Saint Joseph County, Indiana Naturalization Record Index 1st 1st Final Final Index Index Papers Papers Papers Papers Surname Given Accession Page Page Volume Page Volume Fabbri Carlo 90045 145 276 15 0 Fabbri Ugo 90045 162 275 15 0 Fabbri Ugo 90044 162 354 37 262 39 Fabean Steve 90045 160 229 12 0 Faber Edward 90077 148 0 0 Fabian Anton 90046 142 0 0 Fabian John 90045 152 257 18 0 Fabian John 90077 153 471 4 0 Fabian John 90077 153 138 4 0 Fabian Jozeph 90046 152 0 0 Fabian Jozsef 90046 152 0 0 Fabian Pete 90045 158 16 9 0 Fabian Stefania 90044 160 0 181 41 Fabian Steve 90045 160 0 136 3 Fabian Steve 90046 160 231 7 0 Fabian Steve 90045 160 481 14 46 18 Fabian Toni 90046 162 0 0 Fabiankovitz Frank 90046 148 330 7 0 Fabiczak Marcel 90044 156 86 31 32 28 Fabijankovits Gsiga 90046 163 326 7 0 Fabijanoe Karl 90046 145 0 0 Fabiola Sr. M. 90045 52 0 100 21 Fabiszak Stanley Bonneventus 90045 160 389 8 0 Fabiszak Thomas 90045 162 17 16 0 Fabiszak Thomas 90077 162 152 5 0 Fabrjankovics Louise 90044 155 0 287 43 Fabrszak Marcel 90045 156 497 13 0 Fabrszak Napomocyna 90044 157 247 41 41 48 Fabyan John 90045 153 426 24 0 Fabyan Vorgar 90077 162 362 6 0 Fabyon John 90044 152 212 35 135 37 Fabyon Steven 90077 160 364 6 0 Faciana Michel 90045 156 7 19 0 Faddool Najeb 90046 157 0 0 Faddoul Icer 90044 151 249 30 0 Faenzi Ottavio 90045 157 104 26 78 23 Faeuzi Ottavio 90045 157 104 26 78 23 Fagarasi Mihal 90044 156 233 36 0 Fahey John Thomas 90044 153 50 41 0 Fahey Lester Daniel 90044 155 47 41 0 Fahey Louise 90044 155 0 41 44 Fahy Malachi 90077 156 547 3 0 Fahyan Ama 90044 142 0 144 39 Faieck John 90045 153 242 27 0 Faik Paul 90077 158 518 6 0 Faikas Guszte 90077 149 331 5 0 Faini Ada 90044 142 0 100 45 (c) 2007 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice. Saint Joseph County, Indiana Naturalization Record Index 1st 1st Final Final Index Index Papers Papers Papers Papers Surname Given Accession Page Page Volume Page Volume Faini Guiseppe 90045 149 264 23 0 Faini Guiseppe 90044 149 123 34 303 32 Fair John 90077 152 187 3 0 Fakas Thomas 90045 162 373 26 0 Faki Bell 90045 144 378 18 0 Faki Peter 90046 158 215 8 0 Fakos Alex 90046 142 0 0 Falacsy Joseph 90046 152 136 7 0 Falan Dorothy Evelyn 90063 147 0 53 52 Falbakowski Ludwig 90045 155 421 11 0 Falbaryski Ignacy 90045 148 245 18 0 Falbogowski Ignacg 90046 151 366 7 0 Falbogowski Ignaczy 90045 151 245 18 0 Falentowski Antoni 90046 142 0 0 Falkner Thomas 90077 162 193 1 0 Fallan Thomas 90077 162 649 3 0 Faller August 90045 142 0 47 8 Fallize Michael 90077 156 367 2 0 Fallize Michael Philip 90045 156 307 10 0 Fallon Thomas 90045 162 0 160 3 Fallon Thomas Wm. 90045 162 70 16 0 Falls Patrick 90077 158 0 0 Falri Stephen 90046 160 0 0 Faltin Ladislaus 90045 155 44 24 117 25 Faluajankanitz Zigmnert 90045 163 450 18 237 21 Falujankovics Andrew 90077 142 316 5 0 Falyan Steve 90077 160 417 6 0 Famador Julius 90045 153 67 26 0 Famenko Karp 90046 155 0 0 Fan Ky 90063 155 0 134 52 Fan Yu-Fen Yen 90063 163 0 133 52 Fanago Stef 90046 160 0 0 Fanason Michael 90077 156 0 0 Fancl Philip 90045 158 447 13 0 Fancs Jjohn 90077 152 412 3 0 Fange John 90077 153 334 6 0 Faninsston Patrick 90077 158 502 2 0 Fanska Otto Richard 90045 157 121 14 27 14 Fante Palma 90044 158 0 288 46 Fanti Ercole 90044 148 170 34 128 31 Fanto Angelina 90044 142 0 346 50 Farabegoli Leo 90044 155 253 30 0 Farage Kaiser Joseph 90045 155 515 19 167 18 Farago Joseph 90044 152 253 35 96 34 Farago Joseph 90045 153 427 23 0 Farago Mihaly 90046 156 0 0 Farago Mike 90044 156 31 30 30 28 (c) 2007 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice. Saint Joseph County, Indiana Naturalization Record Index 1st 1st Final Final Index Index Papers Papers Papers Papers Surname Given Accession Page Page Volume Page Volume Farago Sarolta 90044 160 26 31 118 43 Farah Rube 90046 159 148 7 0 Farasen Henry 90077 150 281 5 0 Farbea John 90077 153 527 6 0 Farber Rebecca 90044 159 0 201 35 Farekas Esther 90044 148 0 137 37 Farekas Stephan 90044 160 344 29 290 25 Faresol George 90077 149 477 2 0 Fargai Stephren 90077 160 354 5 0 Fargan Anton Joe 90045 142 348 10 0 Fargo Mike 90045 156 11 13 0 Farheringham Alexander K. 90077 142 662 4 0 Farkas Alex 90045 142 340 15 138 21 Farkas Andras 90044 142 255 33 0 Farkas Barbara 90044 144 0 190 47 Farkas Charles 90045 145 145 22 6 25 Farkas Elizabeth 90044 148 0 204 36 Farkas Elizabeth 90044 154 63 41 285 47 Farkas Frances 90044 154 0 103 47 Farkas Frank 90044 148 116 32 180 34 Farkas Frank 90077 148 359 6 0 Farkas Frank 90045 148 459 12 0 Farkas Frank 90045 148 368 26 0 Farkas Frank 90044 148 337 34 0 Farkas Gaza 90077 149 247 5 0 Farkas George 90044 149 0 58 39 Farkas George 90044 148 290 35 0 Farkas George 90045 149 356 27 0 Farkas Gira 90077 149 14 6 0 Farkas Helen 90044 150 162 33 0 Farkas Istvan 90046 151 0 0 Farkas James 90045 152 451 11 0 Farkas Janos 90045 473 420 8 0 Farkas Janos 90045 152 93 10 0 Farkas Janos 90045 152 420 8 0 Farkas Joe 90045 153 185 21 0 Farkas John 90077 153 354 6 0 Farkas John 90044 152 389 38 277 42 Farkas John 90044 152 347 34 0 Farkas Joseph 90046 152 0 0 Farkas Joseph 90044 152 98 40 160 45 Farkas Joseph 90077 153 241 4 0 Farkas Jozeph 90046 152 0 0 Farkas Julia 90044 151 272 39 0 Farkas Julia Nagy 90044 152 0 64 30 Farkas Karl 90044 155 206 34 20 31 Farkas Karl 90045 155 245 28 0 (c) 2007 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice. Saint Joseph County, Indiana Naturalization Record Index 1st 1st Final Final Index Index Papers Papers Papers Papers Surname Given Accession Page Page Volume Page Volume Farkas Leo 90077 155 476 6 0 Farkas Lidia 90044 155 0 259 37 Farkas Louis 90046 155 0 0 Farkas Lujs 90046 155 0 0 Farkas Majer 90045 156 94 22 170 20 Farkas Mary 90044 156 185 30 0 Farkas Mary 90044 156 0 206 38 Farkas Mary P.L. 90044 156 207 39 0 Farkas Matyas 90044 156 107 35 0 Farkas Matyas 90045 156 3 16 0 Farkas Matyas 90044 156 373 38 0 Farkas Peter 90045 158 289 11 0 Farkas Philip 90046 158 223 7 0 Farkas Sandor 90046 160 0 0 Farkas Sandor 90045 160 0 138 21 Farkas Stevan 90046 160 0 0 Farkas Steve 90045 160 42 15 0 Farkas Steve 90044 160 303 34 0 Farkas Steve 90046 160 0 0 Farkas Steve 90044 160 124 34 292 30 Farkas Steve 90045 160 380 12 116 25 Farkas Steve 90045 160 424 27 0 Farkas Steven 90044 160 216 29 0 Farkas Steven 90045 160 228 23 0 Farkas Steven 90044 160 0 116 25 Farkas Sylvester 90044 160 161 33 0 Farkas Sylvester 90045 160 241 24 33 23 Farkos Emerik 90077 148 499 4 0 Farkos Emrick 90077 148 261 5 0 Farkos John 90046 152 0 0 Farkos Joseph 90045 153 381 26 0 Farkowiak Peter 90077 158 486 6 0 Farkus Andras 90045 142 68 23 0 Farnio Mike 90046 156 0 0 Farogs Jozsef 90046 152 0 0 Farraci Pasquale 90044 158 409 30 0 Farrall Thomas 90077 162 359 2 0 Farrance Frenny Charles 90045 148 128 12 0 Farrell Edward J. 90046 148 527 7 0 Farrington Patrick 90077 158 305 1 149 1 Farrington Thomas 90077 162 153 1 0 Farro Vincenzo 90045 162 270 23 0 Farroh Mahiel (Makiel) 90046 156 0 0 Fasolet Herman 90077 150 0 0 Fasoli Frank 90046 148 0 0 Fassl Edward 90045 146 194 28 0 Fassnacht Andreas 90077 142 175 1 0 (c) 2007 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use. For other uses, please contact SBAGS for permission to copy. Copied text must contain this copyright notice. Saint Joseph County, Indiana Naturalization Record Index 1st 1st Final Final Index Index Papers Papers Papers Papers Surname Given Accession Page Page Volume Page Volume Fassnacht Andreas 176 1 0 Fassnacht Christofer 90045 145 190 16 0 Fassnacht Frederick 90045 148 290 16 6 16 Faucs John 90077 152 412 3 0 Faulkner Alfred 90044 142 193 37 97 39 Faulkner Jack Alfred 90044 152 34 37 148 36 Fawer Frederick 90077 148 149 1 0 Fayakas Frank 90045 148 15 8 0 Fazakas Julius 90045 152 456 7 0 Fazakas Mike 90045 156 487 9 0 Fazakos Julius 90044 152 0 215 24 Fazekas Frank 90044 148 237 33 164 30 Fazekas Frank 90045 148 182 26 0 Fazekas Julius 90045 153 99 24 0 Fazekas Katherine 90044 155 021 0 Fazekas Petronella 90077 158 0 139 35 Fazekas Petronella 90044 158 0 139 35 Fazekas Steve 90046 160 0 0 Feadler August 90077 142 164 6 93 11 Febenecs Lidia 90044 155 185 33 262 32 Febenecz Jozef 90044 152 0 182 46 Febenyac Joseph 90044 152 219 34 0 Febenyer Josephr 90045 153 420 19 0 Febyan Janos 90045 152 86 10 0 Fec Thomacz 90045 162 467 9 0 Fechner Rudolph Carl 90045 159 33 10 69 13 Feckler Frederick 90077 148 0 063 1 Feckler Fredrick 90077 148 154 1 062 1 Feckner Emil 90077 148 0 002 2 Feckner John 90077 153 516 5 0 Fedarnis Johan 90046 152 0 0 Federnok Elsie 90044 148 0 93 38 Federow Anna 90063 142 295 43 0 Federow Sawelij 90063 160 296 43 0 Fedick Dave 90044 147 189 39 238 44 Fedick Gaze 90045 149 393 28 0 Fedisch Andrew 90077 142 519 1 0 Fedoranicz George 90046 148 0 0 Fedornak Andrew 90044 142 321 34 249 39 Fedoryzyn Dmytro 90045 147 71 28 0 Feeny Patrick 90077 158 172 1 0 Feeny Patrick Joseph 90077 158 146 4 0 Feferman Bessie 90044 144 0 278 40 Feher John 90046 152 0 0 Feher Vendel 90046 162 0 0 Fehete Stephen 90077 160 494 4 0 Fehrs Jozsef 90046 152 0 0 (c) 2007 South Bend Area Genealogical Society - South Bend, IN These pages may be copied for individual personal use.
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