2012 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium the NADP Cooperative: State, Local and Tribal Perspectives

2012 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium the NADP Cooperative: State, Local and Tribal Perspectives

2012 Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium The NADP Cooperative: State, Local and Tribal Perspectives October 2-5, 2012 Portland, ME National Atmospheric Deposition Program Schedule at a G lance j • M(lIlda), ru.:sday Wednesday I rtlllrsday I Frida) October I Octllhcr2 October J October 4 Oc((,na 5 Regisl rallon Regisl ral ion I Regist ral ion Field TriptT DEI' (6 Speakers) Lunch on your own Lunch on your own Session 8 (5 Spe:.kers) Break S:.IU Pos l~r 5A5 S ~ 5I i on l ad 6~ ~teplio n 6 :15 6:30 7 :00 7AS OD utta. Acmolpt..ric 800 ..onilo.... 9.00Lt___________L__________ ~__________L__________L________ ~ NADP Proceedings 2012-13 NADP 2012 Technical Committee Meeting October 2-5, 2012 Portland, ME Scientific Symposium Chair Andrew Johnson Maine Department of Environmental Protection PROCEEDINGS Prepared by Lisa A. Volk NADP Program Office Illinois State Wate.. Survey Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign,IL 61820 October 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Technical Session 3: Urban Atmospheric Oeposition Page MercNel: A Nalional Mercury Moniloring Nelwork David Evers. l1ioDiversily Rescarch Instilule. ..... 33 Agenda - NADP Annual Mcetin!!. and Scicntific Symposium.................... 1 CMAQ cSlimales of deposiliolllO urban area in Ihc US: Currenl 2012 NADP Sitc Opcrator Awards......................... ................. .............. .......... 11 approaches and fUlure challenges Donna Schwede. US Environmenlal PrOleclion Agency ..........34 Tcchnical Scssion I: Acidic Dcposition Paltern and Process in Atmospheric Deposilion in Helerogcneous Urban Environmenls Early Indicalions of Soil Recovery from Acidic Deposilion in U.S. Rcd Tom II. Whitlow. Cornell University .... ............ Spruce Forests G.B. Lawrcnce. U.S. (jcological Survey...... ................ .21 Assessing urban innucnces on ecosystems and thc atmospheric Lucy Hutyra, \3oston University .............. .. ...... 36 Simulaling the response of eight forested lake-walersheds in Ihe Adirondacks region orNew York to acid deposition Ellects ofurbanizalion and tree spccies composition on nitrogen l'labibollah Fakhraei, Syracuse Universily .......... ...................22 dcposition and leaching Pamela Templer, Boston Universily .......... ......................37 Recovery from chronic and snowmell scasonal acidillcation at the Hubbard I3rook Experimcntall:oreSl: Long-Icrm trends in slream and soil waler Almospheric nitrogen deposilion in arid Phocnix, Arizona is lower than chemistry cxpccted: Findings from a mel hods comparison Colin 11 . Fuss, Syracuse University. ...................23 Elizabeth M. Cook, Arizona Stale UniversilY .............. ........38 Stream Chemistry and SCilsilivity 10 Acid Deposilion along Ihe TBD Appalachian Trail John 110m, US!)A Foresl Service .... .... ......... ... ........ ..... 39 Douglas A. Burns, U.S. Geological Survey ........ ......... ..24 Tcchnical Session 4: Agricuitu"c/Ammonia Technical Session 2: Critical Load An improvcd high-spatial resolution inventory lar ammonia emissions Comparison of surface waler critical loads of acidity with modeled and from agricultural fel1il izalion measured dcposition in the Uniled States Srinidhi Balasubramani'1I1. lJnivcrsity of Illinois. Urbana- Krish Vijayaraghavan. LNVIRON Int<::rnalional Corporation ........ 27 Champaign ............................................. ... .43 Critical Loads Approach 10 Ecosystem S<::rvices Ammonia <::rnissions from hog farrow-to-wean waSle lagoons . T.J. Sullivan, E&S Environmcntal Chemistry, Inc. .... ........ ..... 28 R. H. Grant. Purdue University.. ............ ..... .. ........44 Refining ern(J;ncal critical loads lor nUlrienlnitrogen: Northeastern pilol Ulili7.ing the nitrogcn isotopic composilion of amrnonill to invesligate study. regional transport of ammonia emissions: 1>1 jN-N 113 valucs at AMoN Claire O·Dea. US Foresl Servicc ...... .............. ......................29 sit<::s J. David Felix. University of l'illsburgh .......... ... ... ............ .45 Critical thresholds of aIm os ph eric dcposition in view of changing climatic conditions Salim \3elyazid, I3CC-AI3. Sweden .... ............ ... ... ...............30 Technical Session S: Heuer Measurements and Techniques Devclopmcnt of the Nexl Generation of Flux Measurement Tools Berkeley B. Almand, University of Colorado .. ... 49 II Evaluation and Variability of Chemical Transport Models Sulfur <Ind Using measurements and model simulations to understand the causc orthc Nitrogen Compound Deposition and Ambicnt Concentration Estimatcs seasonal variation in the oxygen isotopic composition ofprceipitation Eladio Knipping. Ekctrie Power Rcsearch Institute ..................65 along the western US coast Nikolaus H l3uenning. University of Southern California ....... 50 Measurement ofair-surlace exchange ofspeciated nitrogcn and sulfur compounds using a modifit.:d MARGA 2S: Assessment and control of Technical Session 6: Nitrogen Deposition data quality Ian C. Rumsey, U.S. EPA....... ...... ... ....... .... .. 66 Chemical Transport Modcling ofNitrogcn Deposition in tht: Western U.S .: A National Park Perspective Measurement of air-surlace exchange of speciated nitrogen and sulfur Michael Barna. National Park Service ......... .. .....................53 compounds using a modified MARCA 2S: Concentrations and lluxes above a grass lield Nutrient Criteria Development for Sicrra Nevada Lakes JohnT. Walker. U.S. EPA ..... .. .. 67 Andrea M. I·leard. University ol"CaliIOrnia. Riverside and National Park Scrvice . ................................................... 54 Assessment of Long-term Monitoring ofNitrogcn, Sulfur, and Mercury Deposition and Environmental Cnccts in Ncw York State Initial Findings from GrandTReNDS: thc Grand Teton Reactive Nitrogen Carrie R. Levine. SUNY College ...... 68 Deposition Study J. L. Collett. Colorado SWte University ..... ...... ..................55 Technical Session 8: Mercury Application of US EPA's Watcrshed Deposition Tool to Estimate A tmosphcric Deposition of Nitrogen to the Indian River B'lsin. 1:lorida Mercury wt.:t deposition to a remote island in the wcst Pacific Ocean and Noreen D. Poor. Kivllletrics. LLC .... .. ....................... 56 a high-elevation site in central Taiwan Guey-Rong Sheu, National Central Uniwrsity ..... .. .. .. .. .. ......71 Using National 'T'rcnds Network [)ota to Assess Nitrogen Deposition in a Near-Coastal Environmcnt: Marine Corp Base Camp Lejcune (MCHCL). RAMIX - A Step towarcls Undcrswnding Atmospheric Mercury Jacksonville. NC ChelTlistry and Tckran~) Observations Wayne P. Robarge, NC State University... .. ... .. .. ........... 57 Mae Sexauer Gustin. Univcrsity of Nevada- Reno.. ... 72 State-Level Oxidized Nitrogen Source Attribution i"rom CMAQ for the A novel approach: Using linancial market technical indicators to assess Chesapeake Bay TM DL Process to Support Air- Water Trading temporal trends in Illercury deposition and concentrations. Robin L Dennis. U.S. EPA .......................................... 58 Arnout tel' Schure, [kctric Power Research Institult: ...............73 Ex ,lmin3tion of Aquatic Acidilication Index (AAI) componcnt variability Invcstigating sources ofgascous oxidized lTlercury in dry deposition at and ilTlplications for characteriLing atlllospheric and biogcocht.:lllical three sites across Florida. USA nitrogen processes. Mae Sexauer (Justin. University ofNcvada-Rcno ... .. 74 Richard Schellc, U.S. EPA ......... ... ...........59 Comparing 6 years of event-bascd rainlall dcposition ef Illercury, trace metals and major ions collected close to a coal-lin.:d power plant wilh Technical Session 7: llndcrstanding Tutal Depositiun of Nitrogen & Sulfur ncarby NA\)P/MDN sites. Arnout ter Schurc, Uedrie Power Research Institute. .. 75 Nev; York's plan to enhance thc pilot Illonitoring project to inforillthe next review orthe secondary Sl<1ndards for oxides or nitrogen and sulfur Aquatic Men:ury Assess1l1ent of the Savannah Rivcr Site Dirk Felton......... .............. ... ......................... .... 63 Dennis G. Jackson. Savannah River National Laboratory .. ..76 Transference Ratios to Predict Total Oxidized Sulfur and Nitrogen Deposition Joseph E. Sickles, U.S. EPA . ............. ...... .. ........ .. .. ......64 III IV Seasonal variation in pathways of atmosphere-land exchange of Metro East Community Air Quality Study mcr(;ury in a northern hardwood lorcst N. Gartman. L. Green, T. Dombek, C.Lehmann. National Xuying Wang. Syracuse University ....... .. ....... .. ..... ,.... ..... 77 Atmospheric Deposition Program/CA L and Amy Funk, Action Research Illinois.. .. .. .. ... .. ........... .. ... ....... .... .. ... ... 88 Rc(;ent progress on mercury deposition studks Leiming Zhang, Environment Canada ..... ..... .. ... .....78 Nitrogen and Sulfur Atmospheric Deposition on Whiteface Mountain, 1985-2010 Ana R. Gordon. Bradley D. 81ackweiL Charles T. Driscoll, Poster Session (arranged in alphabetical order by first author) Syracuse University, James E. Dukett, Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation and Karen Roy, NelV York Statc Department Ammonia field meas urements and CMAQ comparisons at some "clea n" of Environmental Conservation... ....... ...... ...... .. R9 sites in thc northeastern US: Implications lor total N deposition Tom Rutler. Cornell University and Cary Institute of Ecosystem Total Ph osphorus: Signiticant or Not? Studies, Roxanne Marino. Cornell University, Donna Schwede, Lee Green, Christopher Lehmann and Van Bowersox, National U.S. EPA and Robert Howarth, Cornell

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