yS arrested last night as suspects in American delegation to the naval become invalid. Representative La | the slaying of Patrolman James Voice to Be Heard Here. fSvei- Discussion Case. disarmament conference headed by Guardia, Republican, New York, j Schnrman Helped to Ce­ McNamee of this city Thursday Secretary of State Stimson, was re­ today raised a point of order against i night were not taken into Bristol ceived by Prime Minister MsicDon- appropriations for prohibition en- j Ju^e^Raymond A. Johnson is in ment Nations’ Friendships City Court this morning for ar­ New York, Jan. 18.— (A P )—His­ ald at No. 10 Downing street during forcement included in the pending Wafhington today £md on Monday the noon hour today. raignment. They were held by po­ tory in the makii-g far across the Treasury-Post Office supply bill. will plead the Connecticut side of lice elsewhere, four at New Britain seas, is to be brought-to the fireside Long Conference. The New Yorker contended that' the Coimectlcut River diversion case Charles G. Dawes, Americjm am­ Berlin, Jan. 18.— (AP) — Jacob and two at Waterbury, until want­ of America’s great radio family for the amendment had never been ed in court here. bj^ore the Supreme Court of the bassador to Great Britain, who is a properly ratified, basing this asset- (jould Schurman, retiring American the first time. I delegate himself, accompimied the The men under arrest and the United States, Judge Johnson is as- Uon upon the third section of the ambassador to Germany, today was charges which will be preferred Opening ceremonies and c ^ y and party to the premier’s official resi­ amendment which says tha.t the received by President von Hinden- against them by Prosecutor A. J. weekly reikirts of the five-power dence for thelD formal visit. Sec­ amendment “shaU be inoperaUve un­ retary Stimson had a threerhour burg and presented his letter of re­ Rich, are: John Brophy, 19, homi­ navEil conference, open next Tues­ less it shall have been ratified as an call. This was followed by a lunch- cide; Bernard and Henry Schrager, talk with the prime minister yester­ amendment to the Constitution by day, will be carried direct from Lon­ day. eon in the executive palace. brothers, William Slade and Alleu don to every nook and comer of the Legislatures of the several The president had requested the Norton, being accessories, before The meeting developed into some­ the United States with the aid ot states, as provided in the Constitu­ ambassador to see him privately and after a crime and Kenneth Gal­ thing more than a formal cEill, as it tion, within seven years from tne before the formal luncheon, so that lagher, breach of the peace with re­ short waves and two great natioa- lasted for an hour and a quarter date of the submission thereof to he might take leave of him in an quest that he be held as material wide broadcast chains. during which the entire American Both the .,Nationri;..RrpaidcasUng the states by the Congress.” intimate personal meeting. As both witness. delegation for the first time confer­ This section, he said, came mto men were devoted to the late Dr. Mr. Rich said the accused will be Copipany eindj tbe C^olurbbia. B ^ad- red with the entire British delega­ force when the amendment as a Gustav Stresemann and were fond sent for during the day and they casUng System have made elabotate tion. whole was first ratified by thirty-six of Heidelberg, the conversation will be arraigned before Judge Wil­ 1. arrangements - to give listeners all i Arthur Henderson, British secre­ states. Coming into force at that gravitated about these as the chief liam J. Malone late in the day for a of the detaUs of the great meeting tary of state, and A. V. Alexander, time, he interpreted it as stipulating topics. preliminary hearing. He also said of nations. Both will broadcast the First Lord of the Admiralty, both then that it must again be ratified At the luncheon the president paid effort will be made to have the men speech of King George of iJreat members of the British naval dele­ by thirty-six states or at the ex­ warm tribute to Ambassador Schur­ held for the Superior Court of Hart­ Britain opening the parley, wtoifh is gation, remained through only part piration of the seven-year period the man thanking him for l#s services ford county on probable cause at expected to last several weeks, add of the meeting. entire amendment became inopera­ as ambassador. He ref^red to Dr. this hearing. both have sent radio reporters to the Meanwhile the preparations of the tive. Ten states, he said, had gone Schurman’s long acquaintance with Gallagher’s Story other side to report by air on t'ae other delegations, both through dis­ through what he saw as the neces­ cussions among themselves and con­ Germany which had enabled him to progpress of the discussions. sary procedure of a second ratifica­ Brophy and Henry Schrager were versations with other delegates interpret (Jermany's present position Leaders from various nations in the naval disarmament conference Britain Co-oper*tiBg. tion. arrested in Waterbury and the moved with a rapidity which filled Cannot Be Ignored correctly. others in New Britain. Gallagher opening at London on Jan. 21, are pictured here: 1, Premier Ramsay Co-operation of the British Broad­ the entire day. “Thus you helped materially to re­ Asserting that “we cannot ignore , is said to have told the police that MacDonald of Great Britain; 2, Secretary of State Henry L. Srimson, casting Corporation has made pos­ establish the good old relations be­ Cancel Plans. section three, or brush it aside as on Wednesday he sold a weapon to leader of the U. S. delegation; 3, General Charles G. Dawes, U. S. Am­ sible this first practical plan ot tween Germany and the United The pressure of duties in the final meaningless,” La Guardia said we Brophy. His arrest was made at bassador to Great Britain and member of U. S. delegation; 4, Vice Ad­ bringing news events from any se.> States,” the President said. rush of preparations became so cannot accept the theory which the New Britain police station when miral Acton of the Italian delegation; 5, Admiral T. Takarabe, head of tion of the world ta the home of the Presidents Words heavy that most of the officials some will urge, that it had reference he called to see Slade and ascertain Japanese delegation; 6, Andre Tardieu, bead of French delegation. radio set owner. Heretofewe, in ex­ ElxtoUing Dr. Schurman’s aid to concerned concelled the week-end to the ratification of the amendment what the charges were and after he periments conducted to -^terniltie German science and cultural en­ plans previously prepared in ordCT had spoken of selling the gun to the feasibility of an intimational and has now no force or effect.” deavors President von Hinderburg Judge Raymond A. Johnson to hold themselves in readiness for The section must be construed, he Brophy. immediate call. remarked: “The new university exchange of programs, entertalnr said, with the same rules of con­ A finger print on an automatic building on the shores of Neckar will ment has predominated. Nbwy gistaBt to' Attorney General Ben- Prime Minister MacDonald him­ struction applicable ' to other sec­ picked up by the police is said to Nations * Rivalries through'use .of tbb''SliQtt wave sta­ jiunin W. Ailing and is associated self even abumdoned the plan to lastingly couple your name with have been that of Henry Schrager tions of the amendment.
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