University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-1-1918 Deming Graphic, 11-01-1918 N. S. Rose Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news Recommended Citation Rose, N. S.. "Deming Graphic, 11-01-1918." (1918). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/deming_headlight_news/1251 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Deming Headlight and Deming Graphic, 1890-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vote the Straight Republican Ticket and Be Assured rlmiionrablc Peace That WfW Sttm-'HHk- Want fah SB t ' DEMI JL mi API VOL XV.. Ko. H THK DBMINtt OMTWC PRHY OCTOBER M, 1IU. gffw fiKfn vm copy McLaughlin Against (Lifting of "Flu" Quarantine in City National Leaders Ksdafjw Mi And l ege CimigRujgtilt uems mme i ax not n 1 L. u..ul n . TonfeetgRsn. rosiponea oy neaun uepanmem Washington. D. C. Oct. M, CAM PA1QN KEYNOTE The Graphic put the feUewing Editor, The Journal. Al up to Phil McLaughlin, mpiet TO THE (1TI7.RXS OF DMttNL one. N. M. far etcettwte the state "Having the greatest Interest Lubenworial AfesMkaato Baaged tatosssBatety as representative in the return of Senator Fall a is Adatliiktrailt OWING TO TBS FACT THAT TOMBS ARK MILL MANY the senate, we take the liberty of Fer Iruliras of Mew from the 21st district: Partisan PoSky. CASES OF INFLl KNZA AT CAMP CODY AMONG THK SOI, sending this to you, beeenae. to At Cadp. DIRKS OF THK LAHT ( All, AND THK Ft RTHKR FACT THAT the trouble and sorrows which DRNOIJNCEri DEMOCRAT LEADERS "As you upon in are a practical THKKK AKK HTILL HOME CASK! HKKK AMONfl THK (IVUJANH have come Senator full the midst of the campaign, we IT IK THOIGHT BENT NOT TO LIFT THK Ql ARANTINK AT The Comparative yew era, and as any feel for him the profounds AraltoMe Ever) THK PKRSKNT TIME A8 WAR CONTRMPLATRD BY THK NOTICE sympathy, and as warm personal legislation will affect Parties. fHVKN HOME DAYS AGO. friends we earnestly desire to do of New Mexicans, we would like F. D. VICKKRK Health Officer anything that Ilea bi otv te have pan express, for publlea-tkm-, to aid in Ms election. Octavlano A. Urrasool, Republican Wtthln the Ma daye, about tout "He Is one of the ablest laat candidate for governor of New Mexico, year opinion of the law re- t house ml recruits have arrived at Camp tors in the body : a man of great addressed an attentive audience here pealing the mine lax law, as pro- Cody they are still oaring. It hi force, courage and ability, a very and In Doming laat night, and ao forcefully I DIVISION CHIEF ARRIVES believed that wKhffl a short time an posed In the state Democrat r ORGANIZE FOR WAR WORK able lawyer, entirely fee rises. and lucidly arraigned the opposition entire new division will he hen. which and the nihil Hsjlaji and always devoted to the high and proved the Republican claims that will bring the cntnatmit population of law est Interests of his own state and he made a deep impression on the man a similar to up to lasrween thirty and forty thousand Preparations Complete For The Great Brigades r fleneral James R the Cnlted States. It would he and women who gave him their un that new In farm In Arisen." men. Mwuy thousand of those 'i-e- have War Fluid Drive Assumes Command at little short of it calamity to lose uivraeo attention rot more than an Immediate families or close slu who Camp Cody.. Senator Kail from the senate In hoar. want to Is- - nesr tbelr men up to Mr. McLaughlin replied: "The 4 these perilous times. sill There was nothing bitter or small or the Issl possible moment before I hey a re Deepened legislation II vicious In Perfected Colonel Martin With Him "We sncerely trust that every undignified hi anything that he said. The Inlted War Workers' mil overseas, and who will come to extreme, I Plans Assure Huge As Chief thing possible Is Isdng done In In clear, emphatic language, without the and shall do I soiling for tluit purpose. Ihsnsliu Sm(WMa. of Staff, Isdtslf of Senstor Kail's election. any oratorical effort, with no striving everything possible to defeat It. those civilians, most of them wohhi soil we cannot conceive that s after Impresalveneas, he urged election and eblMreu. is so set us I. serious Its paaaage would operate here constituency like that of New of Republicans on account of what they The campaign to raise funds with Itrigadler General James it Lindsay proldem Ihst must lie solved Im Just as It has In Arisena the Mexico would set a senator In- among Cody, assume sslde el have done. In spite of Democratic which to enrry on relief work has arrived nt Camp meitlately : right mm. Kr that imrpow. small miner would be mined and of such distinction as Senator 4 terference; opposition and bickering. He nut Hobllers will off Idslly begin on Nov- - chin ge as division commander. tile Cnitcd Home Kegisti atllai Fall. 4 simc arraigned the Democratic leaders who driven out of business. The effect II. Actually, II ban already ha- -' mpnulcd by bis side. l.leuteiMiit It. V. 'Bureau, of Washlugtiss. D. ('.. an Im iSlgnedi HENRY CABOT voted against war measures, and who weaM he unjust and predatory." run, the men and women wlo and Mrs. Lindsay from 'nm portant dlvlshHi of the wnr l amp t I.MDiiK P. I McCCMBBR, W. hampered President Wilson in Innumer nic devoting themselves to the actual Fremont, Palo Alio. California where Service, auks the Immediate I K. BORAH. JAMBS W. WADS able ways, Maying, umong other things business of gelling the money needed he commit ndis the lEhid Infsutry up of eeery resblcut f Douilni.' WORTH. Jr.. JAMES S WAT "Look at the record. The speaker of have Issj-i- i working for weeks In prepar to the time of his promotion. slid Its siltnirlw In providing accommo- MARL1N PHILLIPS IS SON. the House, Champ Clark, and the ma- THOI C.HT TO RK ALIVE ation of plans, forming organisations t'olonel Call Martin, who hus loam dation fin these Inclining eivilails. jority leader, Mr. Kltchin, both drilling and liiMniclliig Held representa net lug division commander, will remain They arr asketl lo al ism register with Democrats, and a majority of the Father and Friends are Convinced tives, etc. All over the Union these with Oeneral Lindsay as chief of staff, nanus- Imhmkss, unart- - lead DEER HI NTINfl BEGINS WELL the bureau all ers of different committees of the Youth was Persuaded devoted person lisve brought to bear retaining ss assistant l.t. Colonel (.nil's: iihmiIs Mini sleenitiir Isirches. furnished House strenuously opposed making to Disappear. mi the subject every possible menial It Hall, formerly acting chief. Several Iteming Hunters Retnrn From or luifurulslinl. that they possibly a mm such declaration of war, preferring an nml physical effort. As usual, New tienernl Lindsay has at West, .jpniamits t - utilised In manner. For a week, Deuilug bus heard many Hm w(l Mlf to this a - ignominious and cowardly peace to a Mexicans have ib their part' with Point and another at preparatory- mu. ,Hr-0(- vtl deal rovers WCM In .sunnlvlnrf with this retiuust. some rumors, of all kinds as usual. One, Lhid-fn- Justifiable war in defense of our nation- the result that the slate organisation school In Washington. With Mrs. r oiii iii force this sist week, slid opened sacrifice Hf nSMgsrt or iimvenlence may which lun! more foiiiiiliitlim thnn Is al rights. Not only that, but In many weed Is about as perfectly say. In has taken an asirtmeut at by bring-- , Inn f - this the season in tilling mariner be entailed- in nuance. Neither often found, wiis to the effect that Mar- MIS aud hills which have constructed ti machine as could have Frank Thurnioiid's. W. Pine lug home the venison. fue sobliers. their relatives, nor presented congress object!1" I!"'.1 logellM-r- . to with the '""'"J"", '"""l 11' egg gotten Harry Itulifuml got a four poiiud smratlves id the tiuresu ask for ,rf nlaelrxr In . "oi.uer.-u- hum Mini ins msiy llllil umi fho. USIIUIIn..l SSI eg tVlsgfUT Ul UIV The nation Is asketl to contribute buck. It. L. Frsney a three slid II. W. use of such sccomnnalatbins. lint they lotind in San Francisco hay. Here are psredness In order to conduct the war $17H.niMi.nno. of which New Mexico's a II. M. Slhley to. s the facts: of winning. To lose never enters his Thompson tire. unlilo ask. siitl are entitled little more efficiently, not only have the Dem- i, inn, is and thai of Luna Wells Ad Anulty were In the same honesty, consideration and petrtotiant Mayor Hamilton received a telegram mind. ocrats failed to give their support to ll.mm, the loiter ladng about mr on give party. Slblev Inirneil bis ImhI up. Some ,,n (he pan of lessors when they from the commander of Mare Island 'We are now called lo and tl the President, but eighty or ninety per capita. ami It is ex. of the fellows ssld he went to sleep rstes. Navy Yard, saying that Marlln. who In invest al the same time their rental cent of them have voted against such Columbus has plMlgiai itself, througn t Itit t everv man woman in with it lighted cigar in his mouth, but After wddlers gel Into Use field of Is enlisted in the navy, had deseirted.
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