Promote the increased use of Old Moat Park Improve legibility of ‘circles’ through new community Develop Old Moat SureStart Centre as a local hub gateways Action Plan Key 3 Improve park facilities e.g. aerobic gym, bowling green, Old Moat: Age-friendly Establish primary and secondary routes linking 11 Relate signage, planting and the use of colour to route 10 improved benches, planting and growing areas. hierarchy as a navigational tool. Withington district centre and the centre of the estate and 4 Host more events at Old Moat Park to encourage wider key assets such as the Minehead and Sure-Start centre and Action Plan Overview 12 Introduce public spaces/ gateways at key nodes on participation in spaces which are already accessible. primary routes. the Circles. 5 Establish a resident-led partnership to promote 13 Introduce landmarks at ‘gateways’ of circles visible from 32 Make SureStart centre visible as an asset for older involvement, ownership and management of spaces. Ginnel Improvements main routes to help navigation. people 8 Encourage access through ‘strollers’ group to encourage Use community hub to provide and promote assistive Ginnels connecting services with public routes should be Version: May 2013 14 Locate outdoor seating at nodes and landmarks and 69 physical fitness. formalised Fallowfield Loop consider covered spaces / as part of new public spaces. technologies 9 Link with new local authority responsibility for public Create base (at Minehead/SureStart Centre?) for PCSOs - Explore new material specification, including replacing hedges with 105 Ensure older people are included as full partners in 79 health and develop opportunities for work around health to increase community awareness and host regular surgeries. fencing or green barriers which don’t ingress into the path. community-decisions which affects their interests. promotion and related areas. Provide a focal point for residents to talk to Southways and - Widen ginnels (2m+ to allow mobilty scooter access) and explore the police about problems they are having. opportunities to straighten ginnels 86 Provide a community space in the remotest part of the - Install new lighting at regular intervals. Develop Hough End as a ‘Connecting Park’ estate. This would have to be developed as part of a wider community- led development to identified services which are Establish older person focused activities at the library Improve key crossing points to Hough End Fields at 1 needed and resolve potential disputes regarding use. the junctions with Mauldeth Road, Whitchurch road and Increase housing density 87 This community space could include; community 110 The function and format of this information hub needs Metrolink, including: longer crossing times and higher garden, local shop/cafe, information point, neighbourhood to be created through consultation and feedback from the Investigate options for diversifying housing stock pedestrian priority. office, informal meeting space, tool hire, help with assistive local community. - Build new single storey annexes in gardens behind existing 2 Create multi-functional edge to Hough end fields as a technology and mobilty equipment. 111 Communicate these activities and hub through wider properties. connecting park linking Fallowfield Loop and Metrolink, and 88 Locate services in the SureStart Centre as part of a integrated communication strategy. - Example: Create small community around existing flats on the potentially the Arrowfield Estate wider community hub/Community Minded project. 112 Promote the social side of library service through end of terrace blocks, with shared space. Enables service focus and 3 Improve park facilities e.g. aerobic gym, bowling green, coffee afternoon. informal network amongst residents. improved benches, planting and growing areas. 113 Promote awareness of other services for older people, - Explore potential for new tenancy models eg. co-housing, 5 Establish a resident-led partnership to promote 55 Mauldeth Road West such as the Books2Go service and ebook services. intergenerational mix, sheltered property scheme. involvement, ownership and management of spaces. 114 Create satellite libraries at key community spaces such 6 Create intergenerational partnership to explore use of as the Minehead/Surestart Centre with small selection for Hough end fields. books aimed at older people. 45 Investigate connecting park on Hough End with improved 29 Improve Copson Street pedestrian access across Princess Road to transport nodes, Hough End Playing Fields including benches, lighting, long crossing times and better Develop Copson St as an exemplar of an age-friendly shop- road treatments. ping centre - Improve street condition, including benches, bus stop, pavement 56 Improve urban design to increase area value. This should Doncaster Ave. conditions, planting, drainage and signage. include better public space and street design, as well as 26 Old Moat Park improved access to facilities and improved physical indicators - Create pedestrian priority (parking restrictions, road closure on of identity. Gateway Old Moat SureStart Centre certain days/times) 106 Formation of groups around specific issues and on a - Improve crossing to Old Moat Lane [see example proposal] more local basis than ‘Old Moat’, for example around a new urban identity masterplan. 107 Ensure older people are included as full partners in Gateway community-decisions which affects their interests 20 Improve the physical environment of key routes e.g Old Moat Lane to New public spaces Yew Tree Road which forms the main Withington Library link to Copson Street. New communal hubs at key junctions 14 Public Green Space56 - Developed through resident-led process, so the space is ‘owned’ by the community. - Include programmed spaces (eg. garden, orchards, exercise equipment, raised beds) 84 Road Tree Yew - Include benches, information boards and signage. 10 11 Old Moat Primary School Old Moat Lane Withington District Centre 24 28 71 34 Hough End Connecing Park 33 85 Princess Road - Develop strip of playing fields (Approx 10m wide) as a connecting 12 walkway and usable publix green space. Improve access to Withington Metrolink station 27 - Work with residents of all ages to develop facilities eg. a bowling Wilmslow Road Connecting Park green, community vegetable patch, promenade. 45 Investigate connecting park on Hough End with improved Minehead Ave. Whitchurch Road pedestrian access across Princess Road to transport nodes, - Design to age friendly standards, with regular benches, including benches, lighting, long crossing times and better - Install aided crossings at Mauldeth Road. Explore options for road treatments. 92 improving other crossing points (phasing of lights, installation of 46 Address the steep incline on the proposed Princess additional aided crossings) Road route to the Metrolink to facilitate use by older people Withington Leisure Centre on western portion of estate. Minehead Centre Improve access to Metrolink - Mitigate the problems cause by level changes to access the Metrolink tram station through Hough End Fields - Integrate within connecting park strategy. Enable better links for cyclists from the Fallowfield Loop - Explore relationship between access and the new Leisure Centre. Palatine Road Albemarle Allotments Burton Road Links to the Minehead Centre 10 Establish primary and secondary routes linking Withington district centre and the centre of the estate and - Increase signage along key routes to direct people to the Minehead key assets such as the Minehead and SureStart centre and Centre and other resources. the Circles. - Prioritise pavement improvements along this route. 11 Relate signage, planting and the use of colour to route - Impliment parking strategy to reduce cars on pavement and allow hierarchy as a navigational tool. easier access for bus services. 10 Establish primary and secondary routes 14 Locate outdoor seating at nodes and landmarks and linking Withington district centre and the consider covered spaces / as part of new public spaces. 66 Discuss with Age Concern ways of developing additional centre of the estate and key assets such 18 Develop community gardening initiative with ‘raised uses for charity shops in Copson St. as the Minehead and Sure-Start centre and beds’ in a number of locations around Withington 67 Explore with local authority and other organisations 68 Develop strategy for improving accessibility for the Circles. 20 Improve the physical environment of key routes e.g Old wheelchairs and clearing pavements of obstructions. scope for improving pavements in key areas of Old Moat e.g. 30 Improve pedestrian link to the Moat Lane to Yew Tree Road which forms the main link to 69 Use community hub to provide and promote assistive routes in and around central shopping area (Copson St and Improve key pedestrian routes Minehead Centre - Formalise ginnel to Copson Street. Wilmslow Rd). Goldthorpe Avenue technologies 48 47 23 Increase/ensure availability of public seating on the edge 68 Develop strategy for improving accessibility for - Employ parking restrictions along key pedestrian routes. 31 Link through to Ablemarle allotments 79 Create base (at Minehead/SureStart Centre?) for PCSOs of open spaces and transport stops and routes leading to wheelchairs and clearing pavements of obstructions. - Place benches and signage at regular (250m) intervals. and to other facilities where possible. to increase community awareness and host regular surgeries. and from shopping areas. 69 Use community hub to provide
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