AUGUST 2010 N O T E S A N D C O R R E S P O N D E N C E 1293 Consistent Tropical Cyclone Wind and Wave Forecasts for the U.S. Navy CHARLES R. SAMPSON Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, California PAUL A. WITTMANN Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center, Monterey, California HENDRIK L. TOLMAN NOAA/NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center, Camp Springs, Maryland (Manuscript received 30 October 2009, in final form 12 February 2010) ABSTRACT A new algorithm to generate wave heights consistent with tropical cyclone official forecasts from the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) has been developed. The process involves generating synthetic observa- tions from the forecast track and the 34-, 50-, and 64-kt wind radii. The JTWC estimate of the radius of maximum winds is used in the algorithm to generate observations for the forecast intensity (wind), and the JTWC-estimated radius of the outermost closed isobar is used to assign observations at the outermost extent of the tropical cyclone circulation. These observations are then interpolated to a high-resolution latitude– longitude grid covering the entire extent of the circulation. Finally, numerical weather prediction (NWP) model fields are obtained for each forecast time, the NWP model forecast tropical cyclone is removed from these fields, and the new JTWC vortex is inserted without blending zones between the vortex and the background. These modified fields are then used as input into a wave model to generate waves consistent with the JTWC forecasts. The algorithm is applied to Typhoon Yagi (2006), in anticipation of which U.S. Navy ships were moved from Tokyo Bay to an area off the southeastern coast of Kyushu. The decision to move (sortie) the ships was based on NWP model-driven long-range wave forecasts that indicated high seas impacting the coast in the vicinity of Tokyo Bay. The sortie decision was made approximately 84 h in advance of the high seas in order to give ships time to steam the approximately 500 n mi to safety. Results from the new algorithm indicate that the high seas would not affect the coast near Tokyo Bay within 84 h. This specific forecast verifies, but altimeter observations show that it does not outperform, the NWP model-driven wave analysis and forecasts for this particular case. Overall, the performance of the new algorithm is dependent on the JTWC tropical cyclone forecast performance, which has generally outperformed those of the NWP model over the last several years. 1. Introduction the Philippines to support General Douglas MacArthur’s invasion of Luzon. Three ships broke up and sank with Typhoon-generated waves have long been a major con- their crews (a total of 790 sailors). The decision to es- cern for U.S. Navy vessels and installations. The worst na- tablish a typhoon warning center in the Pacific, which val disaster in U.S. history was the result of Typhoon Cobra eventually became the Joint Typhoon Warning Center on 18 December 1944 (Drury and Clavin 2007). Typhoon (JTWC), occurred in the aftermath of Typhoon Cobra. Cobra was a small typhoon east of the Philippines Incidents in the subsequent years continue to remind the with winds as high as 125 kt (1 kt 5 0.514 m s21)that U.S. Navy of the importance of accurate wind and wave generated 100-ft (1 ft 5 0.3048 m) waves in the path forecasts during tropical cyclone events. Although the of Admiral Bull Halsey’s fleet as it steamed toward cost of a fleet sortie (where ships at a base are sailed out to sea and away from tropical cyclones) is expensive, the Corresponding author address: Charles R. Sampson, NRL, consequences of remaining in port could be far more 7 Grace Hopper Ave., Stop 2, Monterey, CA 93943-5502. devastating. Costs for a sortie from Yokosuka, Japan, E-mail: [email protected] could cost more than $10 million (U.S. dollars), but the DOI: 10.1175/2010WAF2222376.1 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 06:00 AM UTC 1294 WEATHER AND FORECASTING VOLUME 25 replacement cost of one aircraft carrier is approximately Laboratory model (GFDL; Kurihara et al. 1998) into $8.1 billion (U.S. Navy 2008b). To complicate matters, a global model [Global Forecast System (GFS); Moorthi the sortie decisions are frequently made at least 72 h et al. 2001] can provide improved prediction of the ex- ahead of a tropical cyclone event to provide enough lead treme sea states generated by hurricanes [North Atlantic time for ships to get under way and out of the path of the Hurricane product (NAH); Tolman et al. 2005; Chao et al. approaching system. As a result, the navy periodically 2005], so a procedure to insert a JTWC forecast into a sorties ships from bases when, in retrospect, the sortie was NOGAPS background wind field may also provide better not required. This was the case for the U.S. Navy ships sea state guidance. An approach similar to this has been stationed at Yokosuka during Typhoon Yagi (2006). employed to model extreme waves using a parametric By 1200 UTC 19 September, Yagi (2006) was a 100-kt model at the Canadian Hurricane Center (MacAfee typhoon with estimated 34-kt wind radii of 115, 115, 110, and Bowyer 2005; Bowyer and MacAfee 2005) and has and 90 nautical miles (1 n mi 5 1.852 km) in the north- yielded positive results. Finally, in a case study of Hurri- east, southeast, southwest, and northwest quadrants of the cane Katrina, Wang and Oey (2008) found that inserting storm, respectively. The Navy Operational Global At- a high-resolution analysis of the tropical cyclone (H*WIND; mospheric Prediction System (NOGAPS; Hogan and Powell et al. 1998) into a GFS background yielded re- Rosmond 1991) run at the Fleet Numerical Meteorology alistic extreme wave heights. and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) is used to produce In the case of Yagi (2006), is it possible that the decision wind forcing for a third-generation spectral ocean wave to sortie the navy ships from Yokosuka could have been model (WAVEWATCH III; Tolman 1991; Tolman avoided if the sea state guidance had been consistent with et al. 2002), as described in Rogers et al. (2005). The the JTWC forecast? Are there other benefits, such as NOGAPS tropical cyclone forecast for this time is skill, to be gained from inserting JTWC forecasts into shown in Fig. 1a. The initial NOGAPS position is within NOGAPS background fields? The authors attempt to 0.18 latitude of the JTWC-analyzed position at the time, address these questions in this note. First, a method of but the NOGAPS initial intensity (maximum wind inserting operational JTWC forecasts into global nu- speed) is only 46 kt. The NOGAPS initial 34-kt wind merical model–generated wind fields is developed and radii are 68, 179, 116, and 193 n mi in the northeast, described. WAVEWATCH III is then run with these southeast, southwest, and northwest quadrants, respec- modified NOGAPS surface winds to produce wave states tively, and are 69%, 55%, 5%, and 114% larger, respec- that should be consistent with the JTWC tropical cyclone tively, than those analyzed by JTWC. To summarize, the forecasts. Differences between the forecast sea states NOGAPS initial intensity is approximately half the from NOGAPS with the JTWC forecast insertion (here- JTWC-analyzed intensity, and the average of the initial after called JTWC/WW3) and running WAVEWATCH NOGAPS 34-kt wind radii is approximately 30% larger III with only NOGAPS surface winds (hereafter called than the JTWC-analyzed 34-kt wind radii. The NOGAPS NOGAPS/WW3) are discussed through the evaluation of forecast track for 1200 UTC 19 September follows ap- two major tropical cyclone events. Due to its importance proximately the same path as the JTWC forecast track, to the U.S. Navy and its sortie decisions, the Yagi (2006) but it approaches the Japanese coast earlier in the fore- case described above is evaluated. Typhoon Nargis (2008) cast. For example, the 72-h NOGAPS forecast position is also discussed as an example of what can happen when valid 1200 UTC 22 September is approximately 200 n mi there are large differences between NOGAPS and JTWC closer to Japan than the JTWC forecast position valid forecast tracks. Evaluations of seasonal track, intensities, at the same time. The 72-h NOGAPS forecast intensity and wind radii forecasts from JTWC are compared with (56 kt) is much lower than the JTWC forecast intensity those from NOGAPS to provide some justification for (105 kt), and the NOGAPS 34-kt wind radii (229, 220, why using the JTWC forecast in WAVEWATCH III 103, and 169 n mi in the northeast, southeast, southwest, might yield better wave forecasts than using NOGAPS and northwest quadrants of the storm, respectively) are alone. Finally, some cautionary notes and conclusions are much larger than those in the JTWC 72-h forecast (140, drawn from these specific cases and experiences from the 135, 135, and 135 n mi, respectively). With an imple- 2008 and 2009 western North Pacific season when near– mentation of WAVEWATCH III such as the one run at real time runs of this product were evaluated by U.S. Navy FNMOC (Rogers et al. 2005), these differences in tropical forecasters. cyclone structure and motion could lead to inconsistencies between the operational JTWC tropical cyclone forecast 2. Methods and in the distribution of the significant wave heights. It has also been shown that inserting winds from a higher- The philosophy chosen to develop JTWC/WW3 is resolution model such as the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics to retain as much of the original JTWC analysis and Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 06:00 AM UTC AUGUST 2010 N O T E S A N D C O R R E S P O N D E N C E 1295 FIG.
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