Ski Club Guide 2016-2017 ZZZ'H%RRWHUFRP ARAPAHOEBASIN.COM | 888.ARAPAHOE The locals favorite. 70 Legendary Years. Keystone lift tickets are valid here. Take the FREE Summit Stage from anywhere in Summit County to Arapahoe Basin PERSPECTIVE CHANGES HERE 7,748 SKIABLE ACRES PURPOSE CHANGES HERE 125 MILES OF TRAILS SKI CHANGES HERE LIFE CHANGES HERE SKI CANADA’S BANFF NATIONAL PARK THREE RESORTS | TWO TOWNS | ONE LIFT PASS SKIBIG3.COM | 844-762-7191| CONTACT YOUR PREFERRED TOUR OPERATOR 4 # 1 BEST OVERALL SKI RESORT* KICK IT UP WITH MNYSC IN BIGSKY FEB. 4-11, 2017 ALL YOU NEED IS ONE! Minimum of one guest....YOU! SPORTOURS 800.HANG.TEN 800.426.4836 [email protected] *Ski Magazine's 2016 Pick for Best Overall Resort in the Northern Rockies 5 THE MOST ADVANCED TRANSPORT SYSTEMS FOR BOOTS, HELMET AND GEAR HEATED BOOTTM PRO: Start Your Day with Warm Dry Boots BOOT TECHNOLOGY TRVTM PRO: For the World Traveler TECHNOLOGICALLY REVOLUTIONARY HARD CASES PROTECT YOUR SKIS OR SNOWBOARDS SHIP IT! ROLL IT! Check skis or snowboards on a plane or ship with confidence. HARD CASE JETTM: Double Ski or Snowboard Rolling Carrier HARD CASE SHUTTLETM: Single Ski Rolling Carrier For Store Locations or Product Information - www.transpack.net . (914) 472-8080 6 Welcome to the METROPOLITAN NEW YORK SKI COUNCIL, INC. The Metropolitan New York Ski Council, known as the Met Council, has serVed ski clubs since 1934. Celebrating our 82nd Year. This not-for-profit organization is dedicat- ed to promoting amateur skiing through its member clubs. The Met Council provides a forum for information exchange, offers timely news on skiing and ski club activities, secures lift ticket discounts and other special deals, and advertises club ski trips and inter-club race competitions whenever possible. Member of the National Ski Council Federation (NSCF) WWW.skifederation.org United States Ski And Snowboard Association (USSA) WWW.USSA.org and the National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) WWW.nsaa.org. CoVer PhotographY proVided bY Big SkY Resort. Photo: Jeff Engerbretson Skier: Amie Engerbretson 7 The Met Council THANKS these advertisers for their support A-Basin ...........................................1 Peak Project..................................68 Banff/Lake Louise........................ 4 Peak Resort.............................38-39 Belleayre Mountain.......................74 PRW Sports Luggage................. 45 Bolton Valley................................. 51 Plattekill........................................33 Catmount Ski Areas...................... 31 Pocono Mountains...................... 24 De Booter... Inside Front CoVer Shawnee Mountain.....................25 Gore Mountain..............................54 Ski Can.........................................35 Gray Ghost Inn............................42 Ski and Ride New York.............. 34 Greek Peak Mountain.................. 40 Ski HistorY....................................46 Hotel Northwood.........................76 Ski Sundown.................................23 Jackson Hole..................................19 Smugglers Notch...........................75 Killington.......................................12 Sportours........................................5 Lauch Snowboards.......Back CoVer Sportube.........................................3 Loon Mountain............................ 33 StoWe.............................................36 Magic Mountain............................59 Sugarbush.....................................43 Mammoth Mountain.....................37 Sun Valley.....................................42 Mark Rendle Ski Chairs................23 Telluride........................................54 Merit Group................................. 26 The Chill Foundation...................69 Metroland Ski Club...................... 47 Thunder Ridge..............................2 Miramar Ski Club...........................2 Transpack.......................................6 Mountain Creek............................73 Vail Resort................................... 41 Mount Peter.................................. 51 Warren Miller Movie............. 56-57 Mount SnoW..................................43 Whiteface Lake Placid..........Inside Mount Southington..................... 52 ......................................Back CoVer Okemo.........................................71 Windham Mountain................... 72 Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.................53 8 Introduction THE METROPOLITAN NEW YORK SKI COUNCIL is a non-profit organiza- tion dedicated to the sport of skiing which embodies recreational skiing - Alpine and Nordic -and amateur ski competition, in the form of intra-club and inter-club races. Our interclub race, held continuously since 1936, this our 81th anniversarY Year, one of the oldest Alpine races. The Met Council’s ski clubs with a total membership close to 8,000 reflect all interests. Some recall our backgrounds, for example, the Norsemen, SWedish and German Ski Clubs; some our workplaces like GrUmman or LILCO; others residence locations like New York, Suffolk and Garden City; and even National history - the Tenth Mountain Division. The Council is a forum for local, national and international skiing concerns. It organizes special events and presentations, develops programs, listens to gripes and praises, all part of the friendly and invig- orating sport of skiing. Its efforts are Very important in helping support the U.S. Olympic Team, the Ski Hall of Fame and working with the U.S. Ski Association and the National Ski Patrol System. “Special effort is continuing to work with the United Ski Industries Association, the new name for the merged National Ski Areas Association with the Ski Industries of America and now known as USIA, located at 8377-B Greensboro DriVe, McLean, Virginia, 22102; re promotions geared toward safety in skiing programs and the new skier campaign”. American Skiing was born more than 100 Years ago with the Nansen Ski Club of Berlin, N.H. and NorWegian settlers of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. After the turn of the centurY, the National Ski Association was formed, folloWed by its first division, The Eastern Amateur Ski Association chartered at Saranac Lake, N.Y. in 1922. When the Federation International de Ski (FIS) was formed (Chamonix, 1924) the National Organization joined them. Due to the distance between New York City and these organizations the regional Met Council was begun here in 1934. Since then Eastern has dissolved and USSA has moVed to Park City, Utah, making the Met Council an eVen more important forum for Eastern Skiing. Founders of the Met Council Were an important factor in leading the U.S. ski moVement, and witness Roland Palmedo, who played a great part in the original development in StoWe, later starting his own ski area - Mad RiVer Glen. He was instrumental in the early stages of the National Ski Patrol, carrying the number 2. About this time the Metropolitan New York Ski Patrol was formed with Ken Littlefield as chairman. The Patrol newspaper ‘Trail SWeep” was started by Ken Littlefield and later carried on by Tom Ludwig, also a council member. Another council member, John Clair, Jr., serVed for 25 Years as Regional Chairman of the Metropolitan New York Region Ski Patrol. Although feWer than ten percent of our membership actively compete, We enjoY and support competition. Over the Years this council has been host to American and Foreign ski teams and VIP’s visiting the United States largely because of it’s location and because of the efforts of the late John Clair, Jr. 9 Metropolitan NeW York Ski CoUncil HarrY Walter Voege Memorial Scholarship The CoUncil is offering a $500 scholarship for oUr third Year. The Metropolitan NeW York Ski CoUncil Scholarship application is aVailable on line at WWW.metnYski.org. AlthoUgh the prereqUisites for applYing call for the applications to be members of the MNYSC for tWo seasons (either as a single member or part of a familY membership), there shall be a relaXing of that pre- reqUisite for the Years 2016-2017 scholarship aWard as folloWs: For all aWard Years the applicant mUst haVe a parent or grandparent Who has been a member of the cUrrent and past season With no reqUirement that the applicant be a member. Applications mUst be post-marked bY April 15th. Applications mUst be postmarked or dropped off on or before the dUe date. YoU maY mail YoUr application to: HarrY Walter Voege Memorial Scholarship c/o Metropolitan NeW York Ski CoUncil 1019 Fort Salonga Road SUite 10 # 235, Northport NY 11768 Metropolitan New York Ski Council is a Member of the National Ski Council Federation The National Ski Council Federation is comprised of twenty-five ski councils throughout the United States. The organization's mis- sion is to strengthen councils, with industry participation, so they may better serVe clubs through communications, education and benefits, and to influence issues relevant to snowsports and ski clubs. Metropolitan New York Ski Council is an Associated Member of the National Ski Areas Association The National Ski Areas Association is the trade association for ski area owners and operators. The association's primary objective is to meet the needs of ski area owners and operators nationwide and to foster, stimulate and promote growth in the industrY. Metropolitan NeW York Ski CoUncil is an Associated Member of the SnoWSport IndUstries America SnoWSports IndUstries America (SIA) has a long tradition of pro- moting snoW sports on behalf of their 700+ members, Which inclUde sUppliers, retailers, reps,
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