©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2014) 13, 829-835 http://www.jssm.org Research article The Effect of Structured Exercise Intervention on Intensity and Volume of Total Physical Activity Niko Wasenius , 1, Mika Venojärvi 2, Sirpa Manderoos 1,3,4, Jukka Surakka 5, Harri Lindholm 6, Olli J. Heinonen 7, Sirkka Aunola 4, Johan G. Eriksson 1,3,8,9,10 and Esko Mälkiä 11 1 Department of General Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; 2 Institute of Bio- medicine, Exercise medicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland; 3 Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland; 4 Department of Health, Functional capacity, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Turku, Finland; 5 Ar- cada, University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland; 6 Unit of Health and Work Ability, Finnish Institute of Occupa- tional Health, Helsinki, Finland; 7 Paavo Nurmi Centre & Department of Health and Physical Activity, University of Turku, Turku, Finland; 8 Unit of General Practice, Helsinki University General Hospital, Helsinki, Finland; 9 Depart- ment of Chronic Disease Prevention, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland; 10 Vaasa Central Hospital, Vaasa, Finland; 11 Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland enhance the overall intensity and volume of physical activity. The prevention of physical inactivity and related Abstract diseases pertains all professionals working in health care, This study aimed to investigate the effects of a 12-week struc- tured exercise intervention on total physical activity and its especially exercise physiologists and physiotherapists subcategories. Twenty-three overweight or obese middle aged who have expertise in exercise prescription. men with impaired glucose regulation were randomized into a Physical exercises are often prescribed as a first 12-week Nordic walking group, a power-type resistance training line of defence against inactivity. Such interventions, group, and a non-exercise control group. Physical activity was however may result in compensatory decrease in non- measured with questionnaires before the intervention (1–4 exercise physical activity (King et al., 2007). Non- weeks) and during the intervention (1–12 weeks) and was ex- exercise physical activity has been shown to decrease pressed in metabolic equivalents of task. No significant change with cycling (Goran and Poehlman, 1992, Morio et al., in the volume of total physical activity between or within the 1998, Manthou et al., 2010), walking (Colley et al., 2010), groups was observed (p > 0.050). The volume of total leisure- time physical activity (structured exercises + non-structured or combined resistance and aerobic training (Meijer et al., leisure-time physical activity) increased significantly in the 1999) exercise interventions. However, the current evi- Nordic walking group (p < 0.050) but not in the resistance train- dence regarding the compensatory response is incon- ing group ( p > 0.050) compared to the control group. In both sistent (Hollowell et al., 2009, Turner et al., 2010). In exercise groups increase in the weekly volume of total leisure- previous studies physical activity measurements have time physical activity was inversely associated with the volume accounted only for a small portion of the intervention and of non-leisure-time physical activities. In conclusion, structured focusing mainly on the change in total energy expendi- exercise intervention did not increase the volume of total physi- ture. Thus, the effect of exercise on non-exercise physical cal activity. Albeit, endurance training can increase the volume activity during the whole intervention remains to be de- of high intensity physical activities, however it is associated with compensatory decrease in lower intensity physical activi- termined, especially in the sense of intensity and volume. ties. To achieve effective personalized exercise program, indi- Better understanding of compensatory behavior, could viduality in compensatory behavior should be recognised. enable more personalized and effective dosage of exercise for different impairments and medical conditions. Key words: Nordic walking, resistance training, energy ex- The purpose of this study was to measure total penditure, thermogenesis, glucose intolerance. physical activity during an exercise intervention and to investigate the effects of a 12-week structured aerobic training (Nordic walking) and power-type resistance train- Introduction ing on the intensity and volume of total physical activity and its subcategories. An additional aim was to define the Physical inactivity is the fourth largest risk factor for correlates for changes in physical activity. mortality and a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases (World Health Organization, 2009). The world- Methods wide prevalence of non-communicable diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer, is increasing Twenty-three (n = 23) male volunteers from a larger (n = and they are estimated to account for 63% of global 144) randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN97931118), deaths (World Health Organization, 2011). Combined who had completed physical activity questionnaires were evidence from 76 countries suggests that approximately included in this study. The inclusion criteria for the trial 25% (range 2.6% – 62.3%) of people are currently seden- were: male, 40–65 years of age, body mass index 25.1– -2 tary (Dumith et al., 2011). Thus, one of the leading targets 34.9 kg·m , over 12 points in the Finnish diabetes risk in the prevention of non-communicable diseases is to test (Lindström and Tuomilehto, 2003), impaired glucose Received: 07 May 2014 / Accepted: 06 August 2014 / Published (online): 01 December 2014 830 Exercise and total physical activity regulation (impaired fasting glucose 5.6–6.9 mmol·L-1 of repetition decreased (from 10 to 3) progressively and/or impaired glucose tolerance 7.0–11.0 mmol·L-1), no throughout the intervention. Before and after the interven- other metabolic diseases, and a successfully passed medi- tion exercise session cycling or rowing with the ergometer cal examination. Criteria of exclusion were as follows: (5 min) and stretches of the main muscle groups were previously detected IGR and engagement in any custom- performed to warm-up and cool-down the muscles. The ized diet or exercise program, engagement in very vigor- adherence and dose of structured exercise interventions ous habitual physical activities, or usage of medication (NW and RT) compared to the other subjects who com- that affects glucose balance. Participants that fulfilled the pleted the initial trial (excluded from this study) are criteria and gave their written informed consents were shown in Table 2. In the RT-group the intensity was initially randomly assigned (1:1:1) to a Nordic walking slightly lower for those who were included while there (NW, n = 48) group, a power type resistance training (RT, was no significant difference in the NW-group. The dose n = 49) group, and a non-exercise control (C, n = 47) of the NW-group was significantly greater compared to group. Of that initial sample of subjects, twenty-three the RT-group for those who were included, which is con- subjects returned the completed physical activity ques- sistent with a previous report (Wasenius et al., 2014). tionnaires at least from a 1-week period before the inter- All participants in all three groups were advised vention and from a 10-week period during the interven- not to change their habitual physical activity or lifestyle tion, and formed the sample for the present study. Alto- during the intervention. The C-group participated in the gether, the present study included seven (n =7) subjects general lectures given to all participants before the inter- from the NW-group, eight (n = 8) from the RT-group, and vention, but received no other exercise, diet, or any other eight (n = 8) from the C-group. The baseline characteris- kind of intervention. tics of these subjects compared to the other who complet- Body height was determined to the nearest 0.5 cm ed the initial trial have been shown in Table 1. As shown and body weight (kg) with calibrated weighing scales to in Table 1, there were no significant differences in the the nearest 0.1 kg. BMI was calculated by dividing body baseline characteristics between those who were included weight (kg) with height in meters squared (kg·m-2). Body in this study (n = 23) and those who completed the trial fat (kg) and fat per cent (%) were measured with electrical but were excluded from this study due to the insufficient bioimpedance (Korea Inbody 3.0, Biospace Co., Seoul, physical activity data (n=93). This study was approved by South Korea). Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was the Coordinating Ethical Committee of the Hospital Dis- estimated directly during a continuous incremental cycle trict of Helsinki Finland. The funding organisations had ergometry until volitional exhaustion or subjective maxi- no role in the collection, analysis, or interpretation of the mum. data of this study, nor did they have the right to approve Physical activity was measured weekly with specif- or disapprove the publication of this manuscript. ic questionnaires before (4 weeks) and during (12 weeks) A detailed description of the exercise programs has the intervention. The questionnaires were completed in been previously reported (Venojärvi et al., 2013; Waseni- sets of 4 weeks. For week 1 participants were instructed us et al., 2014). In brief,
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