Weather Distribution r0mm» WOBANK Today nm, Hfcfc trtiy, Mi, Urn !*• •ilbt, 41, Hid) tomorrow, 5*. *c J Independentp Dailyy f 17,025 weather and tides page 2. MONDAY THKQVGHrltlDAY-t8T Ml J ( V J BY CARRIER Issued Dally, Monday tbrough Friday, tittered n Second Clm Uitiii 7c PER COPY VOL. 83, NO. 98 at the Post Office at Red Bank. N. X, under tot Act of March 3. 1S78. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 35c PER WEEK DR. EDWIN S. OSTEN of Brawls Haddon Park, Red Bank, Clark Raritan Valley holds rare etching by Edou- Servicemen's ard Manuet, "Spaniard Play- Hit New ing a Guitar." When he in- Gable herited it last spring; Dr. Suit Adjourned Orleans Otten did not know its value. Is Dead Dependents FREEHOLD — The Raritan NEW ORLEANS (AP) — White By JAMES BACON Valley USA trial has been ad- owdyism by day and Negro rock AP Movie-TV Writer journed ;o Jan. 9, 10 and 11 after rowing by night brought new HOLLYWOOD — Clark Gable Matawan :hree days of testimony before ension in New Orleans' explo- he king of Hollywood, died last Called Home iuperior Court Judge J. Edward ve school integration crisis. light from a heart attack in Knight. Demonstrations by white youths lollywood Presbyterian Hospital. May Be The postponement was made gainst race mixing in schools He had been in the hospital Ike Orders Halt to Heavy necessary by Judge Knight's ful sent police and fire engines rac- since Nov. 6 when a heart attack schedule. The January dates are ng over the city yesterday. Ne- died the husky, 59-year-old actor the first open ones on his r.alen roes tossing rocks and bottles it his1 suburban Encino ranch. American Spending Abroad A Factor dar. it cars and buses last night sent )eath cariie at 11 p.m., Pacific Between now and Jan. B, Th' lolice on a dozen o r more itandard Time. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP -The Register learned yesterday, an- lls. Doctors said he died peacefully WASHINGTON (AP) — Under orders from Presi- Planning Board adopted a res- other attempt will be made for Fights between Negro and — with only a few sleepy gasps dent Eisenhower, the Defense Department will bogm olution last night which may an out-of-court compromise •hite youths in three neighbor- and no apparent pain. bringing home in January 284,000 wives and children turn out to be a major factor in settlement. ictods and a cross burning on Ironically, death came after the Raritan Valley USA case now Attempt Settlement ? it. Charles Ave. were among 20 his best day since that first of U. S. servicemen stationed aboard. pending in Superior Court. The settlement, if it can be :omplaints investigated during attack. He had eaten heartily at This return of dependents—more than half of all The board voted unanimously reached, would leave slightly he night. cr, took a little snooze the armed forces dependents overseas—is part of a to consider a change in zoning, more than half of the trari 59 Arrested rwards and then chatted in the Line Rd. area, from res happily with his wife, lie had seven-point program instituted by the President to save zoned for industry and permi The daytime demonstrations idential to industrial. he remainder to be used fo even been shaved. n estimated billion dollars The Line Rd. sector is adjacent >rought arrest of 59 persons, in- construction of about 250 houses :luding.three negroes. Thirty four Red Bankers Have When Kay, his fifth wife, to the MO-acre Raritan USA noticed him dozing again, she year in American spend- Prior to the start of the suit, idditional arrests were made last Nixon Wins tract in Raritan Township. retired to her room across the ;ig abroad. several such attempts at out-of- light, including 31 Negroes. In November of last year, hall. She was barely settled co'"-t settlement failed. Screaming teenagers were dis Rare Art Treasure The program will not cut Raritan Township Committee rc- when she heard the nurse cry: California's 'lie highlight of yesterday' ersed yesterday by fire hoses. otal U. S. spending—only zoned the 140-acrc tract from res- RED BANK — Dr. and Mrs. "Come quick!" testimony was that of the Rev Several persons were injured in hat part spent overseas. Some idential to industrial—thus halt- Edwin S. Osten have discovered Thus ended the 30-year reign of Edward P. Blaska, pastor of icattered violence that included 32 Votes :osts actually will go up as more ting a planned 569-house develop- hat they own a rare and valu- the King of Hollywood. Sadly, he St. Benedict's Catholic Church in tabbing of a Negro and a gun- Arrest Made expensive U. S. goods are bought ment. Holmdel, who told of his parish's able art treasure. lever will see his first child due SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Ab- hot wound for a white mm sentee ballots spelled victory for and shipped abroad to replace plans to construct an 18- room An etching bequeathed to them in March. Overthrow Rezonlng White youths cornered a police- ast spring is a print of "Span- Richard M. Nixon today in the much now purchased there. parochial school for 1,000 stu- man and gave him a severe In Slay His impending fatherhood was The builders' suit was filed in ing ard Playing A Guitar," by Ed [he topic of his last conversation tight race for California's 32 In effect, the program im- - dents. eating. Four Negroes were beat- an attempt to overthrow the re ouard Manet. It is one of four with his wife — and of many electoral votes, and heightened poses a strict "Buy American" Priest Testifies in during the day by white men. the vice president's prestige in zoning. Of 3 Women known examples of the second earlier talks with her and others policy on (he military services This school, for which ground' Shouting, jeering mobs made his home state. One of the major contentions "state" of print. The other three, "He was more concerned about and the International Co-opera- breaking ceremonies will be he'. p mostly of truant high schoo' OTTAWA, 111. (AP)-The sher- Switching the statewide unof- of the plaintiffs has been that the Jan. 7, is just across the town- acording to art experts, are he effect of his illness on me and tion Administration, which Raritan property'should not have youths roamed crowded down- iff's office said this morning that owned by the LOuvre, a London ficial count from the Democratic ship line from Raritan Township Chester Weger, 21, of La Salle, the baby than he was about him- handles foreign aid. been rezoned for industrial use own streets.. Police prevented Museum, and the Metropolitan self," Kay related. column did not alter the elec- and is planned to allow for fu- more than 1,000 demonstrators 111., has confessed to the slaying The gradual reduction of over- because the adjacent property in Museum. The Osten print is the (See GABLE, Pg. 2) tion of Democratic Sen. John F. ture expansion. rom reaching offices of the )f three Chicago area women only one in private hands. Kennedy. But it choked off op- seas dependents is to be at the Matawan Township is zoned res- Father Blaska said the princi ast March 14 in Starved Rock rate of 15,000 a month. At least chool board in the downtown It was left to Dr. Osten by his position jibes that Nixon couldn't idential. pal reason for the construction State Park. part of it will be accomplished It is this property (in the Line' ;ection. aunt, the former Mrs. Sidney even carry his native area. the school at this location :s thi Sheriff Ray Eutsey said Weger Wagner. Middletown Unofficial returns from all but iy keeping wives and children in Rd. area near the Garden State fact that approximately 90 pe Want Judge Removed this country as new men are sent Parkway and Bethany Rd.) was a dishwasher at the lodge 20,000 of 230,000 absentee ballots cent of the residents of the An unrelenting federal Judge Authenticated overseas. There is no present which this township's Planning in the park where the women Mrs. Osten recently took counted eight days after the polls Raritan Township area are Cath who ordered school integration Fires Keep plan to cut back the number of Board is considering for the were on holiday. He said Weger etching to A. Hyatt Mayor, head closed gave the Republican pres- olic. He also said that anothei ignored demands by some legis- gave robbery as the motive. idential nominee a lead of 13,160. servicemen abroad. change to industrial zoning. parochial school is planned fo 6f the Department of Prints of lators that he step aside. The women, wives of three the Metropolitan and he authen- Vols Busy He had trailed Kennedy Announcing the drastic foreign An 'Oversight' the area. U.S. District Judge J. Skelly Chicago business executives, throughout the regular count, but ticated it. MIDDLETOWN-Local firemen spending curbs last night at Au- In the resolution adopted las During yesterday's court ses Wright issued the integration or- were brutally beaten to death in the absentee tally was: Nixon "Yours is better than the one were kept busy last night and gusta, Ga., Eisenhower declared night, the board stated that the sion, William R. Blair, Jr., o: der and enjoined the legislature a canyon in the park. They were 32,186; Kennedy 84,458. we have," he told her.
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