Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 11-6-1962 The B-G News November 6, 1962 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News November 6, 1962" (1962). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1689. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1689 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Nation Votes Today In Elections; Campus May View State Returns Tonight By John Bistay Michigan—John B Swainion (D) White House has had control of been a loss ol 39 House seats for NEWS Staff Writer —Gsorqe Romney 01) Congress as well. the President's party. MLnnnota—Elmsr L. AntUnon Fifty million persons are Republican leaders have stated In these same mid-term elec- 01)—Karl Rolvaag (D) tions the President's party gained expected to cast their votes that they cannot win control of New York- NaiMn A. Rockslsllsr the Senate because only 39 of the Senate seats in two elections and today, in the mid-term elec- !R) Robarl M. Morganthau 1DI 100 Senate scats arc at stake. If lost seats in 10. The average re- tions throughout the United Nabraska—Frank B. Morrison the Republicans win control of the sult has been a loss of five Sen- ID)—Fred A. Saaton (R) States. House, it will be the first time ate seats for the President's par- Ohio Micha.l V DlSo.ll. ID) since the 83rd Congress (elected ty. It is going to be interesting to This figures represents fewer loma. A. Rhodaa 01) in 1952) that they have controlled see just how the 1962 elections than one-half the number of people Pennsylvania — William W. compare to the past election rec- of voting age. This compares with Scranton 01)—Richardson DUworth ord. almost 69 million votes cast in the (Dl Who is going to win? Ths Press Democrats have entered candid- 1900 presidential election and a- Texas—John B. Connolly ID)— Club will be tallying the returns In ates in every congressional race. bout 48 million in the last mid- lack Cox IR) the Dogwood Suite. Press Club mam The Republicans have no candid- term election in 1958. Wisconsin— Philip G. Kuahn IR) bars will run lha Information Irom ates in 67 House races, even Two major prizes in the mid- John W. R.ynold. ID) the night wire located in the Ad though they have entered their term elections have created un- The GOP has declared control ministration Bldg. to the Union. Par biggest field of southern congres- usual attention in the political of the House to be its number one sonal tally sheets will be available sional candidates in many years. race. One of these major prizes goal in the elections. With the for everyone, and refreshments will Republicans arc contesting every is 35 governorships, which at pres membership reverting to 435 be served. Senate scat except one that is ent, 21 are Democratic and 14 seats, 218 are needed for control, held by Senator Herman E. Tal- Republican. The other is 89 of the which means election of the Speak- either Senate or House. But the niadge, a Georgia Democrat. 100 Senate seats, which now has er and majorities on all commit- Republicans do not have to win Seats in the House of Repre- 21 Democrats nnd IS Republicans. tees. To organize the House the control of the House for congres- sentatives have been reaj>portioned The governorship campaigns re- Republicans must gain 44 scata. sional conservatives to gain a among states to take into account ceived considerable attention this five more than the average anti- hcadlock on Kennedy's legislative changes in population. This pro- year because of a massive Repub- adininistration party pick up in program. A GOP gain of even 10 cess is required by the United lican effort to regain some of these mid-term elections over the past seats could give conservative Re- States Constitution every 10 years. Byron Janii seats of political power. Many of half-century. publicans and southern Democrats The House in the new Congress the GOP candidates include po- In mid-term elections, when the the whiphand in the House. will reflect state population! as of tho 1960 census. The new Con- tential contenders for the presi- White House is not at stake, the The House has been at approxi- dency in 1964 or 1968. President's (now the Democratic) gress will give more representa- mately Its present sise since the tion to city suburban voters, and Among the top races for gov- party normally loses seats in Con- 191] presidential election. Since Byron Janis To Present srnshlps arc gress. less to the nation's declining rural then, there have been 12 mid term California—Edmund G. Brown population. In the rcapportion- If the Democrats retain control elections. The President's party won ment, nine states gained and 16 ID)—Richard M. Nixon (R) of both House anil Senate, it will House seats In one of these elec- states lost scats in the House. Ohio Massachusetts—John A. Volpe IR) be the first election since 1950 in tions 11934) and lost seats In the —Endlcolt Peabody (Dl gained one and now has 24 seats Piano Recital Thursday which the party in control of the other 11. The average result has in the House. »Y Car! W.igl. sponsorship of S. Hurok, will pre- NEWS R.porl.r sent a recital at 8:15 p.m. Thurs- The theater was finally day, in the ballroom. Tickets go on sale today in the lobby of the quiet. The last of the 2,000 Union. people that made up the roar- Students have the opportunity injrly appreciative audience to lLsten to and appreciate the music of a pianist that has played 'TKeOS-GJNlw had, at last, departed. before audiences in Russia, Byron Janis, international- Vol. 47 Mexico, Argentina, Chile, and Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, Tuesday, Nov. 6. 1962 No. 14 ly recognized as one of the lead- many countries in Western Eur- ing pianist- of our time, was re- ope. The price of student tickets laxing after a particularly ex- is $.25. haustive concert played at the Janis has been likened in ap- request of the Russian Ministry pearance to a young Chopin. It has boon said of Janis that he 'The Adding Machine' of Culture. His interpretation and presentation of Prokofieff Con- suffers when he plays. certo No. 3 had aroused the audi- Mr. Janis, besides playing out- ence to extremely enthusiastic ova- standing "long-hair" or classicul tion. music, is fond of jazz. "Jazz is a product of the imagination. Rock To Open Tomorrow He responded to a knock on the door and found Madame Prokof- and roll Ls the complete lack of "The Adding Machine," an ing Mnchinc" represents Rice's ieff, widow of the composer, it," he quips. expreuionistic drama by El- protest against the emptiness of breathlessly exclaiming, "The Pro- R.C.A. and Mercury Records man's life when he beromes u dis- kofieff. Brilliant." Thus lent a have recognized Mi*. Janis's superb mer Rice, is the next major pensable cog in the machine of a truly dramatic and itirring ending ability and have recorded his se- theatre production which will mechanized world. With a sharp to the evening. lections from Tchaikowsky, touch of ironic satire, Rice ex- Strauss, and Rachmaninoff. lie presented in the Joe K. This, the second of Janis's trips poses the inner life of Mr. Zero. to Russia, was as great a success Mr. Janis was born in McKecs- Brown Theatre tomorrow Discarded as outmoded, and re- as his first. In 11160, during his port. Pa., and educated in Pitts- through Sunday. placed by a machine, Zero strikes first stay, he played before audi- bugh. He is interested in sports One of the finest achievements out against a world that no longer ences of varying age groups and cars, fine movies, fine food. He of the expressionist movement in needs him, only to destroy him- was received enthusiastically by is an avid baseball fnn and plays the American Theatre, "The Add- self in the process. Russia's most critical audience, ping pong and badminton. In the second part of the play, her students. A wife, June Diekson-Wriirht. Rice projects Zero's life to and Seemingly. no artist could the daughter of a distinguished beyond the grave, suggesting what bring about an ovation that would English surgeon, and a seven year- Lhi Omega, Iheta Chi, old son, Stefan, complete the Janis the appalling future of his world top that which was showered upon might be. Janis. family. Alpha Gamma Delta According to Russia's press re- As the second production of the views, the Russian audiences gave Win Carnival Awards current drama season, "The Add- Mr. Janis the greatest reception ing Machine" haa been chosen for ever granted to an American art- Committee Schedules Chi Omega, social sorority, and the purpose of employing some WiNNING CARNIVAL BARKER Gerald C. Forstner. Theta Chi. extends a Theta Chi, social fraternity, won of the unique experimental possi- ist. Mexican welcome to "come on In" to the Chi Omega Theta Chi Mexican Fiesta Ryron Janis, as part of a series New Library Hours two trophies awarded for the bilities of the Joe E.
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