3742 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 12, 2009 based on our own analysis. But Amer- their lives on Christian service. They ness, to send children to college, and to ica is hurting, and Americans urgently set their hearts on making a difference establish a future. need our help. I believe this economic in the world, and the result was an or- I want people to know that paying recovery package will make a timely ganization that is one of the greatest tribute to Millard Fuller is about more and constructive difference across the nonprofits I have come to know. than just building homes. Millard country by creating and saving jobs, In 1968, Millard Fuller and Linda Fuller’s life was about building hope, making needed infrastructure invest- began a Christian ministry on a farm building a future and literally chang- ments, reducing the tax burden on in southwest Georgia where they built ing the course of life—creating an up- struggling families, and relieving the decent housing for low-income families ward trajectory for people around the strain on State budget deficits. using volunteer labor and donations. world. Vermonters are watching and wait- This concept was expanded into what is I don’t believe that Millard Fuller ing. Working families across the coun- now Habitat for Humanity Inter- knew what an impact he had. I only try are watching and waiting. Time is national and the Fuller Center for hope we will remember him often. And running out. I will vote aye. Housing. By 1981, Habitat had affiliates when we do, as leaders in the Senate I yield the floor. in 14 States, and was carrying out its and the House, as Governors, and in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- mission to build homes with volunteer White House, we will recommit our- ator from Louisiana is recognized. labor, ensuring that these homes were selves to realizing the simple principles f affordable to the poor and those of that Millard Fuller lived every day. modest means. After Hurricanes Katrina and Rita TRIBUTE TO MILLARD FULLER Many Senators have commented pri- and the devastation that hit the gulf Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I vately and publicly about his extraor- coast, Habitat was one of the first or- come to the floor today to pay tribute dinary organization, and President ganizations on the ground. Millard and to a great American who we lost ear- Carter once remarked that Millard his wife Linda came to Louisiana and lier this month. Fuller was one of the greatest talents helped us to start building on higher Millard Fuller, the founder and he had ever known—serious words com- ground. They built not just in the New former president of Habitat for Human- ing from a President. President Carter Orleans area and along the gulf coast ity, was a personal friend to me and was a personal friend of Millard Fuller, of Mississippi, but also in Shreveport, many Members of Congress. Many of us and in 1984, he became a Habitat volun- LA, where they joined with a group of worked closely with Millard Fuller, teer, giving his name and resources to local leaders to start new organizations particularly in the last 15 years of his Millard Fuller’s organization. Presi- that built homes for people in north- extraordinary leadership. dent and Mrs. Carter became the faces west Louisiana. I wish to take a minute today to pay of Habitat for Humanity, and would at- I would like to read one personal tes- tribute to Millard and his family—his tract thousands of people to volunteer timony from Cherie Ashley, who is the wife Linda, his son Christopher, his during the Jimmy Carter Work executive director of Habitat for Hu- daughters Kim, Faith and Georgia and Project, an annual week-long effort to manity in Northwest Louisiana. She his nine grandchildren. He has left be- build Habitat homes all over the world. and her family were beneficiaries of hind these loved ones who will carry on By 1992, Habitat had a presence in 92 this work. Cherie was originally from his important work. Linda was a co- nations. New Orleans, but the flood waters of founder of Habitat for Humanity, and a I was very fortunate to have met Mil- Katrina forced her out. She fled to driving force in the creation of this or- lard Fuller. He was an inspiration to Shreveport with her family. She said: ganization that has touched the lives me and, as I have said, to many Sen- I was blessed with one of the first of the of literally millions of people around ators. Many of us come into our young three homes that was built in Allendale, in the world. adulthood and say we want to make a Northwest Louisiana. Mr. Fuller was pas- When I think of where Millard Fuller difference in the world, and we all try sionate about the work he did and he was died unexpectedly earlier this month, in our various ways. Many of us never passionate about eliminating poverty across near the small town of Americus, GA, I quite accomplish that. But Millard this nation. The Fuller Center for Housing cannot help but be reminded of the and Habitat for Humanity of Northwest Lou- Fuller did. He had an impact on the isiana have provided me and my children the Universal Declaration of Human world, and the world will remember his opportunity to regain stability and normalcy Rights, one of the most inspiring docu- life and his vision. The world will re- after such a life altering event—Hurricane ments ever written. This declaration member that in this great land of Katrina. I am not just the Executive Direc- reminds us that when we speak about wealth and opportunity, Millard Fuller tor for Habitat for Humanity of Northwest human rights, we must remember that thought it was shameful that people Louisiana, most importantly, I am a proud the recognition of these rights begins were living without decency and re- Habitat homeowner, and that’s what God— in small places close to home, places so spect. through Millard Fuller—did for me. small that they can’t necessarily be He said it is not what Jesus would He most certainly was a man who seen on maps. It is in these small want. It is not what the Bible teaches. lived up to God’s calling. I believe we places that people long for dignity and It is not what those of the Christian would do ourselves well to remember respect. faith believe. He built Habitat on a him often, to thank Linda and his fam- Sometimes in the Senate, we get car- simple principle that the poor are not ily for the tremendous sacrifice they ried away with grand visions of uni- lazy, but very industrious—that if the made, and to honor him by continuing versal rights and broad, sweeping poli- poor were given a chance, they could his work. cies to protect these rights. But when accomplish a great deal. I ask unanimous consent that his you get right down to it, our visions In order to occupy a Habitat house, obituaries from the New York Times are carried out in our own neighbor- the family who is going to live there and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution hoods, in our own courthouses and in gets to build the home with their be printed in the RECORD. very small places like Americus, GA. neighbors, with the kind of old-fash- There being no objection, the mate- By the age of 29, Millard Fuller had ioned, rock-ribbed community values rial was ordered to be printed in the made his first million dollars. He was a of pitching in, building a home, and RECORD, as follows: man with a great mind and extraor- building upon that solid foundation. [From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, dinary leadership abilities, who could Not only was it Millard Fuller’s vi- Feb. 11, 2009] have made a great fortune for his wife, sion to give families a decent place to HABITAT FOUNDER’S GONE, BUT WORK CAN’T his children and himself. But instead, live, he wanted to give them something BE FORGOTTEN with his wife’s urging, Millard Fuller to own. Owning a home paves the way (By Lynda Spofford) and Linda decided to take the multiple for being able to finance against the During a time of renewed optimism yet ex- talents God had given them and refocus equity in that home to build a busi- treme economic distress, our country is VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:14 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S12FE9.000 S12FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 3743 searching for heroes. I can’t help but feel we As I read the news, I can’t help but note Mr. Fuller liked to tell and re-tell the sto- took a big step backward with the death of the irony of the hype and attention we be- ries of his earliest houses. One man had Millard Fuller last week. stow upon our celebrities and athletic cham- moved from a leaky shack into a new house. Like the country he loved, Millard Fuller pions, society’s heroes. I watch the tele- ‘‘When it rains, I love to sit by the window was a man of great contrasts. Someone once vision at night to find that even reputable and see it raining outside,’’ one new home- described him as part honey, part jet fuel, news organizations are wasting time on Jes- owner said, ‘‘and it ain’t raining on me!’’ and surely that was true.
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