[DOC. No. 43.] JOURNAL Room AND REPORTS OF THE COMMISSIONERS Library APPOINTEMemorialD BY THE ACT Of1 1777 , To ascertain the Losses occasionedPublic to individuals by the burning of Norfolk and Portsmouth, IN THE YEAR 1776. Sargeant Norfolk 2 [Doc. No. 43.] Room AUDITOR'S OFFICE, January 20, 1836. SIR, In compliance with a resolution of the house of delegates adopted on the 4th instant, instructing the auditor " to furnish a copy of the journal and reports of the commissioners appointed by the act of 1777, to ascertain the losses occasioned to individuals by the burning of Norfolk and Portsmouth in the year 1776," I transmit herewith copies of two reports in this office, made by commissioners appointed by acts of the general assembly at the May sessions of 1777 and 1778. Both reports are communicated, under the impression that it was the intention of the house of delegates to embrace the whole subject in its resolution. Library I am, sir, WithMemorial high respect and consideration, Yours, &c. JA'S E. HEATH, Auditor. The honourable the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Public Sargeant Norfolk t Doc. No. 43. ] 3 JOURNAL. BOROU',:-- )F NOL-FOLK, > .u 1 T7. The commissioners appointed by an act of the genera1 semb, o quire intt sir . t J losses sus­ tained by the late inhabitants of the borough of Norfolk, m' he pi. > on this day. When RICHARD KELLO, DANIEL FISHER, JOSEPH \ >rri ; Rev. ROBERT AroE _ .emen, attended, and were sworn by Cornelius Calvert, gentleman, one of the aid .rmen of the saiRoomd borou0 ell and : ithfully to execute the said office according to the directions of the act aforesaid. Jerman Baker was appointed clerk to the commissioners and sworn ar orain^ly. Ordered, That the clerk issue subpoenas to such persons as shall re^ir^e "n £r r a. fining their several losses. The deposition of captain Arthur Smith being taken in chief, it jseived among the papers, for the information of the commissioners in their future enquiries. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. BOROUGH OP NORFOLK, 13th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Library Present, RICHARD KELLO, DANIEL FISHER, JOSEPH PRENTIS, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The depositions of John Rogers and Willis Wilson taken in chief, and ordered to be preserved for the further in­ formation of the commissioners. Hardress Waller and Richard TaylorMemorial sworn to value ruins of Norfolk. The several claims of George Abyreon, James Baker, Thomas Newton, John Hutchings, Lewis Hansford, James Baker & Son and William Holt, received and entered in the roll. Adjourned till Monday, 15th September. 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. Public BOROUGH OF NORFOLK, 15th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, DANIEL FISHER, JOSEPH PREN" S, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. At the request of several proprietors of lands in the borough of Norfolk, the following persons were sworn to measure the ruins of the houses destroyed therein, to make a faithful report of their dimensions to the persons chosen by the said claimants, with the approbation of the commissioners, to estimate the value thereof: Thomas Willoughby, John James, Jo •* M?Cloud, Charles Cooper. SargeantThe depositions of Robert Smyth e and Joseph Bishop taKt m chief, and ordered to be preserved for further information. The deposition of Bartho. Thompson taken in same manner. The deposition of captain John Smyth taken in sanr ~er. The deposition of William Ivey taken in same mann The claimNorfolks of Taylor & Hansford, Samuel Bacon ana .eth Kelsick received and entered on the roll. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. 4 [Doc. No. 43.] BOROUGH OF NORFOLK, 16th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The deposition of Robert Britt, mariner, taken in chief, and ordered to be preserved for further information. The deposition of Sarah Smith taken in same manner. A claim on the part of the executors of colonel John Willoughby allowed and entered on the roll. The deposition of James Leitch taken in chief, and ordered to be preserved. Samuel Patlock, Bartho. Thompson, Mary Ross, Edward Parke, Thompson &, Parke. Their several claims re­ ceived and entered on the roll. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. BOROUGH OF NORFOLK, Room17th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The deposition of captain James Maxwell taken in chief, and ordered to be preserved for further information. Thomas Morris and John Poole added to the persons appointed to measure the houses in Norfolk, and sworn ac­ cordingly. The claim of Mary Herrita, for personal property, received and entered. Several depositions taken to support the claims of different persons, and ordered to be preserved. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. BOROUGH OF NORFOLKLibrary, 19th September, 1777. The commissioners met this day, after their adjournment of the 17th instant, the bad weather having prevented their meeting yesterday. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTISMemorial, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS , gentlemen. Steph. Tankard, James Maxwell, Lemuel Willoughby, Alex'r Guthrie, Thomas Poole, William Minnitree, Christ. Calvert, Thomas.Orten, James Gray, James Atkinson, James Leitch, Paul Herrita's estate, John and William Ingram, Joseph Mitchell. Their several claims allowed and entered on the roll. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. Public BOROUGH OF NORFOLK, 22d September, 1777. The commissioners met this day; the measurers and those appointed to value the buildings, being employed on Saturday in preparing business for their inspection. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. Sundry depositions taken and preserved for further information. Measurers and appraisers still engaged. James Cooper, James Baker and Edw'd Moselcyy sworn to value the ruins of the town of Norfolk. AdjourneSargeantd till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock . R. KELLO. Norfolk BOROUGH OF NORFOLK, 23d September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. Captain George Abyreon appeared according to summons, and was examined upon oath, touching the conduct of the inhabitants of Norfolk, at the time lord Dunmore lay in the harbour; when it appeared to the commissioners, that he left Norfolk soon after the seizure of Mr. Holt's types, and was altogether a stranger to the conduct of the [Doc. No. 43.] 5 people after that time, nor does he know that any of the persons whose claims are entered upon the roll, were inimical to the cause of America. The claims of William Ivey, John M'Cloud, John Gardner, Joyce Edwards, Samuel Denby, John Boggess, Lemuel Cornick, Anthony Walke, Joshua Pede, James Dysen, John Shore, Max. Marley, John Williams, Charles Cooper, John Smith, Marg't Taylor, Robert Tucker, John Lee, Thomas Morris, William Day, Lighthouse, Sarah Taylor, Mary Rothery, John Selden's estate, Wm. R. W. Curie, Solomon Edey, Wright Westcott and Rich'd Pecka- dick, were all received and entered on the roll. Adjourned till Wednesday, 24th instant. R. KELLO. BOROUGH OP NORFOLK, 25th September, 1777. The commissioners met this day; the measurers and appraisers employed yesterday. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The claims of James Williams, John Dunn's estate, James Haldane, James Holt, David O. Sheal, captain John Harris, personal, do. do. dower, James Dunn, Max. Calvert, Willis Bramble, WmRoom. Freeman, Prudence Bayne , Good­ rich Boush, John Levingston, Robert Holten, Sarah Cann's estate, Francis M'Kerral and Hodge Miller, received and entered on the roll. Several depositions taken to support private claims and entered. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock, to meet in the town of Portsmouth. R. KELLO. TOWN OF PORTSMOUTH, 26th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. Alex'r Love's claim received and entered on the roll, for 6 hhds. molasses. Sundry depositions taken to prove the political conduct of divers Libraryclaimants, and to support their claims. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. Memorial R. KELLO. TOWN OF PORTSMOUTH, 27th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, DANIEL FISHER, JOSEPH PRENTIS, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The claims of James Cooper, Wm. Smith and Thomas Drury, received and entered on the roll. Several depositions taken to support privatPublice claims. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. R. KELLO. TOWN OF PORTSMOUTH, 29th September, 1777. SargeantThe commissioners met accordin g to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. The deposition of Paul Watlington taken in chief, and ordered to be preserved for further information. Several depositions taken to support particular claims. Adjourned till to-morrow morning 9 o'clock. Norfolk R. KELLO. 2 6 [Doc. No. 43.] TOWN OP PORTSMOUTH, 30th September, 1777. The commissioners met according to adjournment. Present, RICHARD KELLO, JOSEPH PRENTIS, DANIEL FISHER, ROBERT ANDREWS, gentlemen. Thomas Willoughby and Charles Cooper were sworn as appraisers to value the buildings in Norfolk, destroyed in 1777.
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