f 0 Vol. V, No. 38 U. S. Naval Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Saturday, 11 November 1950 HIGH SCHOOL'S CORAL FOOTBALL ON AFRS DEADLINE FOR NROTC REEF STAFF KEPT BUSY PROGRAM EXTENDED WGBY, through the facilities of New York Shortwave Station Aiming at three hundred pledges, the By of the Armed Forces Radio Service, Authority of AlNav 122-50, the yearbook staff of NOB School is the deadline date for receipt of will broadcast the Ohio State- now busy with its annual sales cam- applications in BuPers of qualified paign here on the Base. The year- Wisconsin football game beginning 2:03 p.m. today with Al Helfer enlisted personnel for the NROTC book, appropriately named the program has been extended- to 18 "Coral Reef", promises to be the announcing. This game will be by a delayed broadcast of November. The extension was due biggest and best that the school followed to the Notre Dame-Pittsburgh game the small number of applications has ever published. For the first received by the date of the AlNav. time, the books will be solidly with Joe Boland behind the Mic- rophone. Football scores will be For those interested and who do bound in leatherette embossed not know of the NROTC program, covers. given at 6:15. (Complete roundup of scores will be in the Papoose it is outlined briefly below. An outstanding feature of the 1. Public Law 729, 79th Con- "Coral Reef" is the complete cover- Sunday). gress, approved 13 Sunday at 2:15 AFRS will air the August 1946 age given to all of the elementary instituted the selection and train- grades from Kindergarten up. pro football game between the New York Yankees and the Chicago ing of officer candidates for the Group pictures of the grades are U. S. Bears, with Saturday's scores at Navy and Marine Corps. In to be large and clear with a write- this fifth annual nation-wide selec- up about the activities as well as halftime. Monday will be the de- tion layed broadcast of the football of candidates for entry in the special feature stories. fall terms of the roundup including the Tulane- academic year Included in the High School sec- 1951-52, 90 percent of the quotas tion will be individual pictures and Navy game. Starting time of the Monday re-broadcast is 2:15. will be filled by civilians who are articles about each member of the citizens of the United States. The Senior Class. There will also be remaining 10 percent will be picked individual pictures of Underclass- R5D'S RETURN TO from the ranks of the USN and men and articles about each Home GUANTANAMO RUN USNR. Room and its activities. Both Boy's 2. The fees for uniform, text- and Girl's Sports will have com- Announcement was made early books, and laboratory work, and plete, well-illustrated sections. this week by the Commanding for instructional or administrative The goal of 300 sales is 50 more Officer of Air Transport Squadron expenses will be borne by the than last year, but the increased One of a change in schedule of Department of the Navy, which will enrollment in the school warrants the local incoming flights to Guan- also provide the required uniforms. such a large number. Each family tanamo, of VR-1 aircraft. Most In addition midshipmen students with children attending the Base notable change was that of the receive retainer pay at the rate School will receive a pledge and equipment and the time of arrival of $600 per year to assist them explanatory letter on Monday, Nov- and departure. in defraying expenses. ember 13. So that others interested According to the schedule dis- in the activities and welfare of the 3. Normally students will attend tributed this week, the schedule college for 4 years. While in col- school may obtain copies of the will revert back to its original "Coral Reef", members of the year- lege they pursue any course lead- status before the Korean crisis ing to a baccalaureate or higher book staff will be at the NOB Ex- pulled the R5D aircraft off the change with pledges on November degree with the exception of the Guantanamo-Patuxent run. All following: pre-medicine, medicine 18. They will also be there to incoming flights are scheduled to answer questions about the year- pre-dental, dental, pre-veterinary, arrive at McCalla Field, Guan- veterinary medicine, pre-theologic- book. Original plans for appearing tanamo at 0435 each Tuesday and at the Exchange this week-end al, theological, pharmacy, music Friday and depart for the States and art. were changed because of the (Continued on Page Four) Armistice Day holiday. 4. It is the present policy of the Co-editors of the "Coral Reef" Department of the Navy to grant are Joan McNeal and Caesar Pina. 1 year's leave of absence to NROTC Barbara Thomas is the business students who undertake engineer- manager in charge of the sales WHY NO MOVIE ing or other courses which take campaign. The staff includes Val GUIDE five years to attain a degree, pro- Havard, High School Editor; Ra- vided they will not be more than mona Sparks, Features Editor; 25 years of age on 1 July of the The new movie schedule Ramon Alonso and Babs Romoser, year in which the requirement for Sports Editors; was not released before The a degree may be completed. Mona Lee Honey, Indian went to press. Watch 0 Art Editor; Connie Ohl, Element- 5. the "Papoose" for your daily i NRTOC Midshipmen are re- ary Editor; Mrs. Barbara Brough- quired to take movie schedule. two summer cruises ton is the staff advisor again and one period of aviation indoc- this year. (Continued on Page Four) Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 11 November 1950 Page Two THE INDIAN Saturday, 11 November 1950 TRAINING GROUP TRIVIALS By Lewis, Yo Yo 1 The Training Group was honored Sunday, 12 November 1950 Editorial Office, NOB Administration Bldg. this week by a visit from our Room 205 - Phone 254 Number One Boss, RADM J. M. Catholic Masses Carson, USN. Glad to have had 0700-Naval Base Chapel Saturday, 11 November 1950 you aboard, Admiral, and hope our 0930-Naval Base Chapel U. S. NAVAL OPERATING BASE OpRed mark rates an "0" (Out- 1745-Naval Base Chapel Guantanamo Bay, Cuba standing that is). Daily Mass - 0630 Rear Admiral A. M. Bledsoe, USN Well, that ole celebrated season Confessions before all Masses Commander of I buy, you buy, we all buy, and Protestant Services Allen Collier, J03 - - ------ Editor every one gets presents, especially Sunday: 0930-Sunday School P. H. Teeter, LCDR----------Staff Advisor the kids (that's short for children, 1000-Adult Bible Class is published weekly, fi- THE INDIAN you know), is drawing nigh. Don't 1100-Divine Worship nanced by Station Welfare and Recreation know why but if I brought every- -funds, printed on government equipment, Thursday: 1930-Choir Rehearsal for free distribution on the U. S. Naval thing Gary wants I'd have to get Operating Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba by a "GI" Loan" to pay for it. I hear Chaplains at this activity order of the Base Commander. thru the grapevine that Smith, CDR JOHN F. HAGEN, USN THE INDIAN is published in compliance H. G., S02, has gotta get one any- (Protestant) with the provisions of NAVEXOS-P-SE (Rev) 1945. way. Next year it'll be worserer, LT P. J. MARRON,-USNR THE INDIAN uses Armed Forces Press he's gonna have four (gad!) Don't (Catholic) Service material which may be reprinted know that its ethical or not but with the credit line: AFPS. that's neither here or there (as the old saying goes), but the Base SIN IS NEWS HOSPITAL NOTES Police seem to be getting recruits whether they like it or not. A cer- "Sin is News". That may sound 4 tain young lady who is the wife grim and cynical but it is in fact Heiruort News: Mary Jane Har- of a certain BMC within the Tra- the very opposite. Sound optimism desty born 3 November to LTJG Grp is really on the well-known is behind it. It is because they know and Mrs. R. W. Hardesty; Edward ball these days in catching up this that most Chaplains are cheer- Robert Windhom born 3 November with shady characters who pass ful. Decent living is the expected to ADC and Mrs. W. N. Windhom. school busses when they're stopped thing and takes place with unexcit- G. A. Shaw, HN and B. K. Laud- and letting the little ones off the ing regularity-it does not get an er, HN reenlisted on board for bus. I (along with a Iota others) inch in the newspaper. six years. give the little lady credit, the gist Crime is news; murder is news, T. E. Boone, HM1 reported for of the whole thing is "Do anything divorce is news; broken homes duty from. U. S. Naval Hospital, ya want to me, but leave my kids make news-just as a railway ac- Portsmouth, Virginia. Welcome alone". Seriously tho, people that cident is news. The reason is aboard, we know you'll enjoy your pass any vehicle discharging either simple, such things are the excep- tour of duty here. adults or children, show they don't tion, a departure from the ordinary. The welcoming committee was have much smart. Keep up the good No editor would give a paragraph busy this week extending the glad work Mrs. "G", we're all for ya! to a routine railway run unless hand to those returning from Welcome Aboard Dept.
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