ht. J. Hear Muss Tramfer. Vol. I I, pp. 871481. Pergamon Press 1968. Priinted in Great Britain EFFECT OF THERMAL RADIATION ON THE LAMINAR FREE CONVECTION FROM A HEATED VERTICAL PLATE VEDAT S. ARPACI University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, U.S.A. (Received 3 1 August 1967 and in revised form 15 November 1967) Abstract-An analytical attempt is made to understand the non-equilibrium interaction between thermal radiation and laminar free convection in terms of a heated vertical plate in a stagnant radiating gas. The effect of radiation is taken into account in the integral formulation of the problem as a one-dimensional heat flux, evaluated by including the absorption in thin gas approximation and the wall elfect in thick gas approximation. The local Nusselt numbers thus obtained help to interpret the gas domains from transparent to opaque and from cold to hot. The present thick gas model approximates the radiant flux as qR=-E[- (I-?)exp(-$aygT’$ whose limit for large a and small but non-zero y is the Rosseland gas, qgs = - (16a/3a) T3(cW/ay), and that for y = 0 and large but finite a is 4”, = - c,(8a/3a) T$W/ay),. NOMENCLATURE coefficient of thermal expansion ; thermal diffusivity, k/pep; local dimensionless number, B../(G,/ Bouguer number, a6 ; 4Y ; local Bouguer number, ax ; boundary-layer thickness ; specific heat at constant pressure ; diffuse emissivity of plate wall ; integro-exponential function of order dimensionless variable, 1 - l; n; dimensionless variable, cry ; gravitational acceleration ; temperature ratio, (T, - TJT, ; local Grashof number, gj3p2(Tw - T,) viscosity ; x3/$; kinematic viscosity ; heat-transfer coefficient ; dimensionless variable, q/B; thermal conductivity ; density ; local Nusselt number, hx/k ; diffuse reflectivity of plate wall ; Prandtl number, V/U= ,uc,/k ; Stefan-Boltzmann constant ; ambient Planck number, akT,/4a-. cpo; ‘pl ; cp2; (~3; v4; 4n5; functions L4; defined for thick gas ; heat flux ; tie : +I ; $2 ; ti3 ; ti4; $G functions absolute temperature ; defined for thin gas. x-component of velocity; maximum of u ; variable along plate wall ; Superscripts variable normal to plate wall. C, convection ; K radiation ; Greek symbols -9 mean value ; I a, volumetric absorption of gas ; 3 dummy variable. 871 872 VEDAT S. ARPACI Subscripts consider a model for thin gas absorbing inside, 0, first approximation ; as well as outside, of the boundary layer, and 1, second approximation ; that for thick gas including the wall effect. Thus w, plate wall ; it becomes possible to represent the local ‘X, ambient ; Nusselt number evaluated on the basis of these X, local ; approximations, as well as velocity and tem- & Rosseland gas. perature profiles, in terms of common dimen- sionless numbers, and to interpret the gas INTRODUCTION domains from transparent to opaque and from MOTIVATED by the technological demand and cold to hot. Furthermore, the behavior of Rosse- provided by the present level of applied science, land gas at boundaries is clarified. the effect of thermal radiation on gas dynamics and/or heat-transfer problems has received FORMULATION increased attention in the last decade. Because Consider a heated, semi-infinite, vertical of the size of the literature, no attempt will be plate in an infinite expanse of stagnant, radiating made here to give a complete list (see, however, gas. To simplify the problem and isolate the references cited in Viskanta [l] for heat-transfer influence of radiation, the following assumptions problems and those in Cheng [2] for gas are made : the gas is perfect and gray ; radiation dynamics problems). Although recent works on scattering, radiation pressure, and the contribu- gas dynamics consider multi-dimensional radia- tion of radiation to internal energy are negli- tion effects and place no restriction on the gible; the effect of radiation is included to the absorption of gas, studies on boundary layers energy equation as a one-dimensional heat flux ; (which are mainly on forced convection), are the plate diffusely radiates as a gray body ; restricted to one-dimensional radiation effects, non-equilibrium effects other than diffusion evaluated on the basis of thick gas and thin gas and radiation are negligible. approximations. In thin gas, the absorption of On the foregoing basis, the usual integral gas is neglected in the boundary layer; in thick formulation of the problem is modified to (Rosseland) gas, the wall effect is excluded. include the effect of radiation. This gives Although the assumption of one-dimensional radiation can be justified on grounds of bound- ary-layer physics, the existing thin gas and thick gas approximations need improvement in order that the effect of radiation on boundary layers may be shown for all values of the absorption of gas. So far as the author is aware, no published PC,; u(T - T,)dy = -k work exists on free convection except a recent 0 attempt by Blake [3] which rests on the approximations above and that by Cess [4] involving the cases of hot gas or slightly where the radiant flux (see, for example, Blake absorbing gas. C31) is A preliminary study is made here to under- stand the non-equilibrium interaction between qR= 24&72E,(rl)+ bT4(v’) E,(rl - q’) dd thermal radiation and laminar convection for all values of the absorption of gas, using a heated vertical plate in a stagnant gas as a vehicle. The main objective of the work is to EFFECT OF THERMAL RADIATION 873 CJbeing the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, q = cry, them on different grounds. Noting, however, q’ = ay’, a the absorption coefficient of gas, that the present problem requires the approxi- cW and p,,, the diffuse emissivity and diffuse mation of E3(y) only, and that the use of the reflectivity of the plate walls, respectively, and correct value of E3(0) is important for boundary- E, and E, the special cases of the integro- layer problems, the Lick approximation [7] is exponential function of n, defined by employed. This gives E,(Y) = exp (- 3~/2)/2. (7) E,(y) = it.-‘exp(-y/t)dt. (4) 0 Inserting equation (7) into (6), introducing the A full discussion of this function and its proper- Bouguer number B = aa, and the dimensionless ties may be found in Kourganoff [5]. variables 5’ = $/B and [’ = 1 - <‘, the radiant Equation (3) may be integrated by parts for flux may be arranged to give later convenience (see Vincenti and Baldwin [6] for similar manipulations on the divergence of qR 1: = 4o(i T3(aT/a[‘) exp (- 3Bc/2) dc’ radiant heat flux). The result is - { 1 - p,[ 1 - exp (- 3B/2)]} exp (- 3B/2) @ = -SG[/ T3(aT/&j’) E,(q - q’) drj’ x i1T3(aT/ai’) exp (+ 3Bi’/2) dr}. (8) + 3 T3@T/aq’) E,(q’ - q) d$ r Now the solution of equations (1,2, 8) presents, at least in principle, no difficulties in terms of - &‘wE,h) 1 T3@T/~tl’) E,(rl? WI. (5) polynomial profiles. However, the integrals associated with the radiant flux yield rather The difference between the values of qR evaluated lengthy expressions for any practical use. This at the boundary layer and the plate walls may difficulty will be circumvented by evaluating the readily be found from equation (5) to be radiant flux for small and large values of B. Hereafter the conditions B $ 1 and B % 1 will qR 1: = fWi T3@7Wt)CE3k4 be referred to as the definition of thin gas and that of thick gas, respectively. - E,(ad - q’)] dr,J’- p,[l - 2E,(a6)] (a) Thin gas (B 4 1) x i T3(10’/@‘) E,(q’) dq’}. (6) Replacement of the exponential terms in equation (8) by the first two terms of their Next the solution of the problem is considered. Maclaurin expansions gives SOLUTION qR 1: = 4a(3B/2) [(1 + p,) a T3(aT/ai’) d[’ The solution of equations (1, 2, 6) presents, even in terms of simple profiles, considerable - 2 1T3(aT/c?jr) i’ di’ + O(B)], (9) mathematical difficulties for the intended in- vestigation. In view of this, the integro-exponen- where 0 implies the order. tial function is approximated in the usual Recalling the preliminary nature of the present manner by a simple exponential of the form investigation, the selection of the velocity and temperature profiles may be confined to the E,(y) = a exp (-by). first order profiles, The appropriate choice of the constants a and b depending on the values of n is not unique, and u = W/WI - Y/V, (10) a number of values have already been used for (T - ~mmv - TaJ = (1 - YPJ2T (11) 874 VEDAT S. ARPACI previously used by Squire for the same problem and for (B2/8,)’ in the absence of radiation (see, for example, Howarth [S]). Expressing equation (11) in terms of c and then introducing into equation (9) yields = &U’w - Tm)&,& - vu,, (18) qR 1: = 41oT4,B[$, + O(B)], (12) where ijl = $[(l +p,) (1 + 31/2 + 1’ + L3/4) = *,$. ( 19) - 4($ + 3L/5 + 31217 + A3/9)], Squire obtained the solution of equations (16) and L = (T, - T,)/T,. and (17) by assuming the velocity and the Inserting equations (10-12) into equations boundary-layer thickness of the form (1) and (2), and neglecting terms of order B2 and higher results in u, = coxmo, 6, = D,x”? (20) The result is &(U2a) = &g/3(T, - T,)S - v ;, (13) Uo = 4%P(T, - K,)lfx+ltit, 6, = (2a)*IC/2x*l[gB(T, - T.,)l*~ (21) (14) where ti2 = 2*(100/7 + 15P)* and P is the Prandtl number. In general, the form of first approximations where a = k/pc, is the thermal diffusivity. Note does not necessarily imply the form of second that for the limiting case (rT$ -+ 0 (cold gas), approximations.
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