E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2019 No. 168 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was cot that insults and demeans Native Native Americans and to do one thing: called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Americans to help generate profits for Change the mascot. pore (Mr. RUSH). the NFL owners. f f In the 21st century, we should rightly condemn the use of racial slurs that HONORING THE LIFE OF THOMAS DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO disparage African Americans, Latinos, H. TRACY, JR. TEMPORE Asians, or anyone. And there is no The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- doubt about it. The term ‘‘redskin,’’ in Chair recognizes the gentleman from fore the House the following commu- fact, was used in conjunction with Illinois (Mr. RODNEY DAVIS) for 5 min- nication from the Speaker: scalp hunting in the 19th century. utes. WASHINGTON, DC, In 1863, in Winona, Minnesota, my Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. October 23, 2019. home State, a newspaper, the Winona Speaker, I rise today to honor my I hereby appoint the Honorable BOBBY L. Daily Republican, printed an an- friend, Tom Tracy, Jr., an active and RUSH to act as Speaker pro tempore on this nouncement: ‘‘The State reward for beloved community member who day. dead Indians has been increased to $200 passed away unexpectedly last month NANCY PELOSI, Speaker of the House of Representatives. for every redskin sent to purgatory. at the age of 47. This sum is more than the dead bodies Tom grew up in Ivesdale, Illinois. f of all the Indians east of the Red River After graduating from Bement High MORNING-HOUR DEBATE are worth.’’ School, he went on to attend Southern The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- A news story published in the Atch- Illinois University at Carbondale and ant to the order of the House of Janu- ison Daily Champion in Atchison, Kan- earned his MBA from Eastern Illinois ary 3, 2019, the Chair will now recog- sas, on October 9, 1985, told the stories University. nize Members from lists submitted by of settlers’ ‘‘hunt for redskins, with a He spent over two decades working in the majority and minority leaders for view of obtaining their scalps.’’ the banking industry before accepting morning-hour debate. No doubt about it, this is a negative the role of president and CEO of Farm The Chair will alternate recognition word. This is a slur. So it is remark- Credit Illinois in 2015. In this position, between the parties. All time shall be able that the NFL commissioners and he led an organization of 220 full-time equally allocated between the parties, owners continue to sanction the racist employees and a multibillion-dollar and in no event shall debate continue and shameful use of the term ‘‘red- loan portfolio for its farm owners. beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other skin’’ to describe Native Americans Those who worked closely with him than the majority and minority leaders and then profit from it. described Tom as an extraordinary ex- and the minority whip, shall be limited There are millions of Native Ameri- ecutive with a kind and charitable to 5 minutes. cans in this country whose ancestors heart. f endured forced removal from their Outside of work, Tom showed he grew lands, suppression of their culture, and up in Bement and learned how to actu- NFL SHOULD END RACIST EXPLOI- state-sponsored campaigns of ethnic ally get involved in his community to TATION OF NATIVE AMERICANS cleansing. make it better. Tom gave generously The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The NFL racist mascot mocks this to Parkland College. He gave gener- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from painful history. ously to local charities, and he served Minnesota (Ms. MCCOLLUM) for 5 min- Tomorrow night, the Washington on the board for Kirby Medical Center’s utes. team and its racist mascot will be in Kirby Foundation in Monticello. Tom Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, the Minnesota, the home of 11 proud sov- lived his entire life in humble service National Football League is cele- ereign Tribal nations. I will be joining to his friends, to his neighbors, and to brating its 100th anniversary, and its Tribal leaders, elected officials, and his family. popularity and economic success is in- other Minnesotans gathering outside He was a kind young man. Tom’s life disputable. Millions of fans watched the stadium. We will be speaking out was full of promise. He is truly going the NFL last year, and the league’s 32 against racism and exploitation. We to be missed. teams split more than $16 billion in will stand proudly with our Native Shannon and I are deeply saddened revenue. American brothers and sisters. With by his passing, and our prayers are One team, the Washington franchise, one voice, we will be calling on the with all those who knew Tom, all those exploits a racist slur and a racist mas- NFL to end its racist exploitation of who worked with Tom, but especially b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H8391 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:40 Oct 23, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23OC7.000 H23OCPT1 H8392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 23, 2019 his wife, Erin, and his children, Alex That is why passing the SHIELD Act In recent days, we have seen this ad- and Maggie. is so critical to maintaining the foun- ministration cynically abandon our Rest in peace, my friend. dation of our democracy, our system of Kurdish allies in northeast Syria and f free and fair elections. open the door to a Turkish invasion. We know Russia and possibly other These decisions were made without HONORING THE HONORABLE LOU foreign powers will likely use similar consulting our allies, our distinguished FREY, JR. tactics in 2020. And why wouldn’t they? diplomats, and regional experts like The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Russia has suffered almost no con- Ambassador Jeffrey. Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from sequences for their actions in 2016. Much damage has been done. Yester- Florida (Mrs. MURPHY) for 5 minutes. While Russia assisted a Republican day, President Putin and President Mrs. MURPHY of Florida. Mr. Speak- on that occasion, it could aid a Demo- Erdogan signed an agreement, I be- er, I rise today to honor former Con- crat in the future. That is because Mos- lieve, that harms American interests in gressman Lou Frey, who represented cow’s loyalty is to itself, not to any that part of the world. the Orlando area in this Chamber for a U.S. political party. My colleagues on Hundreds of people have been killed. decade, from 1969 to 1979. the other side of the aisle should never Tens of thousands have been displaced. He passed away recently but leaves forget that fact. Dangerous ISIS prisoners, who have behind an enduring legacy. Congress- To defend our democracy, we need to been killing and wounding Americans, man Frey was many things, but above act now to protect our elections. We are now on the loose, threatening in- all, he was a loving husband, a wonder- need to pass the SHIELD Act. creased international terrorist actions ful father and grandfather, and an ex- I commend Chairwoman LOFGREN for in Europe and the United States. This traordinary public servant who cared her leadership in drafting this critical is a real threat. deeply about central Florida and about piece of legislation, and I urge all of Turkey’s actions have shown it to be this country. my colleagues to support it. a dangerous actor on the international He was a man with strongly held f stage, but it is not the first time. We views, but also one willing to make must immediately impose sanctions to WORDS OF PRESIDENT ZELENSKY principled compromises in the interest show our commitment to a stable HAVE BEEN IGNORED of bipartisan progress. His accomplish- international order and the rule of law, ments before, during, and after his ten- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and Turkey must understand that. ure in Congress are too long to list, but Chair recognizes the gentleman from Clearly, the international reputation their impact can be summarized like Pennsylvania (Mr. MEUSER) for 5 min- of the United States has, I think, been this: Because of him, Orlando is a bet- utes. deeply damaged. ter city; Florida is a better State; and Mr. MEUSER. Mr. Speaker, an over- As chairman of the Transatlantic America is a better Nation. looked factor of these relentless inves- Legislators’ Dialogue, I know. Our Eu- As the chair of Future Forum, a tigations and this impeachment in- ropean partners ask me all the time: group dedicated to empowering young quiry is the way in which the words of Are we together? Do we share the same people, I regard Lou Frey as a role Ukrainian President Zelensky have values of the rule of law, of democratic model. One of his most passionate been largely ignored. freedoms? causes was helping younger Americans Zelensky said, without condition, The United States should never, ever learn about this country, about how that he felt no pressure from President end up standing alone.
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