Images and Redities: Women's Experiences in a Newfoundland and Labrador Fishery Crisis by Nancy Robbins A thesis submitted to the Scho01 of Graduate S tudies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Women's Studies Women's Studies Program Mernorial University of Newfoundlmd April, 1997 St- John's New foundland National Library Bibi'ïthèque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services sewices bibliographiques 395 WeifingtM1 Street 395, rue Wellington -ON K1AW OtÉswaON KiAON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accorde une Licence non exclusive licence allowiug the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distriiuer ou copies of this thesis in microfonn, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/nIm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur fonnat électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fkom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or othedse de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced \Nithout the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Abstract This thesis explores the "line of faultn (Smith. 1987) between wornen's experiences in the fishery crisis in Newfoundland and Labrador and the construction of the fishery crisis in the print media in this province. An analytical framework based on the work of Dorothy Smith guides the analysis. Smith (1987: 50) argues that a iine of hult or a "disjuncture between experiences and the forms in which these experiences are socially expressednoccurs in society. In this case. the experiences of women in the fishery crisis as expressed in a series of workshops entitled Gathenng Our Voices are contrasted with the results of a media analysis of The Evening Teleerarn coverage of the crisis. This analysis reveals two different stories: women's expressed redities in the fishery crisis and the expression and frarning of the fishery crisis in the print media- Women are under represented in the print media of Newfoundland and Labrador. Their absence as authorized knowers. reporters?and in news photos show that there is a lack of news stories written from women's point of view. A qualitative analysis of The Evening Telemam aiso shows that women's issues and concems are not represented in the coverage of the fishery cnsis. Instead, the fishery crisis is framed from a male centered point of view in the print media. Women's experiences in the fishery crisis are unique and different from men's as women held different roles in the paid and unpaid sectors of the fishing industry. Women worked as mothers, wives and daughters in the household and as fish plant workers and harvestes in the paid sectors of the fishery. Women are concemed about themselves. their families and their future in the rural fishing communities of Newfoundland and Labrador. 1 would not have been able to finish this thesis without the excellent guidance from my thesis supervisors. Barbara Neis, Depamnent of Sociology and Linda Kealey, Department of History. Both have given me a tremendous amount of support and help with this thesis. 1 received financial assistance from the Institute of Social and Economic Research and the Newfoundland and Labrador Women's FishNet and Human Resources and Development for research and expenses during the workshops. 1 also received financial assistance in the form of Graduate Assistantships and Teaching Assistantships in Women's Studies and a fellowship from the School of Graduate Studies. Many thanks to faculty, staff and students in Women's Studies who also have helped during this program. My friends and colleagues in Women's Studies ensured that 1 survived "the long and winding roadn through this program. Without Rhonda Fleming, Carolyn Carpan, Non Andriyani. Fiona MacGregor, Stephanie Weisbart Bellini and Danielle Finney 1 would not have had the strength to get through the hard times of the past few years. Thanks to many nights at the "Duchess" 1was able to see that 1 was not alone in writing this thesis. My friends were there to give me a push when 1 needed it the most. Thanks for the friendship and for believing in me. Most of dl, thanks for the memories of three Fatyears. Thanks also to Jim Butler and Fiona MacGregor. two great roommates, who helped me with computer troubles and prevented me from quitting at least ten times - thanks for being my "family of choice." 1 am also grateful to Hélène Davis. Regional representative of MediaWatch. who helped me with vaious parts of the media analysis and supported my work in Women's Studies and to the rnembers of the Newfoundland and Labrador Women' s FishNet for their support* 1 also thank the many women 1 met on my travels throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Special thanks to Ioanne Roberts and her family who welcomed me into their home and their hearts on numerous occasions. Thank you to Agnes Pike who welcomed me to her home and showed me life on the Labrador Straits. Also. thanks to Carolyn Lavers who showed me the "red wortd" of rural Newfoundland and Labrador. 1 am also grateful to Barb Genge as she believed in me and my research and encouraged me in many ways. Special thanks to my parents, Max and Bonnie Robbins, who supported my decision to go to graduate school. Thanks to Dad for reading every word of this thesis at least three times. And. to my sister Heather, thanks for king my buddy. 1 am also grateful to many members of my extended family who helped me through some hard times in my life during the writing of this thesis and taught me about personal strength and survival. Without their exarnple. 1 doubt I would have completed this work. "For your family, find a sheltered deep-water cove with a place to haul up boats. land to sink a well ... Read weather signs in al1 seasons; study tides and navigation-sew nets. mend nets. cure the fish-and know your own Coast. Keep your eyes open and put your hand to anything to survive the regular. random disasters." From: "Recipe" by Gordon Rodgers in Wild on the Crest: Poems of the Ses Newfoundland and Labrador ( 1995) St. John's: Jeroboam Books. Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................... i .. Acknowledgments ...................................................... ii Tableofcontents ....................................................... iv List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................... vii Chapter One: Introduction ................................................. 1 1.IBackprround ................................................... 1 1 -2 The Fishery Crisis ............................................. -4 1.3 Women in the Fishery .......................................... -9 1.4 Women and the Fisherv Crisis .................................... 15 1.5 Research Objectives ............................................ 18 1.6 Summaw and Outline of Thesis .................................. 19 Chapter Two: Theory and Methods ........................................ -21 2.1 Introduction .................................................. 21 2.2 Feminist and Interdisciptinarv Research ............................ 21 2.3 Theoreticai Framework ......................................... .-73 2.4 Gender and the Media .......................................... 25 2.5 Methodologies ............................................... -30 Quantitative Content Analysis ................................ -30 Qualitative Content Analysis .................................. 31 Sampling ................................................. 32 Action Research ............................................ 36 2.6Surnrnw .................................................... 41 Chapter Three: Forgotten Women: A Gender Analysis of Media Construction of the Fishery 3.1Introduction .................................................. 43 3.2 Quantitative Content Analvsis ................................... -44 Sexofwriter ............................................... M Authorized Knowers / Roles Ascribed to Men and Women .......... 45 NewsPhotos ...............................................49 Thematic Structures ......................................... 51 3.3 Oualitative Content Analvsis .................................... -53 LocalSemantics ............................................ 53 Style ..................................................... 60 Rhetoric .................................................. 61 Photographs ............................................... 61 3.40therMedia .................................................. 65 3.5 Summarv .................................................... 71 Chapter Four: Women's Lives in the Fishery Crisis ........................... -74 4.1 Introduction .................................................. 74 4.2 Need for women to unite ........................................ 75 4.3 Women's Work in the Fishing Industry ................... .. ........77 Lack of recognition for women in the fishery .................... -77 Importance of Work in the Fish Plant ...........................79 4.4 Women and their Families in the Fishery Cnsis ..................... -83 Financial Insecurity ........................................ -83 Stress and Health problems ................................... 84 Problems
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