ALSO INSIDE: DAINYA THE SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE ÇÄSTRIYA SÄDHU SAÌGA AND MORE... ÇRÉ GADÄDHARA TATTVA Dedicated to Äcärya Keçaré Nitya-Lélä-Praviñöa Oà Viñëupäda Añöottara-Çata Çré Çrémad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja Founder Äcärya of Çré Gauòéya Vedänta Samiti He earnestly desired to re-institute the publication of all the magazines and journals which were being published during the manifest presence of Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura Prabhupäda. Rays of The Harmonist CCONTENTSONTENTS THE JOURNAL OF ÇRÉ GAUÒÉYA VEDÄNTA SAMITI WINTER 2001 Editorial 3 Çré Gadädharañöakam Çré Svarüpa Dämodara Gosvämé 4 Dainya Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura 6 The Source of Knowledge Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Öhäkura 9 Surrender, Service and Dedication — All Done Through Çraddhä Çréla Bhakti Rakñaka Çrédhara Gosvämé Mahäräja 3 Çästriya Sädhu Saìga Çréla Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja 17 Bhagavänera Kathä Çréla Bhaktivedänta Svämé Mahäräja 21 The Splendor of Vraja at Navadvépa Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura 25 An Offering to Çréla Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja on his disappearance day Çré Çrémad Bhakti Pramoda Puré Gosvämé Mahäräja 26 Çré Rädhä Tattva Çréla Bhaktivedänta Vämana Gosvämé Mahäräja 28 Who Is A True Indian? Çréla Bhaktivedänta Trivikrama Mahäräja 33 Rays of The Harmonist is a bi-annual journal of Çré Gauòéya Vedänta Samiti The Subject Matter Expounded in Çrémad Bhägavatam Front cover: Çréla Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Mahäräja 36 Çré Çré Gour Gadädhara at Svänanda Sukhada Kuïja, Godrumadvépa, Nadéyä Çré Puruñottama-Vrata Front inside: [Special Feature-Çré Gadädhara Tattva] Çréla Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja Samädhi Mandir 44 & his deity at Çré Devänanda Gauòéya Maöha, Navadvépa Çré Rädha-Vrata Back Cover: Çré Vraja-Maëòala-Parikramä-2001 Çré Çré Rädhä Kåñëa at Sevä Kuïja, Våndävana 50 WINTER 2001 • 1 ENGLISH TITLES Rays of GAUÒÉYA VEDÄNTA PUBLICATIONS The Harmonist Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu (His Life and Precepts) Published by the The Vedänta (Its Morphology &Onthology) International Gauòéya Vedänta Publications Vaiñëavism (Real and apparent) under the Rai Rämänanda, Näm Bhajan ÇRÉ GAUÒÉYA VEDÄNTA SAMITI The Bhägavat (Its Philosophy, Theology and Ethics) Founder-Äcärya Mäyävädera Jévané / Vaiñëava-Vijaya Nitya-Lélä-Praviñöa Oà Viñëupäda Añöottara-Çata (The Life History of Impersonalism / Çré Çrémad Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé Mahäräja The Supreme Glories of Vaiñëavism) The Nectar of Govinda-Lélä President-Äcärya Going Beyond Vaikuëöha Tridaëòi Svämé Bhakti-rasäyana Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Vämana Gosvämé Mahäräja Çré Çikñäñtaka Manaù-çikñä Vice-President Çré Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu-bindu Founder of Rays of The Harmonist Çré Prabandhävalé Tridaëòi Svämé Çré Upadeçämåta Çré Çrémad Bhaktivedänta Näräyaëa Mahäräja The Essence of All Advice Bhakti-tattva-viveka EDITOR Çrémad Bhagavad-Gétä Térthapäda däsa Jaiva-dharma Äcärya Keçaré Çré Çrémad ASSOCIATE EDITORS TRANSLATION ADVISERS Bhakti Prajïäna Keçava Gosvämé: Çrépäd B.V. Araëya Mahäräja Çrépäda B.V. Tértha Mahäräja His Life and Teachings Çyämaräné däsé Çrépäda B.V. Mädhava Mahäräja Secret Truths of the Bhägavatam Jïänadäsa Vanacäré Çrépäda B.V. Vana Mahäräja Five Essential Essays Nanda Kiçora däsa Venu Gétä (spoken commentary #1 / Vaijayanti Mälä devé däsé TRANSLATIONS written commentary #2) Çrépäd B.V. Bhagavata Mahäräja Arcana Dépikä CONSULTANT EDITOR Mukunda däsa The True Conception of Guru-tattva Hari Priya Brahmacäré Ananta Kåñëa däsa Gauòéya Vaisnavism vs. Sahajéyaism Uttama Kåñëa däsa Gauòéya Géti Guccha TYPING & ARCHIVES Amala Kåñëa däsa Shower of Love Våndä devé däsé Dämodara-Lélä -Mädhuré Çrédäma Sakha däsa WEBSITE & PHOTOS Essence of Bhagavad-gétä Käléyä Damana däsa To be Controlled by Love GRAPHICS DESIGN Çäradä däsé Happiness in a Fool’s Paradise Kiçora Kåñëa däsa Bound by Love Kåñëa Karuëyä däsa ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Butter Thief Brajanätha däsädhékäré Çré Harinäma Mahä-mantra PROOFREADER Puëòarika däsa Räga Vartma Candrikä Sundara Gopäla däsa Våndävana Viläsiné däsé Çré Braja Maëòala Parikramä Vicitra däsé Çyämalä däsé Vishva-Vaishnava Raj Sabha (magazine) Rays of The Harmonist (magazine) Printed at Rakmo Press Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi and others STATEMENT OF PURPOSES Available from: Çré Keçava Gauòéya Maöha 1. To protect the vicära-dhärä (current of conceptions) of Mathurä Dist. (U.P.) 281001 India the svärüpa-rüpänugä-guru paramparä as presented in the Ph. (91)(0565)502-334 modern age by Çréla Saccidänanda Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura e-mail: [email protected] (i.e., to uproot opinions opposed to the genuine conclusions Çré Rüpa-Sanätana Gauòéya Maöha of the Çré Gauòéya-sampradäya). Sevä Kuïja Gali, Våëdävana (U.P.) 281001 India 2. To promote a cooperative effort to preach the message of Ph. (91)(0565)443-270 Çré Rüpa-Raghunätha as per the last instructions of Prabhupäda Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasväté Öhäkura. 2 • RAYS OF THE HARMONIST EDITORIAL here have been many obstacles in publishing The Harmonist since the disappearance of oà viñëupäda T Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Gosvämé Öhäkura, and this has caused much discomfort to the readers of The Harmonist. Everyone passed his days with a distressed heart, deprived of the good fortune of being blessed by the çuddha-rüpänuga bhaktivinoda-dhärä. Now The Harmonist has emerged once again, by the efforts of the faithful servants of Çréla Sarasvaté Öhäkura’s followers, who desire the welfare of all jévas. Carrying the message of the transcendental realm, the spiritual journal Rays of The Harmonist presents itself at the door of the conditioned jévas and attracts them towards the path of bhakti. The journal is a mine of unlimited beauty in the form of the eternal worship of Çré Gaurasundara’s activities and precepts. Only Gauòéyas who are resi- dents of the transcendental dhäma, and persons who are on the path to Gauräìga’s dhäma, can appreciate this beauty. When this journal, whose each and every word and message is fully endowed with transcendental beauty, appears at someone’s door, it destroys their ignorance and awakens their dormant function of loving service to the all-attractive Godhead. By reading this journal, one becomes fortunate enough to know that the sole proprietor of complete beau- ty is apräkåta Kämadeva Çré Madana-mohana. No one besides Gaurasundara preached and glorified such an exalt- ed subject-matter, and The Harmonist fully presents Gaurasundara’s conception for us. We ourselves have no realization of the real transcendental beauty of this journal. However, The Harmonist is the well-wisher of the whole world, and we believe that if this journal mercifully appears at the doors of baddha-jévas like us, who are eager to enjoy worldly beauty, then those jévas will begin to experience real beauty. At that time, we come to realize that transcendental beauty is not fuel for our enjoyment, but is the object of our wholesale dedica- tion. And, by performing kértana with such realization, we can be blessed. Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura, who originally started this magazine, is Gadädhara’s çakti. This issue includes a special feature on the tattva of Çré Gadädhara, and clears certain misconceptions about His constitutional posi- tion. In Çré Gadädharäñöakam, Çréla Svarüpa Damodara Gosvämé clearly states that Gadädhara Paëòita is non-dif- ferent from Çrématé Rädhikä. The supreme Absolute Truth is all-accommodating, and everything is beautifully harmonized in Him. This is the teaching of all true religions, and especially of the Vedic sanätana-dharma. If someone desires to attain that Absolute Truth and follows a religion that cannot accommodate the feelings of others, then that so-called religion is not in fact a true religion. It is sectarianism, and such sectarianism that ignores the conception of harmony results in fanaticism, extremism or terrorism—of the kind that is prevalent in the world today. • [Spirit of the editorial taken from Çré Gauiòéya Patrikä issue-1/9 Year 1950] WINTER 2001 • 3 Çré Çré Çré Rädhä and Kåñëa. I worship that magnanimous, exalted Paëòita and Guru, Çré Gadädhara Prabhu. navojjvalädi-bhävanä-vidhäna-karma-päragaà vicitra-gaura-bhakti-sindhu-rasabhaìga-läsinam su-räga-märga-darçakaà vrajädi-väsa-däyakaà bhajämy ahaà gadädharaà supaëòitaà guruà prabhum (2) päragam—fully conversant; vidhäna-karma—in the process of manifesting; bhävanä—the conceptions and moods of; nava— on the ever-new; ujjvalädi rasa—the brilliantly effulgent ma- dhura and other (sakhya, vätsalya) rasas; läsinam—playing; rasabhaìga—in the waves of devotion to Çré Gaura Hari; darsakam—revealer; su-räga-märga—of the foremost path of spontaneous devotion; däyakam—bestower; väsa—of residence; vraja-ädi—within the dhämas such as Çré Vraja and Navadvépa. He is fully conversant with the process of manifesting the conceptions and moods of ever-fresh ujjvala-madhura and other rasas. He is fully absorbed in sporting in the waves of rasa within the ocean of astonishingly variegated loving devotion to Çré Gaura Hari. He is the revealer of sva-bhaktiyoga-läsinaà sadä vraje vihäriëaà the foremost path of räga-bhakti, and the bestower of hari-priyä-gaëägragaà çacé-suta-priyeçvaram residence in Çré Hari’s holy abodes, headed by Vraja. I wor- sa-rädhä-kåñëa-sevana-prakäçakaà mahäçayaà ship that exalted Paëòita and Guru, Çré Gadädhara Prabhu. bhajämy ahaà gadädharaà supaëòitaà guruà prabhum (1) çacésutäìghri-sära-bhakta-vånda-vandya-gauravaà sadä—always; läsinam—sporting; bhakti-yoga—in loving devo- gaura-bhäva-citta-padma-madhya-kåñëa-suvallabham tional service; sva—(Her) own; vihäriëaà—(as She) wanders;
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