THE FULBRIGHT ASSOCIATION CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THT ). W1111AM FLLBRI(,I-f'f PRIZE. IOR IN1 FRNATIO~ i\l lJNDE RSTANDI~G A'\,ARD Cr RFMUNY HONORING WILLIAM JcrFl:Rso~ CuNTO~ 12:---.11P1u·-..1nE"l''I 01 IH1 l NI[fl)~IA'1f'>0I 1\\ttRI< \ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 2006 l l :oo A.M. CEREMONY RECEPTION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND HQ2, 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. R.s.v.P INVITATIONS ARE BUSINESS ATTIRE BY ENCLOSED CARD NON-TRANSFERABLE THE FULBRJGHT PRIZE IS SPONSORED BY A GRANT FROM THE COCA-COLA FOUNDATION. 2005 PRIZE LAUREATE PROGRAM \X'ILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON 42ND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WLLLO ,\ I F Mr. Takaroshi Kato The Fulbright Prize honors William J efferson Clinton for his bold, enlightened initiatives to Depmy Managing Director counteract poverty, ignorance, and the racial, ethnic, and religious prejudices char are barriers to peace and justice throughout che world. The prize recognizes President Clinton's vision of International Monetary Fund empathy, cooperation, and dialogue in service of humanity. As President, he fos tered conscruccive relationships between the United Scates and Larin American nations, focused attention and resources on the challenges fac ing the nations of Africa, and promoted peace in REMARKS che Middle Ease and in Ireland. After leaving office, he established the William J. Clinton Dr. R. Fenton-May Foundation to strengthen the capacity of people throughout the world ro meec the challenges President of g lobal interdependence. His foundation works co improve health sernriry, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment; to encourage economic empowerment; to Fulbright Association develop leadership and citizen service; and to promote racial, ethnic, and religious reconcilia­ t ion. In 2005, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan named President Clinton TRIBl""I U, TO PRLSIDl.1' I CI.INTO'-. Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. His leadership and service continue to make a difference throughout che world. His Excellency Kofi Annan Secretary-General of the United Nations THE J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT PRIZE Video Trib1tte FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING The Fulbright Prize was escablished ro honor the largest and most significant educational The Honorable Madeleine K. Albright exchange program in history as well as the career and spirit of its creator, the lace Former United States Secretary of State Senator J. William Fulbright. The Prize recognizes and rewards outstanding contributions cowards bringing peoples, cul cures, or nations ro greater understanding of others. Considered for the Prize are individ uals, groups or reams of individuals, and organizations in any pare of T he Honorable David Pryor che world whose contributions co breaking through che barriers char divide humankind are of Former United States Senator such significance as co be incernacionally recognized. In establishing the Prize, the Fulbright Association and ics cooperating associates in the PRJ'~LN l'·\"I ION OF T HI' FL' I ll lll<;HT Pill/I· Un iced States and abroad seek to recognize individuals who dedicate their energies co Dr. R. Fenton-May improving international understanding and to encourage new generations to undertake life commitments co international understanding. A l)l)J(J.SS The J. William Fulbright Prize for Internacional Understanding has been awarded ro former South African President Nelson Mandela (1993), former U.S. President Jimmy Career (1994), William Jefferson Clinton fo rmer Austrian Federal Chancellor Franz Vraniczky (1995), former Philippine President 42nd President of the United States of America Corazon C. Aquino (1996), former President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel (1997), former Chilean President Patricio Aylwin Az6car (1998), former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson (1999), former President of the Republic of RL,\IAllKS A1'L> PRI Sl.VL\'1101' O F "TR illl,TI·" Finland Marni Ahcisaari (2000), Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan (2001), sculpture by Sergio Dolfi former United Nations H igh Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogara (2002), former Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (2003), and former U.S. Secretary of Scare Coli n L. Powell (2004). Mr. Neville Isdell Chairman and Chief Exemtive Officer The Coca-Cola Company C r o sr'.'lc, Dr. R. Fenton-May The F11/bright Prize is sponsored by the F11Lbright Association and is made possible thro11gh a grant by The Coca-Cola Fo11ndation. FULBRIGHT ASSOCIATION A private, nonprofit organization of Fulbright alumni and friends, che Fulbright Assooac1on supports opportunities for international education through Fulbright exchanges and promotes U .S. engagement in international affairs through advocacy, public education: and educational and cultural enrichment programs chat use che Fulbright alum01 resource co serve visiting Fulbright students, teachers, and schol­ ars in che United Scates. Headquartered in Washingcon, D.C., the Association has 49 chapters throughout the country that annually organize more than 150 educa­ tional and cultural programs. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers R. Fenton-May Marilyn Berg Callander President Secretary Katherine E. White Dolores F. Rinke Vice President Treasurer Directors Kirsten J. Aoyama Rob Lemelson John F. Ausura Rebecca L. Macieira-Kaufmann Cynthia A. Baldwin Maria Marcin Bill Clinton il'ith Senator]. \Villiam F11lbright at a Senate !11ncheo11 hosted for Boys Nation Miguel A. Bretos H. Andrea Neves delegates during the s111m11er of 1963. Terri Brooks Philip A. Odeen Mark F. Brzezinski Hoye Purvis Rep. Tom Cole Wadie E. Said J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT PRIZI SELECTION COMMITTEE Todd Flynn Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich Ivan K. Fong Bruce R. Sievers Alison L. Gardy Dr. Ruth J. Simmons, Chairwoman His Excellency Evan J. Paki Suzanne E. Siske! Patricia A. Krebs P1·esident, Brown University Ambassador of Papua New Guinea (Fulbright Fellow co France 1967, Germany 1981) to the United States of America (Fulbright Fellow co U.S.A. 1997) Scaff Minister Joaquim B. Barbosa Gomes Jane L. Anderson Brazilian S11pre111e Court Dr. Samuel M. Shepherd Exec11tive Direct01· (Fulbright Scholar co U .S.A. 2002) President, National Association ofJapan-America Societies Marshall Ellis Dr. R. Fenton-May (Fulbright Fellow co Japan 1973) Senior Director, Membership President. F11/bright Association (Fulbright Fellow to U.S.A. 1967) Kristjen Lundberg Director, Chapter Relations FULBRIGHT ASSOCIATION PRIZE COMMITTEE R. Fenton-May Melissa A. Miller Chairman P1·ogram Assistant Mark F. Brzezinski Hoye Purvis Marilyn Berg Callander Bruce R. Sievers Patricia A. Krebs Katherine E. White THE J. WILLIAM FULBRIGHT PRIZE FOR INTERNATIONAL UNDERSTANDING AWARD CEREMONY HONORING WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON 42ND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED S·1ATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D.C. APRIL I 2 , 2006 A PROGRAM OF THE FULBRIGHT A SSOCIATION WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON William J efferson Clinton was elected President of the U nited Scares in 1992, and again in 1996-rhe first Democratic president to be awarded a second term in six decades. Under his leadership, the United Scares enjoyed the strongest economy in a generation and the longest economic expansion in U.S. history. President Clinton's core values of building community, creating opportunity and demanding responsibility resulted in unprecedented progress for America, including moving the nation from record deficits to record surpluses; the creation of over 22 million jobs-more than any ocher administration; low levels of unemployment, poverty and crime; and the highest homeownership and college enrollment rares in history. His accomplishments as president include increasing investment in education, providing tax relief for working families, helping millions of Americans move from welfare to work, expand­ ing access to technology, encouraging investment in underserved communities, protecting the environment, countering the threat of terrorism and promoting peace and strengthening democracy around the world. President Clinton previously served as the Governor of Arkansas, chairman of the National Governors' Association and Attorney General of Arkansas. As former chairman of the Democratic Leadership Council, he is one of the original architects and lead­ ing advocates of the Third Way movement. President Clinton established the William J. Clinton Foundation (www.cli ntonfoundation. org) to construct and endow the Clinton Presidential Center and to strengthen the capacity of peo­ ple in the United Stares and throughout the world to meet the challenges of global interde­ pendence. To advance chis mission, rhe Foundation is focused on four critical areas: health security, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS; economic empowerment; leadership development and citizen service; and racial, ethnic and religious reconciliation. The Clinton Pres idential Center, which is comprised of the Library, the archives, Foundation offices and the Clinton Pmident William J. C!i11to11 and Senator J. \Villia111 Fulbright. after President C!imon aU'm·dec/ Senator School of Public Service, opened in Little Rock, Arkansas on November 18, 2004. To dace, F11fbright the first Presiclmtial Medal of Freedom of his ac/111i11istratio11 at the Fulbright ASJociation's 88th more than 200,000 people from around the country and the world have visited the Center, Birthday Trib11te to the Senator on May 5, 1993. which has also helped promote $1 billion of development in the community. and persons in rural areas, those often forgotten in the battle
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