BUILDINGBETTERPRACTICES ADVERTISEMENT BUILDINGBETTERPRACTICES Taking the Leap Expert secrets on launching a successful practice PEDIATRIC ADJUSTING TECHNIQUE CONSULTANT-HIRING KNOW-HOW THE PREGNANCY DISCRIMINATION ACT AND YOU PLUS Colleges & Insurance Buyers Guide ISSUE #11: JULY 12, 2016 CHIROECO.COM VOLUME 62, ISSUE 11 INFOCUS PERSONALGROWTH 15 Moving in the right direction 41 Take care of your The sports practice of Robert other customers Silverman, DC. You have to manage and motivate BY CHIROPRACTIC ECONOMICS STAFF more than your patients. BY KELLEY PENDLETON, DC CLINICALCONCERNS 19 Light touch MONEYMANAGEMENT Safety is paramount 47 To your credit in pediatric adjusting. Recent tax-saving extensions offer BY ARLAN W. FUHR, DC you a mix of credits and write-offs. BY MARK E. BATTERSBY RESEARCH RESULTS 23 Immune boost LEGALEASE Consider low level laser as a 53 Expecting better Taking the leap treatment option for shingles. Understand your obligations under 34 BY CHRISTOPHER CARRAWAY, DC the Family and Medical Leave Act. A successful practice BY STUART J. OBERMAN, ESQ. launch isn’t easy, but PRACTICECENTRAL you can do it. 27 The power of the 3 Ps By Michele Wojciechowski Your practice is made up of three elements: people, processes, and products. BY MARC LAMANTIA, DC 30 Oh, what they can see Why you should be working INEVERYISSUE with a consultant. 8 Editor’s Note BY MONICA WOFFORD, CSP 10 News Flash 56 StudentDC.com 58 Datebook 60 Ad Index BUYERS GUIDE 61 Product Showcase 44 Colleges & Insurance 62 Marketplace 63 Classifieds Chiropractic Economics (ISSN 1087-1985) (USPS 019-178) is published monthly except semi-monthly (twice a month) in January, February, April, May, June, August, September, and October; 20 issues annually. Address: Chiropractic Economics Inc., 820 A1A N, Suite W18, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. Phone: 904-285-6020; Fax: 904-285-9944. Website: www.chiroeco.com. 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All materials submitted for publication shall remain the property of this magazine until published. Change of Address: Six to eight weeks prior to moving, please clip the mailing label from the most recent issue and send it along with your new address (including zip code) to the Chiropractic Economics circulation Department, PO Box 3521, Northbrook, IL 60065-9955. For a faster change, go to www.ChiroEco.com and click on “Magazine.” 4 CHIROPRACTICECONOMICS• JULY 12, 2016 CHIROECO.COM THEMOSTCOMPREHENSIVEWEBSITEFORTHECHIROPRACTICPROFESSION What’s New Online Plus Resource Centers More from the Web Expert Insights Tables Benefits of cryotherapy. Read more at ChiroEco.com/blogs ChiroEco.com/tables ChiroEco.com/cryotherapy Blogs by Anthony Lombardi, Mark Signs you need a new table Using CBD topicals. Learn more at Sanna, Drew Stevens, Josh Wagner, Buying the right accessories ChiroEco.com/cbd Daron Stegall, Perry Chinn, Shawne Duperon, Bill Esteb, and the Chiropractic Practice Management Software Economics editorial staff. The Tuesday Webinar Series ChiroEco.com/practice-management- Chiropractic Economics webinars are My Breakthrough software Who are you blaming? always available to download and Avoiding burnout view at your convenience. Mark Sanna, DC chiroeco.com/sanna Using paper and electronic records “5 Deadly Online Marketing Mistakes.” together Presenter Mike Garcia discusses how to improve your online traffic. What Are You Nutritional Supplements Broadcasting? Download any of our webinars at Preaching vs. Teaching ChiroEco.com/nutritional- ChiroEco.com/webinars. Shawne Duperon supplements chiroeco.com/sanna Benefits of African mango EHR Guru Best supplements for patients in their What’s in a SOAP note? 20s and 30s Alex Niswander Buyers Guide and Directory Our buyers guide and directory is now available online at ChiroEco.com/business-directory. Social Media Shout-Outs Job Board Neat Tweets Facebook Favorites Visit ChiroEco.com/jobs for Follow us on Twitter at Like us on Facebook at employment opportunity listings for: ChiroEco.com/twitter. ChiroEco.com/facebook. Associates Justin Trosclair | @cajunchiro Our most-shared post: Billing Jordan Spieth wins with sports Spieth, 2015 Masters winner,publicly Chiropractic Assistants chiropractic - Chiropractic Economics thanks his chiropractor for helping Doctors of Chiropractic via @chiroecomag him reach his peak performance. Faculty FCAChiro | @FCAChiro Front Office/Reception/Scheduling Medicare Access and CHIP Independent Contractors Reauthorization Act (MACRA) Marketing implemented the new coding requirements @ChiroEcoMag Massage Therapists Multidisciplinary Practice Opportunities Higgins Chiropractic | HigginsChiro Office Management Interesting read! Chiropractic care Temporary Positions can help with #foot and #bunion issues! ...and more 6 CHIROPRACTICECONOMICS• JULY 12, 2016 CHIROECO.COM EDITOR’SNOTE Green shoots You want to get off on the right foot. VolUME 62, NUMBER 11 EDItoR-IN-ChIEF Daniel Sosnoski VERYONE LOVES NEW BEGINNINGS.THE FUTURE MAY BE [email protected] UNKNOWN, BUT THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.THIS ASSoCIAtE EDItoR Casey Nighbor Eapplies to planting a new garden, buying a new car, or [email protected] moving into a new home. There’s something else that most ARt DIRECtoR Christine Wojton large-projects and major purchases have in common, too— [email protected] the need for research and planning. GRAPhIC DESIGNER Kelley lucas This makes sense, because some endeavors can be [email protected] tremendously costly if you make a mistake right out of the WEBMAStER Aaron Belchamber gate. One of the best examples of this is a new [email protected] practice launch. Accordingly, for this issue of ACCoUNtANt Jared Smith Chiropractic Economics, we gathered together a [email protected] group of experts who know what it takes to get a practice off the ground. DIRECtoR oF SAlES Susan Nevins We know this issue will be of tremendous 904-567-1554 interest to students, all of whom have to make a [email protected] number of difficult choices following graduation NAtIoNAl ACCoUNt Jeff Pruitt Let me know what’s and licensure. However, if you are an established ExECUtIVES 904-567-1542 on your mind: [email protected] 904-567-1539 DC with your student days long in your past, Fax: 904-285-9944 you’ll find a lot to like in our feature story, too. Janice Ruddiman long [email protected] For example, what’s involved in launching your 904-567-1541 [email protected] first practice applies to opening your second. You might be Donnell Curley pondering a satellite office, perhaps you’re moving, or you 904-567-1549 might be coming out of retirement because you miss the [email protected] profession. In all of these cases, the tips and advice here will ADMINIStRAtIVE AND lorie J. McKown guide you in the right direction. SAlES CooRINAtoR 904-567-1545 A major factor in setting up a winning practice is, [email protected] naturally enough, location. That’s common to virtually any BUSINESS & EDItoRIAl oFFICES business dependent on walk-in traffic. But so also is 820 A1A N, Suite W18 differentiation. If you offer something desirable that your Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl 32082 competitors don’t, people will travel farther to see you. And Phone: 904-285-6020 you’ll have access to a population the other guys can’t attract. Fax: 904-285-9944 This issue also presents several unique modalities you can chiroeco.com consider adding, and a look at pediatric adjusting, high- FoUNDED 1954 lighting the opportunities afforded by special populations. William l. luckey and helen C. luckey Find the right locale, offer the right treatment mix, and let people know about your value proposition—the rest should take care of itself. To your success, BPA Worldwide Chiropractic Economics’ subscriptions are now audited by BPA Worldwide, Daniel Sosnoski, editor-in-chief the most dominant global media auditing company for B2B publications in the world. BPA certifies that Chiropractic Economics has the highest number of requested readers in the profession. More doctors of chiropractic choose to read Chiropractic Economics than any other BPA-audited publication serving chiropractic. 8 CHIROPRACTICECONOMICS• JULY 12, 2016 CHIROECO.COM CHIROECONEWSflash.com T THE CHIROPRACTIC PULSE BY THE NUMBERS Ultra-distance runner’s trek to fight cancer stretches over 130 miles In June, ultra-marathoner Roy Wiegand faced a unique challenge to help alleviate the struggles of others. Wiegand tackled his third “Roy’s Run for Christopher” to benefit children’s cancer research, and Spenco Medical Company was supporting him every step of the way. On June 3, Wiegand kicked off a 131-mile course starting at
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