The 6 1966-201 50th A nniversaryCatholicWitness The Newspaper of the Diocese of Harrisburg April 1, 2016 Vol. 50 No. 6 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation at all times to acclaim you, Lord, but on this day above all to laud you yet more gloriously when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed. For he is the true lamb who has taken away the sins of the world; by dying he has destroyed our death and by rising restored our life.” With these words Easter Preface I introduces the rea- sons why we worship, praise and thank God “yet more gloriously” in the Masses of Easter. Evoking the image of God’s great act of deliverance in the Old Testament, we recognize in Christ the perfect fulfillment of the first exodus. In the Paschal Mystery, Christ, the true Pass- over lamb, was willingly sacrificed on the cross and on the third day rose in glorious triumph over death. We, the baptized, are the beneficiaries of the new Passover in which death is destroyed and life restored. At Easter we laud God “yet more gloriously” as we welcome to Eucharistic communion our new brothers and sisters who have been joined to us through the Sacra- ments of Initiation and those already baptized who have responded to God’s grace and are now or will soon be in full communion with us in the Church. During the Liturgies of Palm Sunday and the Sacred Triduum, we participate in four processions: the proces- sion with palm, the procession with the Holy Eucharist, the procession of the cross and the procession with the Paschal candle, the light of Christ. These processions rep- resent the journey of life. We are all pilgrims traveling along the road of life to a desired destination. At times we glorify and praise God. At other times we reject God. At times we walk very much aware that Jesus is truly present to us. At other times we walk painfully under the burden of some cross we are called to bear. And, praise God, we walk at other times in darkness but holding firmly to the light of Christ. During the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Pope Fran- cis reminded us that Jesus is the face of the Father’s mer- cy. The mercy of God has become living and visible in Jesus. The Easter Mystery is the ultimate revelation of God’s true face, of God’s mercy for us. May this Easter Season be a time when, overcome with Paschal joy, we grow more fully in love with our merciful, risen Savior. Sincerely Yours in Christ, CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS Bishop Ronald Gainer bows his head as he listens to the Gospel Reading during the Chrism Mass at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg March 21. On Radio Program, Bishop Buchter Grabs Answers Questions about Catholics Returning to the Church Fourth Gold Trinity’s Bradley Buchter, By Jen Reed “All of us know people or have who won his fourth State The Catholic Witness people in our families who have drift- gold medal in diving this ed away from the Church. We have year, executes a dive in With the Easter season here and so much to offer. We believe we have district competition. See families gathering for celebrations, the Truth of Jesus here in our Catholic page 16 for an article. parents often find themselves trying to faith, and it is so painful to see family find the most effective way to encour- members, neighbors or parishioners age a son or daughter to come back to drift away,” Bishop Gainer said. the Church. Those who have stopped The following is a sample of the practicing might wonder just how they questions and the bishop’s responses would go about returning. And Catho- during the call-in program. lics who married or remarried outside Learn more about Holy Family Radio the Church can have questions about at http://www.720whyf.com/, about the coming back, too. Diocese of Harrisburg and its parishes In an effort to answer some of these and ministries at www.hbgdiocese. burning questions, Bishop Ronald org, and resources for returning to the Gainer participated in a live call-in pro- Church at www.catholicscomehome. gram at Holy Family Radio AM 720, org. from its studio located in Shiremans- Q: For divorced Catholics town on March 16. who have remarried, what The purpose of the program was for is the first step for them to the bishop to respond to real-life situ- come back to the Church? ations of those who are seeking a re- turn to the Catholic Church, and fam- A: I would say, just do it. We just CHRIS HEISEY, THE CATHOLIC WITNESS ily members and friends who want to have to make up our mind that what I encourage them. More QUESTIONS, page 3 The April 1, 2016 • Catholic Witness - 3 to the Truth he has somehow put aside. So, is a person who has same-sex you strongly to try that parish and see Questions We are wired to be in a relationship attraction welcome in the Church? what’s going on there and where your Continued from 2 with God; that’s how he has made us. Surely. We would hope that that person gifts might be used in that parish. If need to do is come back home to the Pray for him and show him your good with same-sex attraction would be try- you find after some time that it isn’t as Church. Come to Mass. If you see the example. ing hard to live according to the mo- fulfilling for you, then you could “shop pastor or one of the priests of the par- Q: I was raised Catholic rality that we believe Jesus asks of us. around.” What’s important is that you ish, ask him if you can set up an ap- and received all the sacraments, Whether one is heterosexual or homo- are encountering Jesus Christ in his pointment to meet with him to sort out but stopped going to church when sexual, chastity and purity are impor- Church, both in the sacraments and the the details. There are so many reasons I went to college. I am gay, and tant virtues, and we hope that that per- liturgy, and in the other areas of life people leave the Church, and there are though I’d like to come back, son would be trying to live according to with the ministries and service that par- so many reasons for coming back. We I’m not sure if I would be welcomed, the intentions that God has for all of us. ish is offering. If the parish in which have to figure out the person’s exact even though the pope said, I think there are many Catholics who you find yourself isn’t fulfilling that situation, and how the Church can min- “Who am I to judge?” do not know about the Courage move- need, then I would say you certainly ment. We have in our diocese Cour- are free to look around and find a parish ister to them. With couples who have A: People with same-sex attrac- married outside the Church, maybe one age, and it is especially for people with where you feel more at home and more tion are certainly welcome within the is Catholic and the other is not. Maybe same-sex attraction. It’s a Catholic Church. I would like to talk about fully enriched. they’re both Catholic and both interest- program that supports its members in those words that Pope Francis spoke Q: How do you find the ed in coming back, or maybe only one living that virtue of chastity according and have been repeated so many times. courage to keep going to Mass is interested. Just make that appoint- to the teachings of the Bible and the He said that in July of 2013. Someone when you’re surrounded ment to speak with a priest or deacon of teachings of our Catholic Church. The from the media posed a question to him by family members who the parish to sort out what’s necessary. Courage movement gathers its mem- about someone who was gay and their bers in prayer, fellowship and mutual make fun of you for it? Q: I have a new grandson relationship with the Church. That’s the understanding to strengthen their re- A: I hope you would find, as you par- that I want to be baptized, occasion on which Pope Francis said, lationship with God, with the Church but my son has not attended ticipate in the life of your parish, the “Who am I to judge?” and to encourage one another to live encouragement and extra strength that Mass in a number of years. I think the pope, having said those in chastity. In our own diocese, Father you need to resist the discouragement How do I encourage my words, has also seen that those words William Weary is the chaplain of our that surrounds you in your family. It’s son without being a pest? have been stretched and twisted in ways Courage chapter, and he can be con- tough when the people who matter that he never intended. Just in January, A: The best way that we can encour- tacted at 717-242-2781 or frweary@ most to you in your life are not one with a new book came out by Pope Francis, age is through personal example.
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