CROSSBOWS FOR VIETNAM! VOLCANOLAND HUNTING PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! the atomic bow The bold techniques of nuclear impregnated with a plastic mon­ chemistry have created the first omer and then atomically hard­ major chang,e in bowmaking ma­ ened. Wing's PRESENTATION II terials since the introduction of is a good example of the startling fiberglas. For years, archery results! The Lockwood riser in people have been looking for this bow is five times stronger improved woods. We've wanted than ordinary wood. It has 60% more beautiful types. Stronger more mass weight to keep you 1 woods. Woods with more mass on target. It has greater resist­ weight. We've searched for ways ance to abrasion and moisture. to protect wood against mois~ And the natural grain beauty of ture. What we were really after the wood is brought out to the turned out to be something bet­ fullest extent by the Lockwood COMING APRIL 1 &2 ter than the real thing. Wing found process. The PRESENTATION II 9th Annual International it in new Lockwood. An out­ PRESENTATION II. .. ......... •• $150.00 is one of several atomic bows Fair enough! I'm Interested In PROFESSIONAL PERFORMANCE growth of studies conducted by PRESENTATION I . ••• . •.• . •• •• $115.00 Indoor Archery Tournament waiting for you at your Wing the Atomic Energy Commission, WHITE WING • . • • • • • • . • . • • . • • $89.95 dealer. Ask him to show you our World's Largest SWIFT WING ..• ••••. ••••• •• $59.95 Lockwood is ordinary fine wood FALCON ••.••• •••• • . ••••. •• $29.95 new designs for 1967. Participating Sports Event Cobo Hall, Detroit Sponsored by Ben Pearson, Inc. D Check here for entry details WING ARCHERY COMPANY Dept. B-1, Route 1. Jacksonville. Texas -- RUESPOT [8) @\WJ ~ ~ [ffi [ffi fO) \WI N~POlitQ @®~ r~~ r~ $poll your arrow -ly - •v•ry ohol. SMOOTH I VOL. IV, NO. 6 MARCH-APRIL 1967 Will NOT roll olfing. GivH _.. $1.00 lnm• ly DC<:urat• 'Hai r tri9ger" Per Pair FEATURES: r•lea1•. At your Dealers P'OOL-PROOl'I BOWHUNTERS' BONANZA . Keith R. Clemmons . .. .. ...... 14 lwrow may b• olif!pad up or down " n!i I if I eatl in Mkh. ARCHER/ KNIFEMAKER ... Milt Lewis . 20 fllllMI Will NOT oquo 1h or deform on l ROUND SHAFT, SQUARE HOLE .. C. R. Learn .. ... .. ...... 24 draw. Will NOT mov• whe11 l prop•rly i~ttall ed . Profile Of A Champ: JAMES STAMETZ . .. Joe Higgins ......... 28 HOW TO BE AN INDIAN ... H . D. Wilkinson . 32 VOLCANOLAND BOWHUNTING . .. Frank Hulce . 84 STRING-UP AT TAHOE ..... ... ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 38 CROSSBOW FOR COMBAT ... J ack Lewis .... .... ..... .. ..... 44 over. No 1tlclry campr•s.sible BLOWOUT AT COBO .. ... ...... .... ..... .. ... ...... 56 ruf,b• r '"rfac•• he ref WORLD'S LONGEST BOWHUNT. (C-O nclusion ) . Al P odell ..... 60 STRING SILENCERS DEPARTMENTS: Kl'LBEAD'S MAIL POUCH . 6 #<Ills Strlri t HUNTING WITH KI'ITREDGE . 8 Nolte TACKLE TIPS . ...... ....... .......... .... .......... ..... ... 10 No flip floP - • to flutter - Notti· Ing ito hong up. TECH T P LK . .. .. ...... .... ................. ... .............. 12 Convert high fr• quency noise Into BOW BITS .. .. .. .. ..... .......... .............. ......... 48 .75c per pr. o whisper lnstonf· ly. CLUB CALL ..... ... .. .. .... .................................. 52 BOOKS FOR BOWMEN .. .................................. 66 PUBLISHERS: Ray Rich & Jack Lewis BRUSH EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Jack Lewis BUTIONS ART DIRECTOR: Dick Gi bson The HOWATT MANAGING EDITOR: Bob Said Brushproof Any Bow FIELD EDITOR: Jim Dougherty with revolutionary ~ Dampen String Pattr1l Penilioa, Noise TECHNICAL EDITOR: Tom Jennings HUNTING EDITOR: Doug .Kittredge It's on · enti rely unique experience to shoot a bow perfectly matched to your individua l style. And what LIBRARIAN: Lee Faris ''S ,, o difference in scores! The Damon Howatt Matador U per Mounted on CIRCULATION: Carol Parker with Variable Thrust Compensation ~ makes Full Worloin9 Recurv• it possible. You actually tune it! Two micrometered ~uptt - 70¢ Per Pr. adjustments a llow you to virtually eliminate limb 66" or 70" leng th - 6()¢ Pet Pr. vibration and modify the bow to your individually ~ ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Bob Arsenault complete with two VTC ADVERTISING MANAGER: Gene WMd units and heavily desired balance. And the Matador is a beauty. podded carrying case. Telephone ( f 19 ) EDoewood 9-5467 Available now in either gleaming dark hardwood or FEATHERS 137.50 FULL LENGTH DR DI E CUT REA DY FOR Partrid ge wood. See it ... shoot it and you'll hove _.........__ Shield YOUR SHAFTS to own a Da mon Howatt Mata dor with ~ .......-.. Sty l e WRITE FO R ON THE COVER: Pert Pat Phelps checks her target score artcr mstng a Rrown­ ~ Para boli c PRICf S & lng Challenger bow with a r rows of m a tched F orgewOO<l. Her leather a ccessories ........_ Style SAMPLE are by King. Pbot-0 by C. R. Lcftrn. lowest Price, Highest Qualify, c::> ,A..~ C> l'-J 'a1tesf Service - Full len9th or Die Cut BOW & ARROW. U.S. Co1>1r l11ht 1967. Publlehed bl-monthly by Gallan~ l'ubll~n111 Corn. p8 ny, 116 E. Bt1dlllo. CovlnA, California 91722. Second Clua J)Ostagc paid at v 1111. •nd additional entrle• at Sparta, llllnoi. 81\d St. Louie, Mlsaourl. SINGLE COPIES 50 centa, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: U.S .. Canada and po8seaslone one year. $9: two {eara, $5. HOWATT rf""""1 ?!~ & ..l.-4.Miu Forelll'n countrlee, one year $8.60 : two yea ra, S7. CONTRIBUTIONS: mnt.erln returnCl(J TRUEFLIGHT only If stamped 81!!f-.addreesed env11lo1>e le encloeed. Not responalble fo •,.,""fi~c~Brnd nnu. Arohery Manutacturlng, lno. 8'll'iplll. All Manuscript& and J)hotoe ehould be sent to BOW & ARR 0 .•• • s 1· bo 11 1llo, MANUFACTU•ING COM... ANY , INC. Covina, California 91722. CHA~GE, OF ADDRESS: Give sJic weeks "t~RO~cM ll8th old \1 ROUTE a, YAKIMA, WASHINGT O N MANllO WISH W.UUS. WISCONSIN 500 and new add..-.. and add reaa 11:nprml from reeent luiie to nOW & 11.i1 tte, I IHI E . Badillo, Covina, C• lifornia 91722, S ee the c omplete lin e of H o watt Custo m B ows at all lead in g a rc hery dealers 4 ·. ./ The bow that won the most money-ever! HEATER'S INTERNATIONAL MATCH Which is the greatest money bow of all time? It's Bill Bednar's CHEETAH MICRO-PRECISION ALUMINUM ARROWS SUPREME, by American. The impressive tournament record of man and bow LONGEST BOWHUNT stands as a symbol of the perseverence, the performance and painstaking I would like to congratulate you people fo1· a great magazine. I really perfection of both. 28" or 29" with target polnt ------------- --------- $13.95 doz. enjoy it and it has given me lots of information on hunting, bird and ani­ Such shooting is not an accident. Nor is the magnificent CHEETAH mal calling, and just general archery. SUPREME that brought home the bacon for Bednar, time after time. 28" ot 29" wiih iepers to instell own poinh -------------$13.95 doz. I enjoy the articles by Jim Dough­ erty; the hunting tips by Doug Kit­ Years and years of research, plus a continuing program of product tridge are very good. I also enjoy improvement provided Bill ·Bednar with the right bow at the i·ight the seties on the World's Longest 28" or 29" with Herter's Ram-MX Broadh ..d$ ____________ _$17.95 doz. Bowh.unt. When the boys come back times. Like him, American is making and breaking new records. Shpg. wt. 21h lbs. from their hunt, would you congratu­ late them for me? No, Bill won't sell you his favorite CHEETAH SUPREM.!!:. I am leaving for the Navy, but when my subscription runs out, my mother But you can buy its matching mate at your franchised Ameri­ - will send you the renewal. can Dealer. Or-if there's no dealer near you, write us direct. John L. Ahrens, HEATER'S INTERNATIONAL MATCH Granby, Connecticut UL TIA-PRECISION FARBENGLAS ARROWS (Podell and Stephens finally have made it back to Terra Finna, U.S.A., American Archery Company, Inc. and their final chapter of their wan­ Box JOO, Oconto Falls, Wiscons in 54154 derings is contained in this iBsue. 28" or 29" with target point ------------------------$12.95 doz. However, they're dreaming up some othe1· gambit such <is going around the wurld in the opposite direction, 28" or ~9" with ta pets for broad heads or field poirris _____ $12.95 doz. passing over both poles. They 1nay be shooting polar bears and penguins the next time you hear of them/) 23" or 29" wiin Herter's Ram·MX broadheads ------------$16.95 doz. PIN-POINT ACCIDENT! Shpg. wt. 2'/i lbs, Enclosed is what is left of a- perfectly 1965·1966 good Herter's aluminum arrow that State, National, my archery partner, Dick LaRose hit. International Records We were standing side by side at Held by Bill Bednar twenty-five yards, shooting ~t · a ~dh~CHEETAHSUPREME HERTER'S INTERNATIONAL MATCH NO. 1 twelve-inch field face, when his Easton 1816 arrow hit my Herter's 1816 and 1965 GRADE PORT ORFORD CEDAR ARROWS passed through the nock and the february - Ohio Slate Flint Champlo n$lllp - Perfect Score 560 swaged end of the arrow, then down February - Mid-Atlantic Open - !st Place - Score 291 the shaft about three inches. Much - Ohio State Chlcaao Championship - The weight of his arrow broke off lst Place - Score 846 28" or 29" with field point -------------------------$6.49 doz. April - International Open - Tied for lit Piece - the end piece of my arrow, but the Score 5"4 feathers held the two pieces together July - P.A.A. CllamPionship - !st Pla<:e - Score I 164 until we pulled Dick's arrow out of July - Olllo State Tarret Champ l ~Hhip - Isl Place - 28" or 29" with t•pers to install own poinh ------------------$6.63 doi.
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