
Call me back again. New York: Wm. A. Pond & Co., 1884 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/KL7HZYLPQYI2I83 http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/ The libraries provide public access to a wide range of material, including online exhibits, digitized collections, archival finding aids, our catalog, online articles, and a growing range of materials in many media. When possible, we provide rights information in catalog records, finding aids, and other metadata that accompanies collections or items. However, it is always the user's obligation to evaluate copyright and rights issues in light of their own use. 728 State Street | Madison, Wisconsin 53706 | library.wisc.edu THE BEAUTIFUL MELODY OF = COLLEEN DHAS MACHREE, 5 “MY OWN SWEET DARLING!’’ ™ MOUNTAIN TOP, LUZERNE CO. PA ; a 4 : : $ ae SONG AND CHORUS. | MUSIC BY ; : J | | FANNIE BEANE. 4 { - J f : SUNG WITH GREAT SUCCESS BY 4 ¥ : | 4 Pas CHAUNCEY OLCOTT y | a *.“EMERSON’S ALL-STAR MINSTRELS.*,* os t is = ARRANGED BY { | JEROME. 4 | MARCH. WALTZ. SCHOTTISCHE. By PRATT. GUITAR.—Vocal and Instrumental.—By DE JANON. 4 V Se : NEW YORK: FREDERICK BLUME, 25 union sovare. a _ BOSTON: NEW YORK: PHILADELPHIA: CINCINNATI: : — a DITSON & CO. WM. A. POND & CO. LEE & WALKER. JOHN CHURCH & CO. 24 CHICAGO: ST. Louis: : SAN FRANCISCO: : | LYON & HEALY. JOHN L. PETERS. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. % . Copyricut, MDCCCLXXXIV, ny Freperick BLume. - : 4 ‘= : ft 3] 4nd COLLEEN DHAS MACHREE. | The shadows fall, and low the sun is sinking, His last rays tinge with gold the waters blue ; And of you, Kate Alanna, I am thinking, Tho’ waves divide us, still I know you’e true. [ll ne’re forget, we parted, love, in sadness ; ; In tears [ left you at your cabin door ; But now your letter fills my heart with gladness, In ecstasy I read it o’er and o’er! E Cuorts : Tho’ distant far, and waves between divide us, By night and day I'll ever think of thee ; I will be true, whatever may betide us, ~ My own sweet darling, Colleen Dhas Machree. Tho’ years may pass before I'll be returning, a To clasp you to my breast, love, as of old, Yet will I come to thee with hopes high burning, And claim my treasure better far than gold. And when my bark is proudly homeward dashing, ; Oh! let your eyes my brilliant beacon be; There keep the love-light always brightly flashing, My own sweet darling, Colleen Dhas Machree. con Cxorvs, : Music by FANNIE BEANE, in the original Key of A Flat. ; L : ARRANGED BY CHAS. A. FULEER, WITH LITHOGRAPHIC TITLE PAGE. - Se - aaa —-—— Se $y Sung with great success by . CHAEN GH YY OL GOT: | EMERSON’S ALL-STAR MINSTRELS. | Call { wii Ble Qe J Bark wale ) Aqui s Wain, { | | Words by P. H. McHLHINNY. Arranged by JEROME. Andante con moto. ——-—-——- a ————- = = | —= pi ——— a ee eee ee eee PN eg Oe ae eee ry 3 | og 6-18: —__-_|_@_ 8 __|_@"__@ 6,1 __, 6 e—6e—6-|- > | i i A a oe Introduction. thos = . ee aie — Baas Ss p SS ee pe 5 ge fiat SS Baca hee te ae Sa Osea ee eee Cl Se en pera aa ee ee a = = = TG — = ———— ee ea | ec 3 22 SES | a ernetom Sarees ae ee eee eee 1. He said, “Good - Bye;” these part-ing words were spo - ken: “I leave you 2. When sad and lone, hell. think with fond e@ - mo - tion 2 Of all the » 8 I dreamt last night a charm - ing lit - tle star - ling Came soft - ly 2 ee Se peel === ——— SS S222 = 5 peel = (epee ~ Cue ra v aa v SS ——— eee = 6 z a za > : eg SS ag a SS S(eseeNse Nara ===: now. Per-haps ’tis bet - ter so.” He gave me back each ten-der lit-tle hopes and all the glad - ness fled! And in each dream, a - far a- cross the tap . ping at my wind - ow blind, And in its bill a let-ter from my SS ee ee ee ee _——____ _ =e. ees fee: Se eS = ees “ ; SS —— eee aes = vs = v cv 3 2 Ss = tr er gue: - ——— a eee ee el ——————_{ se é s zs =>. = 2 = = i Copyriant MDCCCLXXXI BY SHERMAN, CLay & Co. CoprriaHt MDCCCLXXXIV sy FREDERICK BLUME, SsEESEEESEIEnSIENEEE naecenesenaameees cneemmemeememmmenemenmmeneraemen ———— = = ie a ie —— 4 ae eo ee So a ae : =f GO ge Soe Je ea i ee para re eee ee Fea | ee ae ee re eee to - ken, And far a - cross the seas. he then did go. But in my 0 = cean, His heart will — weep oer words un - kind - ly said. It may be dar - ling, Which said that he’d re - call those words un - kind, Oh, can it (C= i fae ete ea ee SS eee EE =e [[- a / + +s vv ee vw ee ee = 4 e—— oe p ag a a ee a _—— = ee = = > = te = = a o_o => => ¢__ ______ > = e aa : = ¥ Remy ss OS pag ee 2 eg NS ge a SS oe le ee N heart he ne’ercan be a strang - er, For love like mine has suf - fer'd pain, And when his years that we aredoom’dto sev - er; But can it be that love shall wane? Ah! no, the be fromlove he has re - leased me, And that my love has been in vain! Oh, may my (FE REP IEEE eR Senso SE te gegen a — a ee a ee re mS ee +3 i¥ >: be — 1 ee po Or ae eae es Fa ee a ta wo ee —~ é o TOE eas eae er ft ee ae Neg Nee SS eee [Fae ero toy ee ee love has con-quer’d pride and an - ger, I know that he will call me back a - gain. heart once lov-ing loves for - ev - er: I know that he will call me back a - gain. dar - ling send me one in ear - nest— Take back those words, and call me hack again. Se ee Ee ONCE OORT AS iA PAE mmm (Sa= cae eae ea a= re ee ore SS a - Saal _— a ao + sz v v v wv wv”. a = ez a ee ee eS ee — —— ee ———— | ————— —— i = "aes —— ~ = ee ea Sy eS EE a ee = a a —_—— | } - | = 6 —_—_ ; ee Nees ae EES ime (PCS ee eee SS = As St p Call me back @- - gain, Call me_ back a - gain; Ah, when his ae —————— ae) SS ee ae SS se p Call me _ back &-- a ee Call me back a - gain; And when that Cres rall. to [fo ee Se eee N Soa aoe = Pp SS a Call me back a@ - - gain, Call me back a - gain; And when that Cen ie SS t Pac a 8 ee i ae es oe aE SS SS Se Se | ; ee ee Cres rall, eee ——s,._o— —— ——— — - Pp es $e oe be Plano, Cee 2 oe : : ——— —+——_. *—___@—___@_@______¢, ______. { —_ 7 Se aGe see ee ee 2 eee : Se =N S52 CN =| KD pee ee ee ee love has conquer’d pride and an - ger, I know that he will call me back a - gain. i = << i > - —Pn Rosine |p ee Ae Bee eal en — agg Oe == j ? Ct. = ce love has conquer’d pride and an - ger, 1 know that he will call me back a - gain. ‘ 1 ee RE SSE 3 ETO eee a =<] | eS eg eg = oes ee a pF 9 5 ——-— love has conquer’d pride and an- ger, I knowthat he _ will call me back a - gain. aN c™ ; 5 Rees ae Sa At ee ee ey ee ee ee NS NN Owe nn ——o,— 5s —a ————— = : | : A, Pee NES: ee —_——___§_ oN a pare ea ae eee esac See e e ca a ea cae ge ee i o + 6+ + + jee ree he < + ere a Og ea re D5 a eee eee ee eee ———— re ae ee —— = : & ee a eee = a at - z *wtFrtwrtet. te | 4 TT ae ae : ee : ee + VOCAL SS NO MUSIC : Breach Banks of tee the Gayo Lea. vanomtooe S B | Swget uate Chere VOCAL. INSTRUMENTAL : Baby's Got a eping, side by side.” Tharsis a aavet liniechari tuatelie ceeionk Dodworth’s Wal ee Oth... ........Howarp 35 ‘And keeps watch o'e that cits up aloft descripti ss OPERAS im the Clover. “Lullaby” Sweet V' atch o'er the life of poor Jack.” N iption of figures... tz-Lancers. D. With dhe hae ; . ..P: jack. ew Court nadrilies i \oDWORTH 75 cadet faves _are rolling,” ‘“ We ‘ Belle of (Sung the by Ka Clara Louins Ren ‘ellogg.) -HOLDER 35 Talk not isious of Love of Childhood. ..... PRATT 85 Hiioerien cna es—Kormagyr— dots, “In thove Clothe “Oe deve 3 Buttercups emren weeoscb sacs RUNT, 90: oro Worte Siiss. sieves GROSCHEL 85 | yy figures dies—Description of the gy tC... cane Me Sarnone women,” »”” ** Far Fi ©, away,” dear J : Captain “ Spike. Fi flowers sies....... in ae 35 sagerman ear Old and Words Bis VesereeeesesFRANZ i. ABT 85 inafore saksisonasseeatinnce Lancers. toss cnne Dovworr 60 | Serecrer. ee eae « arching Song... Seria D sa little Empty Cradle.....Banxz fee “Little Buttercup,” La we oael of Melodies, ©. 5 ¢+- SUI eee Wesping..../.Vasinncoox . pow many loving mothers ” ‘ re for he alton Benne. Whee es 0. 1, Ring forth, ye bells,” Minuet, * May ‘Centon eae lays are on the way.” se Diereome tinea sad and lone, Sorecro: ae cnar nial Wuseum......,....STRAIGHT 30 Teo wha tle empty cradle Tee tee tar? etci.. 4. aay ae ‘E50 alone,” and I.” “Sorcer “When hi he is ‘Time here,” was “For wren love rts ' hampegne and Oysters.
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