© Yvonne Chan © Julien Mignot 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 駐團藝術家/導演/美術指導/舞者 小提琴 Violin Artist Associate/Stage Direction/ 25.2.2012 Visual Design/Dance Artist 庄司紗矢香 (星期六 Sat)8:00pm 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng Sayaka Shoji 舞者 Dance Artist 26.2.2012 (星期日 Sun)4:00pm 華琪鈺 Tina Hua 第四十屆 (2012年) 香港藝術節節目 獲香港舞蹈團批准參與演出 香港大會堂音樂廳 A programme of the 40th Hong Kong Arts Festival (2012) Appearing through the courtesy of Hong Kong Dance Company 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 HK City Hall Concert Hall Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the 及香港演藝學院舞者 Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall and dancers from The Hong Kong 香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Academy for Performing Arts Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 謝謝 二月廿五日演出贊助 With thanks to 25 Feb performance sponsored by 音樂總監/指揮 25.2.2012 Music Director/Conductor (星期六 Sat)8:00pm 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 駐團藝術家/導演/美術指導/舞者 26.2.2012 Artist Associate/Stage Direction/Visual Design/Dance Artist (星期日 Sun)4:00pm 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 香港大會堂音樂廳 小提琴 Violin HK City Hall Concert Hall 庄司紗矢香 Sayaka Shoji 節目 Programme 舞者 Dance Artist 拉威爾 圓舞曲 華琪鈺 Tina Hua 西貝遼士 D小調小提琴協奏曲,作品47 獲香港舞蹈團批准參與演出 Appearing through the courtesy of Hong Kong Dance Company 中場休息 及香港演藝學院舞者 西貝遼士 《圖奧奈拉的天鵝》 and dancers from 拉威爾 圓舞曲(編舞:伍宇烈) The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Ravel La Valse (Poème Chorégraphique) Sibelius Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 47 Intermission Sibelius The Swan of Tuonela Ravel La Valse (Choreographer: Yuri Ng) 場地規則 House Rules 香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 各位觀眾 Dear Patrons, 中環愛丁堡廣場5號 為求令表演者及觀眾不致受到騷擾,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。同時請勿在場內飲食 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong 或擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。多謝合作。 方雅雯 高級經理 To avoid undue disturbance to the performers and other members of the audience, please switch off your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices before the performance. Gladys Fong Senior Manager We also forbid eating and drinking, as well as unauthorized photography, audio and video 電話 Tel: 2921 2840 recordings in the auditorium. Thank you for your co-operation. 圖文傳真 Fax: 2877 0353 獻辭Message 香港藝術節匯聚全城文化精髓,是享譽亞洲的文化盛事。藝術節絢 麗多姿的節目,每年吸引無數海內外藝術愛好者熱烈捧場。觀眾無 論以香港為家,還是慕名而來,都不難感受箇中都會魅力。 香港藝術節雲集本地以至全球名家傾力演出,盡展藝術才華。精選 節目包羅萬象,古今俱備,觀眾既可欣賞當代新銳創作,更可回味 大師經典作品。 欣逢香港藝術節四十周年,可喜可賀。謹祝各位有一個愉快難忘的 晚上。 香港特別行政區行政長官 The Hong Kong Arts Festival is a highlight of our city’s cultural calendar and a widely celebrated arts event in Asia. Each year it presents a feast of exciting programmes that draw arts lovers from near and far, adding to Hong Kong’s attractiveness both as a home and a tourist destination. The Festival is an important platform for showcasing local talent alongside the best artists from around the world. With a judicious mix of programmes, it champions new and contemporary works while celebrating great masterpieces, giving audiences much to savour. I congratulate the Hong Kong Arts Festival on its 40th Anniversary and wish you all a truly memorable evening. Donald Tsang Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 2 如夢逝水年華 La Valse Remembered 歡迎蒞臨第40屆香港藝術節。 歡迎閣下蒞臨第40屆香港藝術節。 作為重要的國際文化盛會,香港藝術節 今年香港藝術節呈獻的藝術名家及精采 每年呈獻世界頂尖及多元化的表演節 節目,就如香港大都會一樣多元化又璀 目。今年榮幸再邀請到世界各地及本港 璨奪 目。延續四十年的優良傳統,我們 藝術精英,帶來舞蹈、音樂、歌劇及戲 繼續邀請本地及國際知名的星級藝術家 劇等精采表演,讓觀眾可欣賞振奮心靈 點亮香港大小舞台,呈現世界豐碩的文 的繽紛藝饌。 化傳統,豐富未來的文化面貌。 我藉此感謝香港特區政府、香港賽馬 衷心感謝多年來熱心支持香港藝術節的 會、各贊助企業及個人的慷慨資助。踏 各界人士及團體。我們過去的成功源自 入第40周年,香港藝術節除了雲集世界各地的藝術界翹楚,帶 他們對藝術的熱忱,他們亦深信豐盛多元的文化藝術生活,是香 來精采演出,亦透過學生票贊助計劃及「青少年之友」計劃,培 港作為名副其 實的國 際大都會之重要支柱。 養年青人的藝術體驗;此舉有賴一群熱愛藝術的有心人慷慨資 感謝您與我們一起慶祝香港藝術節的四十年。藝術節團隊向每一 助,鼓勵年青人參與藝術節的精采演出,提升日後觀賞藝術的 位支持香港藝術節的觀眾衷心致謝,期望您盡享連串多姿多采的 興趣。 節目。 各位觀眾的支持和參與,乃驅動藝術節向前邁進的力量。感謝您 前來欣賞本節目,希望本屆藝術節為您帶來美好的觀賞時光。 香港藝術節行政總監 香港藝術節主席 It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the 40th Hong Kong Arts Festival. The array of artistic talent and programmatic content presented at I warmly welcome you to the 40th Hong Kong Arts Festival. this year’s Festival is as diverse and multi-faceted as the city which Recognised for the quality and variety of its programming, the annual has hosted this annual event in the course of four decades. As we Hong Kong Arts Festival is keenly anticipated as the premier event in add to the roll call of local and international luminaries who grace Hong Kong’s cultural calendar. This year we again welcome top our stages, we continue to draw upon the impressive traditions international and local talent in dance, music, opera and theatre, available to us, and work to augment a heritage for the future. whose artistry will delight and inspire us. I am deeply grateful to many individuals and institutions for their I wish to acknowledge strong support of the Government of Hong contributions to the Festival’s success over the years, informed by Kong SAR, the Hong Kong Jockey Club, and sponsors and donors who a love for the arts and an appreciation of how important it is for a make this Festival possible. At this 40 year mark, I am particularly major city worthy of that description to have a rich cultural life. delighted that in addition to presenting wonderful artists to a Thank you for being here to celebrate forty years of the Hong Kong discerning public, we can also nurture young audiences through our Arts Festival. The Festival would not happen without its audience. Student Ticket Scheme and Young Friends Scheme, thanks to the The entire Festival team appreciates your contribution to the 40th contributions of donors and supporters who generously share their Hong Kong Arts Festival and hopes that you enjoy many wonderful own love for the arts with audiences of the future. performances. Thank you very much for coming to this performance. Your presence is paramount to the success of the Festival, and I wish you a very enjoyable experience. Tisa Ho Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Festival Charles Lee Chairman, Hong Kong Arts Festival 25-26.2.2012 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall 3 香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 音樂總監 Music Director: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie © HK SINFONIETTA LTD 香港小交響樂團於1990年成立,是香港的旗艦樂團之一。樂團與音樂總監葉詠詩一直致力拉近古典 音樂與普羅大眾間的距離,銳意「培育文化新一代」,並以富創意的節目及充滿熱忱的演奏見稱。 自1999年起,香港小交響樂團經常與國際知名音樂家及藝團合作,包括亞殊堅納西、杜明高、杜 美、傅聰、譚盾、霍活特、巴伐洛堤、蘇嘉文、英國皇家芭蕾舞團、基洛夫芭蕾舞團、莫斯科大劇院 芭蕾舞團、英國國家芭蕾舞團、紐約市芭蕾舞團及斯圖加特芭蕾舞團等。樂團亦經常應邀參與本地不 同藝術節之演出,如香港藝術節、法國五月、香港國際電影節及多個由康樂及文化事務署舉辦的藝術 節,更多次成為「音樂新文化-國際現代音樂節」的指定樂團。 樂團終年無休,每年演出超過90場次,是香港大會堂的場地伙伴。樂團演奏的曲目豐富而廣泛,除了 傳統的管弦樂章外,每年均委約作曲家為樂團譜新曲,亦著意與不同界別的藝術家製作嶄新的跨界節 目,並經常與香港芭蕾舞團及香港歌劇院等本地藝團合作。樂團灌錄過多套鐳射唱片,收錄了不少華 人作曲家的優秀作品,並先後於2008及2010年由DECCA發行唱片《就是古典音樂》第一和第二集, 結集多首經典名曲,進一步推廣古典音樂。 樂團深明培育下一代的重要性,針對不同年齡的觀眾,舉辦別樹一格的「教育」音樂會。《我的音樂 日記》及由葉詠詩主持的《古典音樂速成》、《古典音樂知多少》和《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小 計劃》等節目,創辦至今深受歡迎,大大拓展古典音樂觀眾的層面。另外,樂團在2010年推出全新 《樂聚一小時》系列,為觀眾提供傳統音樂會以外的新選擇。 除本地演出外,樂團常作客海外,包括在法國的聖里奇音樂節及漢斯夏季音樂會、意大利的米凱朗傑 利國際音樂節和維琴察音樂節、立陶宛的兩個音樂節、上海之春國際音樂節及著名的波蘭華沙愛樂音 樂廳演出。樂團自2006年起成為東京《》音樂祭的常客,於2007、2009及2010年載譽重 訪音樂祭。除日本外,樂團於2010年亦獲邀赴巴西、阿根廷、烏拉圭、北京及上海的多個藝術節演 出,當中包括第二屆中國交響樂之春(北京國家大劇院)及中國上海國際藝術節(世博會「香港活動 周」閉幕節目)的演出。 6 如夢逝水年華 La Valse Remembered Founded in 1990 by a group of local musicians, Hong Kong Sinfonietta is one of Hong Kong’s flagship orchestras. Together with renowned conductor Yip Wing-sie as Music Director, the orchestra has brought quality orchestral music closer to the community through innovative programming, as well as achieved significant recognition on local and international stages for its passionate and energetic performances. Since 1999, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has collaborated with an illustrious array of international musicians and groups, including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Plácido Domingo, Augustin Dumay, Fou Ts’ong, Christopher Hogwood, Luciano Pavarotti, Pinchas Zukerman, The Royal Ballet, Kirov Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, English National Ballet, New York City Ballet and Stuttgart Ballet. The orchestra has also been a regular participant at all the major festivals in Hong Kong including the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Le French May, Hong Kong International Film Festival and festivals presented by the Hong Kong Government. The orchestra performs year-round with over 90 performances a year and is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall. Its discography includes CDs of works by Chinese composers on HUGO and two double-CD albums This is Classical Music on DECCA, released in 2008 and 2010. Apart from standard orchestral repertoire, Hong Kong Sinfonietta commissions new works every year and ventures into crossover concerts with other art forms. As an avid believer of keeping music alive and contemporary, Hong Kong Sinfonietta was also the official orchestra for many years for the local contemporary music festival Musicarama. It also partners regularly with Hong Kong Ballet and Opera Hong Kong in their staged productions. On the educational front, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has pioneered specially-designed concerts for different age groups. New concepts on the Hong Kong concert stage, HKS for Kids, Classical Music for Babies, Short-cut to Classical Music, Know Your Classical Music and HKS McDull Music Project have provided a new realm in audience development. In 2010, the orchestra launched One-hour Classics – a series of special concerts held at unconventional places or times, offering a brand new type of concert experience. On tour, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta has performed at the Saint-Riquier Festival and Les Flâneries Musicales d’Été de Reims in France, Festival Pianistico Internazionale Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and Settimane Musicali al Teatro Olimpico in Italy, festivals in Lithuania, Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and at the National Philharmonic Hall in Warsaw. Since 2006, the orchestra has become a regular guest at La Folle Journée in Tokyo with returned visits in 2007,
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