DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT FOOD AND AGRICULTURE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1999 TOWN AND COUNTRY (DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE) (No2) ORDER 2013 TOWN AND COUNTRY (DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE) ORDER 2019 Agenda for a meeting of the Planning Committee, 15th March 2021, 10.00am, to be conducted as a virtual consideration with Members discussing/ determining matters by remote contact. 1. Chairman to welcome members as they dial into the meeting. 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes To give consideration to the minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 1st March 2021. 4. Any matters arising 5. To consider and determine Planning Applications Schedule attached as Appendix One. 6. Site Visits To agree dates for site visits if necessary. 7. Section 13 Agreements To note those applications where Section 13 Agreements have been concluded in the period 23rd February to 8th March 2021. 8. Any other business 9 Next meeting of the Planning Committee Set for 29th March 2021. 1 Appendix One PLANNING COMMITTEE Meeting, 15th March 2021 Schedule of planning applications Item 5.1 Erection of a dwelling with associated Boat Yard Derbyhaven Isle Of Man IM9 1TR parking and alterations to access PA17/01326/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.2 Erection of a detached dwelling with Land West Of The Herring Houses Fort Island integrated garage and creation of Road Derbyhaven Isle Of Man IM9 1TZ vehicular access and landscaping PA20/01445/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.3 Erection of a detached dwelling with Land Adjacent To Haven Court Fort Island carport Road Derbyhaven Isle Of Man PA20/00319/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.4 Side extension to provide additional dance The Studio Former Christian Bretheren area space Church Switzerland Road Douglas Isle Of Man IM2 4NG PA20/01251/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.5 Resurfacing and alteration to both East Quay, Station Place, And Part Station carriageway and footway and installation Road Peel Isle Of Man of a flood defence wall from Station Place to Peel Harbour Bridge PA20/01320/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.6 Alterations and replacement roof, Dreeym Bradda West Road Spaldrick Port installation of dormer extensions Erin Isle Of Man IM9 6PN PA20/01461/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.7 Conversion of detached garage to provide Rose Cottage Barregarrow Kirk Michael Isle ancillary living accommodation Of Man IM6 1AX PA20/01494/B Recommendation : Permitted 2 Item 5.8 Removal of rear chimney stack Weston 74 Main Road Onchan Isle Of Man IM3 1AL PA21/00055/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.9 Construction of a detached home office Ballaglea Cottage Ballamodha Straight cabin Ballamodha Ballasalla Isle Of Man IM9 3AZ PA21/00087/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.10 Demolition of existing buildings within Caines Yard Shipyard Road Ramsey IM8 3DR yard and creation of residential development of 10 dwellings with PA20/00433/B associated roads, landscaping and Recommendation : Approve subject to parking. Legal Agreement Item 5.11 Approval in principle for the erection of an Field 433139 Scarlett Castletown Isle Of Man agricultural workers dwelling IM9 1TB PA20/00995/A Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.12 Alterations, erection of single storey Wesley Manse Atholl Street Peel Isle Of Man extension, attic conversion and re IM5 1HG surfacing of car parking area PA20/01460/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.13 Alterations and erection of two storey Ballawill Agneash Isle Of Man IM4 7NS extension to dwelling PA20/01534/B Recommendation : Permitted Item 5.14 Additional use of site for sale of food Rileys Garden Centre Ballapaddag Cooil Road (30sq.m), sale of outdoor activity and Douglas Isle Of Man IM4 2AF country clothing (75sq.m) and sale of conservatory furniture (50sq.m) PA21/00032/B Recommendation : Refused 3 PLANNING AUTHORITY AGENDA FOR 15th March 2021 Item 5.1 Proposal : Erection of a dwelling with associated parking and alterations to access Site Address : Boat Yard Derbyhaven Isle Of Man IM9 1TR Applicant : Korngold Ltd Application No. : 17/01326/B - click to view Planning Officer : Miss Lucy Kinrade RECOMMENDATION: To APPROVE the application ______________________________________ Recommended Conditions and Notes for Approval C : Conditions for approval N : Notes (if any) attached to the conditions C 1. The development hereby approved shall be begun before the expiration of four years from the date of this decision notice. Reason: To comply with article 14 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Procedure) (No2) Order 2013 and to avoid the accumulation of unimplemented planning approvals. C 2. Prior to the dwelling hereby approved coming into first use or first occupation the access, parking and highway works shown in drawing number 3812-02 dated 16/03/2020 shall be provided in full accordance with the details and thereafter retained free from obstruction and available for access and parking use at all times. Reason: To ensure the provision of a means of access and turning space to an adequate standard and to ensure the free and safe use of the access and highway. C 3. Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved a sample of the proposed stone shall be submitted to and approved by the Department. The development shall be finished in the approved stone in full accordance with drawing number r PA 102 Rev 2 date stamped and received 02/02/2021 (west, east and north elevations) prior to its occupation and retained as such thereafter. Reason: Stone from the existing wall is to be re-used where possible and any stone required in addition to this shall be selected as to best match the original stone in the interest of visual amenity. N 1. The applicant is reminded that the development includes the carrying out of work in and on an adopted highway and before undertaking this work you must enter into a Highway Agreement under S109A of the Highways Act, 1986. Further details are contained in the Manual for Manx Roads. Reason for approval: The proposal is a departure from the Area Plan given that Derbyhaven is identified as a 'group of houses in the countryside' with little or no scope for new dwellings, however in 4 taking into account the particular context of the site being surrounded by existing residential development and situated within the envelope of Derbyhaven would infill and make best and efficient use of an existing underused previously developed site that is provided with existing infrastructure in line with the overarching aim and strategic polices of the Strategic Plan. The proposed dwelling is considered to be of a design that respects the specific coastal character and streetscene here and would present an overall visual improvement to a gateway site into and out of Derbyhaven. The dwelling is not to result in any adverse harm to the amenity of the adjacent neighbours and conditions will ensure that car parking and access arrangements will be provided in accordance with the submitted details and will not result in any adverse or unacceptable harm to highway safety. ______________________________________________________________ Interested Person Status – Additional Persons It is recommended that the owners/occupiers of the following properties should be given Interested Person Status as they are considered to have sufficient interest in the subject matter of the application to take part in any subsequent proceedings and are not mentioned in Article 6(4): o Holmcroft o Homestead as they satisfy all of the requirements of paragraph 2 of the Department's Operational Policy on Interested Person Status (July 2020). It is recommended that the owners/occupiers of the following properties should not be given Interested Person Status as they are not considered to have sufficient interest in the subject matter of the application to take part in any subsequent proceedings and are not mentioned in Article 6(4): o Herring House o Midway House as they do not refer to the relevant issues in accordance with paragraph 2C of the Policy and they have not explained how the development would impact the lawful use of land owned or occupied by them and in relation to the relevant issues identified in paragraph 2C of the Policy, as is required by paragraph 2D of the Policy. _____________________________________________________________ Planning Officer’s Report THE APPLICATION IS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE AS THE RECOMMENDATION TO APPROVE IS CONTRARY TO THE WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS RECEIVED FROM THE LOCAL AUTHORITY AND THE PROPOSAL COULD BE CONSIDERED CONTRARY TO THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 0.0 PRE-AMBLE 0.1 This application was originally brought to Planning Committee along with neighbouring site 20/00319/B at the first meeting after Christmas 04/01/2021 with presentations made by both the Case Officer and Objector, however both applications were deferred to allow the applicant opportunity to present their case. 0.2 Since the last meeting the agent has sought to provide clarification of the height of the proposed dwelling following comments from the members and an updated drawing has been circulated for 21 days. The proposed dwelling is to have a central ridge 7.6m high matching the ridge height of Homestead and approx. 440mm taller than Holmcroft. Eaves levels remain around 5.2m throughout the proposed and neighbouring dwellings. 5 0.3 There have been no new comments received from the neighbours since the circulation of the drawings, however updated comments have been received from the Commissioners dated 25/02/2021 stating that the amended plans received March 2020 for the proposed access now satisfy their initial concerns in respect of parking and access via the golf club and that this would also apply to PA 20/00319/B. 0.4 The recommendation for the application remains as an approval APPLICATION SITE 1.1 The application site forms the extent of an existing boat yard situated on the southern side of Derbyhaven Road a short distance from the junction with Fort Island Road and from Derbyhaven Bay and beach.
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