SUPPORT YOUR SEMINARY 500,000 MINIMUM Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1953— Permission to Reproduce, Except on One of the Great Pioneers Much Greater Articles Otherwise Marked, Given A fter 12 M. Friday Following Issue Sum Is Needed DENVER CATHOLIC Msgr. B. J. Froegel 6,000 Volunteer Workers To Note 50th Jubilee '+ One of the last of Colorado’s pioneer priests, the Rt. In 161 Parishes, Missions Rev. Monsignor Bernard J. Froegel, will be honored Mon­ REGISTER day, June 22, when his 50th jubilee as a priest is ob­ Press Run, This Issue, 49,275 Several Priests served. Will Strive to Reach Goal The pastor of St. Peter’s parish, Greeley, who is 80 A minimum goal of $1,500,000 has been set in the VOL. XLVIll. No. 35. THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1953 DENVER, COLORADO years old, will be feted by Arch- bishop Urban J. Vehr, clergy of beth’s church, Denver, by the campaign to expand St. Thomas’ seminary and establish Drawing Near Most Rev. Nicholas C. Matz, sec­ the Denver archdiocese, and his a fund to assist new parishes, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr parishioners on that day. ond Bishop of Denver. He was Clerical Chairmen of Campaign Complete plans have not been named assistant at Leadville and of Denver has announced. announced, but the celebration then pastor at Breckenridge, The Archbishop explained that the amount had been Golden Jubilee will include a Solemn Mass coram where for a year and a half he The early days of Colorado Archiepiscopo and a clergy din­ attended 27 missions. decided upon only after the most careful study and ex­ and the Denver archdiocese ner in the Greeley parish, where Pastor of 10 Counties, haustive examination of the needs of the seminary and are recalled with the ap­ Area Large os Switzerland the amount required for a fund for the new parishes and proaching golden jubilee of On Nov. 24,1904, he was named missions. several members of the arch- pastor of Brighton and Its mis­ Enters Convent "I want to emphasize that this diocesan clergy. sions on the Burlington and sum, the bare minimum required Among those who will note Union Pacific railroads extending their 50th year as priests in the to the Nebraska .state line. This for the program, was arrived at, next few years is the Rt. Rev. territory included 10 counties, after much soul-searching on the Monsignor William Kipp, pastor and covered an area as large as part o f us all.” of St. Mary’s parish, Colorado Switzerland. From Sept. 8, 1908, to i920 his Much moYe than the $1,500,- Springs, who was ordained June 10, 1904. pastorate at Brighton extended 000 could be used to a very great Monsignor Kipp, who was along the Burlington and Union advantage, he explained, but any­ named a Domestic Prelate by Pacific to Fort Morgan. The thing less than this amount would Pius XII in 1949, has a great Sterling, Wray, and Fort Morggn parishes were established in that seriously retard progress in the record o f missionary service to the Church in Colorado, In Glen- time. archdiocese. wood Springs and later in Gunni­ After 1920, still as Brighton "The campaign goal cannot be son and IDurango, Monsignor pastor, Monsignor Froegel cared oversubscribed,” he said. "Every Kipp did much pioneering work. for missions in Welby, Hudson, dollar and many more will be In Glenwood Springs he attended Keenesburg, and Roggen, as well the missions attached to the par­ as the Denver Poor Farm. He needed.” ish. His only means o f transpor­ established large parish prop­ This goal will be sought, by tation was the old stage coach erties in these localities, includ­ an estimated 6,000 volunteer line that covered that section of ing a $20,000 building fund, an workers being mobilized in the the state. Visiting Wolcott, Hay­ enlarged and remodeled church, ARCHBISHOP URBAN J. V E H R , I Harold V. Campbell (left), and Gregory Smith den, Craig, Steamboat Springs, and an up-to-date rectory on five I6 l parishes and missions in the honorary c h a i r m a n of the Seminary I Archbishop Vehr and the executive cler- Rifle, and other missions re­ lots of ground in Keenesburg; archdiocese to carry the "cru­ ical chairmen attended the regional dinners held quired nine days of travel, Montignor Froegel and a church and five acres of Building Fund campaign, is shown with the exec­ sade” into every Catholic home. in Denver, Colorado Springs, Sterling, and Glen- land in Roggen. utive clerical chairmen, the Rt. Rev. Monsignors wood Springs.— (Photo by Smyth) Colorado Springs Monsignor Froegel has been pas- This group is being led by Pastor Since 1933 Posfor in Greeley Margaret Brown, daugh­ to since 1929. A reception will John J. Sullivan o f Denver, chair also be held. Since May 1, 1929 ter of Mrs. Nona Frazier, In Colorado Springs, where he has been pastor since Jan. 15, The dean of the Greeley dis­ On May 1, 1929, Monsignor 2325 Arapahoe street, Denver, man of the archdiocesan organ­ ization. His associates are Clar­ De Paul Society Men to Meet 1933, Monsignor Kipp has capped trict will mark two milestones Froegel was appointed pastor in left last week for Wheaton, 111., one of the longest careers of any on the June date, which falls Greeley. He is in charge of the where she will enter the novitiate ence D. O’Brien of Colorado Colorado parish priest. between his birthday. May 20, Greeley deanery, which includes of the Franciscan Sisters of the Springs and Frank Dreiling o f Other members of the arch­ when he will be 81; and the Adams, Arapahoe, Logan, Mor­ Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Fort Collins. diocesan clergy whose 50th jubi­ date of his ordination, which gan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washing­ Mary. At Seminary Sunday, April 19 was July 5, 1903. ton, Weld, and Yuma counties. lee is approaching are the Rev. Margaret was finishing her "I am indeed gratified,”- Arch­ As late as 1941 there were four Christopher V. Walsh, who was Has Served Under junior year at Annunciation bishop Vehr said, "by the en­ The self-dedicated serv­ is the chief work of the society, of the extension committee, will ordained Dec. 25, 1906; the Rt. missions and 23 stations cared for high school, where she was active thusiasm shown by both clergy ants of Christ's poor— the an 4tdditional on-' kome report on the activation of- ftew Rev. Monsignor Joseph J. Bo- Three Ordinaries by Monsignor Froegel, besides the in sodality and pep club activi­ and laity throughout the archdio­ Denver Particular council of visitation will be presented by ,units and the reactivation of de­ aetti, V.G., ordained Aug. 2, Monsi^npr Froegel has , done central St. Peter’s parish. Tha ties. She will begin her six-month John- Wdiiklaitd, o f the Holy funct units. establishment in that year of Our cese in this great work." the St. Vincent de Paul so­ 1908; the Rt. Rev. Monsignor extraordinary missionary work in postulancy April 19, followed by Family council. _ Letters of aggregation (offi­ Chafles H. Hagus, ordained July Colorado. His career covers the Lady of Peace parish in Greeley two years as a novice, after "From an idea to inaugurate ciety-w ill attend their an­ Jack Vessa, the president o f cial affiliation) will be presented 12, 1908; and the Rev. George period when the Archdiocese of for the Spanish-speaking relieved which she will pronounce her the campaign, and from a hand­ nual Mass, appropriately, on St. Philomena’s parish council, by Judge Walsh to the new 0. Ducharme, ordained May 1, Denver was developing from him of much of this burden. vows for three years and then Good Shepherd Sunday, April 19. will introduce a patient from the Christ the King parish council of 1909. “ Wild West” mission territory to In 1932 he supervised the re­ ful o f men, this crusade has National Jewish hospital, who for life. grown to 900, and shortly will The men will receive Holy the society. ’These letters ema­ its present status as a Metropoli­ modeling of a dance hall info a The Franciscan Sisters oper­ Communion from the hands of will report on the society’s visi­ nate from the Council General tan see. He has served under church in Eaton, one of his mis­ ate St. Clara’s orphanage and grow to more than 6,000 men. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, who tation of the sick in that institu­ in Paris, France, the world head­ three Ordinaries. sions. Besides paying off a large the St. Rose Residence, Denver. T h e feeling o f success is evi­ will offer Mass for the group at tion. Each parish council is as­ quarters of the St. Vincent de Engagements of The jubilarian V a s born May debt and administering the parish dent with every contact I make,” 8:30 a.m. in the chapel of St. signed some hospital where mem­ Paul society. 20, 1872, in Germany.'He studied and missions, he had under his Thomas’ semiiiary, Denver. The bers visit the patients. John Mohan Is the -vice presi­ the classics at Sacred Heart col­ charge the Catholic students at Prayers the Archbishop said. Archbishop will also deliver the A summary on the group’s dent of the Denver Particular Archbishop Vehr lege (now Regis), Denver, from the Colorado State College of Mr. Sullivan reports that plans sermon in the Mass.
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