Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 9, Number 6, February 16, 1982 ADL's Sterling Bank sued in Italian Mafia case by David Goldman Sterling National Bank, which handles all financial op­ Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., as an "anti-Semite." La­ erations for the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Rouche had commissioned a 1978 bestseller, Dope, Inc., financed a $27 million fraud operation for jailed Sicilian written by this writer and Jeffrey Steinberg, which iden­ mafioso Michele Sindona in 1974, according to a legal tified a handful of aristocratic Jewish families as junior suit filed in Federal Court Jan. 29 by representatives of partners in the Hong Kong drug traffic. The Dope, Inc. the Italian government. The suit was filed days after the charges were subsequently corroborated in a 1980 freeing of U.S. General Dozier by Italian anti-terror French-published bestseller by L' Express journalist police, and in the midst of an Italian government sweep Jacques Derogy. against Mafia dope traffickers, Sindona among them, Among the banks identified in Dope, Inc. as a laun­ who finance the Red Brigades terrorists. dromat for narcotics money was the Israel Discount Days before the suit was filed, the Italian authorities Bank, controlled by the Italian-Jewish Recanati family. announced that they have corroborated Sindona's year­ Sources at Sterling National Bank's investment adviser, old confession that he had jumped New York bail in Lazard Freres, say that a controlling interest in Sterling 1979 in order to join a Sicilian mob plot to overthrow the National Bank's stock is secretly held by the Recanati Italian government-the confession that led to the un­ group. In a telephone interview today, Sterling Chair­ covering of the now-infamous Propaganda 2 terror and man Theodore Silbert denied that the Recanati con­ dirty-money operation in Milan in May 1981. trolled Sterling. Sindona's partners in crime in New York City, ac­ cording to the Italian government's court papers, includ­ The Sindona scam ed former Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy and The Italian government's court papers show, in the Sterling National Bank, whose present Chairman of painstaking detail, how Michele Sindona and his asso­ the Board, Theodore Silbert, is a past national chairman ciate, former Continental Illinois Bank Chairman and of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (A DL). Nixon administration Treasury Secretary David M. Apart from its fiduciary role for the ADL, which in 1973 Kennedy, used the ADL bank to milk $27 million out invested $400,000 of its total $405,000 in assets with of a failing institution Sindona controlled in Italy. After Sterling, the New York-based bank's management in­ Sindona's Franklin National Bank went to the brink in cludes top ADL officials. While Silbert served as ADL May 1974, when it reported large foreign exchange chairman and was ADL Treasurer until 1979, the bank's losses, Sindona scrambled to loot his bankrupt banking former chief attorney, Kenneth Bialkin of Willkie, Farr, empire for all the cash he could before the authorities Gallagher, is the ADL's present national chairman. closed in. Starting in 1979, the ADL began a national campaign Sindona funneled the $27 million out of the soon-to­ to tag National Democratic Policy Committee adviser be-bankrupt Banca Privata Italiana, his Italian''vehicle, 30 International EIR February 16, 1982 © 1982 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. into a set of Chinese-box financial fronts in Switzerland, puts a spotlight on the relationship between the gutter­ the Italian lawsuit reports. He then transferred the level Italian mob, for whom Michele Sindona is a money into Franklin National Bank, and used it to buy confessed bagman, and "citizens above suspicion" in shares in Talcott National Company, a New York­ the United States, including the Jewish branch of the based factoring company. American Mafia. Then, on Sept. 26, 1974-with most of his financial Especially embarrassing in the Sterling case is the empire in the glare of liquidation-Sindona gave Ster­ presence on Sterling's board of directors of Maxwell ling National Bank an option to buy the Talcott shares. Rabb, a top Republican Party fundraiser and now the On the same day, Sterling lent the near-bankrupt fin­ American Ambassador to Italy. In effect, the Italian ancier $2.5 million, using the same shares as collateral government is suing the American Ambassador's com­ for the loan. In the following 18 months, Sterling then pany for bankrolling a man who has confessed to a role sold the shares off to Sindona business partner David in a terrorist plot to overthrow the Italian government! Kennedy, "with money paid entirely by Sterling Bank," Apart from his role at Sterling, Rabb-was formerly according to the Italian court papers. the chief executive officer of a shady company known The Italian representation points out, "Sterling as International Airport Hotels, since publicly exposed Bank could not lawfully hold the shares" in Talcott, a as a business front for mob financier Meyer Lansky. financial company, "without Federal Reserve Board Another board member of Sterling National is approval," which is required for all acquisitions of this Washington lawyer Eugene Rossides, a partner at Rog­ kind. "Approval was never sought or obtained ... by ers and Wells, the firm headed by former Secretary of Sterling Bank." State William Rogers. Rossides was brought to Wash­ Throughout the period while Sterling was doing ington by David M. Kennedy as Assistant Secretary of Sindona's illegal business, the Mafia financier's finan­ Treasury for Enforcement while Kennedy was Treasury cial troubles were the subject of daily financial press Secretary, and put in charge of such vital functions as headlines. Franklin National Bank's imminent failure Secret Service, U.S. Customs, and the Alcohol, Fire­ was in the headlines starting in May, and would have arms, and Tobacco Bureau. Rossides became hated in failed before its doors formally closed in October 1974, law enforcement circles after he watered down provi­ except for the obstinacy of Controller of the Currency sions of the 1970 Bank Secrecy Act to the point- that James E. Smith, a personal protege of former Treasury police cannot stop export of U.S. currency-a favorite Secretary David Kennedy, Sindona's business partner mob vehicle for laundering drug profits, which are since the 1960s. The Controller of the Currency is the taken to the Bahamas in cash and turned into "legiti­ Treasury Department official responsible for commer­ mate" bank accounts safe from the eyes of law enforce­ cial bank regulation. Meanwhile, two of Sindona's ment. banks, Banca Privata Italiana and Bankhaus Wolff in David Kennedy, who is now a senior official of the West Germany, had already been forcibly liquidated as Mormon Church in Salt Lake City, has a number of of September-weeks before Sterling's loan to Sindona. interesting questions to answer. According to the Lon­ Sterling Bank Chairman Silbert pleaded ignorance don Sunday Times of July 20, 1980, Sindona was the in a telephone interview today. "All this occurred prior paymaster for an abortive fascist coup plot in Italy, to the public exposure of Sindona as an evil-doer. The which subsequent investigation showed to be linked to loan was a good risk and a secured loan. Mr. Sindona the Propaganda 2 Freemasons' group. The plot, known was a member of the board of Franklin National Bank, as the "Rosa dei Venti," or "points of the compass" and there was no reason to suspect him." When it was conspiracy, was hatched out at NATO headquarters in pointed out that the loan had been made five months Verona, Italy-and took place while Sindona's old after Sindona's trouble was in the headlines, Silbert business partner David M. Kennedy was U.S. Ambas­ sputtered, "I can't possibly comment on that." sador to NATO, a post he took after leaving the Treasury Department in 1970. All the trees in the forest The connection between Kennedy and his old aide Italy's decision to press the case against Sterling Rossides on one hand, and Sterling National Bank, Bank on Jan. 29 represents a new, and possibly critical, whose principal business is in New York's garment flank in the anti-terror investigation which freed Gen­ center, takes the investigation into some of the ugliest eral Dozier. By first putting top Italian bankers and reaches of international politics. Asked what brought politicians under brutal investigative pressure, and then Sterling, a principally Jewish bank, and Italian high­ conducting the biggest-ever roundup of Sicilian mob flyer Sindona into the same swindle, a source at Lazard, heroin traffickers, Italian police collected the informa­ Sterling's investment banker said, "Sindona was the tion required to pinpoint terrorists' hideouts and to free mob; the mob controls the New York garment center; the captive. and all of Sterling'S business is in the garment district. The lawsuit against David M. Kennedy and Sterling It's that simple." EIR February 16, 1982 International 31 But the shadowy Recanati family, the reputed power ists. It was to the Instituto San Paolo that Democratic behind Sterling National Bank, is part of an 800-year­ National Committee Chairman Charles Manatt sold the old financial elite, with operations throughout the Med­ controlling interest in his California bank in mid-1980. iterranean, and a controlling position in the Israeli In related developments, on Jan. 29 the Sicilian diamond trade through Israel Discount Bank, as well as branch of the Confederation of Italian labor unions, major New York-based ship-owning interests.
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