E986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 3, 1998 with their employer. Clearly, the experience of tories are thereÐto escape U.S. duties and The championship roster includes: Michael these workers in the US/CNMI is not rep- quotas imposed by the Congress to protect Anderson, Dane Artman, Devin Butler, John resentative of a work experience anywhere U.S. jobs.'' Paul Castro, Lazaro Chavez, Marcus Davila, But Miller is in the House minority. And else in America. According to Mr. Shields, Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, the House major- Peter Dunick, Khalil Greene, Ben Harrison, ``toiling 12 hours a day, seven days a week, ity whip, who with his family was the New Daniel Hersey, Tommy Lambeth, Luis Leal, without any of the worker protections Ameri- Year's Eve guest of the Marianas govern- Aaron Marn, Juan Menendez, Sean Morales, cans are guaranteed, is tragically common.'' ment, publicly has vowed to fight any federal Brian O'Connell, Stephen Parker, Troy Congress has the power and the duty to en- takeover of Saipan's immigration and labor Phillipps, Tony Ramos, Eduardo Rodriquez, sure that basic fundamental principals of labor laws. Billy Spottswood, Christian Twyman. Over- and immigration law are adhered to through- As seen and heard on ABC-TV News, DeLay seeing this group were Head Coach Brooks out the United States and its territories. I urge told his host, ``You are a shining light for what is happening in the Republican Party, Carey, Pitching Assistant Coach Randy Ster- my colleagues to read this column and decide and you represent everything that is good ling, First Base Assistant Coach Chris Valdez, for themselves how they would like to see the about what we are trying to do in America Third Base Assistant Coach Ralph Sanchez, ``Second battle of Saipan'' play out. I think and leading the world in the free-market sys- Athletic Director Robert Price and Principal you'll agree that if our efforts to apply federal tem.'' Alma Olson. labor and immigration controls to the US/CNMI DeLay does have a point that the foreign Mr. Speaker, I am honored to represent the are successful, as Mr. Shields notes, ``the workers in Saipan are earning more and students of Key West High School who con- United States and humanity will win.'' often under less brutal conditions than they tinue to strive to achieve excellence. On be- could in their own homelands. But for those [From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May who remember the first battle of Saipan, the half of the citizens of the Twentieth District of 18, 1998] ``Made in the U.S.A.'' label means standards Florida, we congratulate the Conchs on an ``MADE IN THE USA'' IS AT HEART OF THE of quality and standards of conduct. But outstanding season. SECOND BATTLE OF SAIPAN more important than how something is made f (By Mark Shields) is how the people who make that something are treated, that they are free to worship and For Americans of a certain age, Saipan to complain and to quit. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FRES- will forever remain that Pacific Island battle One man who understands that well could NO STATE WOMEN'S SOFTBALL where, during 25 days of hell in the summer be DeLay's worst legislative nightmare: Sen. TEAM of 1944, the U.S. Marines captured 47 square Frank Murkowski, R-Alaska, chairman of miles of strategic real estate. The price was the energy and natural resources committee. high. U.S. combat casualties numbered Murkowski supports legislation similar to HON. GEORGE P. RADANOVICH 16,612, including 3,225 Americans killed in ac- Miller's. But the conservative Alaskan has OF CALIFORNIA tion. the clout to make things happen. Showing a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For the Japanese, the numbers are still sense of history, Murkowski rebuts defenders Wednesday, June 3, 1998 staggering: 23,811 known soldiers dead added of the Saipan status quo: ``The last time we to an overwhelming majority of the 18,000 heard a justification that economic advances Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise Japanese civilians on the island who chose would be jeopardized if workers were treated today to congratulate the Fresno State Univer- death over surrender by jumping off the properly was shortly before Appomattox.'' cliffs into the sea. That mass Japanese civil- sity Women's Softball Team on their 1998 Frank Murkowski is right. If he is success- NCAA Women's College World Series victory. ian suicide helped convince the Truman ad- ful, the United States and humanity will win ministration that Japan would never surren- the second battle of Saipan. The win gave Fresno State its first National der and that the use of atomic weapons Championship in any sport. The Fresno State would actually save Japanese and American f Women's Softball Team has exhibited the lives. CONGRATULATING THE BOYS' dedication and hard work that it takes to be- Today, Saipan is the capital of the Com- come world renown athletes. I applaud the monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands BASEBALL TEAM OF KEY WEST (CNMI), a chain of 14 islands in the North HIGH SCHOOL perseverance of both the team and the coach- Pacific. The approximately 28,000 indigenous es. They are all well deserving of this recogni- people of the CNMI, following their own free HON. PETER DEUTSCH tion. vote, are all U.S. citizens. But the CNMI was Mr. Speaker, I ask that the following individ- OF FLORIDA granted local authority over immigration to uals of the Fresno State Women's Softball IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the islands and over permitting island em- Team be entered into the CONGRESSIONAL ployers to pay workers at a lower minimum Wednesday, June 3, 1998 RECORD: Laura Berg, Center field; Candice wage than that of the United States. Still, Bowlin, outfield; Kara Campbell, outfield; An- any clothing manufacturer in Saipan is enti- Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tled to sew the ``Made in the U.S.A.'' label in honor and congratulate the boys' baseball gela Cervantez, 1st and 3rd base; Alica every garment. And all such garments can team of Key West High School. The city of Dowland, short stop; Jennifer Jokinen, Left enter the U.S. mainland market free of tar- Key West prides itself as the home of the Er- field; Nina Lindenberg, 2nd base; Jaime iffs and quotas. nest Hemingway Festival, Duval Street, and Maxey, 1st and 3rd base; Lindsay Parker, This has led directly to the ``Second Battle magnificent beaches. This year, the Conchs, right handed pitcher; Kim Peck, Left handed of Saipan.'' The island has turned into a le- the Key West High School boys' baseball pitcher; Amanda Scott, right handed pitcher/ galized sweatshop. Ninety-one percent of the team, has provided the city with another rea- outfielder, Jennifer Slaney, Catcher; Janna private-sector work force, numbering 42,000, Todd, Catcher/DP; Vanessa Valenzuela, 1st consists of foreign workers from China, the son to burst with prideÐa first place trophy in Philippines, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka who a national tournament. base; Amber Wall, Catcher; Carolyn Wilson, are too often exploited on U.S. soil. Recently, the Conchs won the Pepsi All- Catcher/DP; Daviana Wisener, Outfield; Becky According to the sworn testimony of U.S. Sport National High School Baseball Tour- Witt, Outfield, and Margie Wright, Coach. officials, and human-rights and workers- nament with an 11±7 victory in Boca Raton In the final game of the NCAA Women's rights professionals, those foreign workersÐ over Monsignor Pace High School. This was College World Series on Monday, May 25, being paid barely half the U.S. minimum the conclusive win which had been preceded 1998, Nina Lindenberg's home run provided wageÐlive behind barbed wire in squalid by three other victories in five days and which all the scoring as pitcher Amanda Scott limited shacks without plumbing. Toiling 12 hours a the Arizona Wildcats to three singles. The vic- day, seven days a week, without any of the gave the Conchs the much sought after title of worker protections Americans are guaran- national champions. tory ended a 29 game winning streak for Ari- teed, is tragically common. Although, this is not the first time that the zona, who had won the National title the pre- Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., has person- Key West Conchs have participated in a na- vious two years. ally visisted the island factories. He has in- tional tournament, it is the first time they have Mr. Speaker, it is with great honor that I troduced legislation to raise the island mini- been crowned as victors. Two years ago, the congratulate the Fresno State University mum wage and impose federal control of im- boys lost at the Dole Classic in California and Women's Softball Team for their 1998 NCAA migration. With characteristic bluntness, last year at the USA Classic in Tennessee. Women's College World Series victory. Their Miller says: ``Let's be clear. Foreign workers using foreign cloth under the eyes of foreign This year, however, proved to be different. commitment and dedication should serve as a supervisors are working in a foreign-owned This season the Conchs made history for Key model for athletes the world over. I ask my factory producing garments into which they West High School by attaining the first place colleagues to join me in wishing the Fresno sew a label that reads `Made in the U.S.A.,' trophy in a national high school baseball tour- State Women's Softball Team many more and that is the only reason these foreign fac- nament.
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