ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to Dr Kim Thompson for all her help and advice over the past two years, and to Dr Sandra Adams for reading, and providing constructive comments on this manuscript. I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr L.G. Willoughby of the Freshwater Biological Association, Windermere for giving me the opportunity to work with him during his initial studies on Aphanomyces invadehs {=A. invadans), and for his helpful correspondence throughout the last three years; and also to Prof R.J. Roberts for organising this project, which was supported by a grant from the Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom. Thanks also to Mr S.D. Millar for his support in the setting up and equipping of the Mycology laboratory at lOA; and again to Kim Thompson and to Dr D.J. Morris for allowing me use of their computer. I am greatly indebted to Dr Kamonporn Tonguthai, Dr Supranee Chinabut and Mr I.H. MacRae at AAHRI, Bangkok; Dr G.W. Beakes of Newcastle University; and Prof K. Söderhäll, Dr L. Cerenius and Mr R. Ajaxon of Uppsala University for giving me the opportunity to work in their esteemed institutes, and for their warm hospitality. Dr R.B. Callinan and Mr G.C. Fraser of NSW-Fisheries, Australia, are gratefully acknowledged for useful discussions on EUS and for the provision of isolates 3P, 4P & 10P. Thanks also to Mr J.O. Paclibare, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines for isolates 10D, 30P, 33P & 34P; Mr D. Bastiawan, Research Institute for Freshwater Fisheries, Bogor, Indonesia for isolate 36/1P; Dr Annette Thomas, Oonoonba Veterinary Laboratory, Queensland, Australia for isolate 24P; Prof K. Hatai, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Tokyo, for isolates NJM9030 & NJM9201; Prof E.J. Noga and Dr M.J. Dykstra, North Carolina State University, USA for isolates 84-1240, 84-1249 & 84-1282; Dr D.J. Alderman, MAFF, Weymouth, England for isolates FDL457 & FDL458; and Miss W. Valairatana, AAHRI, Bangkok, for isolates T1SA, SSA & WSA. ABSTRACT Aphanomyces invadans Willoughby et al, 1995 (as A. invaderis) is the recently-named Oomycete fungus that has been shown to be involved in EUS (epizootic ulcerative syndrome), a highly damaging disease of wild and cultured, Asian freshwater and estuarine fishes. The present study shows that A. invadans is the only species, out of a number of isolates from EUS-affected areas in Thailand, that is capable of sustained growth in snakehead fish muscle tissue and reproducing EUS lesions, and is therefore pathognomic to the disease. A. invadans is characterised, and distinguished from the saprophytic isolates, by means of: growth at various temperatures; growth on different media; level of extracellular enzymes produced; susceptibility to various chemicals; aspects of zoospore and germling behaviour; ultrastructure; immunocytochemistry; protein and carbohydrate electrophoresis banding patterns; lectin and polyclonal antibody binding characteristics by means of Western blot analysis; biochemical fingerprinting using pyrolysis mass spectra (PyMS); and molecular studies involving random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD). A. invadans is shown to be indistinguishable from pathogenic Aphanomyces isolates from two other fish diseases, namely Japanese mycotic granulomatosis (MG) and Australian red spot disease (RSD) using the techniques described above. RAPD analyses, in particular, showed that a wide ränge of EUS, MG and RSD isolates are not only conspecific, but probably constitute a single genetic clone. This strongly suggests that it is A. invadans, and not any other biological aetiology, that has spread across Asia causing ulcerative disease in fish. It is recommended that the name A. invadans is used to describe all EUS, MG and RSD pathogenic isolates. This work also shows that Aphanomyces isolates obtained from outbreaks of ulcerative mycosis (UM) of American menhaden, are distinct from A. invadans, and more similar to the saprophytic fungus Aphanomyces laevis. It is conjectured that the invasive UM pathogen has not been studied and that this may show greater similarity to A. invadans. In comparison to the other species tested, A. invadans is most similar to the crayfish plague fungus. Aphanomyces astaci, although A. invadans is shown to be unable to infect noble crayfish {Astacus astacus). Snakeheads {Channa striata) are shown to produce antibodies in response to infection by A. invadans, a finding which may have implications for the possible future development of vaccines. A. invadans is shown to be culturally and ultrastructurally less robust, and more susceptible to chemical treatment, than other saprolegniacean fungi tested, indicating that strategic water treatments, before fish are infected, should be a relatively effective means of control. It is argued that the culturally-fastidious nature of A. invadans could also indicate an inability to compete with natural saprophytes, that may act to restrict it to a pathogenic lifestyle. Possible adaptations of zoospores to pathogenicity include particular chemotactic behaviour; a capability for limited polyplanetism in the presence of a nutrient background, indirect germination, and a form of abbreviated life-cycle. An usually thin zoospore cyst wall, that appears to lack much of the encystment vesicle-derived material apparent on other saprolegniaceans, is believed to have some significance to the ecology of A. invadans, although what this may be is undetermined. Despite the obvious ability of A. invadans to degenerate muscle tissue in fish, cultures showed relatively low production of extracellular enzymes using agar diffusion techniques, indicating that protease activity may be induced. A. invadans zoospores and cysts' have distinctive lectin-binding characteristics, and of particular interest is their ability to cross-react with monoclonal antibodies raised against Phytophthora cinnamomi, a non-saprolegniacean Oomycete. Other features of A. invadans that may provide useful species-specific taxonomic markers include temperature-growth characters, a putative K body organelle with a distinctive substructure, specific electrophoretic bands, pyrolysis mass spectra (used here for the first time in Oomycete systematics), and RAPD fingerprints. Polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) proved very non-specific, but peroxidase- and fluorescein- conjugated PAbs provided an effective diagnostic tool for identifying hyphae in infected fish tissue. ABBREVIATIONS AAHRI - Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute, Thailand ACIAR - Australian Centre for International Agriculture Research AHA - peanut agglutinin (Arachis hypoaea) APW - autoclaved pond water ATCC - American Type Culture Collection BFAR - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines BSA - bovine serum albumin BS-1 - Bandeiraea simpicifolia agglutinin CDA - Czapek Dox agar CMA - cornmeal agar Con A - concanavalin A {Canavalia ensiformis) lectin CVA - canonical variate analysis DAB - 3',3-diaminobenzidine tetrahyrochloride DAPI - 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole DFID - Department for International Development (new name of ODA) ECA - coral tree agglutinin {Erythrina cnstagalli) ECP - extracellular products EDTA - ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid ERA - EUS-related Aphanomyces sp (Lumanlan-Mayo et al, 1996) EDS - epizootic ulcerative syndrome FITC - fluorescein isothiocyanate FMA - snakehead fish-meat-extract agar FME - fish meat-extract (Hatai ef a/, 1977) g - gramme(s) GMA - soybean agglutinin {Glycine max) = SBA GP - glucose-peptone medium GP-PenOx - glucose-peptone-penicillin-oxolinic acid medium GP-PenStrep - glucose-peptone-penicillin-stretomycin medium GPY - glucose-peptone-yeast medium GY - glucose yeast medium (Dykstra ef a/, 1986) H&E - haemotoxylin and eosin HCA - hierarchal cluster analysis HGA - horse gram agglutinin (Dolichos biflorus) HRP - horseradish peroxidase HSW - high salt wash buffer ICBN - International Code of Botanical Nomenclature I FAT - indirect fluorescent antibody technique IgG - immunoglobulin G IHC - immunohistochemistry IMI - International Mycological Institute lOA - Institute of Aquaculture, Stirling University ITS - internally transcribed spacer kDa - kilodalton LEA - tomato agglutinin {Lycopersicon esculentum) LSW - low salt wash buffer MAb - monoclonal antibody MAFF - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food MEA - malt extract agar MG - mycotic granulomatosis MIC - minimum inhibitory concentration min - minute(s) MLT - minimum lethal time n/a - not applicable NACA - Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok NIFI - National Inland Fisheries Institute, Bangkok N SW - New South Wales, Australia CD - optical density ODA - Overseas Development Administration (recently renamed DFID) PAb - polyclonal antibody PAS - periodic acid - Schiffs PBS - phosphate buffer saline PCR - polymerase chain reaction PDA - potato dextrose agar PG-1 - peptone-glucose-1 medium PMSF - phenylmethylsulphoxylfluoride PyMS - pyrolysis mass spectrometry RAPD - random amplification of polymorphic DNA RFLP - restriction fragment length polymorphism rRNA - ribosomal RNA RSD - red spot disease SAPU - Scottish Antibody Production Unit, Carluke, Scotland SBA - soybean agglutinin {Glycine max) = GMA SDA - Sabouraud dextrose agar SDS-PAGE - sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis SEAFDEC - SE Asian Fisheries Development Centre, Iloilo, Philippines sec - second(s) SEM - scanning electron microscope TBS - Tris buffered saline TEM - transmission electron microscope TTBS - Tween 20-Tris buffered saline UEA-1
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