22001155 NNAAAACC SSEELLFF SSTTUUDDYY RREEPPOORRTT CC EENNTTRRAALL UUNNIIVVEERRSSIITTYY OOFF KKAARRNNAATTAAKKAA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KARNATAKA CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KARNATAKA KALABURAGI Page No S.No. CONTENTS From To 1 PREFACE 01-02 2 UNIVERSITY PROFILE 03-12 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13-15 4 SWOC ANALYSIS 5 CRITERIA-WISE EVALUATION REPORTS 5.1 Curricular Aspects 16-25 5.2 Teaching, learning & Evaluation 26-45 5.3 Reaserch, Consultancy & Extention 46-61 5.4 Infrastructure & Learning resources 62-73 5.5 Student Support & Progression 74-85 5.6 Governance, Leadership & management 86-103 5.7 Innovations & Best Practices management 104-115 6 DEPARTMENT-WISE EVALUATION REPORTS 6.1 Business Studies 116-127 6.2 Chemistry 128-138 6.3 Classical Kannada 139-147 6.4 Commerce 150-160 6.5 Computer Science 161-169 6.6 Economics 170-184 6.7 Engineering 185-194 6.8 English 195-208 6.9 Geography 209-222 6.10 Geology 223-234 6.11 Hindi 235-245 6.12 History 246-255 6.13 Kannada 256-270 6.14 Linguistics 271-278 6.15 Mathematics 279-289 6.16 Physics 290-300 6.17 Psychology 301-316 6.18 Social Work 317-341 ABBREVIATIONS AC ACADEMIC COUNCIL B. TECH BACHELORS OF TECHNOLOGY BOS BOARD OF STUDIES BS BACHELORS OF SCIENCE CBCS CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM CGPA CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE CUCET CENTRAL UNIVERSITY COMMON ENTRANCE TESTS CUK CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KARNATAKA DST DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY EC EXECUTIVE COUNCIL GPA GRADE POINT AVERAGE ICT INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY IIRS INDIAN INSTITUTE OF REMOTE SENSING IITS INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY IMSC INTEGRATED MASTERS IN SCIENCES IQAC INTERNAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT CELL ISEC INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHANGE M.TECH MASTERS OF TECHNOLOGY M. PHIL MASTERS OF PHILOSOPHY MA MASTERS IN ARTS MBA MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MCA MASTERS IN COMPUTER APPLICATION MHRD MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT MIT MICHIGAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MSC MASTERS IN SCIENCE MSW MASTERS IN SOCIAL WORK NA NOT APPLICABLE NET NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND NIRD & PR PANCHAYATI RAJ NRSC NATIONAL REMOTE SENSING CENTRE OBC OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES OMR OPTICAL MARK RECOGNITION OWPM OVERALL WEIGHTED PERCENTAGE MARKS PDA POOJYA DODDAPPA APPA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PG POST GRADUATE PHD DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PVC PRO VICE CHANCELLOR SBSS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STUDIES SC SCHEDULED CASTE SCS SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES SE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SES SCHOOL OF EARTH SCIENCES SH&L SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND LANGUAGES SLATE STATE LEVEL ELIGIBILITY TEST COMMISSION SPS SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES SOCIETY FOR RESEARCH AND INITIATIVES FOR SRISTI SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES AND INSTITUTIONS SSBS SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND BEHAVIOURAL SCIENCES ST SCHEDULED TRIBE UG UNDER GRADUATE UGC UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION UGIT UNION OF GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGISTS VC VICE-CHANCELLOR WAM WEIGHTED AVERAGE MARKS PREFACE The Central University of Karnataka (CUK) is established by an Act of the Parliament (No. 3 of 2009) at Gulbarga, Karnataka. It is one of the 16th new Central Universities established by the Government of India during the UGC XI Plan Period to address the concerns of ‘equity and access' and to increase the access to quality higher education for people in less educationally developed districts which have a Graduate Enrolment Ratio of less than the national average of 11%. The CUK, with its territorial jurisdiction all over Karnataka has initiated its activities from the academic year August 2009 in keeping with the philosophy of achieving and maintaining the highest levels of academic excellence & sensitivity to equity and access in enrolment and recruitment and emerging as a premier national educational and research institution in the country. The university has completed its sixth year in March 2015. Though in nascent stage, it has wide variety of academic programmes to choose from. Currently it has seven schools ranging from Social and Behavioural Sciences, Humanities and Languages, Earth Sciences, business studies to engineering. They provide wide choice and combination of subjects for undergraduate postgraduate and doctoral courses. The courses have been carefully designed to cater to current generation of students, to strengthen their theoretical concepts and supplement them with practical experience and application, in the form of field work and dissertation for all courses. The course structure is intended in such a manner that the students are exposed to environmental and social issues which are a compulsory part of their learning. The unique initiative taken by this university to encourage girl’s education from poor family by providing them free education. The university has very encouraging percentage of female students in its various courses. The university strives to impart holistic development opportunity to the students with equal exposure to the curriculum and extracurricular learning in the form of Annual Sports and Cultural festival Ankur from the year 2012. This sports and cultural festival gives an inimitable opportunity to the students to exhibit and explore their talents. This university is a fresh effort in the direction of making education affordable to all classes of people by charging minimal tuition and admission fees. By its location, it is again an effort to make education accessible to the less developed region such as the one in which it is located (Hyderabad Karnataka region) The university lies in 654 acres of land at Kadaganchi & Suntanur villages on the Gulbarga-Waghdhari Inter-State Highway in Aland taluk, it was identified by the Karnataka State Government and was handed over to the university, where the work of construction of boundary wall was complete. Work on various buildings for the first phase of campus development has completed, all the buildings are gold rated (Green buildings). The first phase includes the completion of the road network, street lights, water facility and construction of various buildings. The completed buildings include 1 Administrative building; five school buildings, Health Centre, Canteen, bank Post office and Guest house and one boy and one girl's hostel with the capacity of 250 each. In the first phase the construction of residential quarters for the Vice Chancellor, Pro- Vice Chancellor, the first phase of residential quarters for professors, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor have also been completed. The library building, computer centre are nearing completion. The second phase of construction has also started. The university has shifted from its temporary premises at 2nd floor of Karya Soudha, Gulbarga University Campus and is fully functional at its permanent campus Kadaganchi premises since November 2013. The university has undertaken many innovative measures to develop its campus. Water harvesting structures have been constructed; Solar panels have been installed on administrative building; Bio-fuel plant has been constructed, as an initiative to have green campus. In addition to these, tree plantation activities are being carried out to increase the green cover of the campus. The university has made a promising beginning in developing innovative measures in its academic and administrative approach 2 SECTION B Profile of the University SECTIONB PREPARATION OF SELF-STUDY REPORT 1. Profile of the University 2. Name and Address of the University: Name: Central University of Karnataka Address: Aland Road, Kadaganchi City: Kalaburagi Pin:585367 State: Karnataka Website: www.cuk.ac.in 3. For communication: Tele phone Designation Name with STD Mobile Fax Email Code Vice 08477226702 Prof.H.M. Maheshwaraiah 9900770767 226703 [email protected] Chancellor 08477226719 Pro Vice *** O: Chancellor(s) R: Registrar Prof. N. Nagaraju 08477226708 9483513030 226703 [email protected] Steering Prof. Syed Ashfaq Ahmed 08477226721 9845142267 226703 [email protected] Committee IQAC Prof. Romate John 8477226728 9448936115 226703 [email protected] coordinator 4. Status of the university: State University State Private University 9 Central University 9 University under Section 3 of UGC (Deemed University) Institution of National Importance Any other (please specify) 4. Type of University: Unitary 9 Affiliating 3 5. Source of funding: Central Government 9 State Government Self-financing Any other (please specify) 6. a. Date of establishment of the university: 01/03/2009 b. Prior to the establishment of the university, was it a/an i. PG Centre Yes No 9 ii. Affiliated College Yes No 9 iii. Constituent College Yes No 9 iv. Autonomous College Yes No 9 v. Any other (please specify) …………………… If yes, give the date of establishment …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) 7. Date of recognition as a university by UGC or any other national agency: Under Section dd mm yyyy Remarks i. 2f of UGC* ii. 12B of UGC* iii. 3 of UGC# iv. Any other^(specify) Established by an Act of 01 03 2009 Parliament in the year 2009 * Enclose certificate of recognition. #Enclose notification of MHRD and UGC for all courses /programmes /campus /campuses. ^ Enclose certificate of recognition by any other national agency/agencies, if any. 8. Has the university been recognized a. By UGC as a University with Potential for Excellence? Yes No 9 If yes, date of recognition :……………………(dd/mm/yyyy) b. For its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No 9 If yes, Name of the agency……………………and date of recognition:……………………(dd/mm/yyyy) 9. Does the university have off-campus canters? Yes No 9 If yes, date of establishment: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) date of recognition :……………………(dd/mm/yyyy) 4 10. Does the university have off-shore campuses? Yes No 9 If yes, date of establishment: …………………… (dd/mm/yyyy) date of recognition :……………………(dd/mm/yyyy) 11. Location of the campus and area: Location* Campus area Built up area insq. in acres mts Main campus Kadaganchi 27423.45 sq. mts. i. 654 area (Rural) Other ii. campuses in - - - the country iii. Campuses abroad - - - (*Urban, Semi-Urban, Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any other (please specify) If the university has more than one campus, it may submit a consolidated self- study report reflecting the activities of all the campuses.
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