j § m i m $ # + A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER I have opened a Furniture Repair Shop in J.F. HAHN’S BUILDING BUCHANAN PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY and am prepared to do all wort In that line ----BT---- on short notice. J O H N Gr- H O L M E S . Billiard TaBle Repairin g ----- AND----- * Cerm s;-8I.oO per Year. A l l Kinds of Job Work t^TPiLTABXXIH ADVAHC1.“S » done to order. Yonrpatronage is solicited NUMBER 21. OF f ICS.—In Uecord Baildine, Oak Street. VOLUME XV. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN'COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1881. WM., A- EATON. Business Directory. KwmBusiness Directory MISCELLANEOUS. VKRSELETS. “It is along, long story, condense it the first time, commencing with “ Old SENSE AND NONSENSE. President Garfield, being interview­ l HAYDEX REA, manufacturer and dealer in W iv a of great men all remind ns as I may, and perhaps It is best that I Hickory’s:” Paris has but one lady physician. ed by a delegation of straight Repub­ '• Light and Heavy Harness, Saddles, RoBes, do not attempt to relate it.” SOCIETIES. C W e can suBlimate onr wives, W ash ington, D.C., June 9,1831. licans of Virginia, declared in support­ HARDWARE. Blankets, Dusters, Nets, Whips, Trunks, Satchels, I had already heard enough to be­ “Hades-oh!” is the new telephone Brushes and ComBs. No dry goods or groceries. If-weTl only ere departing. M rs. M a r y W il l ia m s :—I remember ing the party which was opposed to T O. O. F.—Bnchanan Lodge Xo. 75 holds its OIJGH BROS* Wholesale and driers In W ell ensure our noBleTlves. come deeply interested, and instead of your brother William, who was with screech. i ^ reculir meeting it Odd Fellows H&11| on wch repudiation. He stated that the pat­ E Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Agricultural Im­ J X . MURPHY^ FashionaBle BarBer and Hair feeling like flying from what I had me in Hew Orleans. Give him the re­ fneeday evening. __________ plements, Doors, Sash, Blinda. L m n W T.yth, T.lmo • Dresser. Ladies’ and Children’s hair cutting Full many a rose is Born to Blush unsoon, feared might be another hobby-riding Long Branch hotel keepers will pay ronage of office would be decided by Paints, Oil% G lass, A c. Buchanan, Mich> - a specialty. Front st* opposite DunBar House. And waste its fragrance on tBe desert air; gards of his old commander. Please jfc A . 31.—Summit Lodge X o_ 19*2 holds & reg- exhibition, ! earnestly begged her to accept this as my contribution to the $32,000 for Music this season. the executive without interference F ^ nlar meeting Monday evening on or Before the INC COLLAR PAD CO* sole proprietors and Fall many a nip is taken Behind tBe screen. full moon, in eachmonth. OOD & SAMSON, dealers in Shelf and Heavy And cloves and cofiee, too are eaten there. proceed, and not to think of condens­ old cradle. Respectfully, There are two Chinese papers in San Hardware, Stoves^nnware, Paints, Oils.Glass# Z manufacturers of Curtis’ Patent zinc Collar from any source being tolerated. W Pad, Bnchanan. For sale By dealers everywhere. ing on my account. Here is the story: A x d r e w Jacksox. & a . 3L—Buchanan Lodge X o. 68 holds a teg- Agricultural Implements, «&c. Ftont st* north side. A girl who lived in Racine Francisco, both weekly. The number of dogs already buried # nlar meeting Fridav evening on or before the “ Of course you will be surprised F ■VT J. SLATER, mannfactnrer of Wagons, Car- G ot m arried .B e n o n ly stx tin e . Gen. Harrison had been President fall moon in each month. when I tell you that this old cradle, A pair of slippers—two eels.— Yom- in Adrian this year, according to bill MEAT MARKETS. riages, Buggies, Sleighs, &c. Repairing at­ And her first rhuBarB pie, but a few days when lie answered Mrs. tended to promptly. Front street. which has been one of my daily com­ OF H.—Buchanan Grange Xo. 40 meets on Caused her husBand to die, Williams’ urgent appeal for a letter: kers Gazette. rendered against the city, already large­ % the second and fourth Saturday of each month, RANK MERSON, proprietor ol Central Meat panions the past year, was made in P F Market. Cash paid for all lauds of live stock IARMERS* MANUFACTURERS BAXK, Bn- For the rhuBarB she used was too grine. W ash ington, D C., March 19,1841. Sixty thousand Jews from Russia ly exceeds the total number returned at 2 o 'c lo c k * .* . and produce. South side Front street. __F chanan, H ich. A ll Bueinesa entrnated to this 1745—in the fall, which makes it 132 Bank will receive prompt and personal attention. A young man who resided in Keene years old. My grandmother, who, rest De a r M a d a m :—It would be ungrate­ O . G. T.—Buchanan Lodge X o . S56 holds ita will immigrate to Spain. by the supervisors for taxation, aild QTEPHEXS BROS* proprietors of Buchanan Wm. Pears. Prea.; Geo. H. Richards, Vice Pres.; Kissed his sweetheart Behind a large screen, her soul, is dead, was the first occu­ ful in me not to comply witli your [ a regular meeting on each Monday evening. O Meat Market, and dealers iu live stock. North A .F . Ross," Cashier. The Hew Testament contains in the eyes of the city council are begin­ H e m ade to o m uch n oise pant, the very day it was finished. modest request. A ll the requests that side Front street, Tremont Block. ning to open to find tbe dogs about as C. T. t~. OF BCCHAXAX holds its regular EORGE CHURCHILL, Contractor andBnild- And was heard By some Boys, Seven of her brothers and sisters, my have been made since I became Presi­ round numbers 157,000 words. • meBtlnjr at the PresByterian Church on each ' cr, and dealer in LumBer, Lath and Shingles. Tuesday at 3 P . M. G Who informed the girl's pa—which was mean. great uncles and aunts, occupied it. dent have not been as modest as yours. Can any one improve his condition thick on the streets as ever. JEWELRY* Front street, Buchanan, M ich. Let me wish you a long life. Therejwas an|old maid o f Rome My mother, and a blessed mother she by whining? I f not, whine not. - Rev. Mr. Goodspeed is a member of ATTORNEYS. T H. ROE, dealer in Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, ■fifRS. FRAXC WHETMAX, Agent for Victor Who very much wanted a home; was, too, was rocked in it, as were her Sincerely yours, tl • Books, Music, Stationery, Ac. Speoaltymaac |U Sewing Hachinca. Attachments, oil and need­ Watermelons are for sale in Hew the Hlinois Legislature, and occasion­ o l repairing. Corner Front &Maiu streets. les furnished for all machines. In Bradley's Pho­ So she asked her friend Harry nine brothers and sisters, my uncles W il l ia m H e n r y H arrison. 3I. PLXMPTOX. Attorney and Counsellor at tograph rooms, Front st. If he would not marry; and aunts. My mother’s eleven chil­ York. It only takes a ten-dollar note ally offered prayer in that body, but . Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Office over Zacli, Taylor wrote as follows: E the Bank, Buchanan, Mich. l EO. A* HARRIS, Practical Watchmaker. Re- He Blushed and said solemnly “No’m !” dren, including myself, were rocked in to buy one. refused to accept the customary fee of V pairing promptly attended to in a workmanlike UCHAXAX MARBLE WORKS. Monuments W ash ington, Sept. 7 ,1S49. C and Headstones of all designs and kinds of the same old cradle. Being the first $3 for each day’s service rendered, on TAK HIPER & WORTHIXGTOX, Attorneys manner. Corner Main & Fifth Sts* Buchanan. B “ Gentle maid, why so dejected? D e a r M rs. W il l ia m s So you want MarBle. J. S. Bu s t l e . child, it fell to my lot to do a great Live canary birds tied and perched \ and Counselors at Law, and Solicitors in Chan­ Pray tellm e why this gieat distress a letter from the President. Yon shall the ground that a person would be cery. Collections made and proceeds promptly J. ROE, Practical Watchmaker. Watches, V . YOORH EKS, mannfactnrer o f Frnit aud deal of rocking. on bouquets are hawked about Hew remitted. Office over Kinyon'e Store, Buchanan. Clocks, Pianos, for sale cheap. Tremont J P ra y d o !” sighed he. have it. The cradle that rocked some paid only in accordance with the good J . Flour Barrels. Special attention to custom “Why Tom proposed so unexpected “Think of me as a little girl in home­ York streets. J. J. VAX "RIPER. A. A. WOBTHXK6TON. Bnilding, Buchanan. work. Corner West and Main streets. of the men who were with me in Mex­ T h at I said n o when I m ean t y e s ; spun, standing by this cradle and rock­ accomplished. He had prayed that AVID E. HIXILVX, Attorney and Counselor ico is entitled to that much recognition. Coldwater will celebrate its semi- PIERSOX. Wagon and Carriage Painting B oo lto o l" cried she ing rosy-faced babies. Bless me, if I the members of the House might have at Law. and Solicitor in Chancery. Collections MILLERS. ■ executed neatly, at reasonaBle prices for cash. Yours, Z.
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