Califrnia State Library Sacramento 9, Calif:rnia Recorded Concert air Skies Today Santa Clara Valley residents Today's recorded concert in the can look forward to fair weather I.ibrary will include Richard Rod- today, according to the weather- 'Victory at Sea" orchestral man. The forecaster says it will suite, arrangcd and conducted by be slightly warmer, with the Robert Russell Bennett. The con- high ranging frorn 72 to 77 de- cert performed by the NBC Sym- grees, Northwesterly winds of 10 phony Orchestra will be heard to 15 miles per hour will prevail, from noon to 1 p m. and again from patiatt ccording to prediction. The en- 3 to 4 p.m. in the first floor study raging report came on the room in the south wing of the eels of the season's second hea- Library. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE viest rain storm. VOL. 45 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1957 041111w Number 15 IN CANADA Scholarship Hoffa Barred From Student Top Teamster Post Offer Made Council Makes WASHINGTON(UP) A fed- bar the union's leaderships from reprisals against the plain- By British eral judge yesterday temporarily taking 42 ASB tiffs in the suit. Appointments barred James R. Hoffa and other Marshall scholarships at English STANDS LITTLE CHANCE newly elected officers of the team- universities offered by the British Letts agreed that the rank-and- sters union from taking office. government and state scholarships Report Changes file group stood little chance of Hof fa was elected president of by the California State Scholar- the union to succeed Dave Beck accomplishing anything by "intra- Students who have changed 250 Apply for Positions ship Commission are open to ap- at the recent teamsters conven- union remedies." telephone numbers and address- plicants, Jerome Fink, assistant to tion in Miami Beach, Fla. He said there was danger that es may contact Piddle Relations the dean of students, reported. Federal Judge F. Dickinson the union would suffer "continu- Office, Room IS, to pros ide in- In Student Government As a gesture of thanks for Mar- Letts signed a temporary restrain- ing disgrace" because of domin- formation to keep Sparta Key, shall Aid, the British government By RAY BARCH ing order, in effect suspending the ation by corrupt officials. student directory, up to date. has established a series of annual In a special closed session yesterday, the Student Council convention's decision and set ap- Marshall scholarships to enable pointed 42 students to positions in student government. The appoint- Monday, Oct. 21 for a hearing. Americans to study NI British uni- ments followed three days of interviews by the council. Some 250 stu- He ordered Hoffa to show cause Grad Deadline versities. Flu Patients dents applied for the student posts. why he should not be prevented applications Deadline for making Each year, 12 awards are offer- Terri Galvin was appointed female representative-at -large: Di- from taking office. is Oct. for graduation In January ed to American students. Both ana Stelling, court clerk; and Richard Christiana and Diane A temporary restraining order Respond Well Beall, so- 18, according to the graduation in- men and women under the age of phomore male and female justices. normally expires in 10 days. Dr. Thomas J. Gray, director of formation office. Smiling farewell from plane 28 are eligible. The scholarships Ron Gleason was appointed sen- ILLEGAL SELECTION health services, exprenled satis- Candidates for bachelor degrees door, Queen Elizabeth leaves are good for two years; each has ior male justice, succeeding Ron The judge acted on a plea by Canadian tour.pho- faction today over the way in may make appointments in the Londun for an annual value of 550 English Ortland, who was killed in an ac- 13 rank-and-file teamsters who to by International. which students confined to McFad- POLIO GAINS Registrar's Office, Room 124. pounds 415401. Married men will cident during the summer. charged that 80 per cent of the den Health Cottage with respira- Major-minor sheets must be on receive an extra 200 pounds (560). Therm students will hold their convention delegates were illegal- tory infections are responding to file before scheduling an appoint- APPLY BY OCT. Ilt posts until the December elections. ly selected to insure victory for treatment. ment to apply for graduation. Groups Plan Applications for he academic Hotta and his slate, "The infirmary was cleared over APPOINTMEN'T POSTPONED year 1958-59 must received by Letts ordered the teamsters to the weekend but is now full, he Appointment of a public Bibler Dinner Oct. 31, 1957. rela- show cause why other proceedings said. "In all cases patients have tions committee director was post- Library Has Chi, national pro- In order to qualify for this pro- at the convention as well as the Sigma Delta responded to antibiotics very sat- poned until Wednesday, to permit fessional journalistic fraternity, gram, students must have a 3.5 election, should not be declared isfactorily, and we have been able the full council to interview two and "30" Club, women's journa- scholastic average better, Fink void. The union made sweeping New Books to keep the turnover of patients candidates Larry Lack and Dale lism group, are sponsoring a din- said. Additional information may changes in its constitution at the More than 200 new books, cover- at a high level," he added. Scott in regular session. ner for Dick Bibler, cartoonist, be- be obtained from the assistant An earlier estimate of meeting. ing subjects ranging from glass- 80 pa- The council appointed Al Wal- fore his "Chalk-talk" in the Con- dean of students or by contacting tients by this week now seems to The judge also tentatively set making to Buddism, have been burg, Tom Burns, Joan Healy and this cert Hall of the Music Building, the nearest British Consulate or have been a little high, according a $5000 ceiling on any transaction added to the College Library Jan Neter to the College Life com- Thirty-four new record- 8 p.m. Thursday. British Information Services, 45 to Dr. Gray. He said that he did by the union subject to his find- semester. mittee; Al Stones, Curt Luft, Bar- have also been added, accord- Those planning to attend may Rockefeller Plaza, Now York 20, not have the latest figures on the ings in the hearing. ings bara Mohle, Doug Steel, Barbara The judge he will to Miss Joyce Backus, college give the dinner cost to Cathy Fer- N.Y. number of patients but that he also indicated ing C. Johnson and Mike Joyce to the librarian. guson, president of "30" Club, or The California slate scholarship belived the figure had not changed Awards Committee. A sevent Is These recordings Include not Bob Craft, president of SDX, in program was established during appreciably since Friday when 62 member is still to be appointed. only musical selections, but several J107 before 4:20 p.m. Thursday. the 1955 general session of the cases were reported. 3 Faculty Members Dick Robinson was appointed to readings, such as readings in Greek The groups will meet for dinner State Legislature, Dr. Gray expressed skepticism the student community service literature and Irish verse, "Just So at 6 p.m. at the Town House COMPETITIVE AWARDS over an early delivery date for committee; Serve on Panel on Stories" read by Boris Karloff, restaurant. After dinner the Each of the competitive scholar- flu vaccine that is now on order. Dramatic 89 per cent reduction and Claude Wander, Paul Con- groups will attend Bibler's lecture. ships is for an amount equal to "I have had no definite word." he In polio over past two years is Thiltge, Al Beach and Ron Vachel Lindsay reading "The reported in/Washington by Mar- Additional information may be tuition and necessary fees. Max- said, "but don't expect the vaccine I Elliot, fairness committee. Public Relations go," and "The Rubaiyat of Omar lon IL Foils ,,,,, . health depart- by Alfred Drake. obtained from the club presidents. imum amount obtainable under in large enough quantities to en- ment seeritnirv.photo by in- Three San Jose State faculty Khayam" read APPOINTMENTS this prpgrarn is WOO. able widespread innoculation until tertsationalt members participated in a panel Other appointments: A scholarship award may be December," he stated. discussion at the regular meeting Nancy Westenberg, Chuck Price, -A111 GIRLS used at any two or four-year Cal- The first supplies will be used to of the Santa Clara County chap- PAN chapel committee. ifornia institution of higher learn- innoculate health workers, city ter of National Assn. of Social Navy Band To Give Rich Hill, Don Bowcutt, Kathy ing, accredited by the Western officials, firemen, police, the very Workers last night, acording to Treagle, Susan Wasson, publica- College Assn. young and very old, those having Robert Allen of the Palo Alto Two tion* committee. Applicants must be California another illness who can't afford Performances YMCA, program chairman. Margie Nixon, Elle residents, 24 years of age or leas, to take chances, workers in es- ApproxiMatrly 135 years ago. Gabler, Nan- Milton B. Rendahl, professor of cy Woodland, and must have financial need. sential industries and teachers. the United Sctes Navy Band was Judy Ashbrook, lec- sociology, was moderator of the composed of a single musician: ture commtitee. discussion on the public relations James F. Draper. His name ap- Judy Keech, Dave Morketter, of the county social welfare. peared on student activities Seniors Announce Contest the payroll of the Amer- board. Gordon B. Greb, assistant pro- ican frigate "Brandywine." Norm Freberg, athletic advisory fessor of journalism, spoke con- Dates More than 100 musicians will board.
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