INTERNATIONALJOURNAL OF SYSTEMATICBACTERIOLOGY, July 1986, p. 444453 Vol. 36, No. 3 0020-7713/86/030444-10$02 .OO/O Copyright 0 1986, International Union of Microbiological Societies Chemotaxonomic and Molecular-Genetic Studies of the Genus Thevmus: Evidence for a Phylogenetic Relationship of Thevmus aquaticus and Thevmus vubev to the Genus Deinococcus REINHARD HENSEL,’+* WILHELM DEMHARTER,’ OTTO KANDLER,l REINER M. KROPPENSTEDT,* AND ERKO STACKEBRANDT3 Botanisches Institut der Universitat, 8000 Munich 19, Federal Republic of Germany’; Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen, Gesellschaft fur Biotechnologische Forschung Braunschweig, 6100 Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany2;and Institut fur Allgemeine Mikrobiologie der Universitat, 2300 Kiel, Federal Republic of Germany3 For a detailed pheno- and genotypic characterization of the genus Thermus, the following seven represen- tative strains were analyzed: three extremely thermophilic strains (optimal temperature for growth, 65 to 75OC), Thermus aquaticus DSM 625, “Thermusjlavus” DSM 674, and ‘‘Thermus thermophilus” DSM 579; and four moderately thermophilic strains (optimal temperature for growth 55 to 60°C), Thermus ruber DSM 1279 and three new isolates (strains H1, H2, and H3) from sewage. All of these strains exhibited isobranched pentadecanoic and heptadecanoic acids as principal components of their fatty acids, possessed unsaturated menaquinones with eight isoprene units, and had deoxyribonucleic acid guanine-plus-cytosine contents of 59 to 65.5 mol%, and their cell walls contained a murein structure of the A3P variation (interpeptide bridge, Glyz). The clustering of the organisms into extremely and moderately thermophilic strains correlated well with molecular properties, such as the absorption spectra of their pigments and the ratio of pentadecanoic acid to heptadecanoic acid. This grouping was confirmed by the results of 16s ribosomal ribonucleic acid cataloging and deoxyribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization. Our data confirm current proposals for classification of the genus Thermus into the following two distinct species: T. aquaticus for the extremely thermophilic strains and T. ruber for the moderately thermophilic strains. Phylogenetically, representatives of the genus Thermus show a remote but significant relationship to Deinococcus species (similarity coefficients, 0.22 to 0.29); members of these two genera share a common peptidoglycan type. The original description of the genus Thermus was given of various Thermus species, as well as of three new by Brock and Freeze (2), with Thermus aquaticus as the type thermophilic isolates. Our studies included determinations species; these organisms were described as rod shaped, of fatty acid and isoprenoid quinone compositions, murein thermophilic, gram negative, nonsporulating , nonmotile, structure, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA hybridiza- obligately aerobic, and pigmented. Later, Thermus ruber tion, and 16s rRNA similarities. was assigned to the genus (B),while other proposed spe- cies, namely ‘‘Thermus JEavus” (28) and “Thermus MATERIALS AND METHODS therrnophilus” (22), have not been described validly. Since Microorganisms, growth conditions, and physiological tests. analyses of the thermi at the molecular level are largely T. aquaticus DSM 625, T. ruber DSM 1279, bLT.jlavus” lacking, uncertainty exists about the validity of species DSM 674, and “T. thermophilus” DSM 579 were obtained differentiation within the genus. from the Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen, Also, a phylogenetic relationship between members of the Gottingen, Federal Republic of Germany, and were grown genus Thermus and other groups of gram-negative or even under conditions recommended by the Deutsche Sammlung gram-positive bacteria has not been clearly established. von Mikroorganismen (4). Studies on the similarity of nucleotide sequences in which a Strains H1, H2, and H3 were isolated from an aerated 5s ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) probe from T. laboratory scale fermentor (temperature, 60°C; volume, 3 aquaticus and “T. thermophilus” was used (14, 21) showed liters; retention time, 1 day; complete oxygen demand of no obvious relationship to other microbial groups (23) and intake, 10,000 to 17,000 mg of 02per liter) that was fed with placed the thermi, together with Octopus Spring isolates, in waste from a yeast factory. Samples of the diluted and a group which is separate from all other eubacteria. Other homogenized effluent were plated onto agar made from rRNA studies have linked thermi to the genus Bacillus and 10-fold-diluted wastewater supplemented with 7 g of KCI per its relatives (37) or have indicated that they have no obvious liter and 15 g of agar per liter (pH 8.5), which was sterilized phylogenetic relationship to other microbial groups and by autoclaving and was incubated at 55 to 60°C for 3 to 5 belong to a group of aerobic gram-negative bacteria with days. uncertain affiliation (8). Liquid medium contained (per liter) 5 g of peptone, 0.5 g of In order to characterize the genus Thermus more thor- soluble starch, and 7 g of KC1 (pH 8.5). oughly, we investigated genotypic and phenotypic properties Physiological tests, including the catalase production test, were performed by using the method of Smith et al. (33). The * Corresponding author. oxidase reaction was carried out by using the method of I’ Present address: Max Planck Institut fur Biochemie, 8033 Harrigan and McCance (12). The antibiotic susceptibility Martinsried, Federal Republic of Germany. tests were performed in liquid cultures by observing growth 444 VOL. 36, 1986 PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THERMUS AND DEZNOCOCCUS 445 FIG. 1. Phase-contrast micrographs of a sample taken from wastewater treated in a laboratory scale fermentor (a) and of pure cultures of strain H1 (b), strain H2 (c), and strain H3 (d). Bar = 10 bm. at 50°C for 24 to 48 h in liquid medium containing a suitable mermann et a]. (39). Samples were diluted 10-fold with a concentration of the antibiotic. The inhibitory activity of 0.2% (wthol) aqueous INT solution and incubated for 30 min glucose was measured in a similar manner by using the same at 60°C. At least 5 ml of sample was passed through a medium. polycarbonate filter (diameter, 25 mm; pore size, 0.2 km; The percentage of physiologically active bacteria in the Nuclepore Corp., Pleasanton, Calif.) prestained with sudan aerated wastewater of the fermentor was determined by black (0.007% in 50% ethanol-water). The loaded filter was using the reduction of 2-(p-jodophenyl-)-3-p-nitrophenyl- subsequently stained for 2 min at 20°C with acridine orange 5-phenyl-tetra-zolium chloride (INT) (E. Merck AG, Darm- (0.01% in an aqueous glucose solution [2.8%]), and the total stadt, Federal Republic of Germany) as described by Zim- cell counts (all of the fluorescent bacteria), as well as the cell 446 HENSEL ET AL. INT. J. SYST.BACTERIOL. FIG. 2. Electron micrographs of strain H3 (a and c) and T. aquaticus (b). Longitudinal sections. Bar = 0.1 pm. counts of the physiologically active bacteria (fluorescent logarithmic phase in the presence of osmium tetroxide (27). bacteria with dark INT-formazan inclusions), were deter- Stained cells were then embedded by using the method of mined by using the epifluorescence technique. Spurr (34), sectioned, and examined by electron micros- Electron microscopy. Bacteria were grown in liquid me- copy. dium and then fixed in 3.5% glutaraldehyde in the mid- Extraction and characterization of pigments. Pigments VOL. 36, 1986 PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF THERMUS AND DEZNOCOCCUS 447 TABLE 1. Growth inhibition of the Thermus strains, including isolate H1, by antibiotics and actinomycin D Inhibition ofa Agent Concn (pg/rnl) T. aquaticus’ “T.jlavus”c ‘‘ T. thermophilus”d T. rubere Strain Hle Actinomycin D 0.1 NDf ND ND + + 1.o ND + + + + 10.0 ND + + + + Penicillin G 0.1 ND ND ND + + 1.o ND + ND + + 10.0 + + + + + D-C ycloserine 10.0 - - - - - 100.0 + - + + + Cephalosporin 1.0 ND - ND - - 10.0 ND + ND + - Novobiocin 1.0 ND - ND - - 10.0 + + + + + Streptomycin 10.0 + - + -+ + 100.0 ND + ND r + Tetracycline 10.0 - - - r - 100.0 + + + + + Chloramphenicol 10.0 + - + + + 100.0 ND + ND + + a +, Strong inhibition; 2, weak inhibition; -, no inhibition (visible growth obvious after 48 h of incubation at 55°C). ’ Data from reference 2. Data from reference 28. Data from reference 22. Data from this study. ND, Not determined. were acetone extracted from whole cells grown in liquid (36). SABvalues were calculated as described by Fox et al. medium at 55°C (T. ruber and the new isolates) or at 70°C (T. (9). aquaticus, “T. fiavus,” and “T. thermophilus”). The ab- sorption spectra were determined by using a Beckman model RESULTS DB-GT spectropho tomet er. Preparation of cell walls and analysis of the murein struc- Morphological and physiological description of three ture. Cell walls were prepared by using the methods of Thermus-like isolates from sewage. Strains H1, H2, and H3 Schleifer and Kandler (29, 30). However, an additional were isolated from aerated sewage of a yeast factory that treatment with BrCN (150 mg of BrCN per mg of cell wall in was cultivated in a laboratory scale fermentor under 70% formic acid; 12 h of incubation in a sealed vessel at thermophilic conditions (60°C) (Fig. la). These isolates room temperature), followed by three washes in a 25% represented about 50% of the physiologically active popula- aqueous sodium dodecyl sulfate solution, was necessary to tion, which was determined to be 0.7 x lo9 to 1.8
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