Tomorrow's flight Water Usage 727 NAS Norfolk, Va. ---------- 8:00 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24 Guantanamo Bay 11:00 a.m. noon Usable storage: 8.50 MIL - 61% Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. Goal: 825K NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:15 p.m. Consumption: 857 K See page 3 Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 162 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Thursday, January 25, 1990 Senate has showdown on China Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders in Gitmo AP - The Senate decides today rejected the veto, anyway. But the STAFF REPORT to 10 a.m. Following the whether to override a presidential Senate vote is expected to be performance, the NFL's top veto, something that hasn't happened closer, and the administration The Dallas Cowboy Cheer- cheerleading squad will sign yet to President Bush. But Secretary.saysitstandsachanceofwinning. leaders are coming to Guantan- photographs. of State James Baker says the admini- The bill could affect 40.000 amo Bay, Cuba. Saturday night, they will stration mftight "surprise some people" Chinese students studying in the Possibly the most famous of perform at the Windjammer Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan's com- when the vote's taken. In November, U.S. But the veto battle has taken all NFL cheerleading squads from 8 to 9 p.m., followed by munist party has expelled its former Bush said "no" to a bill designed to on another meaning, too. For will arrive Friday, Jan. 26, the another autograph session. leader. In an all-night emergency shield Chinese students in the U.S. Senate republicans, it's ameasure start of the Superbowl weekend. Sunday, the Cowboy cheer- meeting the party voted to name the from deportation and possible perse- of strength and loyalty to Bush. The Cowboy cheerleaders leaders will visit Navy ships in republic's prime minister as party cution at home. He says the students are For democrats, it's a chance to will be at the Clipper Club, from Guantanamo for training. Other leader. The move comes amid ethnic 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Friday night parts of schedule are being con- unrest and tension over the presence protected under an executive order he condemn Bush's policy of to autograph photos. firmed of Soviet troops. issued. The House overwhelmingly warmer ties with China. at this time. Saturday, Jan. 27, they will Check tomorrow's Daily put on a 30-minute performance Colombia - Another Colombian Gazette for changes or update to cocaine cartel is offering to Bush to send aid to Panama at the Marine Parade Grounds Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader on Marine Corps Hill, from 9:30 negotiate with authorities. The AP - A U.S. official says Presi- The source says the aid is to be Gitmo schedule. alleged leader of Cali cartel says dent Bush is preparing to propose an about half in cash and the remain- he's ready to surrender. Gilberto aid program for Panama totaling more der in credits. The administration Rodriguez also says he's prepared to Heart association checks off foods face an extradition request to the than $1-billion. The official, who is also hoping otherindustrialized U.S., if the request's merit is judged doesn't want to be named, says the countries, such as Japan and AP - The American Heart As- lesterol and sodium content. Prod- under Colombian law. money will be used to help the Central western European nations, will sociation says it's going ahead with ucts tested and approved would get a American country recover from the follow the U.S. lead with aid to "heartguide," despite federal disap- symbol with a red heart and check Africa - Pope John Paul has left recent U.S. invasion and long years of Panama. Congressional leaders proval. The program, which begins mark. But the Food and Drug for the Sahel, an African region corrupt military rule. were briefed on the program Monday, will test foods for fat, cho- Administration is against it. long plagued by hunger. African government and church leaders hope the visit will re-focus attention on Africa's needs in the wake of Detailers onboard Guantanamo for LDO's, CWO's overwhelming western attention to the FTG auditorium. Here's the tact Lt. Cmdr. Herbel at 5325 or4660 Master Chief Koegle no eastern Europe. STAFF REPORT later than latest schedule: to schedule an appointment. The Jan. 26 for additional information. 3 Wednesday, Jan. 31 FTG Admin Great Britain - Two British as- The Surface Limited Duty Officer Officer suggested that 1 - :30p.m. - Detailers available tronomers are suggesting sun spots (LDO) and Chief Warrant Officer 8:30 a.m. - Detailer presenta- you call soon as the appointment for individual counseling sessions may be linked to major outbreaks of (CWO) detailers will be in Guantan- tion for Gitmo LDO and CWO's schedule is filling up quickly. with senior enlisted personnel. For influenza. In a letter to the journal amo from Jan. 30 to Feb. 2. (all designators). Thursday, Feb. 1 an appointment, call Master Chief "Nature," the astronomers say solar According to Lt. Cmdr. R. C. Her- 11:30 a.m. - No host lunch at 8:30 a.m. - LDO and CWO pro- Koegle at 5325. activity caused by sunspots may bel, Fleet Training Group administra- Deer Point Officers Club patio. gram briefing for all Gitmo senior Lt. Cmdr. Herbel said individu- blow flu viruses down to earth. tive officer, the detailers are here to Contact Lt. Cmdr. Herbel not later enlisted personnel who are interested als should bring service records and But a U.S. specialist says that provide detailing and community man- than Jan. 26 for additional infor- in applying for LDO and CWO pro- LDO or CWO applications to indi- "doesn't sound too likely." agement briefings for the LDOs and mation. grams. This is also an excellent vidual counseling sessions. (continued.page 3) Warrants in all designators. 1 - 3:30 p.m. - Detailers avail- opportunity for Command Master There's no better time to get the The detailers will also provide able for individual counseling Chiefs and career counselors to gain latest information concerning LDO briefings for senior enlisted personnel with LDOs and CWOs. valuable information. and CWO opportunities. Call for interested in applying for LDO orCWO It's requested that people who 11:30 a.m. -No hostlunch at the your appointment today to talk to the USA programs. The briefing will be held at desire individual counseling con- CPO Harbor Lights Lounge. Contact detailer about your future plans. News Gitmoites don't have to rush to change uniforms Washington - Secretary of Two uniform changes were an- Ill. and San Diego, Calif. will insignias. if worn, they should be place of duty. Navy men and women Defense Dick Cheney has taken nounced by the Chief of Naval Opera- begin centering their last name placed 1/4-inch above the left breast are not authorized to wear the his cost-cutting scissors to the tions this week. above the right front pocket with pocket of the shirt. sweater in public places. Defense Department again. He's The first change was to the blue the bottom of the letters one inch The second uniform change Officers are required to wear soft announced an immediate three- chambray dungaree shirts worn by from the top of the pocket flap. concerns the Navy pullover wool shoulder boards on epaulets and en- month hold on new military Navy members from E-1 to E-6. The All shirts purchased after Feb. sweater, with fabric epaulets, shoul- listed personnel are rot authorized to construction contracts, in effect, change has to do with the location for 1 are required to comply with this der and elbow patches. The sweater wear insignia on preventing more spending. That their sweater. The the stenciling of the name. uniform change. The name can action follows a freeze on civilian is now approved for wearby all Navy shirt collar is always worn outside Chambray hiring at the department. dungaree shirts will be stenciled or embroidered in black. personnel. the sweater. stenciled over the right hand pocket Shirts with the name on the left The pullover sweater is an op- Everyone wearing the sweater is U.S. - Folks who want to know instead of over the left hand pocket. hand side are authorized for wear tional uniform item and can be worn required to have a velcro backed, how many days ahead of time to The change had been recom- as long as the shirts are service- with the winter blue, winter working leather name tag (2" x 4"), embossed mail mom's birthday card may mended by the Master Chief Petty able, which means don't throw blue, summer khaki, working khaki, with rank/rate and name. An earned soon have their answer. The postal Officer of the Navy and approved by them away. It also means E-1 or dungaree uniforms when author- warfare insignia may be embossed service says it's changing its mail the CNO. According to the MCPON, throughE-6Navymen and women ized by the prescribing authority. In above the individual's name. Other delivery standards to make relocating the name to the right hand don't have tobuy all new uniforms Guantanamo Bay, that's the naval insignias or pins on devices are service more consistent. And it's not side provided uniformity in wearing immediately. also hiring an outside company to As old shirts are base commander. authorized. measure performance. There's name tags and breast insignia on all replaced after Feb.
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