Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Newspeak All Issues Newspeak 2-17-1987 Newspeak Volume 15, Issue 05, February 17, 1987 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 15, Issue 05, February 17, 1987" (1987). Newspeak All Issues. Book 336. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak/336 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Review "Joseph" is Spellbinding by Michael Wrobleski News~k Staff \\hen I \\COt to see "Jo~eph and the Antal· and the Pharoh. In the original ver~ion of lng Technkolor Dreamcoat" in Alden Hall the play, the Pharoh turns out to be thear ren­ Tuc~c.lay, I "-COt \\lth a lot of c:xpc,tatiOil\. dition of Elvis "the king." As "the times they 1 had "t>)lpcrienced" "Joseph" before, ~o 1 are a-chan gin'," 1 his version had a new twi~t lme" that if it was done right I'd be in for ·a spoof on Michael Jack,on, in a song that a mght ol mu,il:, dan<:t!, minh and fun. like had the audience rolling" ith laughter. The I said I \\Cnt in wuh a lot of e\pectations. only problem was that it wa~ hard to hear I lt'ft, holo\ever, without a sin'!lc.: e~recta· the words of the song which were really uon, all of them bt:ing I ulfilled, The funny. Barksdale theatre did a phenomenal job of Another thing I didn't really like about the bnnging the Tam Rice and Andre"' 1 loyd play was the per!lon who played Jacob. Sure Wehbt>r pia) to hfe. for those of you who he looked the part but his voice was not hang are unfamiliar" uh the rock opera, •·Jo,cph" to get excited about and he "asn't really 1 ba!lcJ on the biblical story of Jacob and there. By that I mean Ja~:ob h an important hb twchc sons. The story, however. focusc~ role that can get a lot of laughs, in thi<. I on Jo~cph, Jatob\ favorite son, who rccei\'C:S didn't really notice him. Even now I'm hav­ from his lather a multi-colored coat What ing a hard time remembering what he did in folio\~~ nc:\1 h. the \'Cry entertaining musical Joseph and the Amavng Technicolor Drtamcoat, produced by Tht Barksdale a play that wa' almo't unforgettable. that i\ "Jo~eph." Theatre of Yirginia, perform in Alden Hall last Tuesday. Rounding (and I do mean rounding) up The music \\as spectacular. the three man our ca'it of character~ we have the "generic" band, on keyboards, and drum~ "ere still mg mvolved. They couldn't have picked ed from geelush to "the Pharoh's right hand women. I call them "generic" because the) able satisfy the "ide range of music in anyone beuer for the role than Sandee Floro man." Has voice had power but it abo had appeared in many rot~ throughout the play. .. Joseph." ·•Joseph" is complicated musical· Hayes. She dad wonders weaving the tale of a nice quality to it . In one scene they'd be" 1ves of Jacob, then ly, one moment they're playing rock tune~, "Joseph" whale ~he her~elf weaved m and out The collective unu "the brother~" brought they'd turn up next a~ an}thing from next it'~ u co" boy ballad, the next instant it's of the plot. Her voice daz.zled the audience the house down. They were funny, viscious, lshmaelites to dancing pyramads. They kept a French Cabaret song. One could just go and carried them along though the lands of good-natured, cunning, all in the \arne play the humor in the show at a high Je.,el. cruz) trytng to keep up, but keep up they did. Egypt and Cannan. Then again she should Due to the fact that there were only t 8 All in all it wa\ a great show, the voice~ J\, for the performers, all in all they did be good at the pan, she's only done the role playcr!l, some of them actually had to take were good and were able to put out a lot of a fantasuc JOb in making aJI the characters 412 limes. double roles. Apart from playmg minor power despite the ~ize of the group. And the real. The narrator, who in the play is an Jobn Frenur, who played Joseph, was too roles, like eunics and the like, two of the best pan of the show were the gags which O\'erseer of ~ons, telling the story and becom· perfect for the pan. He was easily transform· brothers had to play the roles of Potiphar The atudent newapaper of Worcester Polytechnic ~nstitute Volume 15, Number 5 Tuesday, February 17, 1987 WPI Withdraws Proposal CS Department Receives a to Close West Street Half-Million Dollar Equipment Grant Following fierce opposition by neighbors in my letter to you in November that we by Thomas Tessier ol the college, WPI President Jon Strauss would strongly support the concept of Newspeak Staff hac; withdrawn WPI's request to the resident-only parking on the streelS in our Worcester city council to close West Street. neighborhood and that we would assist in WPI recently received a half million dollar tained computers and the others is the1r The complaint~ ~temmed from problem~ whatever way possible to implement such a grant from AT&T in the form of computer operating system. While all other computer~ associated with winter parking on meets sur· restnction. To dAte, no neighbor has come equipment. Twenty-five Unix PC's were ac­ run on a MicroSoft operating system (MS­ rounding the campus. Strauss sent the forward on this issue. quired as well as three B-lS mamframe DOS) these new Unix PC's run on it~ own followmg letter to area residenu explaining In the traffic arena, concerns have been computers. operating system which will allow for a the situation. expressed regarding possible disruptions in The proposal was submalled last sprang by multiprocessing feature. This feature enables the flow of traffic if West Street is closed but Roben Kinicki, Acting Head of CS depan· the user to do two computer related opera· Dear Neighbor: • many of those concerns appear to be more ment, and was accepted in October by uons at the same time. This should help to As you have undoubtedly heard, we have conjecture than fact. It is always difficult to AT&T. The purpose of the proposal was to broaden student's knowledge of different withdrawn, for now, our petition to close the project ahead to what will develop when improve education at WPl by creating an operating systems. The CS department hopes portion of West Street running though our changes are made, but we, in conjunction undergraduate computer laboratory, to be able to connect aiJ of the Umx PC's campus. We felt that we should first work with the parking study mentioned above, will available for student use. The Umx PC's into a network. Unfortunately, WPI was not with you, our neighbors, to develop ideas also be exploring in more depth the traffic were installed in January and were ready for given any interfaces with these new com­ and plans which speak LO your concerns for ~ituation in the area with the hope of better C-term. The mainframes are sull not com· puters. Experimentation determines if the CS parking and traffic while at the ~arne time prediction the effect that closing of West pletely installed due to electrical difficulties. department will purchase the interfaces to allowing us to do something which we feel Street will have on traffic. Again, I invite These computers are presently in form the network. is extremely important to WPI. I would like your participation in this study and aslc that Washburn on the third floor in the In a meeting with Robert Kinicki, he men· to share se.,eral thoughts with you towards you share your thoughts and concerns wilh microcomputer lab which is used for in­ tioned that there also is a computer that end. us so that we might work together to do troductory courses in some computer laboratory on the ground level floor in At· The most frequently heard comments whatever is best for all concerned. languages such as BASIC and Pascal. There water Kent . He strongly encourage$ student~ relative to our proposal have centered around Obviously, we have not abandoned our is a possibility of having a course offered in to take advantage of all the computer the parking problem in the neighborhood. desire to unite the academic core of the cam· D·term which will use these computers facilities that the CS department has to offer. Certainly the record-setting amount of snow pus and at the same ume improve the safety The big difference between our newly ob· • in January has exacerbated the problem and for our students. We have, however, 1 can wei! understand your concerns and deliberately delayed our pursuit of this con­ Seminar Examines Differences fn•strattons. In an attempt to solve this pro· cept so that we can work with you and all blem, "'e are moving quickly to initiate a of our neighbors to find the most desirable by Scott J. Bury thorough tudy of parking in the area, both way to achieve this goal.
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