sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 Rourkela and after Rourkela and after 50 years of industrial development and social responsibility in Indo-German cooperation Papers presented in a conference at Königswinter (near Bonn), Germany, 22nd to 24th September, 2006 Edited & Published by sarini and Adivasi-Koordination in Germany, 2006 - 1 - sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 Rourkela and after Rourkela and after 50 years of industrial development and social responsibility in Indo-German cooperation Papers presented in a conference at Königswinter (near Bonn), Germany, 22-24 September, 2006 Edited and published by sarini and Adivasi-Koordination in Germany Printed by CEDEC, Bhubaneswar 2006. (sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5) sarini Occasional Papers hold NO COPYRIGHT. Adivasi-Koordination in Germany Widest possible dissemination of these informa- Secretariat: Dr. Theodor Rathgeber tions is intended. Jugendheimstr. 10 Further ideas about the functioning and inten- D-34132 Kassel, Germany tions of this network - and about the work of Phone ++49-561-47597800 Adivasi-Koordination can be found on the back Fax ++49-561-47597801 cover. email [email protected] A version will also be available on the Internet. www.Adivasi-Koordination.de This sarini publication is distributed from: sarini c/o Johannes Laping Sahayog Pustak Kuteer (Trust) Christophstr. 31 11-A, Nangli Rajapur D-69214 Eppelheim, Germany Nizamuddin East Phone ++49-6221-766557 New Delhi 110 013, India Fax ++49-6221-766559 Phone ++91-11-24353997 email [email protected] email [email protected] B.I.R.S.A. Mines Monitoring Centre Earlier publications of sarini: B6 Abilasha Apartments, 11 A Purulia Road Jai Adibasi - A political reader on the life and Ranchi 834001, Jharkhand, India struggles of indigenous peoples in India Phone ++91-651-2531874 150 p., 1994. email [email protected] Indigenous Peoples in India CEDEC/NISWASS (sarini Occasional Papers, No. 1) 3, Chandrashekharpur 61 p., Bhubaneswar 1997. Bhubaneswar 751 016, Orissa, India Phone ++91-674-2300052 / 2300831 Jai Jharkhand (sarini Occasional Papers, No. 2) HUMAN RIGHTS LAW NETWORK 126 p., Bhubaneswar 1999. (Rourkela Unit) and ASHRA LEGAL AID CENTRE Adi-dharam. R.C. Church Complex Jalda Religious beliefs of the Adivasis of India P.O. Jalda C Block By Ram Dayal Munda Rourkela 769 043, Orissa, India (sarini Occasional Papers, No. 3) email [email protected] 48 p., Bhubaneswar 2000. C.R. Bijoy Adivasis of Rourkela Doctors’ Quarters Looking back on 50 years of Indo-German Sri R.K. Hospital economic cooperation 395, Avaram Palayam Documents - Interpretations - International Law Coimbatore 641.044 , T.N., India (sarini Occasional Papers, No. 4) email [email protected] 184 p., Bhubaneswar 2006. Suggested donation for this publication: Indian Rupies 30.00 or EURO 3.00 - 2 - sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 Rourkela and after Table of Contents List of abbreviations or local names 4 Preface 5 Papers presented at the conference PART I THE GERMAN PERSPECTIVE G. v. Gemmingen 50 years of Indo-German development cooperation 7 K. P. Pischke 50 years of Indo-German financial cooperation 9 T. Kroes Technical and human challenges in industrial cooperation 12 J. B. Sperling Socio-economic issues over the last 50 years 15 F. Matic German Trade Union perspectives on international steel business 18 PART II THE ADIVASI PERSPECTIVE C. Xaxa Legal issues unsolved after 50 years 20 N. Soreng The destruction of Adivasi culture in the industrial age 28 S. Bilung Experiences in displacement 37 S. Sawaiyan Democracy and self-determination vs. industrialisation and globalisation 40 HUMAN RIGHTS LAW NETWORK (Rourkela Unit) AND ASHRA LEGAL AID CENTRE R.C. Church Complex Jalda P.O.Jalda C Block Rourkela-769043,Orissa, INDIA - 3 - sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 Rourkela and after List of Abbreviations or Local Names Ac./ac./acr. acre(s) (1 ac. = 0.4071 hectares/1 hectare = 2.471 acres) ADM Additional District Magistrate BAIF Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation CNT Chotanagpur Tenancy Act crore 10 million (= 100 lakhs) dalal “middleman” DEG Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (a member of KfW Group) DfID Department for International Development (UK) DGM Deputy General Manager DIG Deputy Inspector General (of Police) diku “alien”, “stranger” (“exploiter”) FC Financial Cooperation GTZ Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit HSL Hindustan Steel Limited HSM Hot Strip Mill IAS Indian Administrative Service ILO International Labour Organisation IPS Indian Police Service ITI Industrial Training Institute J.M.A.C.C. Jharkhand Mines Areas Coordination Committee, Ranchi KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (German Development Bank) lakh 100,000 lathi baton, long stick used by police LDP Local Displaced Person(s) MLA Member of Legislative Assembly MP Member of Parliament MTA million tons per annum N.G.O. Non-Governmental organisation NHRC National Human Rights Commission OAS Orissa Administrative Service patta land record papers PDP Peripheral Development Programme PESA Provisions of Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 PIL Public Interest Litigation P.O. Post Office P.S. Police Station R & R Rehabilitation and Resettlement rayati revenue land, settled land RDA Rourkela Development Authority RDC Revenue Divisional Commissioner RKL Rourkela RS Resettlement Colony RSP Rourkela Steel Plant RRIT Rourkela Rural Improvement Trust SAIL Steel Authority of India Limited SDO Sub-Divisional Officer SNG Sundargarh (District) SP Superintendent of Police ST Scheduled Tribe(s) U.N. United Nations - 4 - sarini Occasional Papers, No. 5 Rourkela and after Preface The present publication is meant as an annexe to lopment assistance. Against this backdrop, the the earlier publication: Adivasis of Rourkela - conference held at Königswinter near Bonn, the Looking back on 50 Years of Indo-German Econo- former German capital, undertook a first step to mic Cooperation. (sarini Occasional Papers, No. critically reviewing ‘Project Rourkela’. Beyond 4), Bhubaneswar 2006. It contains the papers read acknowledging the successes of this project, it also in a conference at Königswinter, Germany, 22-24 considered the aspects of social responsibility and September, 2006, which had the same theme that the lessons that could be learned from the Rour- is now adopted as the title of this publication. This kela experience for future industrial projects. To conference was organised by Adivasi-Koordina- that extent, the conference may be rated as an tion in Germany in collaboration with Südasien- historical event. The main idea of this conference büro at Bonn and Arbeitnehmerzentrum Königs- was to bring face to face: representatives of the winter (an adult education centre). German institutions responsible for Project Rour- kela (then and now) and speakers of the displaced Background Adivasis. Probably for the first time, a dialogue Based on German planning, one of the most ad- on parallel level was held. vanced steel plants of the world at that time was constructed at Rourkela, Orissa, from the mid Adivasi-Koordination in Germany - with support 1950s. In 1953, the Government of India held from two German developmental agencies (MI- consultations with German steel companies. In SEREOR and Bread for the World) and a generous 1954, the first notifications for acquisition of the grant from an individual person - had been able land required for the steel plant and the new to invite four Adivasi speakers for this conference. township were issued. In 1955, German planners Unfortunately however, even repeated invitations and engineers visited the site. In 1957, notifica- to the management of Rourkela Steel Plant were tions for vacation of the Mandira Dam site were ignored by them. The research library of Alfried issued. From 1958 onwards, the German Govern- Krupp Foundation at Essen in Germany - where ment gave loans to secure this undertaking which many documents are kept which could be used was orginally started by the private sector. In 1959, for deeper research - was unable to send a staff the first blast furnace of Rourkela Steel Plant was member to attend the conference. Two German inaugurated in the presence of the then President official participants - one from the Federal Ger- of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. By 1961 the con- man Ministry for Economic Cooperation and De- struction activities were completed. Much later, velopment and one from KfW Development Bank during the 1980s, the modernization of the steel - attended the conference, but only for half a day. plant was again made possible with loans from Germany. The conference was also attended by some Ger- man “veterans” - workers and other staff who had The area around Rourkela - having mostly tribal been in Rourkela during the construction phase or Adivasi population - was considered as most or who were engaged in developmental activities backward and, therefore, a priority area for deve- in the Rourkela region then and later. The orga- lopment. But the majority of the Adivasi popu- nisers of the conference had also prepared a photo lation had no share in the economic growth of exhibition on the theme: “India’s industrial deve- the region. Many of them are till date complain- lopment and the survival of Adivasi cultures”, in ing about their forced eviction and unsatisfactory which historical and present day photographs of rehabilitation. Rourkela and Adivasi life in the resettlement colonies had a prominent place. The Rourkela Conference at Königswinter, 2006 Thus, there
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