CIOFF ANNUAL REPORT 2003 JI.---~-- ------- ~ •-----=--=----~ Conseil International des Organisations de Festivals de Folklore et d'Arts Traditionnels ONG en relations formelles de consultation avec I'UNESCO. o INTERNATIONALDECADEFORA CULTUREOF PEACE T'"" AND NON-VIOLENCEFüR THE CHILDRENOF THEWORLD o :'-J l!t W.JL jn~i.!i:fil-'l'!j 'l~.:h :i'l:~ 00 lIii<+~ (\I DECENNIEINTERNATIONALEOELA PROMOTIOND'UNECULTURE I OELANON-YIOLENCEET OELA PAIXAU PROFITDES ENFANTSDU MONDE T'"" r-' W I JUb ~ ......,)lIIJ r)LJ I ölill J J..>JI .>iAl1 I o ME)K,QYHAPOAHOE AECflTli1flEH1E ~nbTYPbl MIi1PA li1 HEHACli1nli1fl B Ii1HTEPECAX AETEIi1 nnAHETbl 0(\1 DECENIOINTERNACIONALDE_UNACULTURAOEPAZ Y NO VIOLENCIAPARALOSNINOSDELMUNDO Major Achievements Content: After intensive preparatory work in 2002, CIOFF implemented several priority Major achievements 1 project5 during the year 2003. New Members 1 ./ Guidellnes for Festivals and Groups : Adoption of the two Guidelines prepared Administration 2 by the Festivals Commisslon. Activities 3-6 ./ Youth Movement : Adoption of new structure for the GOFF Youth Movement Relationswith UNESCOand Relations with by amendments of the By Laws and Internal Regulations recognising officially and other International formally the Youth Movement as a new entity of GOFF. Organizations 7 ./ Cultural Policv : Adoption of a completely up-dated edition of the GOFF Information and Communication 8 Cultural Policy. Economy,Finances 8 ./ New Members : Acceptance of four new Full Members. Publications New Members ./ GOFF Calendar of Festivals 2004-2006 ./ CIOFF-UNESCO Newsletter Nr 9 (June 2003), Nr 10 (December 2003) ./ Publlcation by Pollsh National Section of Annual Reports of National Sections Full Members : for the Years 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 Colombia, Indonesia • ./ Entre-Nous 2003 South-Africa, Uruguay Corresponding Membership Member: With the newly accepted Members, the total number of CIOFF Members is now: Belarus ./ 72 National Sections (Full Members) ./ 4 Associate Members ./ 10 Corresponding Members Office of the Secretary General: CIOFF INTERNATIONAL Phone : + 33-5-45-29-07-07 Philippe BEAUSSANT, Secretary General Fax: + 33-5-45-85-37-17 BP 14 - 16500 CONFüLENS e-mail: [email protected] France Internet: www.cioff.org C!OFF ANNUAL REI'ORT 2003 - Administration _ ______ 2 ADMINISTRATION Honorary President Council Henri Coursaget, France Upon invitation by CIOFF Czech Republic, the Executive Commlttee and Council Meetings took place from May 31 to June 3 2003 in STRAZNICE. Council Members 2003 President The Council sessions were mainly dedicated, as usual, to preparatory work for the * Kari Bergholm, Finland. World Congress; other significant issues were : - The Terms of Reference for the Coordinating Meetings of the Chairmen of Vice- Presidents * Commissions and Working Groups were adopted. Jerzy Chmiel, Poland Udomsak Sakmungvong, - Additional charges for late registration at World Congress were adopted. Thailand. ** - It was agreed to dedicate one of the Workshops at the next Congress to the Operation of CIOFF Network and to organise during future Congresses a so calied Secretary General * "Open Forum" to give the opportunity to all participants to raise questions and Philippe Beaussant, discuss on any topics. France. ** - New certificate for CIOFF Festivals was adopted. Treasurer * - Links for festivals on CIOFF web site were improved in order to provide new Rolf Kaufman, USA. opportunities for using the links. Chairmen of the Commissions : World Congress (Cultural Commission) Renaud Albasini, Upon invitation by CIOFF France, and Interfolk, the 33rd CIOFF World Congress Switzerland. ** took place from Oetober 8 to 11 2003 in LE PUY EN VELAY, FRANCE. Fifty six (Festivals Commission) Members countries were present and two were represented by proxy. Mrs Arlette Norbert Mueller, Bon, International Dance Committee and Mr Peeters President of Europeade, Germany, ** attended as guests and made presentations on the aetivities of their (Finance Commission) organizations, delivered greetings from their members and expressed interest in Rex Burdette, USA, further development of co-operation with CIOFF. Dan Ronen, Israel Four new Full Members, COLOMBIA, INDONESIA, SOUTH AFRICA and URUGUAY, (interim) ** (Legal Commission). as weil as one new Corresponding Member, BELARUS, were accepted. Jean-Franc;ois Proux, Hungarian National Delegate Mrs Eva HERA made presentation of and officially France, ** invited all CIOFF Members to the third CIOFF World Folkloriada to be held in PECS from 12 to 22 August 2004. It was decided that CIOFF canada shall Representatives of the organise the Folkloriada 2008 in MONTREAL. Sectors : A completely up-dated edition of the CIOFF Cultural Policy was adopted by (Asian and Oceanian S.) consensus, as weil as new Guidelines for CIOFF Festivals and Groups. Bill Nathan, New Zealand. Muammer Arslan, Turkey ** A new system of participation Fees at the World Congress was accepted. Process of proteetion of the CIOFF Logo on national and international level was initiated. (CentralEuropeanS.) By Laws and Internal Regulations were adopted in order to introduce the CIOFF Vlasta Ondrusova, Czech Youth Movement as an integral part of the CIOFF administration. Republic. The representation of Mexico in CIOFF had for some time been a problem and (LabnAmericanS.) created controversy at the General Assembly. The issue was finally solved by Pedro Alonso Palacios Vargas, terminating with qualified majority the membership of the present National Mexico. Seetion and accepting as new member for Mexico Asociacion Mexicana de Alcides Hugo Ifran, Argentina. * * Festivales Culturales (AMEFEC). Proposal by the Council to award Past President, Mr Guy Landry (Canada) (Northern American S.) Honorary Membership was accepted by acclamation. In conformance with GuyLandry,Canada, decision by the Council, Gold meritorious Service Award were presented at the Lucien Loiselle, Canada ** General Assembly to Cyrill Renz (Switzerland), Savas Tugsavul (Turkey), Hugo (Northern European 5.) Uran (Argentina) and Fernando Marani (Argentina). Because no invitations had Harry L. Davies, United- been received, it was decided to authorize the Executive Committee to decide on Kingdam. the location and organization of the next World Congress. (South European and African 5.) Jean Rache, France. * Executive Committee ** elected or reelected in October in France CIOFF ANNUAL REPORT 2003 - Activities _ 3 CULTURAL POLICY Appointed Officers Updating of the Cultural Policy Permanent Completely new edition in English, Spanish and Freneh of the Cultural Policy was Representative to prepared and presented to the General Assembly. The next step would be to UNESCO: Jean Roche, prepare an up-dating of the various annexes. France. Recording Secretary, Directory of Experts Ewa Chmiel, Poland. National Sections have reeeived a eommunieation on including the names and eompetenee of experts of folklore in the Data Base. This provides a plaee for Coordinator for the specialists inside the Organisation of CIOFF. Festival Calendar, Bernd Schaefer, Germany. World Summit on Information Society Geneva 2003 The World Summit on Information Soeiety was held in December 2003 in Legal Adviser, GENEVA. The next Summit will be held in Tunis in 2005. In Geneva the work was Femando Marani, Argentina. focused on political and policy issues. CIOFF has eontributed to this program with CIOFF International two Cultural Conferenees. The CD of the proceedings of the Conferenee in PUY- Centre EN-VELAY was sent to the secretariat of the program. Dissemination and Documentation : Cultural Conference and CD on the Congress of PUY-EN-VELAY Guy Landry, Canada. With the collaboration of the Permanent Delegate of CIOFF at UNESCO Mr Jean ROCHE, his assistant Ms Ariane GUAITA, the National section of Franee, host of the last Congress, the Cultural Commission organised a Cultural Conferenee on Cultural Commission the Topie "Traditional Culture, a Means of Communieation". A CD including 2003 general information and presentations of the speakers was prepared and Chairman: distributed to all Delegates, members of the Couneil and Commissions, as weil as RenaudAlbas!ni, to other eultural organisations. Switzerland. CIOFF Action for the Culture of Peace Members: Alexander Durtka, USA. The Decade of Culture of Peaee was promoted through distribution of doeuments, Hugo !fran, Argentina. and the use of its slogan and logo on all offieial material of CIOFF. Juraj Hamar, Siovakia. Chansuda Rukspollmuang, UNESCO Participation Programmes Thailand. Implementation of the Partieipation Programme for 2003 was entrusted to the Gilles Bokpe , Benin. Youth Movement. Preparatory work for a programme for 2004-2005 was initiated. Youth Member : Mariana Mansatti, Convention on the safegarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage Argentina. The General Conferenee of UNESCO has adopted the Convention on the Member ex officio Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. For the whole CIOFF and its Jean Rüche, France members this Convention would be of utmost importanee. In co-operation with Representative at UNESCO. the International Musie Council, CIOFF eontributed actively in the preparatory work for the Convention. Festivals Commission 2003 FESTIVALS Chairman: Main task of the Festivals Commission was the preparation of the Guidelines for Norbert Mueller, Germany. Festivals and Groups to be presented to the General Assembly. Culturai aspects were added to the Guidelines for festivals. Internal Regulations were revised and Members :
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