mE ODD OF THE PI KAPPR FRilTER NITY ALL-OUT WAR II[(A S uprem e Council CLOSER TO U. S. STREAMLINES ttte FRATERNITY By OWEN L. SCOTT NOVEMBER, 19 4 1 PI KAPPA ALPHA Badges and Pledge Pins PLA IN BADGES Order your official pledge pin s NOW. $6.00 TAN NE R per doze n in heavy gold-filled qu ality with latest No. 0 No. 1 No. 2 No.3 SPEC IAL Pla in Bevel Borde r, clutch-type button back. Miniature ____________ $3 .00 $4.75 $5 .50 $6.00 $8 .0 0 $7 .00 Nugge t ------------------------------ 5 .20 5.75 6 .25 B.75 7 .50 CROWN SET JEWELE D BA DGES Chase d or Engraved Bo rde r 5.25 5.75 6 .25 8.75 7 .50 TANNER Pl e dge Button -------------------------------------------------------- Doz. 6 .00 No. 0 No. I No. 2 No. 3 SPECIAL Offic ial Recogni tion Button --------------------------------- .50 _______________________________ $ Pea rl 9.75 $ 11.50 $ 13 .50 $ 19.00 $ 16.50 Sapp hire GUARD PIN PRICE LIST Pearl, Ruby or Double Po ints ----------------------------- 11 .00 12.75 14 .00 23.00 18.50 Single Le tte r Pearl, Em e rald Points ______ 13.50 15.25 16 .50 25 .50 2 1.00 MEDI UM SIZE Lette r !Staggard l PI a in 2.00 $3.00 All Em e rald 18.50 2 1.00 23 .00 3 2.50 29.50 --------------------------------·--------------------------$ --------------- Hand Engraved -------------·---------------------- 2.50 3.75 Pe arl and Sapphire Close Set Pe arl (Half Pe a rls) ·--------------------- 4 .00 6 .50 Alternating _______________ 14.50 16.00 17 .50 24.00 21.00 Crown Set Pearl. ______________________________________ 5 .50 9 .00 Pe arl and Ruby Alte rnating 14.50 16.00 17 .50 24.00 21.00 Pearl and Em e rald Send Official Release and I0 "/o deposit to avoid Alte rnating ·-------------------- 15.50 17.50 19.00 29.00 26.00 delay in shipme nt. 0 . C. TANNER COMPANY " One of the fastes t growing jewelry man ufacturers i n Ame rica." O NLY ONE DAY 'S DISTA NCE BY AIR MAIL 44 W. 2nd SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH NOR MAN C. TA NN ER, Alph a-Tau, '37 Bu'f EHCO ad. 'lou ~ the ~~ PI KAPPA ALPHA BADGES • JEWELRY • NOVELTIES PROGRAMS • STATIONERY • FAVORS SURPASSING ALL PREVIOUS DISPLAYS 1942 SHOWING OF COAT OF ARMS Rea.~ ~ ifO.U NOW SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY TODAY The Perfect Guide to Fine Rings, Jewelry and Novelties for Gift or Personal Use EDWARDS, HALDEMAN AND COMPANY O ffi cial Jewelers to Pi Kappa Alpha FARWELL BUILDING DETROIT, MICHIGAN EDWARDS, HALDEMAN & CO., Farwell Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Address IlK A I am interested in the following. Plea se send data and literature free. Na me ---------------------------·--------------------------·--·-- ------------------- Book of Trea sures·--------·-·-··-----·--·--------------------------------< Street ---------------------------·----· --------------------------------·------·------ Favors .. --------------------·-------·----·----------------------------------·( City ------·---·---------------------··------------------------- --------------------------- Programs --------------·----·- ·-----------------------·---------------------· ( Sta tionery ---------·-------------------------------------------< Fraternity ---·--------------·-·- --·--- ..... --- -·-·----------·- THE SHIELD AXD D TA:>.CO ND is published six times a yea r at 11-t Ea!!t econd t. , Little R ock , Ark., in eptember, ~ ovc mb e r , j a nuary, ~l a r c h . ~la y , and July by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered as second cia s mau cr, ct. 1-', 193 i, at the Postoffi cc at Little Rock, Ark. , under Act of .March 3, 1 9i. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage p1ovidcd for in Section 11 03, Act of Oct. 3, 19li, authori zed june 16, 1918. The Shield and Diamond NATIONAL OFFICERS S UPREME COUNCIL National President-Roy D. Hickman, B..'i . Ala­ EDITORIAL STAFF bama Engraving Co. , Birmingham , Ala. National Vice Pres ident-S. Roy Smith, A~· . 6 1 How About 1AT IO NA L EDIT OR- N. Mountain Ave., Montclair. N. j . N ational T reasurer- L. Brooks Ragen . BN, 275 K. D. PULCII'H F.R, BH, 302 Fisher Road, S. W . Riverwood Rd .. Portland , Ore. Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. National Secretary- Leo A. Hoegh, r 1 , First Stale Bank Bl dg .. Chariton . Ia. taking a CONTRIBUTING EDIT OR- N ationa l Alumni Secretary- Howard B. Arbuckle , R ICHARD G. BAUM HOFF, BA, 79 14 Gannon Jr .. B. McKinnon Bldg .. Charlotte. N . C. Ave., niversity City, Mo. OTHER NATIONAL O PPICERS Honorary Life P resident-Robert A. Smythe. A, ASSOCIATE EDIT OR- IIKA Vacation '11 0 Commercial Exchange Bldg .. Atlanta , Ga. ]. BLANFO RD T AYLOR, AA, 3708 H ycliffc National Counsel- j ohn L. Packer . BA. 1603 Law Ave., St. Matthews, Ky. & Finance Bl dg .. Pittsburgh. Pa . N a tional Editor-K. D. Pulcipher, BH , 302 Fisher A SISTAN T EDIT OR- Roa d , Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. in 1943 ~ R oBERT W . CY ES TER, AP, 39 Oakview N ational Historian- Or . Freeman H . Hart, I. N 'ltional Chaplain- T he Rev. Dr. U. S. Gordon . Drive, R . R . 7, Dayton , 0 . 9 . Firs t Presbyterian Church . Gainesville, Fla. Yes, it's a little early to be National E ducational Advisor- M . C. Huntiey, PRODUCTIO 1 MA 1AGER- thinking about a vacation for ~~ i an: ~~ 7G aCitizens & Southern Bank Bldg .. C. ARM ITAGE H AR PER, AZ . 114 East Second 1943-some of us haven't been St., Little Rock, Ark . Na tional Publicity Cha irma n-Wm. S. Lacy , 9 and I. News Leader Bl dg .. Richmond . V a. able to wangle one for 1941 yet. N ational Rushing Cbairman-Stamon M. Peter­ Change of address should be sent to T I-n~ son , r '· P . 0. Box 362. Iowa City. Ia. SHIELD AN D D I A~ !O N D , 114 East Second St. Executive Secretary- Freeman H . Hart, ]; T ravel­ But for all IIKA's t here's one Little Rock, Ark ., or to Dr. Freeman H. ing Secreta ry, Char'es L. Freeman , BA , General outstanding vacatio ;, attraction H art, Executive Secretary, Pi Kappa Alpha . O ffi ce. 77 1 Spring St .. Atlanta , Ga.; telephone, Atwood 1868. 771 Spring St., Atl anta, Ga. Both old and for 1943 and t hat's the new addresses shou ld be given. COMMISSIONS Pi Kappa Al pha Endowment Pund T rustees­ Articles and photogra ph for T HE SI·HELD Cha rl es K. Dunn. !l, 105 Colorado Build ing, AN D DI AMON D are cord iall y in vited and W ashington. D. C.. Chairman; Weldon U. DIAMOND JUBILEE How ell , DZ; W ill iam G . Nash. AA . should be addressed to the National Editor at 302 Fi her R oad , Grosse Pointe Farms, Shield and D iamond E ndowment P und Trustees­ D. C. Powers, Z, Cha irman and Treasurer; L. i\ l ich. Brooks Ragen . DN, Sec'y; Dr. W . D. Haden, A. CONVENTIO N Chapter House Commission-E. E. McKeen, BB . Subscription prices- Life Sub cription, Chairm an; Everett M . Oxley, A!l; P . D . Chris­ ti an . j r .. Bl(. 10; per year, 2; special alumni rate, Aug. 17-24, 1943 per year. Address subscriptions to the N ational Pledge T raini ng Committee-) . Ha rold Johnston . A 'i', Rutgers Univers ity, New Bruns­ Executive Secretary at the address above. wick . N. J .. Chairman; Robert H . Cherney. r n; Dona ld H. jones . BZ and AN. University of Missouri; Dis trict President Harvey T . in Old Virginia Volume LI, No. 1 November , 1941 Newell. Jr .. AI ; j ohn H. Reisner, Jr .. B. Diamond j ubilee Commission- K. D. Pulcipher. BH . Cha irma n; LeRoy Hodges. TI , co-Cha irman; It wi ll b e a gre at o ccasion f or Pi CONTENT S john L. Pa cker, BA; G . A. Borkey, 0 ; Clifford Ka ppa Alpha-her 75th birthday. A j . Cook, 13A . week of e nte rtainme nt , renewal of old + Our De f en se E ffort 1913 Nominating Committee-Elbert P . T uttle, a c quaintan c e s, cementing o f IIKA 89 ; joseph A . Sheehan , AN . friendships, v isits to the Founde rs' Room All-Out War Closer to U. ---------- 8 Robert A. S mythe Trophy Committee-H. A. a t t he Univers ity of Virginia , excursions Fraternities and Defen e ------------------ I I Smith , AT; j . P ike Powers. Jr .. Z; John C. t o Williamsburg and Jamestown, a re a l Food Will Win the War ---------------- 12 Lilienthal. rz. Southe rn Plant a t ion party, unveiling of L ure of the U niform Snares P retty Executive Committee of Mothers · a nd Wives' Portraits of the Founde rs, a nd a cli­ Coeds -------------------------·-------------- I 7 Clubs of TI KA-Mrs . Howard C. Hartman. 6707 matic banquet in Washington, D. C. We Still H ate H itlerism ------------------·-- 18 South Merrill Ave.. Chicago, Genera l Cha ir­ 'H ello Bill' Becomes ' H ell o America n' 22 man; Mrs. j oseph Trinner , 666 East Drive . (with many IIKA notables present ) a re Memphis. T enn.; Mrs. S. Roy Smith , 10 1 Fair­ only a few o f t he high s pots on t he Many IIKA's in Military Service ........ 33 v iew Ave .. South O range. N. J.; Mrs. j ohn j . Kennett, 2519 Eleventh W est. Seattle, W ash. ; progra m . IIKA Business Mrs. E. C. Locklea r . Prescott. Ariz .. Regional + Co-Chairm en. W hy not make your plans now to toke Supreme Council Streamlines the your fam ily ond jo in in celebrating 1/KA's Fraterni ty --·------·------------------------·-··· _ 5 75th Anniversary? Wont more informa ­ Buy Defense Stamps for Endowmen t tion? Just fe ar off the coupon below Fund -·---------------···------·-········ ............ 2H and moil today! 3 New Ch iefs Join D istrict Office rs .... 35 Streamlined )fagazine Heads 'ew IIKA Publicity Drive ______ 36 Chairman, Dia mond J ubil ee Commission, • T HI ISSUE of Tt·IE HI ELD t\ N I) Pi Kap pa Alpha, 771 Sp ring St.
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