RETURN WORKERS All Tag Day Boxes Today to OF THE WORLD, Daily Worker Office, sth Floor, UNITE! 50 East 13th Street, New York DailuJJWbrkerCentral Party U.S.A. City. (Section of the Communist International) entered as aecond-claa* matter at the Post Office CITY EDITION Price 3 Cents Vol. IX. No. 71 at New York. N. Y„ under the act of March S. 187?* NEW YORK, THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1932 IFoster Calls on Workers to Help MICH. GOVERNOR BACKS Detroit Workers Hail Mother ! Raise Bail for Ky. Strike Organizers Montgomery and Mother Mooney JAPAN TO SEND By WM. Z. FOSTER. DETROIT, March 23.—Hun- For three months 19 militant coal miners and strike leaders have FORD IN MURDER OF 4; dreds of Negro and white work- MOTHER MOONEY been rotting: in the cells of Plneville, Harlan, and Middlesboro, Kentucky, ers tumultuously cheered Mother Jails. Among them are leaders of the National Miners Union, together Montgomery and Mother Mooney MORE TROOPS with W.IJU, Daily Worker, I.L.D. workers. on their arrival yesterday at the Their crime is organizing the miners to fight starvation. For this SAYS “NO STARVATION” Michigan Central Station. they have been locked up in a bastille barely large enough to give them Mrs. Mooney, mother of Tom room to stand. For this they have been growing weak and sick on a Mooney, and Mrs. Violet Mont- diet of bread and beans. For this they are exposed to the rains which Even Mayor Murphy Is Forced to Admit That gomery. mother of one of the pour in through leaking roof and the water that backs up for boys legal TO USSR the BORDER Scottsboro Negro facing Many Starve in Detroit \** "£ jilt' inches on the rat-infested floor. lynching in Alabama, are on a All of these class war victims can be released for $1,350 premium joint tour of the country to help bond and $5,000 Japanese War Minister Calls for More Troops on their bail. Each of them is under $5,000 appearance “Confronting: Most Serious Emergency That build up the mass fight for the peace bond. Real estate bail has been arranged for them at a premium release of the Scottsboro boys, of to Hold Manchuria as Military Base of $66 each. Many of them are in danger of disease and death in their Ever Faced Detroit,” But Brucker Still Lies Mooney and Billings, the Harlan cells. If they escape this peril, there is the danger of lynching by the mine prisoners, the Imperial Val- Against Soviet Union rabid coal company agents and their hired killers. ley prisoners and other class-war to WASHINGTON, D. C.—lt was not many The Trade Union Unity League must immediately mobilize help prisoners. They are here to speak A “desirable consummation” of the “Man- raise this fund. Quotas must be set. Each union must raise its share days after Ford’s police shot down and mur- at a series of protest meetings. The Daily Worker, the 1.L.D., and the WM.R. is working with the League. For the first time in the history churian problem” calls for the conversion of Contribute at dered in cold blood four unemployed workers The 19 leaders are needed to carry on the struggle. once of Detroit, the stirring strains of Manchuria into a military base against the So- to the Kentucky Prisoners Bail Fund, Room 430, 80 East 11th St., New because they were in a demonstration demand- the “Internationale" were heard Fork City. in the Michigan Central Station viet Unon, Gen. Sadao Araki, Japanese Minister ing jbs or food at the River Rouge Plant when as the workers expressed their en- i:-..-.' of War, told the Diet on Tuesday. He said the Governor of Michigan declared along with thusiasm in cheers and singing. M. that Senator Bingham, was even larger forces than Japan now has in Man- in Long that there no starvation Such relief is 45 Workers left 26,000 families, formerly receiv- as is given of course churia should be stationed there, and declared in the United States. Brucker was among the ing some meager relief, to go entirely totally inadequate to keep children about 120,000 from One that Japanese troops probably be 39 governors who with their telegrams to Sen- unprovided for. Thus, and adults slow starvation. would soon Beach Trial Win Dis- persons were affected by the cut in meal a day is all that hundreds of withdrawn from Shanghai, So. China, for service in Manchuria. ator Bingham here tried to wipe out the star- the relief lists. Detroit’s school children get. An ad- He admitted that the Japanese ruling class considers the 12,000,000 Detroit is mission from W. T. Norton, vation of unemployed and their families. The situation outside chair- advance in Manchuria toward the Soviet border as more im- Brucker up by Senator La Follette man of the Feed-a-Family Fund, missal; Jury Deadlocked wired: summed portant than the aims of Japanese imperialism in the war the sentences: printed in the Detroit Times, reads: with “Facts at hand Mich, well able to care for its own.” in following- Czarist indicate “Conditions in the suburban “We are confronting the most Russia in 1905 and declared the situation arising out Party Even Mayor Murphy LOS ANGELES, Calif., March 22. the Communist and other of Detroit admitted starvation con- regions around Detroit, including serious emergency that ever faced ‘of that advance as “more serious —Judge Charles D. Wallace granted militant workers’ organizations and ditions in his city. Shortly before the Ford Massacre of March Oakland and Macomb Counties, are Detroit. You are all aware that than the Russo-Japanese War” (of the motion to dismiss the case of is thus a signal victory for the 7, 1932, when four jobless, unarmed* especially serious. Scrip is being people are hungry in our city; that 1905 >. the 45 workers in Long Beach, workers and poor farmers of the workers, asking for bread, were killed gressional Record, Feb. 2, 1932, page used to pay teachers and county people are cold; that children are FIRST STUDENT In American Imperialist circles, charged with unlawful assembly, state. by police of Detroit and Dearborn, 3190.) employees. The upper peninsula without shoes and adequate cloth- Gen. Araki’s speech has been hailed and removed the case from the cal- Mayor Murphy made the following How', then, did the city of Detroit also reports counties with much ing.” GROUP LEAVES as indicating Japan’s “return to the endar, releasing all bail. statement: meet this situation?—by taxing its distress and practically no financial “You are all aware that people are big objective’’—armed intervention “By the time February, had many millionaires to hungry to the against the Soviet Union The jury, after a stormy thirty- 1931, provide food for resources. Grand Rapids is in our city,” according and its hour session of weighing the evi- Warn Anthracite arrived 48,000 families were car- the 26,000 families—about 120,000 per- feeling the need for either state or charity chairman. But Governor successful Socialist construction. The ried FOR KENTUCKY dence, filed into the court room on the public welfare rolls and sons—admittedly thrown off the re- federal relief, as their relief funds Brucker dares to claim that he is New' York Times editorially stated shortly after three o’clock in the more than 211,000 persons were lief lists? Os course not. Mayor are exhausted." not aware of this fact. yesterday: Against provided afternoon and reported a hopeless Miners for by the city govern- Murphy goes on to explain how it Total Delegation Is “The Far Eastern crisis thus deadlock. Six were for acquittal ment. We were notified by the was done: shifts back to Manchuria and to and six for a verdict of guilty. banks that we could not borrow “When we were notified that our Over 150 the home front. Japan’s tactical Maloney Sellout money to carry on welfare work on standards would be limited to an situation may be thereby said to reported The foreman of the jury so elaborate a scale and that re- amount almost half of that which Communist Party Greets 50th BULLETIN have improved. Her legal and mor- vote taken the that a had been on trenchment and welfare would have was expended last year, we had, of PINEVILLE, Ky., March 23. al case stood far better before the to find the Picketing Has Almost proposal “ringleaders” to follow. course, to make our organization In a statement issued by Cleon Shanghai episode.” and the other work- Birthday of I. Amter guilty acquit Been Stopped “We now carry 22,000 families on and its administration as efficient Comrade Calvert, Pineville attorney, regard- This is an open admission of the ers. our welfare rolls. First, let me say as possible—exclude certain groups ing the students delegation, Calvert approval of United States imper- Seven of the jurors voted for and SCRANTON, Pa., March 23.—For during the height of this a half that we wanted to take care of. We The New York District ofl the rloe in the organization and strike declared, “If the visiting meddlers ialism for the Japanese war moves five againsts the proposal and it the third time, Maloney and Shuster, million people in Detroit were di- had to exclude, for instance, an j Communist Party hails the 50th struggles of the mine workers. Ar- are taken for a ride, it will not be so long as these moves are directed was impossible to reach an accord, United Mine Workers of America rectly affected by unemployment.
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