Vol. 67 Washington, D. C., December 27, 1962 No. 52 Daniel and the Revelation, the two "Beyond Tomorrow" — books of Scripture most slanted to the age in which we live. Final events and the course of history New Book by Cottrell leading up to them, as well as the basic and testing truths of God's By Cecil Coffey Word, are amply and convincingly Book Editor, Southern Publishing Association covered in this new volume. Beautifully illustrated in full color, "ONE thing was certain: they were thoughts of victory expressed in the not prisoners of war by choice— final chapter and summed up by this this 400-page missionary book for Daniel, three of his personal friends, bit of verse: 1963 is a one-dollar bargain second to none if you are looking for some- a number of their fellow country- Think of Stepping on shore, and finding it Heaven! thing that will water your own soul men, and many other young men Taking hold of a hand, and finding it God's hand. from the great cities of Syria and Breathing a new air, and finding it celestial air. as well as give you a keener per- Feeling invigorated, and finding it immortality. ception of God's plans for the future; Palestine. For Passing from storm and tempest to an unbroken calm. and it is of equal value to you if you weeks this motley Waking up, and finding it Home. procession of cap- —Author unknown. are desirous of winning souls. tives — dusty, foot- Beyond Tomorrow is a full-mes- It is different. It is inspiring. It will sore, and weary— sage book, built around a detailed, satisfy a wide variety of reader had been marching but never dull, interpretation of (Continued on page 3) southward along the banks of the broad Euphrates A Storm Is Gathering! Cecil Coffey River with the ever-victorious ar- SECOND IN A SERIES OF FOUR ARTICLES mies of King Nebuchadnezzar." grasp the hand of the Roman power, These are the introductory sen- when she shall reach over the abyss tences, describing Daniel's saga, in to clasp hands with Spiritualism, the just-published missionary book when, under the influence of this for 1963—Beyond Tomorrow. This threefold union, our country shall 400-page volume is a brand-new repudiate every principle of its con- book on Daniel and the Revelation, stitution as a Protestant and Repub- the first subject treatment of its kind lican government, and shall make since the book by Uriah Smith some provision for the propagation of three quarters of a century ago. papal falsehoods and delusions, then Beyond Tomorrow, written spe- we may know that the time has come cifically for the Southern Publishing for the marvelous working of Satan, Association as the 1963 missionary and that the end is near. book, was written by Raymond F. "As the approach of the Roman Cottrell. Elder Cottrell is an Asso- armies was a sign to the disciples of ciate Editor of the Review and Her- the impending destruction of Jeru- ald, official journal of the Seventh- salem, so may this apostasy be a sign day Adventist Church. "We are standing on the threshold of the to us that the limit of God's for- crisis of the ages."---Mrs. E. G. White. The author puts colorful descrip- bearance is reached, that the measure tions and striking illustrations to "By the decree enforcing the in- of our nation's iniquity is full, and good use in this very readable book. stitution of the papacy in violation that the angel of mercy is about to The reader, even if lacking in theo- of the law of God, our nation will take her flight, never to return. The logical orientation, will experience disconnect herself fully from right- people of God will then be plunged a gripping suspense from the intro- eousness. When Protestantism shall into those scenes of affliction and dis- ductory sentences quoted here to the stretch her hand across the gulf to (Continued on page 3) on my part since I am not too fond of crawling things. We not only en- ► couraged them but gave of our time Parents' Exchange and effort. ► Conducted by the Department of Education of the General Conference, Our time was the greatest gift we Archa 0. Dart, Assistant Secretary could give our children. When we got down on the floor, playing their games with them, we were forging the circle of togetherness that helped Time for Our Children to hold them in the trying years ahead. By Mrs. J. R. Nelson How well I remember the times we spent in the mountains, stretched OUR children are our greatest out in sleeping bags on a bed of heritage, the most worthwhile trust rocks, or camping in the desert or by that has ever been given to mankind. the seaside, eating our lunches, What a privilege to have commit- slightly sprinkled with sand. My ted to our care and influence a husband was always there with his precious human life with all its po- camera handy to keep alive these tentialities. It is indeed a solemn memories in years to come. Our two responsibility, but it can be a re- sons, one of whom is now a teacher warding experience, full to overflow- and the other, a minister, learned ing with delight and satisfaction. many a valuable lesson from nature In our home we were blessed with and the great out-of-doors. two boys and a girl. We felt while We may study and know what a they were growing up that they parent may expect during the dif- were the liveliest children any par- ferent phases in the development of ent ever had to cope with. Now that our youth. When our adolescent they are grown to Christian man- daughter wanted to confide in me hood and womanhood, I have been and tell me of her friends and latest asked by conscientious young par- incidents of her school activities, ents, "What should I do and what while she busied herself preparing may I learn that will enable me to for bed, it mattered not how busy I accomplish this all-important part was or how inconvenient the time in the rearing of our children in the might be. I treasured these moments, best way?" for they were the most precious of Every child who grows to adult- all. hood with a healthy body, a pure would write them an explanatory One time she felt that she would mind, and a tender heart is a miracle note, telling them when I would re- like to go to a certain place of social of God's grace. It is not so much what turn. How proud they were to be activity. So in discussing it with us, we do, but what we let God do treated as adults, and how they she wanted us to tell her what to do. through us. God is our best instruc- loved to write me a little letter in We would have much preferred that tor, and when we take Him into all return. What a joy it was for me to she did not go, but we wanted her to our plans He becomes the very foun- come home from my errand to find decide for herself. So we told her dation on Whom the structure of our my children beaming with delight that she should do what she thought family life is built. and expectation to see their mother was right. so surprised and happy over the Our children receive their very As she usually made the right de- first knowledge of God through us. shining clean kitchen and a batch cisions, we were perplexed when she As our Creator shows us in every of homemade cookies they had so decided to go. But when she came way each day His great protecting proudly prepared for her. home that evening, she was definite love for us, so we as parents are the A wise mother will plan a daily in her opinion that she would never cloud by day and the pillar of fire by program for the members of the care to go again, as the kind of mu- night to our children. We need not family, and the children like to help sic and the influence there was not be afraid to correct our children, for in making this plan. It gives a child conducive to the life of a Christian. they look to us for guidance. They independence, for when he has ful- Imitation is one of the strongest need to know that the greatest hap- filled his duties, he may play and instincts of childhood. As our chil- piness in life will come through con- do as he wishes. He knows what is dren strive to emulate our example, trolled desires. expected of him and he takes pride I like to think of it as a second If my child finds in me the assur- in doing it promptly and well. I have chance that God has given us. They ance and love he needs, he will con- several of these programs put away may profit by our failures, if we up- tinue to come to me with his prob- among my cherished memoirs, and hold the highest ideals we desire for lems, as he grows in body and mind. I feel sure that this plan helped keep them to attain, and they will by fol- The first thing our children would my children as well as their parents lowing these standards, become finer do, on returning from school, was from developing those "lazy bones." and nobler persons than we could to call out, "Mother, Mother, where We had many hobbies, and all of ever be.
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