Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives Spring 2012 UA77/1 WKU Spirit WKU Alumni Relations Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Leadership Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. AMAZON • PIRANHAS • SEA STRIKERS • ANDES Springtime Sunrise WKU Photographer Clinton Lewis captured this shot of horses grazing against a breathtaking sunrise backdrop at the WKU Farm. t President's Letter s we near the midpoint of the spring semester, the cherry tree~ arc in full bloom, students arc making spring break plans, and faculty arc gearing up for annual year-end teaching, research, service and advising awards. Many of our best students are focused on our annual undergraduate re­ search competition and hundreds will submit papers, poster~ and make presentation~ regarding undergradua te research projects. One cannot help but be inspired by what our faculty and students are accomplishing. Even in difficult economic times, we are find ing new ways to continue the re­ In this issue, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the fi lming of WKU building of the WKU campus. In January we opened a new music building The Music Associate Professor Steve Huskey's episodes for National Geographic. WKU Rehearsal Hall is tucked in to the hillside between Ivan Wilson Fine Arts Center and SPIRIT shares exclusive images captured by freelance photographer Dave C rise Hall. From an historic standpoint, it is located on the precise spot where WKU's Adams, as Huskey travels from the cerul ean Florida oceans to the tropical original music building sat for more than 50 years. The building provides suitable Amazonian rivers and everything in between. space for large musical groups and ensembles to rehearse and for faculty to engage WKU's orc hestra, marching band, choir, wind ensemble and other groups. This is yet another step toward strengthening the performing arts at WKU. Finally, much energy is currently focused on the 2012 Kentucky General Assem­ bly. Kentucky once again faces a substantial budget deficit going into the 2012-2014 state biennial budget. The presidents of Kentucky's public universities have spent considerable time over t he last several months working on a funding proposal, but that work may produce few results, as it appears we will suffer our fifth major budget cut since 2008. WKU will likely have to cut an additional $5 mil lion out of our state appropriation. This is on top of a cumulative$ IO mi ll ion we have lost in stale appro­ priations since 2008. We have not had a capital project funded by the stale since Features then. T he campus community has worked hard to find efficiencies and savings in our operations to meet recent budget reductions. This one, however, wil l be the most NEW CENTURY OF SPIRIT painful yet as it is likely to result in the loss of key services and operations. Read about new gifts in support of t/Je $200111illio11 campaign But, as you know, I am the eternal optimist. It is springtime, and WKU's cup is more than half fu ll. We will continue to focus on the positives and the growth that occur o n our campus each day. WKU is still the hottest campus in Kentucky. Students continue to apply in record numbers, c5pccially to the WKU Honors College, which IN MEMORY OF ERIC YATES has become the destination point for many of Kentucky's best students. Our best WKU pays tribute to 1Sl Lt. Eric Yates, the University' days lie ahead of us. first ROTC graduate to be killed in tl1e line of du ty. I invite you to return to campus often. I love sharing the excitement that alumni exhibit when they come back to campus and sec w hat their beloved university has become. I am g rateful for your support and continued interest in your alma mater. LIGHTS, CAMERA, RESEARCH Dive in and learn more about WKU Professor Steve Co Toppers! 26 I\ I luskey's w1derwatcr part11ersl1ip with National Geographic and /.,is exciting rvork with MtgaPiranha and Sea Striktr. ~Q~ *~ Cary A. Ransdell 2 I WKU SPIRIT I Spring 2012 Departments 2 PRESIDENTS LETTER 46 INTERNATIONAL REACH 6 CAMPUS NEWS 52 RED TOWEL TRAVELS ::, 0 ~3 C CLASS NOTE.S 24 ACADEMIC SPOTLIGHT 60 WKU MOMENT JN HISTORY ~ AROUND CAMPUS ~ 63 IN MEMORIAM 20 I I - 201 2 WKU Alumni A ssociation National Board of Directors Officer s President Dale Augenst ein ('8 1) Toni, Rizzo ('69. '73) MngazmcSP for Ahmrni ffiI[.., ffi1~nds of Wt•skrn Kl'11luTcky L/11/1.>crsity Immediate Past President 906 College Heights Blvd. #3 10 6 President Elect Kristen Miller ('97) Bowling Green, KY 42 IO - IOI 6 Board M embe r s d "''""'~?wku.edu • www.alumn,wku edu Publisher V1ncel Anthony ('90) Che,·yl Lacefie1d ('68, 7 1) Keisey Richey ('06) (Young Aun-1"1Counr I Rep.:, Sean W ard ('90, 'I 0) David Buchanon ('95) Greg Lyons ('82, '86) Tncia Roca (77) Drew Byers ('02) Cathy Marks (77) Editors Odle Ross ('69) Tracy Morr ison ('85). Cami Cummings ('92) Paul Ca ico (76) I lamp Moore ('75) Melinda Rue (79) Roger Casa cngo ('91) J Mose ey (7 8) Designer W hitey Sanders ('55) Chuck Clari< ('83) Luis Ore ('04) Emily T1-abue ('07) Kendi a Stewart ('93) Jeff Fe1x ('82, '85) Terry Parker ('82) Ronda Tal ley (73) University Photographe r Margo Grdcc ('84) Dennis Reeves ('67) Michael W ang ('02) Gnton lewis ('04) Jade Gummer ('98, '06) Charlotte Rice Keith Williams Executive Director Julie Hinson ('90) (Soc1~1, of A.hear Arne,.1can Al.,mn :\e:>} Donald Smith ('94) Sherry Howell ('82) Office of Alumni Rela tions © Copyright 70 I 2 WKU Alumni Association and Annual Giving WKU SPIRIT ,s published four times a year by the WKU Alumn, Association Unless othe,wisc Lau,·en Bolton John Perkins ('8 1) noted. art des may not be reprinted without perm ssIon with appropriate credit lo WKU SPIRIT.Western Tori Henn nge,· ('06. '08) Adam R1de1· ('97 '07) Kentucky Un vei-sity. Rowl,ng Green. KY To learn more about planned gifts or other ways to support your favorite Ginny Hensley ('97) Brett Riley ('08) Ed,torldl policy: Letter, to WKU SPIRIT a,·e we corned dlld encouraged. Submission does not gua,· antee publicat1on. and those letters that are publ1s'1ed may be ea1ted for style and length Please include the WKU program, contact Alex Downing or John Paul Blair Jessica Martin ('08) William Skaggs ('95) w1·Jter's s1gnatu1e. the year ofgradua tion ,ran alumnJs, a daytime phone number and a return address. Leners Amy Mille1· ('01) Tonya Stewart may be sent by fox to 270-745 -5017, e-ma,I to alumn,@,vku.t"du or mail toWKU Alumni Associat1on,Tracy in our Planned Giving Office at 888-958-2586 (WKU-ALUM). Kara Neidell ('04. · I I) Doris Vance Mornson, WKU SPIRIT Ed1to1, 1906 College Heights Blvd.#310 16, Bowling G, een. KY 4210 I IO1 6. CAMPUS W KU, ECTC expand partnership with joint admissions agreement Elizabethtown Community and Technical College More WKU News http://wkunews.wordpress.com and WKU have signed a joint admis'>ions agreement experience with 350 other Confucius Institutes," said Dr. that will offer students a seamless pathway to a four­ Wei-Ping Pan, Director of WKU's C l. year degree. Elizabethtown ( ommunil) & ll'chnic.:;11 Colll'~l' The l wo-day conference focu~cd on development The Joint Admissions/Joint Enrollment Initiative and planning strategies for the next five to IO years. allows student'> lo be admitted to ECTC and WKU at WKU President Gary A. Ransdell and ECTC "We went from introducing ourselves and really get­ the same time, giving them access to a full r;inge of President/CEO Thelma J.Wh ite. ting a feel for what a Confucius Institute docs last year to services from both institutions. WKU President Gary A Ransdell and Hebei Universrty President The goals of the partnership include eliminating "Education is vital to the econom ic prosperity of the Hongrui Wang formalize a student exchange program agreement in this year charting the future course for the next five to I 0 Boad1ng, China. years for our Confucius Institute," Dr. Ransdell said. barriers !or students in attaining their educational goals, region," Dr. Ransdell continued. "By working together, we Attending the Cl conference was one of several ob­ improving student success and degree attainment, reduc­ can continue lo help meet the higher education needs in Ransdell attends Confucius Institute jectives during Dr. Ransdell's visit to China. ing the time to degree and the cost to student~, expanding this region." Conference, visits Chinese universities Dr. Ransdell and Dr. Pan met with delegations from both student options for college scrvice5 and planning, devel­ During the past five years, more than I , I 00 ECTC North China Electric Power University and Hebci University oping and aligning instructional programs at the under­ students have transferred to WKU, b ri nging with them WKU President Cary Ransdell was among a select NCEPU is the official partner university for WKU's Con­ graduate level. an average of 70 credit hours. Current projections esti­ group of panelists invited lo participate in the President's fucius Institute.
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