Bordon Garrison Redevelopment DEFENCE INFRASTRUCTUREPlanning ORGANISATION Statement PlanningDIO/HPA/DOC/04 Statement November 2014 DIO/HPA/DOC/04 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Contents | Appendices CONTENTS Executive Summary ............................................................................................................... 1 1. Introduction, Description of Development and Supporting Documentation .... 4 2. Background to the HPA Proposals ........................................................................ 17 3. Details of the HPA Proposals .................................................................................. 26 4. The Statutory Development Plan........................................................................... 52 5. Other Material Considerations .............................................................................. 62 6. Assessment of the Proposals Against Key Policy Guidance ............................. 74 7. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 96 APPENDICES Appendix A Copy of signed Planning Performance Agreement between East Hampshire District Council, Hampshire County Council and Defence Infrastructure Organisation (May 2014) Appendix B Assessment of HPA proposals against EHDC/SDNPA generic Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014) policies Appendix C Assessment of HPA proposals against EHDC/SDNPA Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014) specific Whitehill & Bordon policies Appendix D East Hampshire District Local Plan Second Review (Adopted 2006) – Saved Policies – Relevant Planning Policy Context Appendix E ‘Other’ EHDC policy guidance Appendix F Assessment of HPA ‘Strategic Masterplan’ proposals against EHDC/SDNPA Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014) Proposals Map 5 December 2014 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Acronyms FIGURES – PLEASE REFER TO SEPARATE PLANS DOCUMENT (REF DIO/HPA/DOC/03) Figure 1.1a HPA Site Context Plan Figure 1.1b Strategic Site Context Plan Figure 1.2 HPA Site Topographical Survey Plan Figure 1.3 HPA Landownership Plan Figure 1.4 HPA Aerial Photograph Figure 1.5 Parameters Plan – Application Boundary Plan Figure 1.6 Parameters Plan - Land Use Figure 1.6a Town Centre Parameters Plan Figure 1.7 Parameters Plan – Residential Density Figure 1.8 Parameters Plan – Storey Heights Figure 1.9 Parameters Plan – Access and Movement Figure 1.10 Parameters Plan – Open Space Provision (including SANGS) Figure 1.11 Demolition Plan Figure 1.12 SANGS Layout Plan – Hogmoor Inclosure Figure 1.13 Illustrative Sustainable Urban Drainage Plan Figure 1.14 Illustrative Masterplan Figure 1.15 Illustrative Phasing Plan Figure 1.16 Assessment of HPA ‘Strategic Masterplan’ proposals against EHDC/SDNPA Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014) Proposals Map 5 FIGURES – WITHIN THIS PLANNING STATEMENT Figure 1.0 HPA Documents Figure 4.0 Relevant Parts of the Statutory Development Plan December 2014 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Acronyms TABLES Table 1.1 HPA documents list Table 1.2 HPA Core Parameter Plans Table 1.3 HPA Core SANGS Plans Table 1.4 HPA Core Relief Road Plans Table 1.5 Illustrative HPA Plans Table 1.6 HPA ‘Other’ Information Plans Table 1.7 ‘Other’ Information Plans in the HPA Table 3.1 HPA Land Use Budget Table 3.2 Maximum Floorspace Proposed Table 3.3 Indicative Mix of HPA Dwellings Table 3.4 Indicative Job Creation Estimates Table 3.5 Proposed Public Open Space Provision Table 3.6 Proposed Housing Developments in W&BSAA Table 4.1 Summary of Key Issues – Retained Regional Policies of Relevance from the South East Plan Table 4.2 Extract from Hampshire Waste and Minerals Plan (2013) – Policy 15 – Safeguarding – Mineral Resources Table 5.1 Summary of Key Relevant NPPF Policies December 2014 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Acronyms ACRONYMS c. Circa DIO Defence Infrastructure Organisation DPD Development Plan Document DTE Defence Training Estate EA Environment Agency EHDC East Hampshire District Council EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ES Environmental Statement GEA Gross External Area Ha Hectares HCA Homes and Communities Agency HCC Hampshire County Council HWMP Hampshire Waste and Minerals Plan LDD Local Development Document LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme LPA Local Planning Authority MoD Ministry of Defence NIA Net Internal Area HPA Hybrid Planning Application PPG Planning Policy Guidance PPS Planning Policy Statement RSS Regional Spatial Strategy SA Sustainability Appraisal SAA Strategic Allocation Area SAMM Strategic Access Management and Monitoring SCP Sustainable Communities Plan SDNPA South Downs National Park Authority SPD Supplementary Planning Document SPG Supplementary Planning Guidance TA Transport Assessment W&B Whitehill & Bordon W&BSAA Whitehill & Bordon Strategic Allocation Area December 2014 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement Prepared by GVA Executive Summary 1. The redevelopment of the Whitehill & Bordon ‘Strategic Allocation’ area (W&BSAA) provides a unique opportunity to create a new living, working and leisure environment of the highest quality. The vision for integrating this new development envisages an infrastructure rich environment and provides an important opportunity, which when implemented, will significantly contribute to the regeneration objectives for the town. 2. The redevelopment proposals for the Bordon Garrison site are explained in this Planning Statement, which has been prepared by GVA, in conjunction with AMEC, and is submitted in support of a hybrid planning application (HPA) on behalf of Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO). The range of proposed uses includes the phased delivery of up to 2,400 dwellings, new retail facilities within a new town centre, new education facilities, employment land, open space/SANGS provision, roads and other supporting infrastructure. 3. The application site is located to the centre/west of Whitehill & Bordon and extends to approximately c.200 hectares. The site is identified in East Hampshire DC’s and South Downs National Park Authority’s adopted Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014), as part of a wider Whitehill & Bordon Strategic Allocation area. The proposals accord with the adopted Joint Core Strategy and further ‘adopted’ guidance in all but a few instances, and where there is any divergence, a compelling case is made for DIO’s alternative approach. 4. In summary, DIO’s development proposals represent a key opportunity to: • Contribute significantly to meeting East Hampshire District’s strategic housing requirements, as defined in the adopted Joint Core Strategy, whilst also helping to address important local issues such as a lack of sustainable transport and need for retail and social infrastructure in Whitehill & Bordon; • Contribute to the regeneration objectives for the town including new homes, jobs and better road links; December 2014 1 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement Prepared by GVA • Assist in delivering HCC’s wider education strategy requirements through the proposals which include important new secondary and primary schools; • Deliver the comprehensive redevelopment of previously developed land; • Create a thriving residential community integrated within the existing Whitehill & Bordon settlement, served by a vibrant mix and range of complementary uses, including a new town centre and supporting community uses; • Ensure a high quality public realm and appropriate areas of public open space and Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANGS) in line with Natural England’s requirements; • Provide a development constructed to appropriate design standards incorporating appropriate resource management, sustainable urban design and construction techniques and materials; and • Generate approximately £365m of capital expenditure and the creation of up to an estimated 2975 jobs FTE. 5. An Infrastructure Phasing and Delivery Plan (IPDP) accompanies the HPA and demonstrates how DIO’s proposals will deliver timely early on-site infrastructure, in line with EHDC policy requirements. The IPDP also provides evidence to demonstrate how the infrastructure provided by DIO would fit with the delivery of the wider Strategic Allocation area i.e. it would not prejudice the delivery of other residential proposals and employment/leisure development and would complement provision of the non-DIO infrastructure elements coming forward, which are necessary to support the SAA as a whole. 6. The HPA ‘package’ includes a S.106 Heads of Terms and schedule of draft planning conditions. These have been drawn up to reflect discussions with EHDC and HCC ensuring that key infrastructure requirements can be delivered effectively across the whole of the SAA. 7. The application proposals include a significant section of a new relief road of which part of the southernmost junction falls within South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) administrative boundary. As such, duplicate versions of this HPA have been submitted to EHDC and SDNPA as respective planning authorities. December 2014 2 Defence Infrastructure Organisation Planning Statement Prepared by GVA 8. DIO believes that its proposals will result in a scheme of the highest quality which will deliver urgently needed market/affordable homes and strategic infrastructure in the District, as well as making the best use of a large area of vacant public sector land to contribute to the regeneration objectives for the town. DIO commends the HPA proposals to East Hampshire District Council
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