![Arxiv:2106.08954V4 [Gr-Qc]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Type-II Weyl semimetal vs gravastar G.E. Volovik1, 2 1Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland 2Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, acad. Semyonov av., 1a, 142432, Chernogolovka, Russia (Dated: July 19, 2021) The boundary between the type I and type II Weyl semimetals serves as the event horizon for the "relativistic" fermions. The interior of the black hole is represented by the type II Weyl semimetal, where the Fermi surface is formed. The process of the filling of the Fermi surface by electrons results in the relaxation inside the horizon. This leads to the Hawking radiation and to the reconstruction of the interior vacuum state. After the Fermi surface is fully occupied, the interior region reaches the equilibrium state, for which the Hawking radiation is absent. If this scenario is applicable to the real black hole, then the final state of the black hole will be the dark energy star with the event horizon. Inside the event horizon one would have de Sitter space time, which is separated from the event horizon by the shell of the Planck length width. Both the de Sitter part and the shell are made of the vacuum fields without matter. This is distinct from the gravastar, in which the matter shell is outside the "horizon", and which we call the type I gravastar. But this is similar to the other type of the vacuum black hole, where the shell is inside the event horizon, and which we call the type II gravastar. We suggest to study the vacuum structure of the type II gravastar using the q-theory, where the vacuum variable is the 4-form field introduced for the phenomenological description of the quantum vacuum. PACS numbers: I. INTRODUCTION II. ANALOG OF HORIZON IN WEYL SEMIMETALS The energy spectrum of electrons in Weyl semimetals There are different scenarios of the development of the becomes "relativistic" in the vicinity of the Weyl point. black hole in the process of evaporation by Hawking radi- In its simplest form the Hamiltonian near the Weyl point ation. In particular, the end of the evaporation can result at p = 0 is: in a macroscopic quantum tunnelling from the black hole to the white hole, see Ref.1 and references therein. An- H(p; r) = cσ · p + v(r) · p ; (1) other scenario is the formation of compact object { the vacuum star. In particular, the black hole event horizon where σ are the Pauli matrices; c = 1 is the analog of can be considered as the boundary separating different the speed of light. In the more general form, the Weyl phases of the quantum vacuum.2 Such consideration was equation −i@tΨ = HΨ for the Weyl spinor Ψ is written based on the condensed matter analogies, which in par- µ in terms of tetrads ea , as the parameters of expansion at ticular are presented by the superfluid phases of liquid the Weyl point: 3He.3 Topological materials such as the Weyl and Dirac semimetals bring a new twist to this analogy. They pro- µ a a e σ pµΨ = 0 ; σ = (σ; 1) ; pµ = −i@µ : (2) vide new support for the scenario of the formation of a a vacuum star after the end of Hawking evaporation. The tetrad fields describe the effective gravity experi- enced by the Weyl fermions. The effective metric in this arXiv:2106.08954v4 [gr-qc] 16 Jul 2021 The analog of the event horizon emerging on the tetrad gravity is the secondary object obtained as the bi- µν µ ν ab boundary between type I and type II Weyl semimetals linear combination of the original tetrads, g = ea eb η . is considered in Section II. In Section III we compare the In the simplest case of Eq.(1), the vector v(r) is the ana- black hole in semimetals with different types of the vac- log of the shift velocity in this effective metric:7 uum stars (gravastars). The comparison gives the pref- µν 2 2 erence to the gravastars with well defined event horizon. g pµpν = −(p0 − v(r) · p) + p = 0 ; p0 = E; (3) 2 µ ν 2 2 which we call the type II gravastar. This compact object ds = gµν dx dx = −dt + (dr − v(r)dt) : (4) contains three regions with different realizations of the quantum vacuum. These are: the Sitter vacuum inside Here the contravariant metric gµν describes the Dirac the Cauchy horizon, the vacuum in the thin shell sepa- cone in momentum space in Fig. 1, while the covariant rating the Cauchy horizon from the event horizon, and metric gµν describes the corresponding light cone in the the vacuum outside of the event horizon. In Section IV effective spacetime. This metric is similar to the acoustic there is an attempt to describe all three regions using metric,8 which emerges in moving liquids and superfluids, the phenomenological theory of the quantum vacuum in where the velocity of fluid plays the role of the shift veloc- terms of the 4-form field.4{6 ity. But the analog of shift velocity in Weyl semimetals 2 filled electron pocket empty electron pocket pr electron pr pr pocket ⊥ p p⊥ p⊥ pocket electron r p Dirac cone overtilted Dirac cone empty hole pocket filled hole pocket v = 0 v > c FIG. 2: Fermi surface E(p) = 0 in the type II Weyl semimetal inside the horizon. FIG. 1: The energy spectrum in Weyl semimetals, which Left: Nonequilibrium state in the first moment after forma- follows from Eq.(3), is E(p) = prv ± pc. It forms the Dirac tion of the event horizon. The positive energy states in the cone. newly formed Fermi surface are fully occupied, while the neg- Left: In the type I Weyl semimetal one has jvj < 1. Figure ative energy states are empty. The relaxation of this highly shows the Dirac cone with v = 0. For 0 < jvj < 1 the cone is nonequilibrium state is accompanied by Hawking radiation tilted. and reconstruction of the vacuum state. Right: For jvj > 1 the Dirac cone is overtilted. This is called Right: Final equilibrium state after reconstruction. The pos- the type II Weyl semimetal. The overtilted Dirac cone crosses itive energy states are empty, and the negative energy states the zero energy level, which gives rise to the Fermi surface are occupied. There is no Hawking radiation after this final E(p) = 0, which is conical, pr=p = c=v < 1. At large state is reached. momenta, far away from the Weyl point, the Fermi surface becomes closed due non-linear corrections to the linear spec- trum, see Fig. 2. superfluids the Hawking radiation and the corresponding filling of the Fermi surface lead to the decay of the "black hole".29,30 In the process of Hawking radiation the flow is not related to any real motion of the substance, and velocity either decreases until the horizon disappears, or this leads to the important consequences. increases due to momentum conservation until the in- In the Weyl semimetals, the black hole horizon and stability threshold is reached and the flow collapses. In the corresponding Hawking radiation can be simulated both cases the final equilibrium state of the fermionic su- by creation of the region with overtilted Dirac cone,7,9{15 perfluid does not contain the horizon. Contrary to that, where jv(r)j > 1 (see Fig. 1 right). The event hori- in Weyl semimetals the fully equilibrium state is finally zon is situated at the boundary between the region with reached, where the negative energy states in the Fermi jv(r)j < 1, which is called the type I Weyl semimetal, surface are fully occupied in Fig. 2 (Right). In this state and the region with the overtilted Dirac cone, jv(r)j > 1, the horizon is present, while the Hawking radiation is which is called the type II Weyl semimetal,16 see also absent. This is the analog of the equilibrium vacuum. Ref.17. For the spherical horizon, the corresponding effec- In spite of the absence of Hawking radiation, the prop- tive metric has the Painlev´e-Gullstrand(PG) form:18,19 erties of the event horizon can be studied by scattering of quasiparticles at the horizon, which is also determined ds2 = −dt2 + (dr − v(r)dt)2 + r2dΩ2 : (5) by Hawking temperature Here we consider the nonequilibrium situation, when In the type II region, where jvj > 1, the overtilted the type II region is formed after the rapid variation of Dirac cone E(p) = prv ± pc gives rise to the Fermi sur- the parameters of the system, for example by applying face E(p) = 0 in Fig. 2. At p = 0 the Fermi surface the local pressure. Then at the first moment of creation is terminated by the Weyl point, while at large p the of the horizon, the state of the system in the overtilted re- Fermi surface is closed due to the modification of the gion has inverted population: the negative energy states spectrum in the corresponding ultraviolet (analog of the are empty, while the positive energy states are occupied, Planck energy scale), where the nonlinear corrections to Fig. 2 (Left). Such "vacuum" state with inverted pop- the spectrum of fermions become important. In semimet- ulation corresponds to the negative temperature and is als this scale is typically determined by the interatomic highly nonequilibrium, though in some cases it can rep- distance. resent the ground state.31 Such Fermi surfaces also appear in superfluids and The initial stage of the process of equilibration is the superconductors, where they are called the Bogoliubov filling of the negative energy states by the fermions oc- Fermi surfaces.20{28 cupying the positive energy states.
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