Mobile banking is A tip for NATO to keepkeep changing how we pay Georgia even closerr See on p. 14 See on p. 8 MERAB PACHULIA, GORBI 23 July, 2018 News Making Money http://www.fi nchannel.com Pentagon to Give Fewer severe Kids of Working Moms natural Ukraine $200 Million disasters in More in Military Aid Grow Into Happy Adults the first half The FINANCIAL -- The U.S. and advisory assistance. All The FINANCIAL -- In earlier eventual careers than the Professor Kathleen McGinn of the year Defense Department says the military aid is nonlethal in research, Kathleen McGinn daughters of stay-at-home hopes the fi ndings bring a it will give $200 million to nature. and colleagues discovered moms. big sigh of relief for guilt- The FINANCIAL -- The fi rst Ukraine to help bolster its mil- A timeline for delivery of that adult kids of working Now the full study has ridden mothers who either half of 2018 was fortunate in itary’s defensive capabilities. the aid and equipment is to be moms are high achievers at been released, and it brings have to hold down a job to that natural disasters across Voice of America reported. determined later, the Penta- work. Now it turns out they even more good news for the make ends meet or simply the world caused signifi cantly The Pentagon said in an an- gon said. are happy, too. children of working moms: choose to work outside the lower losses than usual. Ac- nouncement Friday the mon- In 2015, preliminary re- They wind up just as happy home while raising their cording to provisional fi gures, ey will be used to help fund sults of a groundbreaking in adulthood as the children children. overall losses were around military training, equipment Continued on p. 2 study found that the daugh- of moms who stayed home, US$ 33bn, the lowest level ters of employed mothers according to HBS. since 2005 (US$ 29bn after adjustment for infl ation). Consumer sentiment in often perform better in their Harvard Business School Continued on p. 17 Europe improves slightly Estimating the Risk of Modern Slavery in 2018 Continued on p. 4 The FINANCIAL -- The con- since November 2007. The The FINANCIAL -- In 2017, Some regions of the world Walk Free and Gallup have sumer sentiment among Eu- average propensity to buy in Walk Free Fou ndation suff er this problem dispropor- collaborated since 2014 to CURRENCIES ropean consumers improved the EU dropped slightly, al- and the International Labour tionately, with modern slav- collect data on modern slav- slightly in the second quarter though the propensity to save Organization estimated that ery most prevalent in Africa ery using nationally repre- July 21 July 14 of 2018. also fell, making more money there were 40 million victims (7.6 per 1,000 people) and sentative household surveys In June the GfK Consumer available for consumption, of modern slavery on any giv- least prevalent in the Ameri- implemented through the 1 USD 2.4417 2.4478 Climate for the 28 EU states according to GFK. en day in 2016, including 25 cas (1.9 per 1,000 people). Gallup World Poll. 1 EUR 2.8436 2.8458 reached 23.2 points, thus tak- million people in forced labor o provide a targeted, ob- 100 RUB 3.8430 3.9292 ing it 2.6 points above March’s and 15 million in forced mar- jective assessment of the fi gure. This is its highest level Continued on p. 6 riage. problem at the country level, Continued on p. 11 1 TRY 0.5080 0.5040 © 2018 The FINANCIAL. INTELLIGENCE BUSINESS PUBLICATION WRITTEN EXPRESSLY FOR OPINION LEADERS AND TOP BUSINESS DECISION-MAKERS 2 HEADLINE NEWS & ANALYSIS fi nnancialancial nnewsews 23 JULY, 2018 | FINCHANNEL.COM CURRENT PRICES ON GASOLINE AND DIESEL 23 JULY, 2018, GEORGIA Prices in GEL Prices in GEL Prices in GEL Prices in GEL Prices in GEL G-Force Super 2.58 Eko Super 2.62 Super Ecto 100 2.60 Nano Super 2.58 Efi x Euro 98 2.62 GASOLINE PRICES PRESENTED BY G-Force Premium 2.44 Eko Premium 2.52 G-Force Euro Regular 2.39 Super Ecto 2.53 Nano Premium 2.48 Efi x Euro Premium 2.52 BUSINESSTRAVELCOM 23 July, 2018 Eko Diesel 2.52 Premium Avangard Ecto 2.36 Nano Euro Regular 2.38 Euro Regular 2.42 Euro Regular 2.34 Euro Diesel 2.48 HOTEL AND AIRTICKET BOOKING: G-Force Euro Diesel 2.49 Euro Regular 2.26 Nano Diesel 2.38 Efi x Euro Diesel 2.48 Euro Regular 2.42 Euro Deasel 2.36 Nano Euro Diesel 2.48 Euro Diesel 2.42 2 999 662 | SKY.GE ISSUE: 29 (613) Euro Diesel 2.44 Diesel Energy 2.42 CNG 1.46 GNG 1.45 © 2018 INTELLIGENCE GROUP LTD COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY The FINANCIAL respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our Pentagon to Give Ukraine $200 colleagues to do the same. The material published in The FINANCIAL may not be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. All material in The FINANCIAL is protected by Georgian and international Million More in Military Aid laws. The views expressed in The FINANCIAL are not necessarily the views of the publisher nor does the publisher carry any responsibility for those views. The FINANCIAL -- The U.S. Defense Department says it will PERMISSIONS give $200 million to Ukraine to If you are seeking permission to use The help bolster its military’s de- FINANCIAL trademarks, logos, service fensive capabilities. Voice of marks, trade dress, slogans, screen shots, copyrighted designs, combination of America reported. headline fonts, or other brand features, The Pentagon said in an an- please contact publisher. nouncement Friday the money “&” is the copyrighted symbol used by The FINANCIAL will be used to help fund mili- tary training, equipment and FINANCIAL (The FINANCIAL) is registered advisory assistance. All the trade mark of Intelligence Group ltd in Georgia and Ukraine. Trade mark military aid is nonlethal in na- registration by Sakpatenti - Registration ture. date: October 24, 2007; Registration A timeline for delivery of the N: 85764; Trade mark registratrion by Ukrainian State Register body - aid and equipment is to be de- Registration date: November 14, 2007. termined later, the Pentagon said. ADVERTISING The latest military aid brings All Advertisements are accepted subject the total U.S. security sector to the publisher’s standard conditions of assistance to Ukraine to more insertion. Copies may be obtained from advertisement and marketing department. than $1 billion since 2014, Please contact marketing at: when Russia annexed Crimea. marketing@fi nchannel.com Ukraine’s government has see fi nancial media kit online www.fi nchannel.com been working to make its armed forces more compatible with Download RATE CARD those of the NATO alliance. “The implementation of these reforms will bolster Ukraine’s and democratic Ukraine,” the during a time of political debate summit between U.S. President ability to defend its territorial Pentagon said. over U.S.-Russian relations in Donald Trump and Russian integrity in support of a secure The new assistance comes the aftermath of the Helsinki President Vladimir Putin. Mercer Survey reveals Managing DISTRIBUTION The FINANCIAL distribution network High Cost Claimants’ is Eployers’ covers 80 % of key companies operating in Georgia. 90 % is distributed in Tbilisi, Batumi and Poti. Newspaper delivered free Top Health Benefi ts Strategy of charge to more than 600 companies and their managers. To be included in the list please contact distribution department at: The FINANCIAL -- “Managing status. The nurse also helped temuri@fi nancial.ge and monitoring high cost claim- him apply for disability and set ants” is the top health benefi ts up care and durable medical CONTACT US strategy that US employers will equipment in the home when he EDITOR-IN-CHIEF be focusing on for the next fi ve was discharged. Careful moni- ZVIAD POCHKHUA years, according to Mercer, a toring and follow-up ensured E-MAIL: editor@fi nancial.ge global consulting fi rm. More editor@fi nchannel.com a smooth transition from facil- Phone: (+995 32) 2 252 275 than three quarters (77%) of ity to home and prepared the US employers with 500 or more patient and his family on what HEAD OF MARKETING employees said this strategy to know or avoid to prevent re- LALI JAVAKHIA E-MAIL: marketing@fi nancial.ge was “very important” or “impor- lapse or readmission. marketing@fi nchannel.com tant”. These fi ndings come from For an older patient having a Phone: (+995 558) 03 03 03 a recent analysis of responses hospital admission for hip re- CONSULTANT to the Mercer National Survey placement, the care manager MAMUKA POCHKHUA of Employer-Sponsored Health spoke with the member prior to E-MAIL: fi nance@fi nancial.ge Plans, 2017. admission to set expectations Phone: (+995 599) 29 60 40 The rapid rise in high cost regarding the surgery and re- HEAD OF DISTRIBUTION DEPARTMENT claims is most likely a key driv- covery. Once home, the nurse TEMUR TATISHVILI ing force behind this strategic spoke with the patient and her E-MAIL: temuri@fi nancial.ge Phone: (+995 599) 64 77 76 prioritization by employers. daughter about pain manage- A study of carrier claims data ment, proper medication dos- COPY EDITOR: from Mercer Health Advantag- age, helped schedule follow-up IONA MACLAREN esm, (MHA) a program off ered appointments and arranged COMMUNICATION MANAGER: through select insurance carri- for physical therapy to begin at EKA BERIDZE ers that features high-intensity home. Phone: (+995 577) 57 57 89 care management for the sickest Another patient credits his PHOTO REPORTER: employees, revealed a rapidly number of plan members drive care management programs nurse care manager with sav- KHATIA (JUDA) PSUTURI growing percentage of claims a large majority of the cost.
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