Check List 8(6): 1350–1352, 2012 © 2012 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (Available at Journal of Species Lists and Distribution

Check List 8(6): 1350–1352, 2012 © 2012 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (Available at Journal of Species Lists and Distribution

Check List 8(6): 1350–1352, 2012 © 2012 Check List and Authors Chec List ISSN 1809-127X (available at Journal of species lists and distribution N First record of Homolobus infumator ISTRIBUTIO (Lyle, 1914) (Insecta: D Hymenoptera:Samira Farahani 1 Braconidae: 1* Homolobinae) 2 from Iran 3 RAPHIC G , Ali Asghar Talebi , Ehsan Rakhshani and Cornelis van Achterberg EO 1 Tarbiat Modares University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Entomology. P.O.Box: 14115-336, Tehran, Iran. G N 2 University of Zabol, College of Agriculture,[email protected] Department of Plant Protection, Zabol, Iran O 3 Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Department of Terrestrial Zoology. Postbox 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands. * Corresponding author. E-mail: OTES N Abstract: Species of the genus Homolobus Förster, 1862 in northern Iran were taxonomically studied. The specimens were collected using Malaise traps from March to November of 2010 and 2011. Two species, Homolobus infumator (Lyle, 1914) and Homolobus truncator (Say, 1829) were collected and identified. The former was recorded for the first time in Iran. Diagnostic characters and geographical distribution of the species are briefly discussed. An illustrated key is provided for identification of the Iranian species. The biology of the genus Homolobus species has been cosmopolitan subfamily and a heterogeneous group of et The Homolobinae van Achterberg, 1979 is a small al. et al. 2012). This subfamily is reviewed by van Achterberg (1979), Maetô (1982a), You easilybraconids recognizable (van Achterberg by having 1979), a deep including malar three suture genera and (1990), Shaw and Huddleston (1991) and Papp (1994).et al. absenceand about of 55spine species at apex(Yu of antennae, the presence a This genus contains solitary koinobiont, and at least ini- feedingtially, endoparasitoids phase in Homolobus of Lepidopterous infumator, and larvae this is (Yu believed metasomal tergite distinctly narrowed behind spiracles to2012). be common Allen (1982) to all speciesreported (Shaw a final and obligate Huddleston ectoparasitic 1991). anddistinct the marginalantescutellar cell ofdepression hind wing on widened the pronotum, apically. Thisfirst subfamily contains three genera in the world, Exasticolus corded hosts of Homolobus Homolobus Förster, 1862 and ShawNoctuidae and Huddleston and Geometridae 1991, Shaw are the2010). most Many frequently species arere- Westwoodiella et al. 2012). The species (van Achterberg 1979, vanHomolobinae Achterberg, are taxonomically1979, revised in Taiwan (Chou et al. 2012). Szepligeli, 1904 (Yu mainly and rather frequently collected by light traps (van et al. 1990) resulting in the description of butAchterberg very poorly 1979, studied. Yu Northern Iran is characterized by a andseveral Hsu new 1995), species. Japan (Maetô 1982b, 1992) and continental greatThe diversity Iranian infauna vegetation, of Braconidae natural is ecosystems very rich in and species farm ChinaThe (You genus Homolobus varied climate. Two species of the subfamily Homolobinae, with the genera Zele was formerlyCharmon classified Haliday, as a Homolobuslands due to ( significantApatia) ophioninus differences in the topography andH. member of subfamily Zelinae Ashmead, 1900, together (A.) truncator are previously reported from Iran (van the further studies, Curtis,some 1832species and of the genus Zele et al. (Vachal, 1907) and 1833 (van Achterberg 1979). Subsequently, based on the genus Homolobus (Chartolobus) from Iran is presented Förster, 1862, and below.Achterberg 1979, Ghahari 2009). A new record of were transferredthe remaining to the taxa subfamilies were included Euphorinae in the Material for this study was collected from different et al.Charmontinae 2012). Exasticolus van isAchterberg, restricted habitats of northern Iran during March to November of to1979, the andNew World and is distinguished by a comb of 2010 and 2011 using Malaise traps. The specimens were spinesHomolobinae at the inner(Yu apex of the hind tibia and the row of genus Exasticolus et al. taken from the traps at weekly intervals. After that, they 2012).setae on The the genus ventral Homolobus tarsi (van Achterberg 1979). The were transferred to 96% ethanol for five minutes, followed Apatia includesChartolobus six valid species (Yu by a soak in hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) for 30 min and Homolobus Förster, 1862, containsPhylacter five subgenera: finally placed on a glass plate to dry. The dried specimens and Oulophus Enderlein, 1920, van Achterberg, were card-mounted and labeled. Identifications were Apatia1979, and Chartolobus Reinhard, 1863 performed using the keys by van Achterberg (1979, 1992, subgenus Apatia van differs Achterberg, from Chartolobus1979. Only thein thesubgenera having 1993). The photographs were taken using an Olympus are known toof occurfore wing in Iran. straight The AX70 microscope and an Olympus SZX9 stereomicroscope basally. The genus Homolobus areequipped deposited with in a theSony insect CCD collection digital camera. of the DepartmentMorphological of tarsalet al.claw 2012). simple, and vein 1A+2A terminology follows van Achterberg (1993). All specimens contains now 55 species (Yu Entomology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran. 1350 Farahani et al. | First record of Homolobus infumator from Iran Homolobus truncator and H. infumator , respectively, were collected from the Astudied total of 177area. and Homolobus 4 specimens infumator of (Lyle, 1914) is Keyrecorded to Iranian here for species the first of timethe genus from Iran. Homolobus Förster 1. Tarsal claws with a distinct acute basal lobe, generally tooth-like (Figure ( Figure1H). Vein 1I). 1A…............................ + 2A of fore H. wing infumator curved (Figure1’. 1D). Inner side of basal segments of flagellum with longitudinalwing straight keel (Figure 2D). Inner side of basal segments Tarsal claws simple (Figure 2H). Vein 1A + 2A of fore2 2. of flagellum without longitudinal keel (Figure 2I). ….. oneEye (Figure about 2G) 1.6. times…………….........................…... as long as temple in H. dorsal truncator view. 2’.Fourth labial palp segment 4–5 times as long as third Eye about 2.3 times as long as temple in dorsal view. .......................................................................……Length of maxillary palp equal to height of H. head. ophioninus Fourth labial palp segment 3 times as long as third one. ………… Homolobus (Chartolobus) infumator (Lyle, 1914) (Figures 1A-I) Material examined: ( 1♀ GUILAN - Roodsar, Orkom 36°45’44.34” N 50°18’11.88” E, 1201 m asl), 10-X-2010,♀♀; Figure 1. Homolobus infumator ; MAZANDARAN - Noor, Gaznasara (36°16’56.82” (Lyle, 1914): A. Habitus, lateral view , N 52°10’58.50” E, 2032 m asl), 06-VI-2011,♀ 2 ofB. antenna.Fore wing, C. Hind wing, D. Basal part of fore wing, E. Frontal view of MAZANDARAN-Diagnosis (Female): Noor, LengthJoorband of body ( 36°26’15.54”8–10 mm (Figure N head, F. Maxillary palp, G. Labial palp, H.- Tarsal claw, I. Basal segments 52°07’13.50” E, 275 m asl), 04-XI-2011, 1 , leg.: A. Nadimi. ♀♀ Figure 1F). Second and fourth labial 1A). Fourth and fifth maxillary palp segments almost N 52°02’45.78” E, -14 m bsl), 04-XI-2011, ♀♀3 , 1; ♂GUILAN respectivelyequal in length (Figure ( 2010,- Astaneh 1♀ Ashrafiyeh, Eshman♀, 1♂ Komachal (37°22’03.66” aspalp temple, segments in dorsal 2 and view.3.5 times Face asslightly long as wider third than segment, high (N 49°57’57.84” E, -1 m bsl), 03-X-2010, 2 ; 10-X- 1G). Eyes about 1.6 times as long 1♀ ; 17-X-2010, 1 ; GUILAN - Roodsar, Ziaz m36°52’34.44” asl) N 50°13’17.40”♀♀,2♂♂ E, 537 m asl)♀, 21-VI-2010, (Figure 1E). Vein 2A of the fore wing present basally. Anal 1♀; ALBORZ - Karaj♀♀ (35°46’08.55”, 2♂♂ N 50°56’55.20”♂ E, 1277 area bare (Figure 1B, 1D). Vein r of hind wing absent; vein 2♀♀ , 19-IV-2010, 2♀ ; 03-V-2010,♀ 1 ; 10-V-2010,♀; clawsSC+R1 with and distinctSR veins lobe strongly (Figure curved 1H). (Figure 1C). Length ; 17-V-2010,♀♀ 2 ; 24-V-2010,♀ 1 ; 31-V-2010,♀; of firstBiology: metasomal Host tergiterecords 2.4 of timesH. infumator its apical include width. Tarsalthree ; 07-VI-2010,♀ 1 ; 05-VII-2010,♀♀, 21♂♂; 13-VII-2010, 1♀, different families, but the majority of the hosts belong to 219-VII-2010,♂♂ 2 ;♂ 2-VIII-2010, 1 ♀♀; 15-VIII-2010, 1♀, the family Geometridae and rarely Lasiocampidae and 123-VIII-2010,♂ 1 ;♀♀ 04-X-2010, 2 ♀♀ ; 18-X-2010,♂ 1 et al. 2012, Shaw 2010). ; 25-X-2010,♀, 2♂♂ 1 ; 06-IX-2010,♀♀ ,2 1♂ ; 13-IX-2010, ♀♀1 ; General distribution: Holarctic, Neotropical and ; 20-IX-2010, 2 ; 27-IX-2010, 3 ;1-XI-2010, 1 ; 12- Oecophoridaeet (Yual. 2012) . New record from Iran. mX-2010, asl) 1 ; 18-X-2010,♀ 3 ♀; 25-X-2010,, 1♂ 4 2ALBORZ♀♀ - Shahriar (♀35°40’08.10” N ♀♀50°56’56.64” E, 1168♀; HomolobusOriental (Yu (Apatia) truncator (Say, 1829) (Figures 2A- , 19-IV-2010,♀ 1 ; 25-IV-2010,♀ 1 ; 03-V-2010,♀♀, 1♂; I) ; 17-V-2010,♀♀ 1 ; 24-V-2010,♀♀ 4 ; 21-VI-2010,♀ 1 Material examined: 2010,27-VII-2010, 2♀♀, 1 ♂1 ; 06-IX-2010,♀♀ 1 , 1; ♂13-IX-2010, 2 N ♀ 27-IX-2010,Diagnosis 2 (Female):; 04-X-2010, Length 3 of ; body12-X-2010, 6– 1 ; 18-X- 2011, 2♀♀ QAZVIN♀♀ -♂♂ Zereshk (36°21’39.72♀♀”, ; 25-X-2010, 2 ; leg. M. Khayrandish. ♂♂50°03’55.26” E, 1541♀ m asl), 29-IV-2011,♀ 1 ; 09-V- fourth segment (Figure 2F). Second and fourth7 mm labial (Figure palp 1♀ ; 08-VI-2011,♀ 2 , 3 ; 21-VI-2011, 9 2A). Fifth maxillary palp segment 1.14 times as long as 56 ; 25-VII-2011, 1 ; 15-VIII-2011, 1 ♀; , 126-IX-2011,♂ 2011,; 10-X-2011, 1♀ 1 ; QAZVIN♀ - Zereshk (36°25’39.36” N segments about 4 and 5 times as long as third segment, N50°06’36.90” E, 1997 m asl), 25-VII-2011, 1 ♀, 1;♂ 15-VIII- respectively (Figure 2G). Eye 1.3 times as long as temple 2011, 1♀; 26-IX-2011, 1 ♀; QAZVIN - Loshan♀ (36°40’14.58” in dorsal view.

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