DONEGAL ANNUAL BIBLIOGRAPHY (July 2011 - June 2012) by Helen McNutt, Executive Librarian, Central Library, Letterkenny A list of books and journal articles by Donegal authors, or about Donegal subjects and persons, which were published/became available 01.07.2011 to 30/06/2012 Religion / Ecclesiastical History ~ Reiligiún / Stair Eaglasta CLERKIN, Aidan et al (eds.) A Road Less Travelled: Tales of the Irish Missionaries Dublin: Open Air, 2011. 256p. 9781846823176 €13.95 DALY, Edward A Troubled See: Memoirs of a Derry Bishop Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011. 304p. 9781846823121 €13.95 KOMAN, Alan J. “St. Columba ofIona” in Irish Roots, Issue No. 82, 2012. pp.22-3 Blessington, Co.Wicklow: Irish Roots, 2012. 07916329 €4.50 MEEHAN, Paddy St Patrick’s Memorial Church of the Four Masters Donegal Town: 75th Anniversary St Patrick’s Day, 2010 Letterkenny: Browne Printers, 2010. 48p. Donated by author Society ~ Comhphobal DONEGAL County Childcare Committee Ltd. Leaving Junior: Supporting Parents to Make Childcare Choices (Second Edition) Ballybofey: Donegal County Childcare Committee Ltd., 2011. 24p. Free DONEGAL County Childcare Committee Ltd. Parents… Here’s How We Can Help You! Ballybofey: Donegal County Childcare Committee Ltd., 2011. (Pamphlet) Free DONEGAL Library Service Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender: Resource List Donegal: Donegal Library Service, 2011. 4p. Free Politics ~ Polaitíocht MULHOLLAND, Joe 2011 MacGill Summer School and Arts Week: Transforming Ireland 2011-2016 – The First Hundred Days, The Next Five Years Sunday July 24th – Friday July 29th Donegal: MacGill Summer School, 2011. 28p. Free Education ~ Oideachas CAVANAGH, Dermot RTC to LYIT: Forty Years A-Growing: The Story of an Irish Higher Education Institution 1971-2011 Letterkenny: Letterkenny Institute of Technology, 2011. 190p. €10.00 CURRAN, Neil “Support for new teachers” in ASTIR, Volume 30, Number 3, May 2012. pp.36-7 Dublin:ASTI, 2012. 07906560 Free Public Administration / Public Works ~ Riarachán Poiblí / Oibrithe Poiblí DONEGAL County Council Making the Future Happen: Addressing the Unemployment Challenge in Donegal Donegal: Donegal County Council, 2010. 35p. Free DONEGAL County Council Scéim Údaráis Áitiúla Dhun na nGall 2010-2013 faoi Acht na dTeangacha Oifigiúla, 2003: Donegal Local Authorities Scheme 2010-2013 under the Official Languages Act 2003 Lifford: Donegal County Council, 2011. 20p. Free DONEGAL County Council Cultural Services Donegal County Council Cultural Services Division Annual Review 2010 Letterkenny: Donegal County Council Cultural Services, 2011. 58p. Free LANE, Ann By the Way: A Selection of Public Art in Ireland Dublin: Wordwell Ltd., 2010. 359p. 9781905569441 €29.50 NATIONAL Parks and Wildlife Service Special Protection Areas Dublin: National Parks and Wildlife Service, 2010. (Maps and information sheets) Free Folklore / Folklife ~ Béaloideas CALDWELL, Conor Thomas “’Banished to the Barn’ – John Doherty and Bonnie Kate” in Ulster Folklife, Volume 54, 2011. pp.27- 44 Holywood, Co. Down:Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, 2011. 00827347 £7.00 GAILEY, Alan “Irish Mummers’ Play Texts: Their content and development – Part 2” in Ulster Folklife, Volume 54, 2011. pp.1- 26 Holywood, Co. Down:Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, 2011. 00827347 £7.00 GALLAGHER, Michael Remedies and Cures of Bygone Era Donegal: Michael Gallagher, 2012. 64p. €12.99 O’KEEFFE, Maurice Irish Life and Lore Series Master Catalogue: Catalogue of Audio Recordings Volume 1, 1994-2009 Tralee: Maurice and Jane O’Keeffe, 2011. 354p. O’KEEFFE, Maurice Irish Life and Lore Series Master Catalogue: Catalogue of Audio Recordings Volume 2, 1994-2009 Tralee: Maurice and Jane O’Keeffe, 2011. 317p. O’KEEFFE, Maurice Irish Life and Lore Series: Index to Master Catalogue Volumes 1 and 2, 1994 - 2009 Tralee: Maurice and Jane O’Keeffe, 2011. €250.00 (for the three Catalogue Volumes) Gaeilge/Gaeltacht ‘AC FHIONNLAOICH, Seán Sealóga agus Siosmaid: Gearrscéalta is Dréachtaí Baile Átha Cliath: Coiscéim, 2011. 206p. 6660012110308 €10.00 MAC CÁRTHAIGH, Críostóir “Ulster Gaelic Voices, Bailiúchán Wilhelm Doegen 1931, edited by Róise Ní Bhaoill” in Béaloideas: Iris an Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann, Iml. 79, 2011. pp.206-08 Baile Átha Cliath: Béaloideas, 2011. 0332270X €35.00 MAC PÓILIN, Aodán et al (eds.) Bás in Éirinn: May You Die in Ireland Béal Feirste: Iontaobhas Ultach, 2011. 164p. 9780955508127 €10.00 Ní DHUIBHNE. Éilís “Ní hAnsa: Éilís Ní Dhuibhne faoi agallamh ag Aifric Mac Aodha” in Comhar, Lúnasa 2011, Imleabhar 71, Uimhir 8. pp.18-20 Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Teoranta, 2011. 00102369 €4.00 Ní GHALLCHOBHAIR, Eithne Tomás na hOrdóige Clár Chlainne Mhuiris: Cló Mhaigh Eo, 2009. 64p. 9781899922543 €8.00 Ní MHONACHÁIN, Brighid et al Go Dtí an Lá Bán Gaoth Dobhair: Eabhloid, 2012. 112p. 9780956501622 €10.00 NIC CONGÁIL, Ríona “An Lucht Fileata” in Comhar, Meán Fómhair 2010, Imleabhar 70, Uimhir 9. pp.13-15 Baile Átha Cliath: Comhar Teoranta, 2011. 00102369 €4.00 NIC GIOLLA BHRIGHDE, Ailbhe Cócó an Colgán Cairdiúil An Spidéal, Co. na Gaillimhe: Futa Fata, 2010. 9781906907204 €9.95 Ó BAOIGHILL, Pádraig “Sracfhéachaint ar Chaninteoirí Dúchais Ard Mhacha” in Seanchas Ard Mhacha Journal of the Armagh Diocesan Historical Society, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2011. pp.156-78 Monaghan: R&S Printers, 2011. 0951149024 €63.34 Ó GEALBHÁIN, Rónán “Néillidh Boyle: A Feeling in the Blood, Traditional Fiddle Music from Donegal” in Béaloideas: Iris an Chumainn le Béaloideas Éireann, Iml. 79, 2011. pp.187-89 Baile Átha Cliath: Béaloideas, 2011. 0332270X €35.00 O’REILLY, Avril Sióg sa Teach North Carolina, United States: lulu.com, 2010. 32p. 9781445204048 €15.99 Ó SEARCAIGH, Cathal Pianó Mhín na bPréachán Conamara: Cló Iar-Chonnacth, 2011. 100p. 9781905560752 €8.00 PARKINSON, Siobhan Maitríóisce Dublin: Cois Life Teoranta, 2011. 192p. 9781907494161 €10.25 Cooking ~ Cóicearacht GALLAGHER, Conrad In Three Easy Steps: Fabulous Food without the Fuss London: Kyle, 2011. 156p. 9780857830197 €9.26 Art and Architecture ~ Ealaíon agus Ailtireacht BEATTIE, Seán “Albert Power: Man of Granite” in Due North: The Magazine of the Federation for Ulster Local Studies, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Autumn/Winter 2011. pp.29-30 Downpatrick: Due North, 2011. 17415942 €4.50 KELLY, Noel et al (eds.) Creative Ireland: the Visual Arts. Contemporary Irish Visual Art 2000-2011 Dublin: Visual Arts Ireland, 2011. 218p. 9781907683114 €25.00 (Featuring painting by Eamon O’Kane) KENNY, Colm “The Art Value of Architectural Heritage” in Heritage Outlook: The Magazine of the Heritage Council, Winter 2010/Spring 2011. pp.28-31 Kilkenny: Heritage Council, 2011. 13939777 Free (Liam McCormack’s Creeslough Church) MULCAHY, John “Lost to Castletown” in Irish Arts Review, Vol. 29, Issue 2, Summer 2012. pp.98-103 Dublin: Irish Arts Review, 2012. 9771649217104 €10.00 Ó DOCHARTAIGH, Seoirse Óiche go Maidin – Dusk till Dawn: A Seoirse Ó Dochartaigh Postcard Book Donegal: Seoirse Ó Dochartaigh, 2012. 24p. 9780955955037 €14.99 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “A Riddle Well Solved” in Perspective, Vol. 21, No. 1, Jan/Feb 2012. pp.46-53 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2012. 09672176 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “An Gaelaras” in The Visual Artists’ News Sheet, Issue 2, March-April 2012. p.17 Dublin: Visual Arts Ireland, 2012. (The author discusses Irish language arts resources in Northern Ireland.) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Arts Overview – A preview of forthcoming exhibitions in Northern Ireland” in Perspective, 2012. Belfast:UlsterJournals, 2012. (Author submits article on a bi-monthly basis) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Bridging the Gap” in Perspective, Vol. 20, No. 5, Sept/Oct 2011. pp.32-5 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2011. 09672176 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Curating in a New Light” in The Visual Artists’ News Sheet, Issue 2, March-April 2012. p.32 Dublin: Visual Arts Ireland, 2012. (The author describes her curation of the Wexford County Council Art Collection.) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Curator’s Choice: A material world” in Irish Arts Review, Vol. 28, Issue 4, Winter 2011. p.160 Dublin: Irish Arts Review, 2011. 9771649217104 €10.00 (The author selects Still Life by Mary Ruth Walsh from Wexford County Council’s art collection) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Double Vision: Young Curators” in The Visual Artists’ News Sheet, Issue 4, July-August 2012. Dublin: Visual Arts Ireland, 2012. (Article submitted to publisher) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Form following function at Titanic Belfast” in Architecture Ireland: Journal of the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, No. 261, 2012. pp.34-5 Dublin: RIAI, 2012. 16495152 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Inis Mhic an Doirn/RutlandIsland” in Living Design, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2012. pp.50-7 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2012. O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “King of the Castle” in Perspective, Vol. 20, No. 6, Nov/Dec 2011. pp.52-7 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2011. 09672176 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “King of the Tides” in Irish Arts Review, Vol. 29, Issue 1, Spring 2012. pp.58-9 Dublin: Irish Arts Review, 2012. 9771649217104 €10.00 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne King of the Tides Belfast:Belfast Harbour, 2012. (Catalogue of exhibition curated by the author) O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “New Context: Interview with Johan Lundh and Aileen Burns” in The Visual Artists’ News Sheet, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2012. p.19 Dublin: Visual Arts Ireland, 2012. O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Review: A Space for Learning, ed. Rachel McAree” in Perspective, Vol. 21, No. 2, Mar/Apr 2012. pp.92-3 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2012. 09672176 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Review: Hokusai by Matthi Forrer” in Living Design, Vol. 4, No. 2, Autumn 2011. pp.90-1 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2011. O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Review: Rafael Vinoly Architects by Philip Jodidio” in Perspective, Vol. 21, No. 3, May/June 2012. pp.64-5 Belfast:Ulster Journals, 2012. 09672176 O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Texts on Frank McKelvey RHA, RUA (1895-1974), J.W. Carey RUA, (1859-1937) and Charles McCauley RUA, ARCA (1910-1999)” in James Adams & Sons: Important Irish Art Sale. pp.22-33 Dublin: James Adams & Sons Ltd., May 2012. O’KANE BOAL, Marianne “Titanic Belfast” in Irish Arts Review, Vol.
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