--nm" . u. TAOa TWO nroiMDAT, RKFTKMBKR It), 1Mb THE EVnwa HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON c CHANGES IN to lectures and will havo regular VWV-y-y- T YTX O. A. C-- DRILLS study work tordo. Movlug-plctu- rt WMJMMME will so that the may I be used students ( ii,ovHB RONMH "II" VKIU4 OREOON AGRICULTURAL COL- visualise military operations. nuntiKii I VKNIDA HAIH NMTH Ml LEGE, Corvaltls, 8pt. IS. Many Now uniforms have been received CORONA TYPKWIUTKM ehangKwlll M mado In tho college by the college military department OFKICK HUPPUHS STAR DRUG CO. liAIIIKH' HANI) HAUH Military department In starting tho which will be Issued to the first year tt HAIR DRUHHJM VANITY UAHKrt year. R. H. DHWKMUI r. 8. POP Mw school The Instructional R. O. T. C. men, and to all others IVORT rYRAUN thkiukw norriiKH ataff Will be Materially Increased, whoso uniforms are won. RKXALL RKMHDIHR HWKKTH CHOOOLATHH and macat ha toea Made tor addi- WHENEVER YOU SEE THE SIGN tional private for tho field aallited CHICO, Sept. thirty-firs- t REXALL STORE artillery antf emvaitnTinlta. It. The THE year of the Chlco atato normal school you may know Is store, 'that, In tho estimation ot more than of two drill period! a week that tho Iatad was commenced with the opening of 6,000 other leading retail druggists, Is tho one best titled to fill the tho R. O. T. C. member will meet community. fall term here Monday. Regis drug store needs of that by batalllon, troupe corps, but the and the teacher coarse waa once a week tor assembly, tratloa for tenant heavy, atudenta from all over super OFFICE SUPPLIES at which time maneuver will be un- PURE DRUGS ior California enrolling. The normal leaf nail dertaken. Thli will be from 1 to 3 Epsom Salts, pound. .......... SUe ! A complete line of looa tt training school In which the atndent Week End Specials , o'clock. To take the place of the Pnrctest Epsom Salts, 4 oss. ....15c bound talftn-- Jonraala, and teacher are given actual teaching hooka always aecond period. Powdered Alum, 3 ot.:. 10c eolamaar drill Instructional wpenence, openea .. Boquet Ramee Talcum ..50c croup, limited to 2S persons. Reg- - j.wj. Boric Acid, ( ou asc ta stork. ttlar etas room Instruction baa been 8enna Leaves, 3 ot laic Velour Powder Puff ..20c Adding Machine Tape, narrow 40c scheduled. The students will listen A Classified Ad will aU It. Cascara Bark, 3 ot asc Adding Machlnn Tape, wMo 50c Rochelle Salts, 3 ot ...93C Regular price ..70c Box Utter Flics 91.00 six. Turpentine, 4 ots asc Week end price, the Two 55c 10 discount In lot of Aromatic Cascara, 2 out 83c Desk Illottorf, 3 for 93c Glycerine, 3 ou .....a3 Septone Hair Tonic , $1.00 (Jem Clips, 2 boxes afto - 10c Oil Eucalyptus. 3 ots .....Bile Shampoo.. Venus- Pencils Camphorated Oil. 3 ots. OOc Septone Liquid .50 Woronoco Pencils 10c Spirits Camphor, 3 ots..'. 50C Mopblsto Indellblo Pencils 15c BUYNOW Wells .60c to 91.73 Cocoanut Oil, 3 ots aac Regular price $1.50 Ink Pure Goose Oil, 2 ois...., 50c Kconomy Pencil Hharpeners 91.M3 i Week price for both $1.15 These cool September days aro a warning to the careful Tasteless Castor Oil, 3 ou. SSc end Writing Field, quart 91.75 buyer that winter Is coming and that the time Is now ripe Lime Water, pint. .15c Typewriter Ribbons ..fl.00 ii1 c SOAP FOR TOILET AND BATH Clco Paste, pint 9I.OO for BUYINQ WOOD. t i ' 11It FAG-O-SA- N i WINTKR IS COMING ' French Bath, Almond Toilette, STAR VIBRATOR i i II v i i ' Sphagnum Moss sanitary nap- Takes tho kinks out of sore ' Flaw your orders with us now for Oreen Slab and Block The and Elder Flower. Makes i i kin. Cool. No chafe No stain muscle. Keeps the skin healthy. i Wood while the summer prices are on, tor bad roads are i i Non-Pac- k. More absorbent than a good lather. Genuine electric massage vibrator aure to bring advances In price BUY NOW. cotton. Package ot one doten H5c Regular price, 2 cakes 25c. complete Week end price, 5 cakes 50c $5.00 IVORY PYRAL1N RUBBER GOODS For articles of toiletware; horn, bone, 60c Lord Baltimore Linen. IloUlnl Warmth and fomfort. Ilo wood and silverware have ench como 24 sheets paper O. Co. ready fur lhe root fall nlghla with m Peyton & In popularity and waned. Tuak forth 24 envelopes HOT WATKK BOTTI.K Ivory alono through all the ancient "WOOD TO BURN" to pat at yoani fret. The comfort one 41 MAIN PMONB BS5 days, and Ivory Pyralln through all Week end price 35c afford la worth many limn ita Today's days have remained the slight coat. IS greatest ot their kind. $1.00 Highland Linen Stationery. Our slock has Just arrived and Hair Brushes ..... 94.75 to 99.00 . Embossed with American comes direct from the factory; ovory Cloth Brushes ..... 93.73 to 9nUW tt bottto fresh and sure to woar long Mirrors .....93.00 to 914.00 Flag. To close out. I .... and to give perfect sstlsfactlon. 'I Comb 91.40 to 92.00 end price, per box 25c T'l Week Maximum Hot Water Bottle, T Puff Boies ......... 91.60 to 93JW ( 3 quart 92.50 ST' ., 60c Opeko Coffee 45c .... I Nail FIK's -- 60c to 91.30 Knntlcek Hot Water llottto, 'lI Picture Frames... ...91.O0to9H.O0 'I' 40c Symond's Inn Gocoa 29c 3 quurt .. .. ... .. Just Like It Dresser Trays ..... 60ctu93JHl .93Jt3 II Kantleek Hot Water Bottle, II Perfume Bottles . 91.00to94.00 It 40c Vanilla Extract 29c 3 quart .93.no Soap Boxes .. ... 91.00 to $2.00 M Resell Illuo Hot Water llottto. Jewel Boxea ....... 94 AS to 9H.00 40c Lemon Extract :. 29c Clock Work 2 quart 9SJM i tt FOUNTAIN PENS PIUCKH DO NOT INCLUDE RK VENUE TAX TEMPOINT WATKHMAN KODAKS AND FILMS ?! neyer any you ' Except that you lose time when it CON'KLIVH eat in this cafe. We try to make every second The MCait Store Developing, Printing and Knlarglng. $2.50 to $12.00 count from the time you give, your dinner or Kverythjng fur the Amateur Fountain Prn Repaired Mail Filled Promptly lunch order until it is placed before you. Order. Photographer. KVKRSIIARP PKXCILH ATI! ASiD MAIN HTItKKT Long waits in cafes sometimes ruin the very best . .TT appetites makes people out-of-sor- ts, and places tttttOHUfUHtHtttttt.!,,.!..... them in anything but an eating humor. - oullmruer. principally North Cnro-iynril- n, Is the Hollo (Irovo homo In at Falling 14, hr- like in this cafe! Quick service Wators, July 1863. Nothing that OR llnluns, aro expected hero for the died, October 20, 1864, of " 'Ho was a bravn and accomplish- 1 and excellent meals that's the combination! orcUcs which will ho under thu Joint wounds received at Cedar cruck, Oc-- ed officer and gentleman, and his -- MM You'll get it at the ausplcea of tho North Carolina dlvl-- i toiler 11), I8C4, Mujor-Oonur- Htuph-alo- n Ions will bo deeply foil by thu country I of United Confederate Veterans, en Dodson Ramseur, C. 8. A. A no-th- u nnd thu army.' It, K, Ue." North Carolina division of United .tlva of North Carollnu, hu resigned Winchester citizens will hold a Daughters of tho Confederacy from army In am and tbo United States 1861 for tho visiting Confedrrato bk tho North Carolina historical com- and vnterlng tho state Confederate vetorans and Uiolr frlonds Thursday 0WWWWWWWWW00W0. WINCHESTER, Va., Sept. 16. mission. army as a lieutenant, roso to tho night. i Memorials to two Confederate gen The memorial to General Ramseur rank of major-gener- at tho ago of erals, Stephen Dodson Ramseur and which mark the Hollo (Irovo homo 27." Pettigrew, where tho general died Octobor 20, In preparation for the hard sur- REX Jamea Johnston both Tho Pcttlgrow momorlul tablet Is tfVA4VMasaMiMAA4s CAFE 1864, will be on facing downtown North Carolinians, will be unveiled dedicated tbo after- Inscribed: of tho city streets near here during the coming week at noon of September 16, The memor- of Ilend, C. 8. Reed of tho Western the places where they died. Many ial to Oeneral Pottlgrow which marks "Due west of this tablet, 6S0 feet, Wllllte Paving company la purchas r the Uoyd house whore bo dlod July Is tho Iloyd house in which died, July ing machinery and cxtonslvo supplies 17, 1863, will be dedicated on tho 17, 1863, Ilrlgadler Oenvrnl James to use hero, on an authorisation re morning of September 17. Johnston Pottlgrow, of North Carlo- - cently sent by Mayor Kustcs, a letter The two memorials consist of "no, C. 8. A. At Gettysburg ho com recolvod by Mr. Eustes from tho Will- - granite columns, the gift of tho lato mandod nnd led Noth's division In Ihu Its president stales. Operations aro - ColnelP. H. Mayo, of Richmond, Va. assault on Cemetery rldKft, July 3, to bo started hum as iulckly a pos- Sherwin At tbo Ramseur momorlal dedica- and In retreat was mortally wounded sible, Mr. Rued mentions In his Williams letter. tion Thursday afternoon tho speaker I --i a fellal7v HOUSE PAINT I will Includo Major Charles M. Htcd- - i OUp man, formerly a member of General sawlawalwaSBgiil Ramseur' staff anil former ficnutor WWi cuUpainting coat JWW m Henry A. Dul'ont, of Dolawnra, who 0 jwas n cluwimaUj of Goneral Humueur The only way to buy paint economically ii to forget gallon at West Point, afterward an officer price and figure costs by area covered and years of life.
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