WITBREUKSWEG LANGENKAMPWEG MAP OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE WITBREUKSWEG Bastille (BA) 48 Erve Holzik (ER) 40 Kleinhorst** (KH) 23 Schuur (SR) 43 59 Blokhutten (BL) 63 Faculty Club (FC) 42 Linde (LI) 61 Seinhuis (SH) 7 WITBREUKSWEG LANGENKAMPWEG REELAAN BMC (BI) 32 The Gallery (GY) 17 Logica (LO) 65 Sky (SK) 51 60 Boerderij Bosch (BB) 62 Garage (GA) 5 Meander** (ME) 27 Sleutel (SL) 58 58 57 REELAAN Box (BO) 53 Hal B (HB) 13 Mondriaan (MO) 59 Spiegel (SP) 2 MATENWEG 56 LANGENKAMPWEG BTC (BTC) 66 High Tech Factory (HTF) 46 Nanolab* (NL) 16 Sportcentrum (SC) 49 LANGENKAMPWEG 46 39 CALSLAAN Buitenhorst** (BH) 29 Hogedruklab (HD) 8 Noordhorst** (NH) 24 Stall (ST) 63 Carillon (CN)HORSTLINDELAAN 4 Hogekamp (HO) 45 O&O plein (OO) 0 Technohal (TH) 18 45 53 LANGENKAMPWEG 59 WITBREUKSWEG 59 Carré* (CR) 15 Horstring** (HR) 21 Oosthorst** (OH) 26 Teehuis (TH) 14 LANGENKAMPWEG 40 BOSWEG REELAAN 60 Citadel (CI) 9 Horsttoren (HT) 20 Openluchttheater (OUT) 56 Tennispark (TP) 64 CAMPUSLAAN 60 SU DE ACHTERHORST 32 BOULEVARD 47 58 Cubicus57 (CU) 41 ITC (ITC) 75 Paviljoen (PA) 6 The Gallery (GY) 17 REELAAN BOERDERIJWEG 49 REELAAN Drienerburght (DR) 44 Keet (KT) 31 30 Ravelijn (RA) 10 Therm (TM) 69 MATENWEG 56 61 51 MATENWEG 48 44 56 59 DE HORST 65 LANGENKAMPWEG1 46 3930 Trial-terrein (TT) 39 CALSLAAN CALSLAAN DE HEMS DE ZUL HORSTLINDELAAN LANGENKAMPWEG 2 Vleugel (VL) 3 REELAAN LANGENKAMPWEGLANGENKAMPWEG 60 41 45 53 43 Vlinder (VI) 60 23 40 BOSWEG 58 BOSWEG CAMPUSLAAN BASTILLE 42 DE ZUL57 24 62 REELAAN CAMPUSLAAN DRIENERLOLAAN Vrijhof (VR) 22 DE ACHTERHORST 47 64 CAMPUSLAAN DE ACHTERHORST SU 32 BOULEVARD 47 21 63 59 14 BOERDERIJWEG MATENWEG 56 CALSLAAN 49 11 Waaier* (WA) 12 4 LANGENKAMPWEGLANGENKAMPWEG 31 51 48 44 IH 20 61 51 48 44 REELAAN 10 46 DE HORST 39 Westhorst** (WH) 22 REELAAN DE HORST REELAAN 60 5 IB 13 1 30 65 CALSLAAN 1 30 DE HEMS 26 DE HEMS 0 DE ZUL 15 HORSTLINDELAAN 58 7 57 2 29 Windpark (WP) 31 REELAANREELAAN 12 41 REELAANREELAAN 9 43 45 CALSLAAN 53 DIENSTWEG 16 28 27 Zilverling (ZI) 11 MATENWEG 56 23 MATENWEG 56 MATENWEGMATENWEG 56 MATENWEG 56 BASTILLE DE ZUL 23 24 CAMPUSLAAN 8BASTILLE DE ZUL 24 62 CAMPUSLAAN 42 3 DRIENERLOLAAN 22 6 DRIENERLOLAAN 64 46 3922 HALLENWEG 46 39 21 40 Zuidhorst** (ZH) 28 CALSLAAN BOSWEG CALSLAANCALSLAAN CALSLAAN 14 63 18 11 14 CALSLAAN 4 0 HORSTLINDELAAN11 CAMPUSLAAN 4 IH IB SU IH 20 DE ACHTERHORST 32 Zwembad (ZW) 57 2 45 10 3 13 53 BOULEVARD 47 17 5 IB 13 HALLENWEG 26 17 0 15 BOERDERIJWEG IH DRIENERBEEKLAAN HOOFDINGANG 49 7 0 15 40 BOSWEG 29 0 25 50 75 100 150 200 mtr BOSWEGBOSWEG 12 29 9 31 DRIENERBEEKLAAN CAMPUSLAAN DIENSTWEG DE ACHTERHORST CAMPUSLAANCALSLAAN 51 48 44 DIENSTWEG DEDE ACHTERHORSTACHTERHORST CALSLAAN DE ACHTERHORST 32 SUSU 16 28 27 32 I 61 BOULEVARD 47 8 Beveiliging & Infocentrum BOULEVARD 47 3 8 DE HORST 3 6 BOERDERIJWEG HALLENWEG 1 BOERDERIJWEG 65 49 HALLENWEG 30 DE HEMS 18 31 51 48 44 DE ZUL 0 S IB 61 51 48 44 2 IB DE HORST 3 2 DEDE HORSTHORST 3 65 2 1 17 30 65 HENGELOSEHALLENWEG STRAAT 1 41 30 IH DEDE HEMSHEMS DE ZUL 17 BASTILLE IH DE HEMS DRIENERBEEKLAAN HOOFDINGANG DE ZUL 43 17 H DRIENERBEEKLAAN 2 Hengelo 0 25 50 75 100 150 200 mtr 2 UT Campus 41 DRIENERBEEKLAAN 41 23 BASTILLE 43 DE ZUL 24 I 62 CAMPUSLAANBeveiliging & Infocentrum 42 DRIENERLOLAAN 23 22 64 BASTILLE DE ZUL 23 24 66 CAMPUSLAAN BASTILLEBASTILLE 42 DEDE ZULZUL 75 24 Station Drienerlo BTC 62 WatersportcomplexCAMPUSLAAN 42 ITC 21 S HENGELOSE STRAAT DRIENERLOLAAN 22 S DRIENERLOLAANDRIENERLOLAAN 22 64 DRIENERLOLAAN 22 63 14 21 CALSLAAN63 14 11 69 Therm 63 4 HENGELOSEEnsche11 14 STRAATde H BASTILLE CALSLAAN 4 11 IH 20 H Hengelo IHIH 20 10 1310 13 66 5 5 IBIB 13 IB 26 Parking 66 0 15 75 26 26 Station Drienerlo 66 BTC Watersportcomplex7 0 15 0 ITC 7515 7 12 29 9 12 29 Barrier CALSLAAN 69 Therm DIENSTWEG Enschede CALSLAANCALSLAAN Therm DIENSTWEG 9 16 28Enschede 27 8 DIENSTWEG CALSLAAN 33 6 16 28 27 Closed road PALATIJN HALLENWEG CAPITOOL HALLENWEG 8 3 18 6 0 INSTITUTENWEG AUKE VLEERSTRAAT AUKE HALLENWEG IBIB *Entrance via Hal B 3 2 17 3 18 HALLENWEG 0 IH HOOFDINGANG 17 IH IB DRIENERBEEKLAAN HOOFDINGANG 17 **Entrance via Horsttoren 00 2525 5050 7575 100100 150150 200200 mtr 3 CAPITOOL 0 25 50 75 100 150 200 mtr 2 17 DRIENERBEEKLAANDRIENERBEEKLAAN HALLENWEG I Beveiliging & Infocentrum I Security service office IH DRIENERBEEKLAANBeveiliging & InfocentrumHOOFDINGANG 17 69 0 25 50 75 100 150 200 mtr S Student housing THERMEN DRIENERBEEKLAAN I Station Drienerlo Beveiliging & Infocentrum HENGELOSE STRAAT H BASTILLE Hengelo Bus stop Hengelo S StationStation DrienerloDrienerlo 66 BTC Watersportcomplex ITCITC 75 HENGELOSE STRAAT H BASTILLE Hengelo 69 Therm Enschede This map is downloadable at www.utwente.nl/campusmap Station Drienerlo 66 BTC Watersportcomplex ITC 75 For a 3d-version see maps.utwente.nl 69 Therm Enschede Almelo Destination Building number FACULTIES Oldenzaal Faculty of Behavioural, Management & Social Sciences (BMS) ...................................................................10, 41 Zwolle Borne A1 Educational Science and Technology; Psychology; Communication Studies; Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society; Teacher’s training; A1 Business Administration; Public Administration; European Studies; Health Sciences; Industrial Engineering and Management Hannover Amsterdam 250 km Faculty of Engineering Technology (CTW) ..............................................................................20, 21, 22, 45 180 km Twente Civil Engineering; Industrial Design Engineering; Sustainable Energy Technology; Mechanical Engineering; Hengelo Airport Construction Management & Engineering Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS). .9, 11, 15 A35 Electrical Engineering; Applied Mathematics; Business Information Technology; Creative Technology; Telematics; Computer Science; Embedded Systems; Mechatronics; Human Media Interaction; Systems and Control Station Drienerlo Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW) .....................................................................15, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28 Advanced Technology; Biomedical Technology; Chemical Engineering; Nanotechnology; Applied Physics; Technical Medicine Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) .....................................................................75 75 Enschede Destination Building number Destination Building number INSTITUTES Human Resources (HR) . 2 CTIT Centre for Telematics and Information Technology . 11 ICT-Servicecentrum (ICTS) . 2, 9, 11 ELAN Institute . .. 41 Kennispark Twente (via parking Hengelosestraat) . 17 Münster IGS Institute for Governance Studies . 10 Library & Archive (B&A) . 47 Visiting Address Postal60 kmaddress ITC Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation . 75 Mail room . 5 University of Twente ITC University of Twente MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology . 15, 16 Main Entrance . 2, 3 Drienerlolaan 5 Hengelosestraat 99 Postbus 217 MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology and Technical Medicine . 28 Marketing & Communication Department (M&C) . 2 7522 NB Enschede 7514 AE Enschede 7500 AE Enschede Notebook Service Centre (NSC) . 9 SERVICE DEPARTMENTS AND FACILITIES O&O square . 0 Acasa (student housing) . 58 Physiotherapy (Polman) . 49 How do you get to the University of Twente? Admission Office . 47 Professional Learning & Development (PLD) . 10 Bicycle workshop ‘De 2e Versnelling’ . 53 Restaurants . 12, 42, 47 BY CAR Campus Company (reservations & events) . 47 Science Shop (WeWi) . 17 From the A1 motorway, take the A35 motorway in the direction of Enschede Central Student Administration (CSA) . 47 Security & Info Centre . 2 Take exit 26: Enschede - West / Universiteit Centre for Educational Support (CES) . .. 47 Shops (COOP Supermarket) . 51 Follow the signs ‘Universiteit’ Children’s day care centre ‘Vlinder’ (Catalpa) . 60 Sports centre . 49 Conference hotel (Drienerburght) . 44 Strategy & Policy (S&B) . .. 2 To faculty ITC: volg de route naar de Universiteit Culture centre, Vrijhof . .. 47 Student Counsellors, Councelling Service & Student Psychologists . 47 75 After the roundabout, turn right (follow ‘centrum’) Delivery . 5 Student Restaurant (Mensa) . 12 At your right-hand side you will see the ITC after 3 km Dentist (Huizinga) . 58 Student Services & International Office . 47 DesignLab . 17 Student Union . 48 BY TRAIN / BUS Exam Hall (Therm) . 69 Studium Generale (SG) . 47 From Enschede railway station: line number 1 in the direction of ‘Universiteit Twente’ Executive Board (CvB) . 3 Study Information Office (SI) . 2 line number 8 in the direction of Hengelo-Noord Facility Department (FB) . 6 Swimming Pool . 49, 57 line number 9 in the direction of Hengelo Faculty Club . 42 TCP Language Centre (TCP) . 47 From Enschede Drienerlo railway station: line number 1 in the direction of ‘Universiteit Twente’ Financial and Economic Affairs (FEZ) . 2 Theatercafé Vrijhof . 47 From Hengelo railway station: line number 9 in the direction of Enschede General Affairs (AZ) . 2 Twente Academy (Young) . 48 line number 15 in the direction of ‘Universiteit Twente’ General Practitioner . 58 Twente Graduate School (TGS) . 10 line number 16 in the direction of ‘Universiteit Twente’ Hair Dresser (De Barreboks) . 51 Unionshop . 48 High Tech Factory . 46 UT-Nieuws . 47 For more information, please call the information service number for Public Transport: 0900-9292 Hotel Drienerburght . 44 Vestingbar . 48 Hotel Logica . 65 Xerox Service Center . 13 Version: 2014 .09 .29.
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