A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Communications of the ACM : 2000{2009 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 20 March 2020 Version 2.91 Title word cross-reference 2.0 [613, 2673]. 20 [480]. 20/20 [2040]. 2002 [864]. 21st [2090, 371, 347, 2466, 2499, 1678]. 3 [2865, 574]. 3083s [40]. 3D [257, 847]. 2W [2673]. 3 3D-enabled [847]. 3G [2191]. [1619, 1514, 1621, 750, 1371, 1615, 1620]. = [959, 1014]. st [1531, 1840]. th [1531]. D 50-year-old [2458]. 500 [2751]. [574]. 802.11-based [988]. 802.11b [990]. .NET [1017, 1016]. 9/11 [792, 791]. '02 [916]. A-Head [1503]. Abbreviation [127]. 10 [1437, 1459, 1481, 1509, 1533, 1565, 1588, Abduction [838]. Abilities [2432]. ability 1611, 1635, 1657, 1688, 1711, 1737, 1755, [2171, 2826]. absolute [350]. Abstract 1779, 1812, 1858, 1939, 1965, 1986, 2005, [84, 2865]. Abstraction [1586, 2908, 2138]. 2025, 2044]. 10th [2566]. 11th [2313]. 12 abstractions [2909]. abundant [1786]. [2667, 5, 1485, 2988]. 1 2 Abuse [604, 601]. academia 706, 1592, 1901, 1376, 176, 950, 702, 707, [2337, 1105, 1155]. Academic 698, 703, 1847, 523, 1595, 1848, 818, 1593]. [1919, 15, 1405, 1714, 2639, 248, 1972, 1295, Adaptivity [645]. Add [127, 2299]. 1945, 2990]. academics [378]. Accelerating addiction [2959]. Addictive [1753]. [682, 2310]. Acceptable [607]. acceptance Additional [767]. Address [497, 1913]. [934, 2590, 1448]. Access addressable [1907]. addressing [2064]. [2484, 258, 397, 376, 541, 588, 1409, 2454, adhocracies [2115]. Adjective [481]. 183, 699, 2596, 990, 1273, 2, 898, 1977, 705, Admediation [583]. admissions [2127]. 2718, 2819, 1722, 1871]. accessibility Ado [88]. adopters [974, 2653]. Adopting [2141, 1472, 2917, 2167]. Accessible [685]. [1449, 1226]. Adoption Accessing [2169]. Accompaniment [481, 682, 2850, 2018, 2886, 1999, 2047, 2184, [2041, 1969]. Accomplishing [614]. 1092, 1103, 249, 1669, 1298, 1605, 1729, 2847, Accomplishment [1030]. 1774, 2388, 1170, 1111, 70]. Ads [640]. accomplishments [31]. According [2432]. Adults [685, 1525]. Advance [300]. account [2706]. Accountability Advanced [1655, 351, 935, 2452]. Accreditation [866, 2062, 2184, 1839, 2135, 2402]. [481, 781]. Accuracy [1028]. achieve advances [2898]. Advancing [2812]. [2010, 2366, 2315]. achievements [250]. Advantage [1912, 588, 1090, 2658]. achieving [2593]. ACM advantages [2818]. Advertising [2159, 1915, 2240, 2596, 2163, 2161, 466, 729, [583, 2573, 2123, 2958, 1907]. Advice 921, 1303, 1437, 1459, 1481, 1509, 1533, 1565, [564, 1982, 2605]. Advising 1588, 1611, 1635, 1657, 1688, 1711, 1737, 1755, [2701, 2605, 1700]. advocate [1423]. AFF 1936, 1962, 1779, 1812, 1858, 1866, 1889, 1916, [1823]. affair [2417]. affect 1939, 1965, 1986, 2005, 2025, 2044, 2218, 2081, [151, 2875, 1103, 1263]. Affecting 2101, 2126, 2147, 2173, 2190, 2213, 2233, 2259, [328, 1669]. affective [50, 1702]. Affinity 2282, 2303, 2322, 2152, 2288, 2367, 2640, 515, [996]. Affordable [481]. affordances 1424, 2160, 2503, 2922, 2162, 2158, 66, 1659, [157, 2595]. Afghanistan [1808]. Afoot 1505, 1781, 1913, 424, 1319, 803, 623, 520, [1961]. Africa [467, 868, 1349]. African 635, 600, 1380, 1218, 1469, 1260, 1530, 1849, [1777]. After [1141, 350, 792, 1133, 2669]. 2043, 1839, 1861, 2072, 2110, 2134, 2106, 2135, after-math [2669]. aftermath [18, 791]. 2312, 2424, 2384, 2403, 2421, 2402, 2697]. again [2336, 1518, 87, 744, 2800]. Against ACM [1982, 2585]. Age [2829, 2786, 455, 858, 1282, 2566, 2157]. [1028, 1236, 1096, 2611, 2118, 880, 2894, 456, ACM-W [2786]. Acquire [887, 2324]. 2520, 310, 2705, 55, 3006]. age-old [2894]. Acquisition [917, 1201]. across agencies [289]. Agency [560]. agenda [628, 1924, 868, 1037, 289, 1522, 1930, 2074]. [2857]. Agendas [1280]. Agent [381, 2114, Act [220, 1629, 149, 960, 2093, 21, 620, 2125]. 383, 387, 1395, 2431, 382, 2058, 2170]. Action [1896, 1895, 1489, 1898]. actions Agent-based [2114, 383, 1395, 382]. [2029]. activated [2788]. Active Agent-oriented [381, 387]. Agents [2652, 385, 2142, 391, 828, 2725]. activity [786, 1626, 58, 78, 1046, 491, 1049, 946, 1286, [488, 666, 2142, 1765, 1691]. actors [747]. 123, 710, 2228, 654]. aggregation [2525]. actual [1579]. Ad [1053, 1545]. Ad-hoc Agile [2069, 1769, 2920, 613, 1598, 2122, [1545]. Ada [1835]. adapt [1219]. 2009, 2624, 2324, 2011]. Agility adaptation [2096]. Adaptive [722, 699, [994, 2532, 2010, 2593]. aging [2981, 1717]. 3 agricultural [126]. Ahead [2132, 1669, 2781, 2366]. [1163, 982, 2050, 1938, 2087, 359, 2341]. AI anti-circumvention [2366]. anti-forensics [1215, 2130, 595]. aid [1100, 727]. aided [2132]. anti-spam [2781]. anti-spyware [1951]. aids [1717]. Air [147, 1961, 445]. [1669]. Anticipating [930, 1558]. airjacking [1458]. Airline [692]. Airport antiphishing [2886]. Antiterror [982]. [838, 1961]. AJAX [2769]. Alaska [433]. Anton [2476]. Any Alerts [838, 1585]. algorithm [1581, 2680]. [1632, 1964, 2446, 2252, 82]. Anymore [258]. Algorithmic [2772, 2974, 1944]. Anyone [2032]. anyplace [877]. Anything algorithmics [2291]. algorithmization [1778, 1674]. Anytime [877, 1674]. [1893]. Algorithms Anytime/anyplace [877]. anywhere [2041, 2358, 2556, 770, 2987, 769, 2941, 2756]. [1674]. AOL [180]. AOP [529, 640, 522]. Alice [2865]. Aligning [2010, 606]. apart [1246]. API [2768]. Appeal [496]. alignment [1969, 2851]. alive [1304]. Apple [2511, 480, 2719, 2598]. Appliances All-Seeing [618]. Allure [1141]. Alone [717, 1708]. Application [1835, 1925]. along [974]. Already [1237, 812, 1032, 241, 1929, 1080, 2053, 1535, [740, 1835, 1962]. Alter [1777, 1351]. 1643, 1846, 447, 879, 1429, 77, 818, 1070]. Alternate [2368, 1091, 1284]. Alternative Applications [2371, 1310]. alternatives [1879]. always [1479, 575, 1854, 690, 772, 882, 304, 707, 185, [2513]. Ambidextrous [2008]. ambiguity 2141, 509, 2677, 1221, 2620, 383, 1548, 819, [2785]. America [2921, 1472, 1236]. 899, 826, 625, 773, 947, 210, 306, 2277, 188, American [463, 1439]. Americans 189, 835, 999, 1510, 1747, 1521, 2208, 875, [1861, 1452, 2885]. amidst [2488]. Amoeba 1644, 904, 1175, 1766, 1059, 1036, 3016, 305]. [2251]. Amoeba-based [2251]. among Applying [819, 1643, 2014]. [2777]. amorphous [98]. analog [2161]. Apprenticeship [2841]. Approach analogous [57]. analogy [2014, 315]. [690, 591, 2098, 174, 309, 667, 2720, 2472, analyses [548]. Analysis 626, 1931, 382, 1928, 156, 2253, 816, 530, [2142, 570, 2751, 735, 2050, 1816, 1266, 1187, 1191, 1763, 912, 2851, 492]. approaches 2171, 1619, 1875, 1341, 508, 2911, 1405, 903, [2808, 2623, 603, 2824]. Approval [1237]. 2877, 1829, 1513, 3002, 2037, 1675, 2941, approximate [2358]. apps [2822]. apt 1982, 2584, 255, 28, 1820, 1402, 26, 1625]. [315]. archaeological [2164]. Arches [982]. analysts [1957, 1100]. analytic [1520]. architect [2166, 2636]. Architecting [1128]. analytics [771]. Analyzing architectural [1375, 1764, 2450]. [2571, 1422, 1004, 527, 1070, 1212]. architecture anatomy [1514]. Ancient [1325]. ancyent [2565, 215, 2349, 1253, 954, 226, 2034, 2209, [2155]. Animating [137]. Animation 2206, 1310, 1595, 1129, 343, 3005, 1748]. [574, 136, 134, 135]. animations [850]. architectures [2431, 727, 1307, 2739]. anniversary [2329, 2566]. annotate [1876]. Archival [416]. archives [26]. Archiving annotation [1443]. Announce [983]. area [2031, 1434]. Areas [276]. [2097, 2363, 1508, 1551, 2109]. Annual Arena [599]. Argentina [838]. Argument [2072, 2820, 2367, 2640, 1781, 600, 1218, 1469]. [258]. Argumentation [1853]. Ariadne Anonymity [740, 1586, 664]. Anonymizing [417]. ARQuake [596]. array [2741]. 'art [961]. Anonymous [1347, 2684, 1299]. [2468, 938, 1367, 2003, 866, 1480, 1677, 2458, answer [2205, 2794]. Answering 824, 2451, 1268, 442, 2505]. Article [1053]. [2794, 2519]. Anthropomorphic [574]. anti articles [2630, 1254]. artifacts [1544]. 4 Artificial [1323]. Asia [2665]. Asian [2792, 2247, 2267]. Autopsies [1236]. [1999, 1608]. ASIMO [717]. ASP [1070]. availability [1423]. available [2950]. Aspect [521, 523, 532, 528, 530]. avatar [1770]. Avatars [574]. Aviation Aspect-oriented [521, 523, 532, 528, 530]. [430]. Avoid [2022, 1351, 2139, 434]. award ASPECTJ [526]. Aspects [2829, 2106, 2421, 2761]. awards [640, 529, 522, 527]. assembled [2247]. [2288, 1380]. aware assembly [2993, 1154]. Assessing [599, 703, 636, 2837, 366, 1989]. awareness [1500, 3017, 1746, 1251]. Assessment [333]. away [890]. Awkshun [1280]. [689, 1604, 2279, 151, 213, 2588, 1108, 2880, awkward [613]. axiomatic [2935]. 1447, 1670]. asset [1495]. assets [854]. assimilation [2534]. assistance [1877]. B2B [100, 2185, 1764, 1206, 1880]. B2C Assisting [1957]. Assurance [1479, 783]. [1825]. babies [2241]. Baboons [559]. Asteroids [179]. Astronauts [330]. Babylon [2785]. baccalaureate [743]. astronomer [2581]. Asturian [505]. Back [365, 497, 300, 1778, 559, 916, 2330, asymmetric [3004]. asymmetry [714]. 1140, 1753, 1585, 1230, 2597, 1796, 1518, Asynchronous [1020, 2649]. ATM [242]. 2309, 2157]. backbone [2]. backdoors Atoms [480]. attached [226]. attack [2038]. Backward [1053, 985, 2823, 2793]. [1658, 637, 492]. Attacks Bad [109, 2685, 2799, 1720, 2271]. bag [515, 739, 2774, 1743, 2585, 1624, 85, 274]. [1819]. Bahgdad [1325]. balance attain [2816]. Attaining [2949]. attempt [2779, 939, 1713, 2366]. Balancing [2941]. attend [1534]. attention [1155, 2948, 1845]. bald [1867]. Ballot [948, 1648, 947, 949, 2459]. Attentive [2919]. ban [2546]. bandwagon [1650]. [946, 943, 944]. Attract [1962]. Attracting
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