United Nations Nutions Unies UNRCSTRICTRD SECURITY S/20! CONSEIL 4 December 1946 COUNCIL DE SECURITE ORIGINAL: EJ'IGLISH I.El%R FROM TRF. ACTIRG CHAIRXUJ OF TE DELEGATION OF GFERCR TO THE SECRETARY-WXRAL, DATED 3 DECEPBM 1945, AND ENCLCSED MEMORANDUM 3 December 1946 &II. Secretary-General, kdei i,nstructione from my Government, I have the honom to request : .,::._:. you, in virtue of Arsicla 34 and of ArtPcle 35, paragraph 1, of the Charter, to be so Sood as to eubtit-to t,he Security Council, for early consideration, a situation which is leafding to friction between Weece and her neighbours, by reason of the fact that the latter are lending their support to the violent guerrilla warfare now being waged in Nsrthera Greece against public order and the territorial integrity of my country. Tbi6 situation, If not gromD%lg remedied, is, in the olsinion of my Government, likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and.security. In particular, the Greek Government deeire to draw the attention of the Secnrit,:; 5cuncil to .ch,p urgent nec3ssity for an investigation to be undertaken cn the spot, in order that the cause8 of this situation may be brought to light. They ere confident that im this wql the charges brought .::: :-:y.. z..:.:..:::._ .. by then may be confirmed authoritatively, and means provided for the s6ttle.7lent Of the question. A detailed memoren~um In support cf this request is submitted. herewith, d?Ay 3llco-,~t.:zti I!? L.i13 G:ee'k Gwezrr.en','s complaint, but I shol.;LJ like to refar .a: Rrseaent to. rh.c mat .:jr~s cf the C'ecurity Co_;ncil at which Albania's applicatlor, fo; aa1zsian to :he Vhi~,ed la'uicns and "he Ukrainian c0mpIaint .agai"8t Grseco .ar~c xhe Uritud Rin;;iom were considei'ed, as also to the VQX~OLS ccmzications subeequentlr e!ti4ssed to the Secretary-Gsnerol by the /Rermanent t;n&z~oi:2g trzining fol g::erxilla activities in Greece,. These men have been ckcsan f’mm those mem3er~ of FZAS, to t’le. nG2Je.r of ;-“,>$I - 3,(X0, who, folIowinG the Vsrkiza Agmezent, so~S,ht refuge in Yugoslavia thtiy inc1uS.e ma,ny persona whose e.~~es t. had been or:Fe?ed I”or offences S/203 Page j voluntary basis in the arned bands operating in Nor+hern Greece. There is conclusive evidence that the whole guerrilla movement against Greece is receiving substantial support from the countries adjacent to Greece's northern bounderiea, and particularly frcm Yugoslavia, and that this support takes the following forms: (a) groups of men are bairg trained and organised in foreign texitory; they are then sent into Greece, together with consignments of war material (b) armed bands or isolated members of such bands a.re crcssing the boundary-line in both directions .under the protection and guidance of the frontier authorities of the neighbouring countries; (c) Greek fugitives from Justice and anarchists are being received and cared for In foreign territory, and are being incited by propanganda tc carry on sy;bversive activities fn Greece. It i8 to be noted that Bulgaria and Albania bear a similar responsibility for the activities of the hostile bands opeiating on Greece's northern frontiers l The Permanent Greek Delegation hzs already drawn your attention to the itimicel attitude towards Greece of the official Yugoslav press, as also to the statements made in August last a.+ the first Congress of the 'Popular Front of Exedonia' by W. Dimitri Vlachov, Vice-President of the Yugoslav . Kational Assembly, Kulichevsky, Prime Sfinister of the 'Popular Macedonian Republic' and other official spokesmen, in which statementa the union of the three sections of yacedonia was demanderi. It may be added that statements cf a similar tenor were also made at the Paris Peace Corlference by 34 Dimitri Vlachov end Pijade, and that various l~~qoslav representatives have since expressed themselves in a like serse. The evidence thus offorded confirms the view of the Greek Governunent that the guerrilla warfare that is being conducted on the ncrthern bcncdsriea of Greece enjoys official Yugoslav suppcrt. /The situation T’r;e sitxticn to d-dch the extnts LcferLed to hr.va gl:‘en rls~ io SQA.:OL;S~;; h#qe.rinl; the Gieek Givernment’s efforts to qcrmzta the e~rrnt~i.: reh&lli?ation of the co:ntz$, ard is tending to create c;;~~:.seaor ?riccicn wltl: zzi;hborzing col-lntiies with which Gleece desireo, %d is i’i:,li;l:’ ieciteii, to live in peace end ic a spirit of si.ncdi’e csllabc~ation. I avail mysel;” cf 2x3 qq;;rtunity to renew Lo you, IdI, Sacretar:.*- General, the ass:xance of my highect consideration. (S&d.) ‘=. Am:IoEs Acting Ch%lrman of tk Gresk Dclqatian to thy General AuseLbly. I. Tke Greek GOEQXUUZ~ hnie the honallr to submit for the ccnaideration of tha Unite& NntiGno a series of violations of the ncrtbern bcundnries of Greece in t:ie last thLt?EQ nmtha, which, folltiwing the evidorxe o?' alien intervention at present in the haan& of the Greek authorities, corstitute a S;rave thrc&t to Greece's territsrial integity. On Sq.tember 9, 1946, 1cO bentits, rho were repelled from the heights cf SkaLa 1652, 17 ?rim. west of leatsri, penetrated into Albanian territory. 0~ Sertbmbar 12, 1946, a bard of 20 members, which appeared in the vicinity of Bouxnzi, 16 klm;. north-east ci Eogoniani snd w&s clrlven qway, hea\fed in the direst;isn 01 River Aoos ed finally penetrated into Albanian ter?ltori. On Sektember 13, 1945, at 7:15. p.m., aziilbbsnfnn bz& of 25 timbers penotrstel into Greek territory, betueon the localities of Plaka 2nd Pondikates. Thez were cu3jected to the fire of a Greek patrol a-?& had to retreat. Simltanmusly, the adjacent Greek frontier ~ozts Fos. 12 .:... .- regeeta& a little lster aginnt pest 14. This attcwk wa3 plaIY1ed to er951: tiie ban& to irf;ltrato lilt0 Gr.3elr territory, 011 the 3e.m tiy, a large bird surrotzded the vlllags o? Aghia Pzraskevi, sicuete?. at a distaxxe of 11 klm. no-th-vest of Pwroia. T'hc~ forcibly took away ierge quumltiCie3 of fsodsttifs ard ranetrated into jlu~osl3v ter.ritorr . close .to ~yrati~s 11 and ?c, coveri~li; 1;s9 .-etrsat o.? 1;ke ;'lexln: bandits. : At the fame time, tl;e Gre,-k for-en wire sub;xied, ne%r ~lcimh~r 1396, ' Incident with the &oslav Qxver?3ent. On Se>te%ber 21, 1946, a-N.O.?. bati: zbwhed aear Ano Jxtrakl., 12 kLm . zortti-west of Ardea, si&tea a 2rrack putrL.1. They i?crthwi th retzeafed 12% Yu&oslav territory, ~uuro;lad by the Week patrol. A r;!lort eni;ag91zent t?)ok plwe on Greek territor,?, in %e vicinity of the Yugwlas I;ost of Dobrostili. The head of +ihe patrcl h's3 prcvected r'rom carta.~ting ..y._ . hi3 hgOSl3V colieqp . .:... ,.:. ..: Cn Septmber 21, 1346, b.mdits entered the villuge.of.'&orf;i, 6 klrca. north-west of Kanitaa . The; were prgue d and retreated into A:‘oanim territory, On S6:cVsSer ;?j. li;k, * an blbezian pa'.-bI 01 entered Greek cerrl tcry et E:j0 E.P. axi f'rxi a'-> Greek iiii:;t Ho. 21. The :ocxt in ~I:~ami:;n in; l~tated I'G j.lj2 kl2S . from i.ts boxder, vi chin Gr3ek terrltorv ", and at a distance cf I.4 k.lzz, nor5h;wzst of K3ni:rja. On Stiptctier 24, 194iJ, a N-0.7. bznd, cuxi~cg from 'I;rgoolmia, ettaclrzd ths ox&, cf C.AO Llatroki. The;' wounded h private scLd:sr. /Oxi Segsezbar j0 On Seytember ~0, 1946 8'~ 8 p.m., a dm!il band, ccming from Blllgarls, entered the Greek villal;o of An&;Itron. They ~illapcl fo,xi3tilfP3 and ,:lothiny and retreated ar3LL?d 11 p,m, into au&Man texitory. On Cctobber 4, 1$&o, a large band entered the village oI' Periclia. Thay pillayoh all f,he ~e'rsoril household effactv of InhaXtznta who were hewn to have nstiomll::t;z :"eolingjs and aubacgensly fellbazk into Yugoslav territory-. On October I-j, 1946, a', 2 p.m., 3:~ Albanian patrol entered Crack torr:toyJ r&r pyramid l&, Iscatcd at a distanx ar‘ j.l/S k?~. no&h ' 321 Pogoniani. They took ;i\;F,y two Sh0ph5rdS, Kanivtia ma sk2bi3 by 3hlts, aa well as tbolr flock of 260 sheep. The two men and their flock were set free in the evening 02 t&e folloui~~ &y minds ij sheep. On 0ctr;ber 20, l&, et ; a.m., a Yugoslav coastal. craft, armed with a machine gun, Penetrated 300 m. into the Greek territorial waters ol' f;jke Doirani. The Yu~oslnv crew arrested nine Greek fishins boats and thalr crews, mmimring 18 RI63i :n all. It wus not until Ibvember ,R that they were set free,'together with their busts. The Greek Wvernment lodged an official protess zonr,ernin$ this ,incident with the Y...sonlav Gxernment. On October 21, 1946, a ama. bsrld atsa-ked the Greek military detachment of Surmena, 14 kl.1~3. north-west of LC2to Porroia. The band was repelled and sought refuge in Yugoslav territory. On the same day, at 7:30 a.m., a Greek Private soldier by name Gdorge Kitsia, of p:t 4, ii&3 killed in GreaX territory by Albanians, who also captured Private Chriatoglannis who was taken away into Albanian territory. The Xl.brinia,na carried away the body 0:‘ his collengu~, On Gctober 22, igk;, c bend of j0 mn atered the village of Acilia Peraskevi located 12 .klmr+.
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