Annual Report 2010-2011 CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES GOVERNMENT OF INDIA FARIDABAD CENTRAL GROUND WATER BOARD Ministry of Water Resources Govt. of India ANNUAL REPORT 2010-11 FARIDABAD ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - 2011 CONTENTS Sl. CHAPTERS Page No. No. Executive Summary I - V 1. Introduction 1-4 2. Ground Water Management Studies 5-50 3. Ground Water Exploration 51-72 4. Development and Testing of Exploratory Wells 73 5. Taking Over of Wells by States 74-75 6. Water Supply Investigations 76-77 7. Hydrological and Hydrometereological Studies 78-81 8. Ground Water Level Scenario 82-87 (Monitoring of Ground Water Observation Wells) 9. Geophysical Studies 88-90 10. Hydrochemical Studies 91-102 11. High Yielding Wells Drilled 103-107 12. Hydrology Project 108 13. Studies on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water 109-113 14. Mathematical Modeling Studies 114-118 15. Central Ground Water Authority 119-121 16. Ground Water Studies in Drought Prone Areas 122-123 17. Ground Water Studies in Tribal Areas 124 18. Estimation of Ground Water Resources based on GEC-1997 125-127 Methodology 19. Technical Examination of Major/Medium Irrigation Schemes 128 Sl. CHAPTERS Page No. No. 20. Remote Sensing Studies 129-130 21. Human Resource Development 131-133 22. Special Studies 134-142 23. Technical Documentation and Publication 143-145 24. Construction/Acquisition of Office Buildings 146 25. Dissemination and Sharing of technical know-how (Participation in Seminars, 147-159 Symposia and Workshops) 26. Research and Development Studies/Schemes 160 27. Publicity and Public Awareness 161-164 28. Activities in North Eastern Region 165 29. Propagation and Progressive Use of Hindi Language 166 30. Vigilance Activities 167 31. RTI Annual Return Information System 168 32. Personnel Management 169 33. Persons with Disabilities 2010-11. 170 34. Budget and Accounting 171-172 Annexure – 1 Location and Jurisdiction of Regional and other offices of CGWB EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Promote the economic and efficient use of manpower, energy and equipment employed in ground water Ground water plays a key role in meeting the water needs sector. of various user-sectors in India. With growing awareness, Support and co-ordinate the efforts of State the dependability on ground water as a sustainable Government for planned development of ground resource in nation building reasserts the need for an water. organization like Central Ground Water Board which is Foster International co-operation to promote scientific vested with the responsibilities of assessing and managing exchanges, acquisition of useful technology. the ground water resources of the country through ground Promote environmental awareness and water quality water management studies, exploration, evaluation and consciousness, impart training and promote applied monitoring of ground water regime. research. The Central Ground Water Board was constituted as a ORGANISATIONAL SETUP National apex organization in 1972 by the merger of the Ground Water Wing of Geological Survey of India with the The Central Ground Water Board is headed by the Chairman erstwhile Exploratory Tube wells Organization (ETO). The and has four main wings namely 1) Exploratory Drilling & Material main activities of the Board include macro level Management 2) Sustainable Management & Liaison 3) Survey, Hydrogeological investigations, exploratory drilling Assessment & Monitoring and 4) Training and Technology coupled with remote sensing studies, geophysical studies Transfer. Each wing is headed by a Member. The and pumping tests to study the subsurface administrative and financial matters of the Board are being Hydrogeological features and nation-wide monitoring of dealt with by the Director (Administration) and Finance & the behavior of water table and water quality through a Accounts Officer (FAO) respectively. network of ground water observation wells. The data generated from these investigations provide the scientific The Exploratory Drilling & Materials Management wing is base for preparation of ground water development responsible for the drilling and construction of Exploratory schemes by the State Governments. Besides advising the and other type of boreholes required for ground water States on planning, financing and administration of ground exploration including monitoring of stores, consumption water development schemes, the Board undertakes and inventory for efficient and economic machine research & development schemes, ground water utilization, purchase action in respect of drilling assessment, conjunctive use studies and artificial recharge equipment, vehicles, instruments etc. studies. The Board also organizes training of personnel of different disciplines of Central and State Government The Sustainable Management and Liaison wing looks after sustainable management of ground water related policies, issues Organisations in ground water related activities. etc., work related to monitoring of ground water regime and development, conjunctive use of surface and ground water, OBJECTIVES urban ground water management, drought management, data collection, storage and retrieval etc. Under the mandate given based on principles of economic, ecological efficiency and equity, the major activities of The Survey, Assessment & Monitoring Wing of Central Ground Central Ground Water Board are to : Water Board is vested with the responsibilities for undertaking Ground Water Management Studies, Aquifer mapping and Periodically assess the country's ground water assessment of aquifer characteristics based on exploration and resources. surveys, Hydro- chemical analyses and studies, pollution studies, Monitor and guide ground water development to short term water supply investigations, special studies, promote its sustainable management. preparation of various Hydrogeological maps, Atlases, Master Develop, refine and disseminate basin specific plans, State reports, District reports, etc. technologies for sustainable ground water development and management. The Training and Technology Transfer Wing is vested with Plan augmentation, conservation and regulation of the responsibility of imparting training at different levels to ground water resources. entrepreneurs, professionals and administrators concerned Establish a National Information System to collect, with ground water development and management through store, process and disseminate ground water data. Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training and Research Institute located in Raipur. The wing is also responsible for i formulation of overall training policy, assessment of training needs, conceptualization of the training modules and the programme implementation strategy etc for the For undertaking the activities in field, 18 Regional Offices, organization. each headed by a Regional Director, have been established in the country. 11 State Unit Offices have also been In pursuance of the order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme established in those states having large geographical area Court of India, Central Ground Water Board has been constituted for better management of field activities. 17 Divisional as Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA) under sub-section (3) offices handle the exploratory drilling and related of Section 3 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 vide activities, each headed by an Executive Engineer. Both the notification No. S.O. 38 (E) dated 14.01.97 for the purpose of State Unit offices and Divisional Offices work under the regulation and control of ground water in the country. overall administrative control of the respective Regional offices. The details of Regional office wise field formations The Central Ground Water Authority is functioning under the and their jurisdiction are given in Annexure- 1. The Board Administrative control of the Government of India in the has about 500 Scientists, 200 Engineers; and about 3500 Ministry of Water Resources with its Headquarters at Delhi. technical & administrative/ministerial supporting staff. CGWA is headed by the Chairman and 14 other members The Board has a fleet of 88 drilling rigs (34 Direct Rotary, from different Ministries/ Department/ Organisations/ 41 Down the Hole and 13 Percussion Combination types) institutions of Government of India including all the 4 for taking up drilling operations. Members of CGWB. 5 additional members, one each member from Department of Legislative, Department of Legal Affairs, Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization under Ministry of Urban Development, National ACTIVITIES & ACHIEVEMENTS Commission for Women and Department of Drinking Water Supply under Ministry of Rura l Development have been approved recently for inclusion in the composition of CGWA. The Authority performs the following functions: - Ground Water Management Studies (i) Exercise of powers under section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 for issuing directions and taking such Ground Water Management Studies are being carried measures in respect of all Central Ground Water Authority has out to have first hand information on the changes in the been entrusted with the responsibility of regulating and ground water scenario with reference to time, due to controlling ground water development and management in changes in various input and output parameter and due to the country and issuing necessary directives for the purpose. human interference. This forms the base for CGWA has notified 43 areas for regulation of ground water developmental activities and policy making. Special development.
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